Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 5 Oct 1977, p. 17

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCrOBER 51,11977, PAGE 17 PART-TIM E BOO KK EEPE R Appîy in person et Russell Travel, 116 Brock St.5S., Whitby 668-5000 Complele girl guide uniform - size 12 - 14, $10; 1 P r, Mens skates, size 7, $10; 1 pr. girls skates, size 4D, $5, ail in excellent condition, Cal655-3765. HOCKEY EQUIPMENT. - for 7 to 10 year old, shoùlder, elbow and knee pads and pants, will selI lot, $12, also skates, $5. Calil668-5060. ELECTRIC BROOM - $20; lawn sweeper, $20; old ice chest, no door, $35; Singer treddle sewing machine, $25; pair Aqua f loor Iength li ned 8' drapes, $13; portable twin laundry tubs, with cover, $8; 2 sheif utility table, $5; pink bath set, complete with 2 mats, shower curtain and seat cover, $15; 10 rock albums, good condition, $2.50 each; grey persian lamb coat, size 14, $50; Cal668-0096. OI L SPACE HEATER - large, $75; 2 heat dispenser, for fan, for f ireplace, $125. Cal1 579-0757. E78x14 new TIRE - on a Ford rîm, $20; storm windows, 201/ x 461/4, $10; 21 1 /8 x 461/, $10; 421/2 x 461/, $15; casemnent windows, 20% x 46'/, 6 at $10 each; poloroid camnera, square shooter 2, like new, $20. Cal 728-6434. GIRLS BROWNIE OUTFIT - size 10; girls Bauer figure skates, sîze 3; junior Bauer, 196, supreme skates, size 41/2,; Cooper hockey pants, age 9-11, blue nylon, D & M hockey pants, age 11 -13, blue nylon; CCM helmet, age 10-12, white adjustable; Cooper hockey helmet, SK 600, with cage, white, size 63/-73/, Cooper DG 32 junior large shin pads; Cooper shoulder pad, sze medium boys; equiprfent hag viitvl with zippers and handies; Cooper pant braces; elhow pads; garter bet; jock vvith cup; practice swveate.r, sizIe 10-14; 2 pair hockey socks. Cal 668-1998. ELECTRONIC PIANO - as new, 5 full octaves, $500 Or hesi offer, white irch gas f ireplace logs, used one wintflr, best offer. Cal668-6319. MOVING - Chesterfield, matching chair and ottoman. (granite tweed colour), exce!lcnt condition. $450; 2 octagonal tables and maching 5' coffee table, $225. Cal 666-1716. WOODEN SWIVEL CHAIR - for office or home, $27. Cati 579-2939, Weatherized STROLLER $25; child's red car, $3; airplane mobile, $3; blonde wig & stand. synthetic short, $2; circus baby lamp, $4; teddy bear night light, $3; hand made quiIt, crib size, $5; wool hand made carniage cover, white, $3; moist set curlers, $5; make up mirror vvith lîghts, $4; curity plastic and glass baiby bottles, 1 4 for $2; turquois boys snowsuit. 24 month size, $10; G.E. f loor polisher. $15; complete aquarium set, $15; sleep & snooze, $1 0. Cal 668-6087. Did you know CHRISTMAS SEALS fight ASTHMA ail year with: Health education and information Family asthrna programs Day Camps ;For information contact l'your Lung Association ASTHMA WEEK OCT 3-9 SEVES CARPENTRY EL ANTED WANTED Licenced hairdresser for partrership, prime Whitby Iocatbnr. Fur details cali Mrs. Walker Cioveriawn lnvestments Ltd. Toronto 964-8552 If you are looking for top quaîity storm windows and doors, but don't want te pay top, prices. First compare the rest, then corne and get the best. Cati Tom Walsh at Superior Aiuminum 985-3912 for free estimates, 3 weeks delivery. GUITAR LESSONS - al leveis, reading, ear training and theory, popular, rock, folkt, countrY etc. Cati Lou et 666-1919. HOME REPAIRS ChimnneyS repaired and rebuitt. Tuckpoifltiflg- cernent work, roofing and painting. F ree estimates. 