Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 27 Jul 1977, p. 4

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PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS ýle-whitby wf f Voice of the County Town Mil k ERVING OVER 28,,000 READERSr ,e Burgess, Publisher-Managing Editor Commuflity Editor Published every Wednlesday Contributing Editor Production Manager Print & Promotional by M.B.M. Ptb1ishingl Manager and Photography 111C Classified Ad Manager Phone 668-611Il Circulation Manager Mailing Perm! The Free Press Building, Member 121 Brock Street North, Better Business Bu P.O. Box 206, Whitby * Ont. Whitby Chamberc -Brian Winter -Jim Quail -Marie Burgess -Robin Lyonl -Martefle Byroml -Sharon Lyonl Mit No. 460 *r of the: ureau of Toronto of Commerce iII neoiyriJ tILuy eapi - iiut'ciÎ>c.i "'u' il';'J ru - J - We don' t need a rft downtown; we must ail worlk Third and final reading of the Downtown commniendable suggestion, an( Iniprovenient by-law wvas to have occurred at late than never. He ais()ni Monday night's Council meeting, but a last remark "we're A intcrested minute deputation caused the mnatter to be nioncv ... it semns to uis yoti post-poned for at least another two nionths. buisiness for that statemneilt to A local accountant appeared before council said that his groupl wanted " claimning to be representing a group of somne 80 to drawNv into the downtown cor( 85 downtown businessmlen xvho lhad apparently this is gyoinu to be accomplis1i signed a petition he xvas bearing opposillg the tion (which is whýat the oti by-law. This group âpparently represented about trying. ith soie suiccess to( about $600,000 worth of assessients, or about (which is wliat coujîcil is tri haif of the total affeeted by the proposed by-law. nuch success). One can't help but wvonder (as did Bob Catton Ftirthcr, without huaving vocally) where these people were during the opposing, a quick assessmecnt many meetings BEFORE the proposai vas at the couincil meeting show' initiated, and AFTER the process was started. (tl1 ere were a few exceptions Further, it's interesting to note that out of ail the who do the ieast amoutit to surveys sent to the downtown businessmenl oniy somne tot at ail. eight objected ... now ail of a sudden we have 80 We're îlot suiggesting tii or 85. Improvenient Plan is thea But what bothers us the most is that soinething forcibiy unify the dow-itoi that is intended for the benefit, of ALL of the each spending a few hundred downtown merchants is in fact creating a rift betternient of the dowlîtown between the ones for, and the ones agains t the cases is a heck of a lot more ti« proposai. Whitby's downtowvn merchants have now..A.his is sonîewiiat siînilai neyer been noted for their ability to work inost miails and shopping together, especially in the area of promotion, so association organizes prom-oti this rift has probably been an easy one to crate, bis the merchants for thec either intentionally or otherwise. don't get thue situation wiî The leader of the opposition Monday nighit constantiy proniote and drai suggested that his group wouid like to prepare a nierchant ini between them cl subrnission on what the downtown needs ... a verv and goes aiong for the fce together id)roi)ably better where a few rnerch iae the very astute promotion for the Iin, m1aking more others wonl't. doni't have to be iii Besides, collecth oaplIy.1le further nioncys and concer tC SCC I1morelCpele stroniger pulhng -RPOW re .,..wC woiider 110w nerchants Whuo are1 Jied without i(>n'11>- adver(ising wilI get lier group, bas been ad each mnonth, wh do) or developuiient mierchants mnay elei ying to do without and they wvill win3l 21/2 inch ads (aboi. lookcd at the list the average classifie4 tof the 'opp)osition' ,d that the majority We shouid point s) are the businesses progressive local bu proinote theniselves, fence) who, realize t doing a reasonably iat the Downtowil ones who will suivi mnswer, but it will happens. But they' minimerchants into about. Thew strong, Sbucks a year for the have to force the o1 ii, whichi in a lot of abiiity to, band Iuan they're spending downtown as a wh r to wiuat liappens in and Say 4"too bad, 1 centres where the but we don't care Ïonal campaigns and we can't adopt this :ost. This wvay you business closes we a iere two, m-erchiants So talk to your w buines and011e if we can't gaet ti ioesn't spenci a cent public meeting calf S ride, or worse still at thc Municipal Bu 1 now.O atts are trying to do ail the whole downtown, because ve 1pooling of promotional îtrated campaigns will create ïer. For example, two hundred rorced to spend Sl 5 a year on coliectiveiy