Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 31 Aug 1977, p. 13

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEI)NESDAY, AIJGUST 31,1977. PAGE 13 matct box eoêi. Fl ideal 668-t c 5 pli $10; Calit ROC neec ini Hut( $10( carvq cusi $1'c CaH Cal tocl 31 cor 661 $2- Tal acc coq Is gcl SI Iig Pl 7à 54 bai br 5 $1 of 69 g' ai Sc Ci Sc t. tc FUTURE OLONIAL 39# BED - hlgpair, cmplete with spring and mattress, $60 1. Cali 655-3411. FIREPLACE - imitations i for roc room, $35. CatI ý6537. Chromne KITCHEN SET - eco, $45; Chesterfield chair, );both ideat for cottage. 1668-8267. Set of six ANTIQUE DINING ýOM WALNUT CHAIRS - ,d recaning, $175. Cati1 5-1 395 after 6 pa. sMyeî ROCKER iaphoîstered n green vmnyl. $35. 579-1094. Console WESTINGHOUSE ýCOLOUR TV - $150; tch, 3 shelves & 3 drawers, )0, Loveseat, antique, hand ,ed, settier, floral scotchguard ;ioms. $300. Cati 668-0633. CHROME KITCHEN SET - pieoe, $45; chesterfield chair, 0; both ideat for cottaga. Hl 668-8267, Sears Solid State COLOUR V - 1ý4 years otd, 12", $275. Ill 655-3287. 5 piece SECTIONAL - suede >k in Arbutus ruat, new, $900; piece walnut watt unit, with ,oked glass doors & bar mrpartment. new, $700; Caîl 58-4317. Titter SWIVEL CHAIR- 27. CatI 579-2939. able tennis TABLE with aIl thel cossories $55Matching furniture auch, chairs & Ottomnan $750.l ibrand new, wiIl take best off er. >If ctubs-$lý 5. 666-1470. Colonial 5 pce. BEDROONM MITE - excellent condition iht cotour, $450; Bell Upright IANO, antique, $400. CatI 23-2701. CHESTERFIELD CHAIR iatching recliner, blue tweed, $75;1 A" .bxspringt .ithhead ioard, $25; single bed, $15; poleI amp, $10; end tables, $5 pair; Ihirt-awvay portable dishwasher, rand new, $25; aIt excellent :r a co ttage. Caît1668-3189 af ter 5p.m. Antique MAPLE <cellent condition, 125. Catil666-1203. TABLE - refinished, B & W TV - $150 or best )ffer; Portabet TV, $50. Cati 568-0744. CONSOLE TV -'B & W, jood condition, $75; two tluminum doors, f ive basement ;creen & storm windows, $5C. Cali 668-5596. ARM CHAIR - is basically ;und needs recovering, $25. Cali 668-4180 between 10 a.m. to 5 p.mn. DINETTE SUITE - fo::.r swvel chairs, 48" round table, $125. Cali 655-4651. *ENT-Woods high wall, 8xl0x7 ft ïigh, used one wieek, $75. Cati 568-2164. Victorian antique SOFA - restored to new, over 100O years >Id, $450. Cali 655-3523. KITCHEN CUPBOARDS - ncluding doublée stainless steel sink, stove fan, Iazy susan, etc. 'Cali 723-7717. Antique Duncar. Phyphe sofa Restored. UÀke New. $300.00 Five piece Duncan Phyphe dining. room suite $125.00 Pair of antique parior chairs Anitque chaise. Between 4 &6. 668.-5198 SINGLE BED- $60; CatI 728-1224. WAKE-UP! SHAPE UP! WALK! U] SITONS BABYSITTINO AVAILABLE in my home, Monday through Fni- day, caîl 668-7590. BABYSI1TING 'availabie* in my home Monday - Friday Cati 668 ý- 6009 WILL BABYSIT in my home in Kinsale area, an infant, start- ing in September Monday to Fri- day during day. Caîl 655-4719. DAYCARE available, in rny home. 668-9915 t-HEANTED1 HAND MADE ARTICLES WANTED for craft shop opening soon in Brooklin. Cati 655-3661 or 655-3488. WANTED - FuII and part time butchers, ail company benefits paid. Apply Sunnybrook Food Market, 1050 Simcoe St. W., Oshawa. PART TIME HELP WANTED - Mature kindly lady wanted to care for one f ive year old girl and do ight housekeeping. Monday and Thursday, 11:30 to 4-00, $12.00 per afternoon. Must have own transportation to Cochrane and Rossland Road area. CatI 668-1643. BABYSITTER WANTED for 10 yr. old boy in your honie, days, West Lynde School area. Phone 668,-19617 in pmi After Sunday 28th. BABYSITTER WANTED in Mary & Pine Street area. Fuit timne. Phorm 668 - 9722 CLEANING LADY WANTED-1'/z ,miles North of Broo klif.655-421 0 Quaiified PLUMBER wanted for service work and new installations. Heating exper- ience and gas certificate will be an asset. 668 - 8761 IAfter hours 668 -2712 t R FET3 SWIMMING POOLS TO RIENT - WiII lease and instaîl for home- owner, family size aluminum swimminq pool with patio. Choice of styles meeting al fencing regutations on a one, two, or three year rentaI basis wvith optioni to own. No payments tilt 1978. Try before you buy! Cati collectanytime 1-41 6-663-9508. PES&SUPPLIES PLEASURE HORSE _ quiet thorough bred getding,welI trained and mannered, $650 to a good homne. Cati evenings or weekends, 416-985-3484. GELDINGHALF ARABIAN - 14 handis,6 years oîd, Bay & White Pinto markings, very kind and gentîe,' has been rode, but not recentîy, $200. Cati1 294-1 383. HORSE FOR SALE - can be rîidden, $160- Cal 668-1510. -PUREBRED GERMAN SHEPHERD - 2, years otd, $40. Cali 655-3651. SEVES PIANO LESSONS ln my home Grades 1 to 8, times negotiable, calI 668 - 9786. CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMIENTS Kitchens, Ceramie Tiling, Drywal, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES- Cali 668-4686 HIGHEST PRICES Paid for Gold and Silver coins, old guns, dlocks, jewelry, dishes, furniture, crocks, oil paintings and - sealers. Friendly Flea Market 725-9783 23 King West, Oshawa HOME REPAIRS Chimneys repaired and rebuilt. Tuckpointiflg, cernent work, roofing and painting. Free estimates. 