Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 30 Nov 1977, p. 18

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PAGE 18, WEDNESDAY' NOVEMBER 30, 1977, WITBY FREE PRESS Notice of Public Hearing Ottawa, November 22, 1977 ISSUE NO. 2 TORONTO ,ONTýýARIO JANUARY 17, 1978, 9:00 A.M. The Canadian Radjo-Television and TelecornmifliCatiofls Com- mission will hold a -Public Hearing beginning on January 17, 197 8 at the Holiday Inrt. Armourv and Chestnut Streets, Toronto, Ontario to consider the following: CANADIAN CAI3LE SYSTEMS (METRO) LIMITED, LICENSEE 0F THE CABLE TELEVISION SYSTEMS SERVING TORONTO. BURLINGTON, MISSISSAUGA (APPLEWOOD). MISSISSAUGA (FLEETWOOD) AND HAMILTON, ONTARIO. CANADIAN CA1ILESYSTEMS (ONTARIO) LIMITED, LICENSEE 0F THE CABLE TELEVISION SYSTEMS SERVING PART OF~ LONDON,BRANTFORD-PARIS AND SURROUNDING AREA- CORNWALL, NEWMARKET-HOLLAND LANDING-BRAD- FORD, OSHAWA, BOWMIANVILLE, WIIITBY AND SURROUND- ING AREA,KTCHENE R WATER LOO-STR ATFORD,ONTARIO. KINGSTON CABLE TV LIMITED, LICENSE 0F THE CAilLE TELE VISION SYSTEMI SF.RV1N( k'INr.(qTON, ONTARIO. CHXIAHAM CABLE TV LIMITED, LICENSEf ,0F7,THE eÀ1WL TELEVISION SYSTEM SÈRVING CHATHIAM, ONTARIO. COMMUNITY ANTENNA TELEVISION LTD., LICENSE 0F TUE CARI.E TELEVISION SYSTEM SFRVING AG \' ALBERTA. Çanadian Cables'îtemns Limited ("'CCS"), a corporation wvhose shares are publicly traded, owns and/or controls, or has a major ownership interest in ail of the foregoing licensees. Since Auigust, 1977 there have been a number orf public and private purchoses of shares of CCS such that, according to the latest information available to the Commission, the major ownership of the shares tbf CCS appears to have changed as foliows: August 1977 Jonîab Investmerits Limited (controlled by Brascan Limited) TV/C Television Limited (controlled by E. S. Rogers) Royal Trust Company Edper Investments Limited (controlled by Edward and Peter Bronfmnan familv trtists) Management Montreal Trust Company Others Novemiber 1977 25.8% 25.8% 18. 3 r 9,3% 9.4% 37.2% 18.3% 2 1.-5'7 9.3% 25.1% The Co mmission has also been advised by TV/C Television Limited ("TWC") and Edper lnvestments Limited ('"Edper") that there exist between themn verbal understandings, entered mbt in Septem- ber, 1977, to the following effect. a) Neither TWC nor Edper sought control of CCS. b) TWC would flot purchase any additional shares of CCS. c) Edper may, over time, purchase in normal market transactions, additional shares of CCS, but in any event it would not purchase more shares of CCS than those held by TWC. d) TWC and Edper shared total confidence in the present manage- ment of CCS. e) TV/C and Edper each sought representation in due course on the Board of Directors of CCS not exceeding three ruembers each out of a total number of directors to be established by the management o! CCS, and in this regard TV/C and Edper would mutually support the election of the said six directors. f) In order to protect the foregoirig assurances, TV/C and lidper gave mutual rights of first refusai and related righits in respect of their shares of CCS, which the parties acknowledged in any event would be subject to the approval of CRTC. In such circumstances, the Commission considers it desirable to re- view with the licensees, their shareholders and other interested par- ties the implications of the above described owncrship alteratîdsns and understandings for the effective control of CCS. In addition, te Commission wishes to explore the implications for the Canadian Broadcasting systemn of a significant ownership and directorate con- nection between two of Canada's largest cable television organiza- tions both centred in the southern Ontario region. Accordingly, the Commission hereby calîs the foregoing icensees to a pubic hearing to take place Tuesday, January 1t, 19'/8 at the Holiday Inn, Armoury and Chestnut Streets, Toronto, Ontario. uit.NERAL INFORMATION 1-1w to intervene Â'ii6ne~ïli~iocomment on an application must submit a writ- ten intervention which should contain a clear and concise statement of the relevant facts and the grounds upon which the intervener's support for, opposition to, or proposed modification of , the application is based. t should also state whether or flot the