666-1481. HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS Kitchens, Ceramic Tiling, Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMÂTES- Cal 668-4686 HIGHEST PRICES Paid for GoId and Silver coins, old guns, dlocks, ijewelry, dishes, furniture, crocks, oil paintings and sealers. Friendty Ftea Market 725-9783' 23 King West, Oshawa ARTICLES WANTED DISJCKE ] SERVICE Brownie, Guide, Cub uniforms EDDN - we have a large damand for PARIEGS tham at the Nearîy New Shop, PANCIES 131 Brock Street S., Whitby, BANQUES 668-4100. 668-1164 SAVE ENERGY NOW! Stay cooler in summer, warmer in winter... INSULATE NOW By adding RAPCO FOAM to your watts and cavities or by adding cellulose fibre to your attic. Residential - Commercial - Industrial KMP INSULATIONS Whitby, Ont. 668-1877 size 28-30, reri colour, S,5; pair boys CCM hockey skates, size 5, $7; girl's figure skates, sizu i111z, $5; pair shin pads, sie asrnall, $1 .50; pair elbovv paris, suze small, $1. Caîl 668-7926. 26" COLOUR TV --Attmrur good condition, $1 30; single bed, $40; red lind bedroom drapes. short, $1 0; lind basement wimdovu drapes, $5 Pair; stainîess steel single sink,$8; child's tricycle, $10; snow tires, 14' rims, $25; 30" x 78" cedar door wvith glass and lock, painted, $40; 32" x 80"~ cedar door and lock, $40; 34" x 82" mnahogaîny door, $20;, Cal 668-4686. GUIDE UNIFORM - size 10, $12; tap shoes. ladies size 7Y/,, $1 5; aluminum storm doors, $35; jinterior wvooden door, $8; Jhampster cage with wheel and Ihouse, $5; sevvinq machine Iwhite, $35; chord organ, school desk, $10; 8 bentwood chairs, $75. Caîl 728-2327. Laundry Tub PUMP - with copper pipe and brass check valve, $15; motor for wvringer- washer, drilled shaft, like new, $15; boys 20" bicycle, needs tube, $10' Caîl 668-0026. Ladies Dominion ROLLER SKATES - size 6, precision wvhee.ls, like newv, $45. Cal 668-6574. -I DAYCARE - available Monday te Fida,, Vernoî St., an, age. Cait 668-8659. - available in my home., Mondas te Friday. Cati 668-3332. FON ET BOAT STORAGE SPACE FOR RENT - New matai barn on Scugog Island. Phone coîlect te Orillia 326-3724.I Active Senior Citizen retired mid-wife lbas two rooms in smail new home in Ajax. Will consider single parent wiîth child. Cal 683-9059. BACHELOR APARTMVENT - in converted 4 plex in Whitby, living room, bedroom, kitchenette, & bathroom. Suit single business person or business couple, $210 per month. Cati 282-5164 after 6 p.M. BUY AT REASONABLE PRICES GAS - DIESEL FUEL b -MOTOR DIL Prompt Delivsry - - Out of town ploase cail coIIect <IPýX>WH 1T BV 668-3381 :FISLE SWIMMING POOLS - 197i modeis slightiy scratched in transport. Futty warranted, complete with pump, motor, f itter, fencing, walkway and dack. Suggested reail price $2295. Now available at $1 288. No ' payments titi 1978. immediate detivery and installa- tion. Cati coltect anytime 1-416-663-9508. HADDASSAH FABRIC AND RUMMAGE SALE Tuesday, October il Wednesday, Octo3ber 12 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Good setection of Fabric and Rummage. 144 Kiîng St. E., Oshawa LOT FOR SALE FLORIDA - 80 x 198%, in Port Charlotte., deed availahie,, $5,000. Cati 668-3804. PRIVATE - Oshawa. Handy Man Special, 14 room house, zonad commercial, Tetephone 725-8645. W!TNESSES August 11, 1ý'17, 12:00 p.m. at Hwy. 2 & Livor- p-rot Rd. A'iyone havirig kiowledge of collision betweer Buick a-id motor- cyct3 please cali L..Ke'it, days 233-1191, evenings 266-1 269. LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAI LERS CALL TORONTO 416-864-9381 WANTED- female mid- mwenties to share hume, $150 monthty. Cati Ian 438-2911 ext. 618, between 