WHITBY FREE, PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28,1977, PAGE 13 HEANTED WA'NTED Licenced hairdresser for partrlership, prime Whitby locati. Earn extra money. Show our exclting lino of Christmas cards end gfts te friends, neighbours, rotatives. No experience needed. Our big, cotourfulty ilîustrated catatogue akes it easy and profitable. $tort now. 1 Write tuday for free Christmas catalogue and' information. Monarch Greeting Lards, Dept. 201, 217 Cannon, Hamilton, LSN 3K3 or phone_(416) 527-3891. Reliable teenager wanted for occasional evening BABYSITTI N G Caîl 666-1376. WANTED- Mature lady to care for handicapped child 3 to 5 days per week. 2-7:30 p.m. or 12-4 p.m. preferably in my home. Cali 668-6667. Earn extra money for Christmas in your spare time. I can show you how. Phone 655-4376 Wednesday or Thursday evenings between 5 and 8. ITEM WANTED - fiting cabinet, 3 to 4 drawers. Cali 668-3171. LýOENT Ajax Apartment '- $314 & $330 per mo)nth. 2 & 3 bedrooms with den, 2 baths, broad- loom, air conditioning, recreation faci ities, tennis cou rts, underground parking, immediate possession. Cal i Mrs. Hendgrson 1-416-965-1698 or Miss Laporte 1-416-965-9159 Onitario Mortgage Corporation Toronto BACHAELOR A PARTÃMENt -> in converted 4 plex in Whitby, living room, bedroom, kitchenette, & bqthroom. Suit single business personi or business couple, $210 per month. CalI 282-5164 after 6 P-1m. Stores& off ices f or rent -- heavily populated West Lynde Community. Cati Cloverlawn lnvestments' Ltd. Toronto 964-8552. FORSAE SWIMMING POOLS- 1977 models slightly scratched in traffsport. Futly warranted, complete with pump, motor, f ilter, fencing, wâlkway and deck. Suggested retail price $2295. Now available at $1 288. No payments titi 1978. Immediate deîivery and installa- tion. Laîl cotlect anytime 1-41 6-663-9508. EVERGREEN TREES FOR SALE $1 -Bach and up 655-4525 for more information TOOLS Brand new, neyer used, aIt name brand, Westward Gray tTC etc. o.n Snap On, professional, guranteed by manufacturer, clearing out at iess than haif price. Hydrauiic f toor jacks, bottie jacks, car stands, vices, sooket and wrench sets lmetric and standard), tap & die set, pipe wrenches, impact tools drill presses and many other hand toots for piumbers carpenters and handymen. Cati 683-175e3, rLEARN TO DRIVE FRACTOR TRAI LERS CALL TORONTO 41ý6-864-9381, SWIMNG POOLS TO RENT - WitI lease and install for home- owner, f amily size atuminum swimming poot with patio. Lhoice of styles meeting 31l fencing regutations on a une, two, or three year rentaI basis withý option to own. No payments tilt 1978. Try before you buy!,, Laîl colle lanytime 1-41 6-663-9508 SITTIONS TEENAGER WILLING TO BABYSIT - Otter Lreek area. Lalit 666-1391. DAVCARE - available Monday to Friday, Vernon St., any age. Cali 668-8659. Weil cared BABVSITTING - available in my home. Monday to Friday. Lali 668-3332. RIDE WANTED - tu Toronto at Queen, Coxwell & Greenwood area, arriving at 7:30 a.m. will share gas or car pool. Cati 668-9915. WANTED - femnale mid- mwenties to share home, $150 monthly. Cali Jan 438-2911 ext. 618, between 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. after 4:30 666-1850. PES&SUPPLIES 0OSHAWA OBEDIENT ASSOCIA- TION show handling class, beginning October 4th. For regfistration phone 576-1167 or 623-5686. Two maie BEAGLES - 1lY, yr. oid, starting to hunt, $75 each;- femnale, 6 months, $30. Cai 655-3687r. Aimost new Herford WESTERN SADDLE BRIDLE - $275. 