PAGE 12, WEL)NESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1977, WIIITBY FREE PRESS 1977 4 WHEEL DRIVE, newv power steering, power brakes, radio, $600 in wvheels GMC :Y TON 350 STANDARD, best off er. Caîl 655-3149. 1975 ASTR E - good ccndition, $2.000. Cali 576-7942. 1975 VOLKSWAGON 1'EETLE - excellent condition, q)as heater, quadrophonic stereo, !xtra snow tires, fuel enjected ligine, 20,000 miles, asking ýê,400, certif ied. Ca11 655-3583. 1976 CHEVELLE MALîBU m:LASSIC - perfect condition, 14,000 miles, asking $4,999. Cal579-4977. 1973 DATSUN 510 - liucket seats, 4 speed, AM radio, radiais, best offer. Cali 576-9127 ,ifter 6 p.m. 1974 CHEVELLE MALIBU - 4 dr., p/s, p/b, air, radio, 42,000 miles, $2.900 or best off er. Cati 668-9944 af ter 7 p.m. 1973 VEGA HATCHBACK - silver grey, 37,000, automatic transmission, excellent condition, asking only $1 -#500. Cali 668-8502. 1972 DATSUN - unn condition, body good, seil uncertified, $450 cash or best of fer. Cali 668-8623 before noon. 71 METEOR - certif ied, excellent condition, $1,.200 or best of fer. Cati 655-4848. 1971 MAVEP.ICK - 6 cyl., auto.,' fair condition, $500 or best offer. Cati 655-4388. 1971 VAUXHALL - 43,00(j mites, new parts, $450 or best off er. Caît 668-5704. 1970 CADI LLAC - needs sonne vork, good buy, $12C0: 1967 CHEV, 6 cyl., auto, $150; CatIl 579-5451. 1970 CHEVELLE MALI BU - good condition, p/s. p/b. no body wvork needed, $1 m00 or best of fer, as is. Cal 668-3495 ask for Steve. 1970 FORD - red truck, crew cab, miteage good, fairiy good condition, $500 as is. Calt 655-3545. 1970 MERCURY DiELUXE - p/b and steering, V8, automatic, rear window defros-ter, as is $U00. Calil723-6163. 1970 MUSTANG GRANDE A - p/s, p/b, asking $800. Cati 668-7970. 1969 VOLVO -2: doo>r, excellent ru"nning condition-, somne body, work needes),'$500. -Cal 668-4317. 1969MuSTANGFASTBACK - 302, automatic, headers, chrome trac bars, mags, tintêdl windows, 8 track stereo, good condition, $ý-900. Cali 668-4654. 1969 DODGE VAN - 6 auto, 4 bucket seats, naivy blue broad. ioom throsmighout, 8 track, anr radio, headphone jacks front 8 rear, needs body work, flot run. nirg due to mninor repairs, as is $400 or best offer. Cati WaynE 668-0358. 1969 TOYOTA - unregistered, ideal for spare parts, $100 or P ress.Em-p oriumn Cal 668-6111_______ 1966 CHEV - 6 cyl,, nev%, block, uncertified. $135. Cali 655-4776. 1966 BUICK LASABRE - good running condition, uncer- tif ied, $150. Cal1 728-0642. 1966 RAMBLER Embassador - 58,000 miles, 287 cu. in., V-8, body needs repair, $80 as is. Cali 728-2598 or 725-2200. 1966 FORD 100 PICK-UP - 6 cyl., certified. excellent body, $600. Cali 666-1 203. 1965 CHEVY il - 327 \,-8 motor, automnatîc, tape pliyer, not certif ied, in good condition. asking $450. Cati 668-1 549. 1964 THUNDERBIRD - rebuîlt, 390 engine, air condition- ing, am f m radio, good condition, asking $1,.000. Cali 655-3768 or 985-7718. 1963 CHEV - 4 door sedan, body in good condition, as is $100. CM.I 725-3640. 1963 CHEV 4 DOOR SEDAN- body, in good condition, as is, $100. Cali 725-3640. 1957 5-TON INTERNA. TIONAL STAKE TRUCK - $600 or best offer as is. Cali 655-4973 in the evenings and ask for Bill. BATTERY - for 1970- Maverick, $10. Cati 668-3679 or 668-6920. 5 STUD GM TIRES - with wheels, F78x14, $10 each. Cati 725-4339. VAN RADIO - AM, for 1975 Ford, $30. Cali 668-94193 af ter 5 p.m. 283 V8 and AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION - complete 4 $100 or best of fer. Cali 728-5259. TIRES - (5), H-78x1 5;f b/wali, heavy duty, factoryt equipment; used approx. 