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. af ter 4:30 666-1850. WANTED - fridge, full size model with freezer at bottorn or size, in good condition, under $200. Call 668-0096. EVERGREEN TREES FOR SALE $1 c.ach and up 655-4525ý for more infOrmation TOOLS Brand new, neyer used, ail name brand, VVestward Gray ITC etc. 0n Snap On, professional, guaranteeCi by manufacturer, clearing out at less than haîf price. Hydraulic f loor jacks, bottle jacks, car stands, vices, socket and wrench sets (metric and Standard), tap & die set, pipe wrenches, imnpact tools, drill presses and many other hand tools for plumbers, carpenters and handymen. Cal 683-175.3. detached 4 bedroom, 2 storey, attched garage, buy novv and Save. Cati 668-0006. LA U C T1, AUCTION SALE Thursday, October 6th, at 6 p.m. For Pine Ridge Cabins, South Shore, Musselmans Lake. The contents of 5 cabins. Terms cash, no reserve. Earl Gauslin, Auctioneer - AUCTION SALE Saturday, October 15, at il ar.. The property of Peter Barchuck, on Audley Rd, 1/2 mile south of No. 7 Hwy., 4% miles west of Brooklin. Sale of furniture, antiques, international Farm- AIl cub tractor, <wth full-line of attachments), 5 hp riding mower, Caplun hard top camper, fibreglass fishing boat, fibreglassi canoe, quantity of building materials, barn beams, two Herford heffers, 250 bales of hay, round-oak tables, set of six oa k chairs, plus large quantlty of other items to be listècd next week. John Annis, Auctioneer, 985-3477. AUCTION SALE Thanksgiving Monday, October lOth, il arn. Stouffville Sales Barn. Household furniture and antiques, gingerbread dlock, ., dishes, lots of antiques. Bring the family and enjoy the day.U Terms cash, Lunch available. Earl Guaslin, Auctioneer. WiMNgPOLTORN - Wiii tease and instati for home- owner, family size aiuminum *swimming po ih pto Choice of styles meeting al fencing regulations on a one, two, or three year rentai basis with oa)p tio n to own. No payments titi 1978. Try before you buy! Catiele~anytime 1-416-663-9508 INSULATE YQUR HOME ~ Fibergiass Use the right insutation Rockwooi for your home. Cellulose Vermichiite Proper Consultations: Fraee Estimates FOUR WAY Insulation Whilby, Ont. 668-9028 PES&SUPPLIES Almost new Herford brand WESTERN SADDLE AND BRIDLE - $275. Cali 668-0311 aller 6 p.m. BRITTANY SPANIEL (POINTER> - maIe, registered ckc, 15 months, mild disposition, good physique, asking $50. Cali 655-3153 evenings. Two mae BEAGLES - 11/2 r. old, starting to hunt, $75 each; female, 6 mnths, $30. Cali 655-3687 Small black dog - maie, six moniths old, $5. Cali 668-0134. and guaranteed gentle, excellent staîl manners, good home only. Asking $600. Caîl evenings 655-4627. OSHAWA OBEDIENT ASSOCIA- TION show handting class, beginn îng October 4th. For registration phone 516-1167 or 623-5686. ____ Be a RED CROSS Blood Donor Isuuu'u~I DU PONT 0F CANADA LIMITED, WHITBY WOR KS, HAS AN IMMEDIATE OPENING FOR A GQALIFIED ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE MECHANIC. TRIS POSITION WILL BE 0F INTEREST TO PERSONS WITH TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE AS AN ELECTRICIAN OR ELECTRICAL/ELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN. INTERESTED CANDIDATES SHOULO APPLY IN WRITING TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS, OUTLINING DETAILS 0F EDUCATION AND WORK EXPIERIENCE. ALL REPLI ES WtLL BE TREATED IN CONFIDENCE. EMPLOYEE RELATIONS SUPER VISOR DU PONT 0F CANADA LIMtTED DUNLOP DRIVE WHITBY, ONTARIO LlN 5S6. repairs, $29,900. S,*IUATIONS WANTED 2 PON

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