Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 23 Nov 1977, p. 7

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23,1977, PAGE 7 H istorîcal, ~Whtby ROAD NEEDS, 1847 Last week this column examinied the need for good roads inOntario in the 1920s and how paving the main streets of il Whitby wvas a great blessing to the town. From the earliest of pioneer timies, roads were a subject i of considerable concern. Before the days of paving, the roads, the main transportation links in the province, wcre miasses of miud in the spring, and the local inhiabitants of smiall commnuflities were always trying 10 get the goverti- fment to-irnprove themi. On January 16, 1 847, a meeting of the inhabitants of Whiîby, Pickering and adjacent townships was hield at Scripture's Hotel in Whitby 10 urge the governmient to ini- prove the Kingston road (highway 2) fromn Oshawa to Rouge Hill. This was the m~ain stage road along the shore of Lake Corridor e Capers Hi Folks. Happy Thanksgiviflg - Anierican Style. The î way the political scene is here in Canada. we. in Ontario, miay eventuallY celebrate Thanksgiving in Novemiber. - On 1tte ighter side of the weather. Gramips is out of jail and looks wvonderfii1. Sure niust have fed im iiell in there. He has been confined in our local attachment since Hallowe'en. Really, hie isn't a dangerous crimninal or any- thing like that, but hielhas his moments. Grarnp's biggest problem is that his mind refuses to cornprehend the latest tends. He believes, and in his mind rightly so, thiat Hllowelen is for tricks rather than treats. This year, as uulhe made his customary spook visils. Utter chaos! If we have told him once, we have told himi a thousand times:- Those îhngs he pushes over are not 'out-housesl' they are the new elite $60,000.00 condominiunm town- houses. Oh well, as the saying goes, you're neyer too old to le arn. The area residents wish Marion Buchanan a speedy re- covery. Marion is recuperating in the Oshawa General after major surgery. She will be home with us very soon. Take care Marion, we ail need and miss you. Westminster United Church Sunday, November 27 will be Advent Communion. The Observer - Your November copy of the Observer begins a new year's subscription. We trust you will enjoy il!. Should you wish to help your church by paying for your own, you may put the S2.50 in an envelope with your namne on it and place it on the offering plate, or give it 10 your representative Erma Wood. THANK YQU! Special thanks is extended by the U.C.W. t0 one and aIf Who helped in s0 many ways to make the Westminster Chimes Bazaar a successful one. Durham West Riding P. C. Association There will be an annual dinner and election of officers on Thursday, November 24, at the Whitby Legion Hiall. Refreshment Hour begins at 6 o'clock, with dinner served by the Legion Ladies aI 7 o'clock. For more inforniation or ticket request, caîl John Pisani, at 668-4322. Guest speaker MARCI BREAI Services of Talk Travel includon eCP AirJ747 Toronto-Tampa Retdrn *Transfer from irport to hotel - return and baggage ae 7 nights accommodation Motel stote tax ond service at Holiday Inn, Cearwater chaes pal. othela Beach or Hilton (St. CCO? Pes Beach) Ask about Our special depart ores to Talk Travel & Tours Jamaîca $4 19.00. Puerto Rico vnyl travel wallet $509.00. Aspen $379.00. RUSSELL TRAVEL 116 RtOCK ST. S. WHITY668-5000 HoUA-S Mon. - Set. 9.6 p.m. Ontario, linking al the lake-front communities. il was thE main trade and mail route in the province aIt tat timne. and therefore ils improvemient was of great concern to thec local residents. Those altending the meeting asked that the governiment plank or macadamnize the road ýincl set up bu llgales so that those using the road would pay for ils upkeep. They con- sidered that with the improvemnents maide, te road would be used more and those using il would nol mmnd payîng the toits. They noted thal the road becarne ver>' much cut up during the wet seasons, "so rnuch 50 indeed as nul only to cause a very serious inconvenience and delay t10 