668-1481. ý ORLE NINE ACRES OF STANDING HAY Seond cut Ashburn 655-3780 PRIVATE -OSH-AWA Owner retiring, 6 room brick, 2 washrodrms, garage, large hedged lot, suitable for pool, rec roomn, close to schools, $59,900. CalI 725-8645. MOTEL-RESTAURANT -TAVERN and LANO) FOR SALE. Good location for business. Cati 666-1 272. BEST BUY IN OSHAWA Private sale, 4 bedroom bungalow in a new, quiet and nice area. Close to bu s, park & school. Garage, famity & rec rooms, 11/2 bath, finished basement, excellent decor- ation, deep fenced. lot, stove & dishwasher incl. Asking onîy $61,1900 for quick sale of this lovely home. Calil 579-5495. BUY AT REASONABLE PRICES GAS - DIESEL FUEL MOTOR CIL Prompt Delivery oui of town please caI collect ~- r~t.. ÎNROLL TODAT Petorsen School of Muskt 382 King St. W., Oshawa 723-2259 Piano, organ, vocal arici guitar. Electrical Contractors Replace street ighting under- ground cable at the Psych- iatric Hlospital, Whitby, Ont. TENDER ff LIN -77 - 115 - P67476 Sealed tenders wilI be receiv- ed until 2:00 p.m. LOCAL TIME, September 20, 1977. Tender documents may be obtained from the Ontario Ministry of Governmeflt Services, Lindsay Regional Office, 322 Kent Street West, P.O. Box 7000, Lindsay, Ont. NOTE: For further informa- tion regarding this tender, please caîl Mrs. E.M. Neale at the above address. Telephone (705) 324- 9188 The Iowest 'or any tender not necessarily accepted. Ontario Ministry of Gomentl Serv"cs AUCONSJ1 AUCTION SALE 2 SATURDAV, SEPTEMBER 10Oat 12:30 p.m. - auction sale of household furniture electric appliances. etc for Mrs, Mae Phair - located 800 Centre St. ., Whitby corner of Pitt St. and Centre St.) selting 9 pce waînut dining suite, Jacobean armchair, hoosier kitchen ciuboard, old Marconi radio, 3 pcei.chesterfield. suite, carved oak iitoq bench, various occasionat table$, record cabinet, old settee, 3 pce walnut bedroomn suite, night tables, library table, lamps, platform rocker, collection of buttons and hat pins, oil lamps, rockers, trunks, crocks, quantity of glass and china, westinghouse fridge (like new), Viking uprighti freezer, Inglish washer- and1 dryer, stove, ladders, garden toots, tools, and much more. Terms cash or good cheque, no reserve. House sold. Kahn Aucti on. Services - 985-81 61. AUCTION SALE of seven roomn home and. riousehold furniture. The Property of Mr. aind Mrs. Merrit in the Village of Olaremont. Saturday, September 3rd at il a.mn. Termns cash. Earl Gaustin and Norm Faulkner, Auctioneers, 640-3079 or Y'ARD SALE at the Lyride House Museum, Dundas St. West, on Sat. Sept. l7th from 10 ar. to 3 p.m. if raining wiII be, held Sat. Sept. 24th same tirne. Baking and vegetables wiII be incîuded. ~SWMMIN(i POULS - 1971 models slightly scratched in transport. Fully warranted, complets with pump, motor, f ilter, fencing, walkway and deck Suggested retail price $2295. Now available at $1288. No payments titI 1918. Immediate delivery and install'a- tion. CatI cotlect anytime 1-41 6i-663-9508. S AVE ENERGY NOW! Stay cooler in summer, warmer in winter.. INSULATE NOW By adding RAPCO FOAM ta your watts and cavîties or by adding cellulose f ibre ta yo.r attic. 668331 KMP INSULATIONS W hitby, Ont. 668-1877 THE ANNUAL,,MU;NICIPAL ENUMERATION STARTS NEXT ,WýEEK The annuat municipat enumeratiOn will begin on Tuesday, September 6, 1977. DL'ring this month, an enumerator, carrying a proper identification card, wilt caîl at your residence for a few minutes to check basic information required irn determining: " the allocation of education property taxes between the public and separate school systems; " the distribution of provincial grants to locat governments to help reduce. local tax bis; * the preparation of jurors' tists: and " population information needed for other municipal programs. The enumerator must record such information as the name, age, property status )e.. owner or tenant), schoot support and residency of aIl members of the househotd. When the enumerator visits, please check that the info-mation on the Enumeration Notice is correct. If it is not, revise it and verify the changes. If you are not home, a Notice witt be left for you. If changes are necessary, please make themn and mail the Enumeration. Notice, as soon as possible, în the self addressed postage prepaid envetope accompanying the Notice. For any additionat information, please contact the local assessment office. ASSESSMENT REGION NO. 13 Reg'l Assin't CoinlissiollCr W. Il. Parnel Tcl.No. 668 - 9351 Zenith 67140 i m 1 OIL

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