Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 27 Jul 1977, p. 13

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FURNITUR E BREAKFAST NOOK - ane year aId, excellent condition, orange vinyl corner bench with white trim, white arbarite extension table, new cast $299 selI for $1 50; Portable typewriter, $10; hand lawn rnawer, $10; rust davenport, $30; Colonial dining room suite, 7 pce., table needs refinishing, $200. Cali 668-1436. COLONIAL 39" BED - matching pair, complete with box spring and rnattress, $60 eeoh. Cal 655-3411. FIREPLACE - imitation, ideal for rec room, $35. Cal 668-6537. Console WESTINGHOUSE 20" COLOUR TV - $150; Hutch, 3 shelves & 3 drawers, $100; Laveseat, antique, hand carved, settier, floral scotchguard cushians, $300. CatI 668-0633. Chrome KITCHEN SET - 5 piece, $45; Chesterfield chair, $10; bath ideal for cottage. Cal 668-8267. 7 lpce. DINING ROOM SUITE - black, good condition, $150. Cati 668-7564. Sears Satid State COLOUR TV - 1 ', years aid, 12", $275. Cati 655-3287. Set of six ANTIQUE DINING ROOM WALNUT CHAIRS - need recaning, $175. Cati 666-1 395 af ter 6 p.rn. 5 piece SECTIONAL - suede look in Arbutus rust, new, $900; 3 piece walnut watt unit, with smo ked glass daors & bar campartment. new, $700; Cati 668-4317. DîNETTE SUITE- four swivel chairs, 48" round table, $125. Cati 655-4651. Victorian antique SOFA - restared ta new, aver 100 years aid, $450. Cal 655-3523. SOLID WOODEN OFFICE CHAIR - $28. Cati1 579-2939. COUCH - puli-out-bed, gaad condition, $40. Cati1 668-4042. Antique MAPLE TABLE - 'excellent condition, refinished, $125. Cati 666-1203. SINGLE BED - 728-1 224. $60; Call CHESTERFIELD CHAIR -- rnatching recliner, blue tweed, $75; 54" box springs with head boarci, $25; single bed, $15; pote amp, $10; end tables, $5 pair; Whirl-away portable dishwashei, brand new, $25; ail excellent for a cottage. Cal 668-3189 after 5 p.rn. CONSOLE TV -- B & W, good condition, $75; twmo alurninurn doors, five basernent screen & storrn windows, $50. Cal 668-5596. CHROME KITCHEN SET - 5 piece, $45; chesterfield chair, $10; bath ideal for cattage. Cal 668-8267, Colonial 5 pce. BEDROOM SUITE - excellent condition. light colaur, $450; Bell Upright PIANO, antique, $400. Cati 723-2701. ARM CHAIR - is basically sound needs recovering, $25. Cati 668-4180 between 10 a.rn. ta 5 p.m. DINING ROOM TABLE- aval, walnut, Duncan Phyffe, $275; Six matching chairs, $450. in excellent condition. Cali 576-7309. yoUrF. BED -$30. C;ali 668-4193. 40' TV MAST - with colour head and channel mnaster rotor, $100; f ireplace accessaries, grate, screen, tongs, etc. $35. Cal 668-9880. KITCHEN CUPBOARDS - including double stainiess steel sink, stove fan, lazy susan, etc. Cal723-7717. B & W TV - $150 or best offer; Portabel TV, $50. Cal 668-0744. PETS & SUPPLIES Purebred BEAGLE - 10 wks. old, had f irst set of shots, trained, $30. CatI 668-1108. GELDING HALF ARABIAN - 14 hands, 6years old, Bay & White Pinta rnarkings, very kind and gentiel has been rode, but flot recentiy, $200. Cail 294-13R3. -HORSE FOR -)mLE - can beridden.$lSO. CaIl 668-1510. IPUREBREL> GERMAN SHEPHERD - 2 years aid, $40. Cati 655-3651.________ WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 27e,1977, PAGE 13 HE LP WANTE D UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY Earn money in your spare time. Buitd your own business - part- time or f uli-time, find out more. You wiIi be interested. Cati 655-4376 after 6 parn, ATTENTION: l'Il set an honest person up in a high incomne sales and service business for motorisis. This business repeats year after year. No money required tu start. Car required. Appiy to Harold McKnight, 65 Broc k Street, Oshawa, Phone 579-4385. AvoH ... WHERE YOU CAN BE YOURSELF! ..where success in selling cornes naturaliy. No special 'selling personality required- just be yourself. These two words can Iead to a rewarding Avon career in an area near you. Call: 683-7521 FOR RENT WHITBV - 3 bedrourm upper duplex apartment, fridge and stove, parking, S275 month. Availabie September lIst. Cali 666-1847. APARTMVENT FOR RENT - 2 bedreom, heat and hydre included, $230 menthiy (free parking). Apply 534 Dundas St. E., No.2-. SWIMMING POOLS TO RENT - Wiii lease and instail for home- owners, famiiy size aluminum swimrning pool with patio. Choice of styles meeting al fencing regulations on a one, twio or three year rentai basis with option ta own. Try befare you buy! Cali coilect an!timfe 1-416-663-9508. FOR SALE_ Quaiity 14' & 16' handmade CANOES - different colours, miner defects. Cai 723-2401 after 6 p.m. TOOLS Brand new, neyer used, ail narne brand, Westward Gray ITC etc. on Snap On, professianat, guaranteed by manufacturer, clearing out at less than haif price. Hydraulic floor jacks, bottie