668-0311 after 6 p.m. brand AND Cali , I ~ ,,U. SEVES CARPENTRV HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS Kitchens, Ceramic Tiling, Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES - Cali 668-4686 HIGHEST PRICES Paid for Gold and Silver coins, old guns, dlocks, lewelry, dishes, furniture, crocks, oil paintings and sealers. Friendly Flea Market 725-9783 23 King West, Oshawa HOME REPAIRS Chîmneys repaired and rebuilt. Tuckpointing, cernent work, roofing and painting. F ree estimates. 666-1481. SAVE ENERGY NOW!1 Stay cooler in summer, warmer in winter... INSULATE NOW By adding RAPCO FOAM to your walls and caivities or by adding cellulose fibre to your attic. Residential - Commercial - Industrial KMP INSULATIONS Whitby, Ont. 668-1> WUMESSES Aut-, a ccidei-t,rhsd, August 11, 1'Y.'1, 12:00 p.m. at Hwy. 2 & Liver- pool Rd. A.iyone having k-nowledge of collision between Buick and motor- cycle please catI L. Kerit, days 233-1191, evenings 266-1269. Avofl FACE IT! Great makeup aimost seils itsef-and Avons newçCandid line 1iSgreat. Women love it and Avon Representatives enjoy selling it. The potentiai Christmas earnings are really excitîng. Set your own hours, and have fun while those extra Christmas dollars add ulD. Cati: 683-7521 *oenetTne TENDER ME LHA NIt L CO NTRACTORS Replacement installation of storm sewer pump at the Psychiatric Hiospital, Whitby, Ontario. TENDER No. L1N-77-138 - P67407. Seaîed tenders wvitl be received until 2:00 P.M. LOCAL TIME, OCTOBER 18, 1977. Tender Documents may be obtain- ed from the Ontario Ministry of Government Services, Lindsay Regional Office, 322 Kent St. W., P.O. Box 7000, Lià dsay, O ntario. NOTE: For further information regarding this tender, please cati Mrs. E.M. Neate at the above address. ,Telephone: <705) 324- 9188. The Iowest or any tender not necessarity accepted. Ministry 01 ( ) Governiment Services Ontario -COUNTRY AUCTION Whitby Arts Station Gallery, Saturday, Octo- ber 1lst, 12:30 p.m. corner Victoria & Henry Streets (Base Line Rgad) Whitby. Old and New - something for everyone. mirror stand, wrought iron (brass knobs) bed frame, silver, china, books, coca cola crates, heirloom bed spread, antique foot stoot, maple beside table, desk chair, skates, ski equipment, soap box derby car -- much, much more. Preview 11:30 a.m. Plant tabte, bake sale, odds and ends bargain table, refreshments for sale. Auctioneer, Johnny Johnston cash or cheque one tells you to take a walk? Maybe tbey've got thbe( right idea. AI AUCTION SALE The property of Mr. Gordon Birkett, 146 Church St. N., Stouffvilie, Frîday, September 30 at il a.m. Household furniture and antiques, 9 pce. mohogany dining roomn suite, red veivet settee & chair, square what-not, Tea wagon, china cabinet, rocking chairs, square dining room table, captains chair,. buffet with marbie top, bedroomn suite, old crocks and sealers, electrified oit Iamps, cane chairs, number of smail tables, regulator dlock, grandfather cdock (leectrified), number of dishes, collectibie items. ONE 0F THE BEST SALES 0F THE SEASON. Terms cash, no reserve. Eari Gauslin, Norm Faulkner Au ctioneers. The streets are 1cr the people. Exercise your rîghts' Take awalk. I__________ M For details caîl Mrs. Watker Cloverlawn lnvestments Ltd. Toronto 964-8552 BUY AT REASONABLE PRt'CES CAS - DIESEL FUEL -MOTOR GIL Prompt Delivery Out of town please oeil coiiect OI 4$> WHITBY 668-3381 VELVET rovce~ FUMNIURE SiTlIrlPBl unique f low-over process no dts tanks or ceustici ud AT kNTIUESand OLDER Furnituire Bought & Sold Mrl., 41. .oqâ.ot .r yiflu OMM m mmmwlmý