200 miÎles, $175 set. Ca11 655-4610. Steel Disc MAG WHEELS - set of 4, wfTornada belted c tires, G70-14, now $316, selI for $200 or best offer. Cati 668-2886~. REATî TINAL VEIES REESE TRAtLtR HITCH- iiIl fit 68 & up Dodge Coronet & Plymouth Satelite, one year oid, with 3" x 17/8, baIl each on its own inserting bar, will selI for $1 25. CatI1668-5060 af ter 5 p.m. 14' CAMPER FOR Y2 TON TRUCK - with 8' box, includles stove, propane tank and four jacks, $850. Cal 655-4997 afier 5 p.m. 16* BOAT - 35 hp motor and trailer, $995; hot air furnace (oit) and controîs, $150; hot water furnace <oil) and controis, $350. Calil66-7597. 8 ASTRINON, TRUCK CAMPER -,on 71 Toyota- truck# includles,stoveï fridgei propaneé electric, sink, sieepsfour, AM-FM radIioý, radiai -tires; $4,500, like, new. Cal 725-6106. CAMP~ER IKAILtIK 1976 Parklan, sleeps six, fully equipped with furnace, sink, two-burner stove, ice box, miatching drapes throughout, ân Ioaded with lextras. Asking $2,100 Cail 668 - 9260 ýe 1969 HA LF TON CAMPER - With dinette, barbeque. couch and chair, $1700. Cati 668-1490. EMPORIUM ADS WILL ONLY BE ACCEPTED SUBJECTTO THIE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS PLEASE READ: Advertisc RF in the FEE PRESS 1-MPORIUM, pay ONLY mihen you sel)! 'Fiere will flot bc any charge to advertisers in the F;REE; PRESS EMP>ORIUM unless the item advertised is sold. Whien the adiverti'sed itemn is sold, you pay a comminssion based on TIIE AI)VERTISED PRICE as illustrated below, regardless if price is stated with best offer. Ai advcrtisemnents rnust bc placed on an exclusive basis with the WH-ITBY F:REE PRESS and run ait luast one mionth if flot sotd. RATES (if article js sold): 5% of advertised price tip to $400.00 2%7 of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold item advertised for $50.00 -comiiSondue $2.50 (minimum commission is $1 .50) Private aýdvertîià ng only!. Please notify us if you [mnd a retaller listud as a private advertiser. Please notify the Whitby lrue Press immiiediatoly wlien item is solcl so that we miay delote it froîin the following issues. Ali ads flot fitting the 1 Emiporiumn gui(lelines will be treated and charged pur week as regular classificil ads on a prc-paid basis such as: services, hlp wanted, clothing, reai estate, and personal inessage type ads, or ads flot (juoting price or quafltity. Private classilied, ads mnay appear in the Eniporiuim sectio)n uinder appropriate hecadings. l.* in doubt, cali 668-6111l MAIL ADS TO: FEF PRESS EMP>ORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whitby LI N 5S1 TuE 1)1EAD)LINIE. FOR EMPORIUM Ai)S 15TIIE MONDAY PRIE'VIOIJS TO PU BLICATIO0N AT NOON. EA:lAN C E S WESTINGHOUSE WALL OVEN - in gcod condition, $100; G.E. SURFACE UNIT & FAN COMBINATtON, four eetmnts, 2-8l", 2-", in good condition, $100. Cal 294-1 383. AIR CONDITIONER - Fedders upright, excellent condi- tion. 8,000 BTU, $175. Cali 668-4584. Viking ciothes DRYER, good con- dition. $100. 668-9269. RCA ELECTHIC STOVE - A-i condition, $70 or be '2s' >fer; lots of ceiling titis, 12 x 12, $6 per carton, 5 cartons; fuit ;ize wooden bed, $50. Calit G.E. REFRIGERATOR - 15 cu. f t., double door, f rost free, $1 75; Moffat Stove, 25", heavy duty, $75; both are white and in gcod conldition. Cali 668-3889. 8 cycle Admirai automatic DISHWASHER - sound insulated, hardwood cutting board top, harvest gold, only six months old, good condition, $350. Cali 725-8967. 