Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 20 Jul 1977, p. 7

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PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 1977, WHITBY FREE PRES Meadowcrest Baptist Chuirch will lîe sponsoring a daily vacation Bible Sehool every miorning froin 9:30 until 11:30 for the week of July 25 to 29. The Bible School will provide progranîs for three different age groups, pre-prinmary which Is rou~ages 4-6 years, primnary for 7, 8 and 9 year olds, and junior for children aged 10-12 year old. On t11e Thursday eveninig of this Bible Sclhool week (the 231h) a famnily nighit will be hield, - It should be a good evening where the 'children will provide much of the entertainmnent in song, puppetry, and skits. Please cali Pastor Foley at 655-4554 if you wishi further informiation. M:ty I acld Ihat this Bible Sehool is free of charge and open 10 everyone. Don't forge t about the Travelling Puppet Show thal will FISHER REFRIGERATION SERVICE Repairs to Alil Makes Freezers - Refrigerators - Air Conditioners We Recharge Automobile Air Conditioning 20 QUEEN STREET BROOKLIN, ONTARIO 655-3233 BROWNÀ'S BROOKLINI ONTARIO P NORTH W*KUTBY DEILIVÈRY AT NOMINAL CHARGE 3 BIG DAYS presenit two lirst-rate puppet shows (on a Punchi & Juidy adaption) at the Commnunity Centre in Brooklin on Friday, July 29, aI 10: 30 a.m. Your local lihrary is sponsoring Ibis show and il will delighit chiildren of aIl ages. Try to arrive in good liielfor Ibis special event. Speaking of special events, it looks as if tlhe Whitby Fire Departiment is planning a number of themn for Brooklin in conjoniction with the Counhy Town Carruival weekend. Latest information is thal there wîil be a Beer FesI ini Brooklin Arena on Friday Jiîly 29 and a dance starting at 8 p.mi. Salurday, July 30 there willbe a great bed race along Winchiesher near the arena --I was unable to reach the man in charge so l'm îîot sure of the exact location -- check next. week and final details will be available. Thlese races will bc in the afternoon. Sal urday, fr001 noon on, thiere wilI be a Beer.Fest in the Brooklin arena with local entertaininent 'HONE 655-45*21 STORE HOURS OPEN SIX OAYS A WEEK 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. EX('EPT THURS & F Ri NIGHJS 'TIL 9 p.rn. Thurs. JuIy 21 to Sat. JuIy 23 i saxwdn Hose RIOASTED COFFEE -LU BAG 3.69 FLEECY FABRIC SOFTINER j7f-ZJUG 1B69 GAINESBURGERS BEEF DM6 FOOD 2-PACKAGE 2.49 E Oý SMITH 19FL OZTI APPLE PIE FiIing 75c MITCHE'LLS B FANCT T194L OZ IN APPLE SAUCE 4.5c SIOKELYS TA FL O I IIONET POD Peas 37c We Are Agents For 24-1Oo z .D ie t - 2.29 24-100oz.Regular- 2,57 12-300oz. Regular- 2.99 Refundable Deposit for Boutles & Case, 3.00 TANG ORANGE FLAVOUR CRYSTALS 2î xc 7-oz KE LLO GG'S CORN FLAKES pkg 6 BERRY BOX PECTIN JAMS i o . Bnym ASPOIRY 24 c fl-oz Jar 89 IVORY LIQUID 32-ff-ai Sottie 1.19 RED ROSE ICED TEA MIX 24-ai. Tin $1,.99 KING IZE -LAUNDIY sLB BOA TIDE Detergent $2.49 RER PRICCI;2 09 PAIC I" " BOUNCE Pkq aof 40 $2. 09 WRITE SWAN SERVIETTES Pkg.aifB0 99C TOQERRABTI CRESI 150MILTUBE $1.59 SPF IK DEODORANT MENNEN 75 G,- $139 PLAITIC PACKAGE of 60 CURAD Bandages $1.29 CLUB 810)5E " qro CONTAINER SEASON - ALL 69C Swifts Skinîess WIENERS 16-ai Pkg. 79C GLAD GARBAGE BAGS 1O's $1 .09 CLARK'S CONDENSED HE Z TOMATO ASSORTED -SRIE SO0U P Baby Foods 10 Fi. Qi F E 41/ F.Oz. f' Tins $1 Jats 0 $ SKIN CREAM $1-19 PERSONL SUERACKAG.E MI IvORY SOAP 79C LTON ON A Q «TIPS Pkqsof 54 39C HOEYDEW 1DRINK OZCONTAINER ORANE DIINK 59c RUETBOSTON 16OZ PACKAGE B9LUEFISH Fillets 89c YORK BRANDSi 1102 PACKAGE GREEN BEANS 3 3 HIHL NER- FAMILY TIllE 3.07 PÀCKAGE FISH Portions $199p on hand to hellp you while away a pleasant afterlo)f. in the cvening (8 p.m-.) a Pyjama Dance in the Brooklifl arena wiIl run by the Whitby Fire Departient and a good D.J. As in the tradition of past years it will colnplete.with a Pyjama Parade round about the townl later in the evenlflg. The Whitby Fire Department have shown theruiselves to be a good spirited group of men who are interested in their commrunity and in having a good lime. Brobklin appears, to be ini for a really good fun Courîty Town Carnival