about a full page erea-,s if left on their own 50 ot to speiid $15 a year each J up with 50 two colum-n by tit five tinues the size of the :1). out thiat there are soi-e very sinesses (on both sides of the tue value of promnotion and are ygood job at it... .they're the ve regardless of what happens lre îuot the ones we're worried F)i more progressive businesses nes without the knowledge and together to work for the ioie. We can *'t sit back smugly there's another one closing up, because we're stili here".. .no, sattitude, because each time a ill lose. fellow mnerchants and let's see agether constructively -it the [d for August 1 7 at 7:30 p.m. ilding. Sea cadets need a new home Dear Sir: On July 20, 1977, a letter was received from the Departmneft of Recre- ation, for the Town of Whitby notifying the writer of the decision by the Province of Ontario to demolish the building presently occupied by the Whitby Sea Cadet Corps. The writer met with Town officiais who have endeavoured to help resettie the Corps, but unfortuifatelY, facilities operated by the Town of Whitby are- strained beyond the capacities for which they were originallY meant to be operated. Therefore, it is necessary to appeal to the public at large for the ..use of a facility in which we could train our Cadets and store the uniforms and equipment on loan to the Corps fromn the Departrnent of National Defence. UnfortuflatelY, the dead-ý line- given f.or vacating the premises is'prior to August lst, 1977.. T1his does not leave mutch be available tor a the pruper ~~içuLy t L ; uta' vvlJF .. A- time in which to find nominal rentai fee. Luse for training and not be necessary. writer at 728-3774. the sort of accomodation The Corps have been storage of equipnwint it The for-te of the Corps Yours very truly, that is required, but it is in operation for the past will eventuially becomne is to train young people J. VanderEnde hoped that interested 8 years and at the present necessary to surrender in the ways of the sea. Qiptain persons might contact time, we have an to Charter of the Corps with emiphasis or disci- Conirnanding Officer me and advise me regard- enroliment of 55 Cadets. to the Navy League of pline, cleanliness and 226RC (Sea) ce Whiitby ing facilities that might Unfortunately, Without Ontario, an action that character. Interested Reade r links psychiatry with drugsyndicates Dear Sir: Now, you also m-ust positive thing. supply of' kids,an Drug hospitals, yes, until After 30 years as a know that it is a vicious 1 have been attached aduits, to play around we get rid of the drug journalistan writer circle the wluole business to the QuakersI (Society with with their drug be nice te olnerva- with first-hand study .of psychiatry whîcli has of Frien >ds) "now for experiiments. b iei h osra and knowledge of the become an armn of the nearly twenty years. A There is no doctor, or tive governiment was also operation of the so- drug syndicates. First, century ago teQuwrs pyhr whouan i&tify gessuian" called 'mentaf' hospitals, they get the kids hooked were able to get rid of thercontinued us ofy GlenBox 281 fee î istie tattheondrusthen they keep the insane asylumthecniudueo o o 8 I felit s im tht he n rus, _r - called "mental"'hospitals. Ajax, Ont. conservatiivc goverinment went on record to deal with this scourge of modemn-day medicine. To begin with, even its own experts wili admit that young people are being put in these hospitals now mostly as a resuit of drugs. So, let's change the nlame of ail "mnental" hospitals, except the one at Penetang. which should renuain for the "cri ninally insanhet', to DRUG HIOSP'TM.LS or DRUG ABUSE 1HOSIITALS. drugs at the kids in 'the hospitals. You'll always have a repetitive rate that is alarming and, of course, will get worse. I'd like to be kind to the director of psy chiatry services in the Min istry of Health, but 1 must suggest that he be fired instead. Imagine an idiot saying that "read- mission rate can be a positive thing". 1-e must surely be insane himseif if he thinks being in any such psycho place is a Now, there are many who sec that psychiatry with its link-up with the drug syndicates, has made things worse. You will recail the many bizarre killings and senseless shootings .lîke- the one in Brampton wherc tlue drugys that the kids were taking were hardly ever mentionied by the doctors,' psychos because they want to make sure tliat 'they always have a ready I Send letters to: Box 206 Whitby Ont. LIN5SSi nted bv Whitbv residents for Whitby residents. parties please pho-ne the wf-. (,ertainlv hove will e 1- - fn(-ilitv tn

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