jacks, car stands, vices, socket and wrench sets (mnetric and standard), tap & die set, pipe wrenches, impact toals, drill presses and rnany other hand tools for plumbers, carpenters and handymen. Caîl 683-1753. AUCTION SALE Household furniture and antiques. The property of Mr. Roy Morley, 6th Concession of Whitchurch, 11/ miles north of Bioormngton, Saturday Juiy 3th at 12 noon. Terrns cash, no reserve. Norrn Fciulkner and Eg-l Gauslin, Auctioneers. SWIMMING POOLS - 1977 models slightiy scratched in transport. Fully warranted, complete wth pu mp metor, f ilter, f encing, wai kway and deck. Suggested retail price, $2295. Availabe at in-season special of $1288. Cai now for eariy installation. Cal collect anytime, 1-41 6-663-9508. SERVICES CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS Kiteliens, Ceramic Tiling, Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES - Cail!668-4686 FULLER BRUSH CO. FOR VOUR FULLER REQUIREMENTS CALL FAY DREW 668-9915 WANTED TO BUY dishes, glass, china, dol Is, dlocks, jewelry, etc. Must be old. Cali 668-0055 days and 668-6519 even ings. HIGHEST PRîCES Paid for GoId and Silver coins, old guns, dlocks, jewelry, dishes, furniture, crocks, oil paintings and sealers. Friendly Flea Market 725-9783 23 King West, Oshawa 7 LAWS 0F SUCCESS Details 25 cents and self- addressed stamped envel- ope to S.A. 286 Saguenay, Apt. No. 2.. Oshawa, Ont. SWEET CORN NEW POTATOES and tiier vegetabies. New ready. KEITH BELL FARMS Myrtie Rd. 5, 1 mile east of No. 12 Hwy. apprax. 3 mites north of Brookiin)» 655-3326 Closed Sundays WHITBY RUG & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING CO. The professional people in steam cleaning carpeting. vve specialize in chesterfieldr1g cleaning. Aiso, Van's, mobile homes, auto upholstery. Free pick Lip & delivery on loose rugs, chesterfields, chairs. Reasonable rates. Phone 666-1222 in Port Perry COUNTRY SUNSHINE antiques, books, glassware, arts & crafts. Hwvy. 7A, 145 Scugog St., Port Perry, Ont. 655-4776 AUCTION SALE Saturday, August 6 at 1 p.m. of household furniture and antiques. The property of Mr. Thomas Bell, 145, Alva St. Port Perry, Ont. Second side street South of the lights and turni right. Pine blariket box, ice box, hardwood chairs, Victorian chair, easy rocker, chest of drawers, dresser. bed, box spring and mattress, table, upright freezer, fridge, stove, clectric floor polisher and hand polisher Chesterfield and chair (goadi, desk and chair, lamps, AM/FM radio-stereo, record cabinet and. records, cupboards, stool, folding picnic table, card table, crib and rnattress, quilts, dishos, jars, table-sawv (Timkin) with motor and attachments, garden cultiva- tor. lawn rnover, fertilizer spreader, tools and rnany more- itemns. Lunch Available. No reserve. Terms cash or cheque. John Pearce, Auctioneer, Port Perry, 416-985-7492.' AUCTION SALE of household furniture and collectible items. The property of Mrs. Joncs, 35 Allanadale St., Markham, Thursday, July 28th at 6:00 p.m. Terms cash, no reserve. Norrn Faulkner and EarI Gauslin, Auctioneers. recently suggested that the marijuana question could easily be settled by a joint session of Congress. M K SNOWMOBI LE has moved in new location r,.-;r of 357 Bloor St. E., Oshawa Buying Used Paperbacks PIum HoIIow Books 135 Brock St.South 668-1221 Household Realty SECOND MORTGAGES No bonuses No brokerage fees No finder's fees FAST SERVICE Corne on in or cati the nearest office of Household Finance Ask for Mortgage Services lWhitby Mali Shopping Centre, Whitby 11 723-8101 BUY AT REASONABLE PRICES GAS'. DIESEL FUEL .MOTOR DIL Prompt Delivery Out of towvn please caîl collect OIL- WHITBY 668-3381 WUNNER Whltby Downtown Business &Profosslomuls Assoiation Sidowalk Sale Draw SkyLarkeý' Holidays & Russeli Travol Trip for 2 Poggy Stahlbaum 114 Michael Blvd. Whitby unique fiow-over process ne dip tanks or coustics used AT MmccNeU'rs Antiques muiUpholstery ANTIQIUES and OLDER Furniture Bought & SoId 'Pu ys to r-upholstor yourfumlitulm" 413 DuMda.Ste E.# Whi¶yo OGtu sus. 008-5481 Asuffl5 PUNCH LINE TH~ Po ESMAARr )ITI ClANS' WIOU SHALT TI-YSELF. [Aut Servic is ,FIEC79'OV/C I/Ã"W/77OAl- 77Ile~~M .PLC~ OF 7-T/, I/C A1 /7M'l&r F7f77:10 A14Cl'e7l7C F?ýIlP <2F ý'7//FP/2kIPCO/u- ANLQ 7u7FF Pë?mm41Vr MWAc9lVF7r 7/Fe / 'RP7O~Aé 7éAIM/77TeP IVe4i9Y &ON7fflOi- L'N7- 77-ff702F7h0 f'Z-5ee .e/6WAL A 77?AN-r/G7O>/e -r 9ee,~4k 77/ lIlI IIlf 1-OW- Vo-70 Auo h V POLTA6PefO ,01 1 X/-7 SAVE ENERGY NOW' Stay cooler in summer, warmer in winter... INSULATE NOW By addîng RAPCQ FOAM to your watts and cavities or by adding cellulose fibre to your attic. Residential - Commercial - Industrial KMP INSULATIONS Whitby, Ont. 668-1877 il PUNCH UNE OF THE WEEKj

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