Week- end! If you've been trying to eall me and been unable to get an answcr - I'ni sorry. I've been away. However please try again now! Ilave a good week. Valerie 655-4317. There's lots of activity hi West Lynde The West Lynde Coin- niliiiiy Association reports a busy and active year in ils June newslelter. President Jin Mitchell reports that Central Park is now in the final phase of conipletion, wihh landscaping, walkway and lighting proceed-, ings on sehedule. In bis report he endorses the council's recent actions in passing a bylaw to regulate miotorcycles in parks, and the "poop and scoop" bylaw which requ ires dog owflers 10 dlean up after their animais whien on public properly. Mr. Mitchell lias suggestecl Ihat the a ssociation have a communihy family picnic at Jeffrey Street and Mfichael Boulevard, sometime in August. Anyone who wants to volunleer for work on Ibis project rmay caîl him ah 668-1 379. The association also requires a secretary ho be appoinled to the'executive. Anybody interested rnay cal Mr. Mitchell. Gerry Hill, membership chairman, reports thal in the spring the West Lynde Comnuînity Association had an inecase of 66 members, bringing the total of 670 out of 869 homes. He reports thiat some people hav 'e expressed the opinion that the association is only a political organization, and says this is not true. "The association's purpose is: (1) To foster community spirit in the area of West« Lynde, (2) To sponsor social and recreational activities, progranis and projeets for the community, and (3) To co-ordinate commnunity rela- tions with various govern- mental bodies, other com- munity associations, and service organizations", says Mr. Hill. On June 16, a film on aluminum. wiring, a hot tapie amnong new homeowners, was shown at a general meeting of teassociation. In the area ot social activities, the association is planning to hold a "Jeans On"~ dance at Heydenshore Pavil- ion, Aug. 20 froni 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. Tickets are available by calling Karen at 668-2244, AI at 668-1173, Sharon at 668-5096, Tony at 668-6130, or Lyn at 668-6467. The dance tèatures Uhe Moth Bail Mo-Jo Band. The last limie this band appeared, tickets were sold out thre weeks in advance. This summner dance is in lieu of a corn roast originally planned for August. The West Lynde Corn- mnunity Association is spon- soring a ladies' softball teamn for the first timne this year. A piclure of the team and a list of its rnembers appeared in the June 22 issue of thc Frce Press. Attemrpts are being made to also have a rnen's softball hearu. Anyone interested in participating miay caîl the association's recreation direc- lor Lynn MeCrossan ah 668-6467. Mrs. McCrossen is also startiiig an exercise class on Monday, and Wednesday miornings from 10 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. at the park at Jeffrey Street and Michael Boulevard. She would like to hear fromi anyone interested in participating. Because of the construction work in Central Park this summier, the Whiàtby Recrea- tion Departmnent has arrangcd to hold its summer play- ground program at the Kiddy Care Centre across from West Lynde School. R EN T CAR!I " * Cou rtesy Value atfactiofl SHORT RIB ROASTS 69ci Cut f rom Canada Grade "A' Beef Blade Roasts CLIT FROM CANADA GRADE "A" BEEF 7c91b Blade Steaks CtsoOLAi COCNUICRIMES 40011- BAC WESTON Biscuits 89c CUT FROM CANADA JUINIORFODS '0"A"GRADE "A" BEEF MIRACLE WHIP SALAD DRESSING 16 FI Or. Jar 79C ST. LAWRENCE CORN OIL 25 FI. zQi fi9 9c 8 White Swan TIS4SUE 2-Roil PIEg 5c Large Suze 2/49t Ontario Grown No. 1 Celery Large Stalks 494 FOO'DMASTE R SWIFT PREMIUM a 07 PACKAGE1-, -, MAPLE LEAF BOWN N SERVE ORIGINAL RRm Atr IE EVON BRAND - RINDLESS Perfect for Summer Meais ema SMOKED Sausage__99c Bacon P~*48 NDPBAINCK BACPRTON MAPLE LEAF Famiy Pak 2-oz Sze 2 Lt) Pkg! PERFECT FOR THE BARBECUE 1 EIM l $1.*79 ii $1.8 H MSteakettes 1 .891' Ground Beef88 c' CHUCK R Fullfy ( > RANCH STLE 8V THEPIECE SWIFT PREMIUM 6-OZ PACKAGE SHOULDER STEAKS CoUe c jo 0 9eaU RI A ND - Cooke ,AI i~IU '7 fuii.9R ..ANA t 88 lC L N Il

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