30" ELECTRîC STOVE - in good condition, $50; rec roomn ceiling tules, reasonable. Cati 725-3640. POFI-'ABLE UISHWASHER - 1excellent condition, $110; Stove'1 goodworking order, ideai, for cottage, $50; dryer, good condition, $90. Cati 623-5715. Pre-way eye levet OVEN - to be buiIt in, stainiess steel & chrome, matching burner base, excellent condition, $115. Cali 1 -263-2294. Woodburning Acorn FIRE- PLACE - orange coiour, $200. Calil668-4660. Coleman SPACE HEATER - good working con~dition, 51,000 BTUJ, also 45 gallon oit drum, wi rh pu mp, $50. Cati 655-4630. RANGETTE - excellent .condition, $30. Cali 655-3961. Coidspot chest FREEZER 22 cu. f t. 2 years oid. $300. 14 cu. ft. VmKING FRIOGE - ike new, 7 years otd, $125. Cati 668-4750. FRANGETTE - good condi- tion, $15. Cali 668-5450. RCA 30" E LECTRIC STOV E- A-i condition, $65; ceiting tiles, 14 x 12, good for cottage, $6 par J carton; full size bed with mattress, $40. Cal725-3640. 1 15 AMP. SERVICE BOX& SWITCH - & SQUARE D. SWITCH BOX, $9. CaI 668-9605. SUZUKI 350 - new tire!. niew electrical system, $400. Cati and ask for Rob 668-5432. BOYS BIKE - green, hîgh handle bars, banana seat, sever. months old, $35. Cali 728-3762. Girls 3spd. B ICYCLE - w/24"' wheels, nearly new, $45; Box trailer, 43 x 62 x 10"d, drop tait gate, $100. Cati1668-8432. Men's 10-speed BICYCLE - ex..ethent condition, $70. Cal 666-1203. 1975 HONDA CB 360 T - bought new in '76, 4,100 miles, with back rest, carrier & helmet, $985. Cali 655-3752. 1967 250OSU ZUKI1 HUSTLER- just rebuilt & painted, new battery and shop manual, get a good bike for $300. Cali 655-4423. 1974 HONDA - 125' mto-cross, excellent condition, $600 or best offer. Cati Rob at 668-5432. BENILIE MINI-BIKE - $150. Cali 668-1819, 1975 KAWASAKI KS125, - Enduro, 1,300 miles, perfect condition, $675. Calit B. Evans at 668-5200. 1977 SUZUKI dirt bike - 370 RMV, excellent condition, neyer raced. Cati evenings 668-5464. 1975 350 RD YAMAHA - excellent condition, 2,700 miles, rode one season, $950. Cali 655-4286. 1973 KAWASAKI - $230. Cali 1 -263-2294. 9Occ, 1976 BOMBARDIER MOPED- 49cc, 1100 original mites, like new, $200. Cuitl 668-5498. MINI-BIKE traitbike, new Cati 579-0572. Z50 HONDA - back tire, $200. QIder GE REFRIGERATOR - $30; four burner Moffat electric stove & hood, $30; propane space heater, $30. Ail suitable for cottage, $75 for ail three items. Calil 655-4125 evenings. AIR CONDITIONER - one summer old, f its Wall or wîndow,_ 8,000 BTU, $225. Calit 668-0050 ai ter 6 p.m., CHROME KITCHEN SUITE - 25; high chair, $12; car bed, $7; -ar seat, $8; baby back pack, $5; mail bicycle. $8. Cati 28-6204 after 6 p.m. CHILDS POOL TABLE -- 3' x 6', good condition, $7.50; aiso many assorted jigsaw puzzles, 50 cents each. Cai 655-3411. WHITE CRIB - spring and rnattress, 26" x 50",. $25; chromne high chair, $8; Short Wig, off bîa&k permanent curi, like new, used very littie, regular $25, seil for $13, ail in good condition. Cali 655-4834 ask for Mrs. Warner. SHAG CARPET - approx. 8'6" x il1'6", with underpad, 3 months old, haîf price, $60; carpet red with pattern, 6' x 9', 3 mnonths old, haîf price, $20; electric curier set (20). excellent condition, $10; eiectric fioor polisher (G.E.), good condition, $10. Cali 668-3128 after 5 p.m. .White with / goid trim 24" BATHROOM VANITY - vvith countertop, $70. Cali 725-5753. POOL FILTRE - used one season, $50; Twin tub apartment wà sher, onîy $40. Cai 668-3889. BSA 22 Calibre Pellet RIFLE - very accurate, powerfuî, like newv, wilI seli for $45; swving-set, good condition, $35. Cali 668-9165. Black boot ROLLER SKATES - size 11, $33; Oval chrome kitchen table, witIi leaf, $25; Viking canister vacuumt cleaner, $10. Cati 668-5227. GOLD WEDDING BAND - neyer worn, $30. Cali in mornimg 668-8623. 