the mail and other stages and general travel, but a great and not un- frequenti>' total stagnation to the general business of tlhe of thîe localit>'." The situation was su bad, the residents said that , the road was rendered almost imipassable for along lime in the spring when the snow mnelted and the heavy rains camne. In order 10 gel the goverrnment bo act upon their con- cerris, those aI the public meeting appointed a conîmile of' 50 men 10 pass petitions throughout thîe îownships, for the farniers t0 sign, asking for the road repairs 10 be uinder- taken at once. The effeci of this mass effort b>' the local inhabitanîs appeared tu be minimal, for another meeting was called aI Sripture's Inn on Feb. 12, 1848, bo deal with what hiad Sandra L. Greenway, of 124 Broadview Ave. Whitby, (right) received the President's Letter for high academic standing in the Interior Design Programn at Humber College, becomne**a malter of permanent importance and necessty.- Tihis limie thc residents suggested' planking, gravell ing or macacalmizing the road, ejîher by the provincial govern- ment as a public work, or hy a privately-ope rate d joint stock company. The residenîs felt if the proper tolls were charged and the proper repairs madc,thie increased use of the road would bring rnuch revenue to the government or profit to a joint stock company. The meeting resbived that application be made 10 the Legislature for a grant to fix the road, or if tbis would not be done, that a charter be granted 10 a private company with capital of 20,000 pounds in English money 10 start the work. Again the commrittee of fifty men was formed 10 pass around petitions, and anticipating Ihat ho public grant would be made, sleps were taken tu subscribe stock for a private conpany. The end resuits of ail Ibis aclivity is not recorded, but in lime, the provincial government did repair Highway 2 and make iti mb the type of road that was rieeded 10 serve as a major highway. The public meetings held on the road and the resolutions passed back in 1 847 and 1 848 show that the political pro- cess bas nul changed much in 130 years. Oflen il takes a lot of pressure from cilizens 10 gel large governments 10 act on issues whîch the citizens consider 10 be important. recently. Presenting Miss Greenway with her award is Iv>' Glover of Humber College's Board of Governors. Humber College Photo Capital projeets dropped as region cuts expenses original plant xvas constructed ital works projecîs postponed Whilby has caused the town council lu dela>' construction AÀni.ijor expansion of tlie Corbett Creek water pol- lution control plant at Whitby has been postponed indefinitel>', as a result of a cutback in Durham Regioîial capital works projects. The $1 ,433,000 projecl wvas appâroved in 1975. The oina 197a-72 10 osercte sewe97nce2s osebotheWheb aeend e ofshawa.itb AndOshervia.f i aptalwrs ctbacksfisa $25p3,00 feerm' utai on Ma- ni5,00 Roadernhoved MaIn77 The total value of cap- SERVICE Authorized AMARA-dealer Save .n.rgy wth hlgh effldmncy central air condlflonhg s o nd InsaR.tion Repés t el mokes rof freezers, rergmons, arcoradlumers, delmniflSft. W. dm" &swe re sldumImd commerdai à com»mdkmr Repaire to Ail Moke Free - Refrlgerators - Air Conditlonte M. Recharge Automoile Air Conditioning 20 QUEEN STREET BROOK$%.IN# ONTARIO 655-3233 by lthe region amounts t0 $2,774,1 00. Ani overexpenditure on the roads maintenance budget by the Town of of sidewvalks on Dundas Street East from Bowman Avenue 10 Thickson Road tili next spring at the earliest. WIHTBY STUDENT HONORED FLORIDA from $389 & Tours.C.D.N. Tours. per person DO. Mer. 16178 RetluinMar. 24178 Approx. 10 p.m. Approx. 7:30 ar. Plot ineludedt $800 Conodlan transport- ation tax ond U.S..airpOri deporture fox PANELLINO Adds a warm inviting look to any room. Easy to apply with nails or ad hesive. Many Differmnt Panels in Stock MITCHELL BROTHERSI BROOKLIN à% dAgL%- buil ing centre à à L 's * fi m . & .* e b * *ýb -» 4à * *ýf ý#, 'u, W., 655-4991

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