PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7s,1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS Maltese community in its Malta Day observances in the TI~~T1970s. L E G O iiIS1O RJ In the early 1970s, the Legion offered its hall to the Whitby Red Cross for its regular blood donor clinicq, andan )YEARS Cont'd frorn P. 7 a number of years. In 1970 a plaque listing the past presidents of the Ladies' Auxiliary was provided for the Auxiliary's 25th anniversary. lie same year a color party [rom the branch attended a service at the cenotaph in commernoration of the deliver- ance of Holland. The Legion abos participated with. the extensive program of landscaping was undertaken on the grounds where the cenotaph stands. In 1976 the Legion participatedin a service at Ail Saints' Anglican Church when a "Lady Altar" was dedicated ini memory of a former Legion Chaplain, Rev. Stanley Arm- strong. The branch made a contribution to this memorial. The Sth annivecsary of the Legion in Canada was cele- brated in 1976, and 50-year pins were presented to several local members. In 1977, the Whitby Red Cross honored the Legion with a citation in appreciation of its providing fheh101l-for the blood donor clinics. The big project of the year was the Silver Jubilee Drum Head service in honor of Queen Elizabeth Hl, held in September at the Iroquois Park, Arena. A video tape of this rededication service was sent to the Queen. This history can only give a brief outline of some of the projects undertaken by Branch 112 of the Royal Canadian Legion. It has been an integral part of Whitby for 50 years, vvyeuu vom . uullb1%i CDNTAC Oc, CAPSULES $1 9 TUMS ANTACID TABLETS "A good frl.nd Indeed"8 0 BREGULAR -i OR FLAVORED 75s ~OURTICE-ALLIN~ WWIB117 Brock WI.ITBY NEO CITRAN Aduitl10"s ~1@33 BAI LEY I.D.A. PIiARMACY 362 Brock St. S. WHITBY 66821 00 Gllette TRACtEIlI CARTRIOGE 9 0' OLA * .99 100 mi. SHORTS I.D.A. PHARMACY 65 Baldwin St. BROOKLIN 655-3301 Jl assisting many. community efforts. On Dec. 1 and 2, the Legion members celebrated the 5th anniversary wlth a banquet, open house and wine and cheese party in honor of the occasion. lest wlshes on 50 years of service Royal Canadien Legion Breud 112 BASSETT'S JEWELLERS 106 BROCK St ST. N. WHUTBY I BEST WISHES TO TUE WHITBY LEGION ON 50 YEARS 0F SERVICE Burtinsky Florists 214 Dundas St.e.L 668u3334 Congratulati'ons LEGIONAI RES on 50 years of service C erd ifupe Li JAMES R. TOWN & JOHN R. TOWN FUNERAL DIRECTORS 110O Dundas Street East WHITBY -ONTARIO Our best wi Îhes to the Legion on their 5Oth Anniversary ALGOMA ORCHARDS APPLE MARKET Thickson Rd. Whitby FIFTY( NPHARMACY kSt. N. 668-2394 1