18" COLECO CARTRIDGE SWIMMING POOL FILTRE- with spare cartriclge, $60; over the wail skimmer, $10; new ladder for 4' pool, $35; pool vacuum, $5. Catil 668-4804. MAGNAVOX ODDYSSEY TV GAME - with 12 different games and TV screen overlays, $50. Calil 668-GýU2. Brand new Jet Water PUMP - cracked housing, asking $125. Catil 683-6638. 3 OUTDOOR FLOOD LIGHTS - 1000 watt, suitablE for tighting patio or pool area $30 each. Cali 668-2832 af te' 5 p.m. Built-in eOVEN 'anYd counïter tor )>urners (elements>, with a hood Crome coloured, in excellenit coq dition.' $105. Cali 728-6719. Cedar Rail FENCING - 8 - 10 feet long, approximatelm 40 pieces at $1.00 each. Cal 668-9193 af ter 5 p. m. Gendron BABY CAR RIAGE - $35; Baby crib & mattress, $ both in excellent condition. Calil 668-4874. Lan Boy L 1AWN MOWER - RESTAURANT EQ.tPWi«T- cou nter stools, cash register, steaim table, pop cooler, coffee unm, $450. Cati 655-3613. BATHROOM SET - whiteJ simk, toilet, waiî cabinet, $60; child's carrier for biccle, $*t wringer wassac, $10. Cali 668-4760. Gendrom CONVERTI BLE CARRIAGE - excellent condi- tion, $35 or best offer. Cafl 668-7371. Antique LETTE? .DESK - $50; Antiqpe chaïr, $-00; eleutrie broom, $20; Luwyt cannister vacuum, $10; Cali 668-1763. Odd foam C¶JHIOV4S - foi. chesterf ietd or sofa seats, $5 ida; one kitchen stool with swing out step, $5; "enity beptch, $5; Cati 668-9009. Il' ALUMINUM BOAT- with 9.8 Sp Mercury & trailer, $800; 21" electric stove, like new, $75; boys bicycle, 8 te 12 years old, $25. Cait 668-4852. WEDDING DRESS - size 9, flber tength, vel, & juliette h»d-ý piece, $125 complete or wilit separately. Calit 723-0417 after 6 p.m. 1/4 ct. DIAMOP6D RtI3 white gold sotitare setting, appraised value $650, witi1 sacrif ice at $500. Calt 579-3094. Bisseli CARPET SWEEPER - $5; wooden door, back epine, with door knob, iock and, key, 80 x 32", $15. Calit 579-3094. Almiost Rew paie green and paie yellow MîXED SHAG - approximately 10 x 12'/a ft, plus, heavy bubbte foam underpad, $190; almnost mew deep roset pink MIXED SHAG, approximately 15'8" x 10'7", 41/' x 6Y%', plus bubble foamn underpad, $245. Calit666-1851. m S1CL- Garrard Automatic R ECOR D PLAYER - and stand witk dual speakers, ideal gift for $35. Long and short ired drapes, fromn $35-45. Calt 668-9771. r PLAYER PANO - Richtutab. century aid, needs son»repairing,, $1 ,000. Cai 6554352 evenîrgs STEREO asking $85. 4 p.m. - god.conditbowt, Cati 668-0836 afteri -PIONEER T8100 - reel to y r m ro l tape cdec , tw o sI ed ,a to- Il matic reverse, 2 4 track 2 chanel recording heads, 30-20000 HZ freqaency, $450. Cail 668-1473. 35; 2 TAPE RE-C0RDERS (one German & one Sanyo), reet to reel, asking $180 each or *best off er. Cmii 725-0848.. GUITAR '- Ventura, M-C19i V1O, 6 string, wfhard shoît case te nuw condition, exitone, $129. Il Cati 668-4206. 1. 9-pce. WESTBURY DRUJMS- Swith Ludwig heads, $550. Coli 728-2812. o0 id Solad State AMP LIFIERS 50 watts, 2 speakers, BSR K turntable, $350. Cati 655-3524. .Se GARRARD ÉL72B AUTO. isTURNTABLE ,- with dust-cover, ýbase & sure M751ED typa two ïo cartrldge, $85. 'Cali 684098 after 6 p.m. nd ask for Ken. 1 z' ;<. \V ..,~$ Free AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE M 1 S C E L L 1