inter- vener wishes to appear at the hearing. Deadlne for Receipt of Interventions: lecember 8i7 To be sent by registered mail or personal delivery to Applicant and CRTC with proof of service. Examination.of Applications At local address given in this notice and at the Commission, 100) Metcalfe Street, Room 1601, Ottawa, Ontario. Rules of Pro cedure Further information is outlined ini Rules of Proedrrp available for the sum of 35 cents from: The Publishing Centre, Printing Centre Printing ana iublshîrg, Lepartment of Supply and Services, 270 Albert Street. Ottawa, Ontario. Information Write to CRTC or phone 613-996-2294 or 995-6951 LiseOuimet, Secretary Genetral. CRTC-- Public Notice 1977-142 Canadian Radio-television Conseil de la radiodiffusion Co'f'mlesofl canadiennesJ in OTTIER CREEK,WHITrBV 1977 FINAL CLEARANCE SALE of the last 2 homes at unheard-of prices. The best location and the largest lots in Otter Crcck. Ail lots are backed onto Pickering Farms. Alil homes are situated on highland overlooking magnif7icent viewv of Whitby and Oshawva arca. Alil homes have 2 walkouts, coî,per wvring, 10,' concrete block basement, 2 metal clad thermal exterior doors, smioke detector, front andi side door chimes, anci double sliding patio door, Strike a bargain before it's too late. Sales Office (Lot 330) 668-2227 SALES Manager: TonyLiu, B.A.,M.L.S.,B.ED). Hentob Construction Ltd. /Brenmore Real Estate ltd. FAMILV TRUST CORPORATION REALTOR UB465 101oi mck iSomtS.ihwhl 1) Imaculate three bedroom brick bungalow with eat in kitchen, 25 x 21 rec room with wet bar plus extra bedroom and bath downstairs. LarRe lot prices to sel fast at $59,900.00 Margaret Co x 668-88,65 - 668-6498 2). Just Listed. AIl you do is move into this beautiful 3 bedroom home featuring family room with fireplace. Situated in West Lynde on a quiet court with pool size lot. A sturdy homne frorn the ground up. Constance Davenport 668-8865 - 668-1892. 3.. Brooklin $69,900.00. Charming older home presently used as a Triplex with.income of $695.00 per month. Could easily be converted to single family home. For more details caîl Margie Aukemna 668-8865 - 655-4248 OPEN HOUSE 1132 Brock St. South Whitby-between ýDecember 4th. 1.30 & 4.30 Sunday Charming older restored home on Lot, 74 x- 145. Al I rooms are spacious, log burning fireplace in gracious living rQom, separate dinfing rooni, 2 bathrooms, family kitchien, 3 bedrooms of exceptional size, treed and fenced yard at rear. $64,900.00 Doris Snith, 668-8865 or 6554331 ICo-op meeting Dec. 4 I he tirst orientation ses- Of thcl' pc.f csie1<n Athn or GreentiCo-opmerive Athol Green Co-operative Homnes Ine. will be held at 1 p.m. Dec. 4 at lienry Street 1ligh School, roorn 140. The session will cover a short history of the co-oper- tive housing movement and explain how members control the operation of a housing co-oP. Thiere are many advantages to living in a co-op and many obligations as weIl. The orien- tation session will give -every- one a chance to discuss these and explore how the structure control. There will also be anl op- porttinity for gencral ques- tions about the Athol Green co-op which is locatcd on the block bounded by Athor, Dunlop and Green Streets. Demolition of the existing buildings on the site has been completed and construction of the co-op housing project should be starting this week. Occupancy is expected by the summer of 1978. Excavation will start as soon as ail the inaterials have heen delivered. D.W. McGUAY 103 OAS ST. W..* WMITSV LISTINGS WANTED A heavy volume of sales has depleted our listings. We need: Residential - in town & country Cottages Lots Acreages Fa rms Commercial Industrial Cali Whitby 668-5868 for a protessional and con- fidenitial appraisal of your pro perty. PERSONAL SERVICE IN WHITY AND DURHAM REGION FOR 24YEARS Plant Your Money, in Fertile. Ground Strong growth with safety is what yoti get when you buy V and G guaranteed investment certificates. We pay you high eno ugh interest to double your money in less than eight years. Act today - at Victoriaand Grey. ~fi Serving more and more people since 1889 VICTOJ&4and GREY TRUST COMPANY KEITH LAWES Manager 308 Dundas St. W., Whltby 668-9324

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