Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 15 Jun 1977, p. 4

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PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15, 1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS whïtby Voice of. the Cou nty Town Mil, The only Whitby newspaper independently owned and oper SERVING OVER 28,000 READERS <e Burgess, Publisher-Managing Editor ..4JL..A W t*ti .... - a. tC-- ..t. ..- rieuu D ynitILuy îe'siaeiiits ur rvnuy resiuenrs. Community Editor Published every Wednesday Contri butlng Editor _ Production Manager Print & Pro motional by M.B.M. Publishingi Manager and Photography Ine. Classif ied Ad Manager Phone 668-6111 -circulation Manager Mailing Permil The Free Press Building, Member 121 Brock Street North, Better Business Bu P.O. Box 206, Whitby, Ont. Whitby Chamber c -Ban witer -Jim iQuail -Marie Burgess -Robin Lyon -Marlene Byrorfl -Sharorn Lyon t No. 460 c f the: ureau of Toronto of Commee Don't yuu forget Whithy, Mr. Ashe Last Thursday, a change of representation took place in Durhain West Riding, when Pickering Mayor George Ashe of the Progressive Conservatives defeated incumnbent NDP memnber Dr. Chartes Godfrey. Mr. Ashe cornes to provincial polities witli a keen understanding of the miunicipal affairs in the Durham Region. He served for several years as deputy reeve of Pickering Townsliip 0o1 the old Ontario County Couincil, and since October 1973, lias been Miyor of Pickering on the Durhiam Region Council. As Mayor of Pickering, Mr. Ashe lias gone ali-out to strengthen Ibis inunicipality, and at limes has been critical of decisions which ifavored Whitby over Pickering. At election time, liowever, he said lie would figlit for the enitire Durham 'Nest ridingy and iiot just his homne town. Mr. Ashe will have to expand bis thinking to include Whitby in his representation, especialîx' since it was tlie vote of Whitby residents thant determined his wifl. He lias an obligyation now to represent flot just Pickering, but Ajax and Whitby as well. .t will be interesting to see how he makes this transition. We congratulate Mr. Ashe on his election win, and hope that he will keep in mind the interests of Whitby when lie goes to Queen's Park. His understanding of regional go ierniment shou Ic serve him well there to point out to the province the problems tliat exist riglit here in Durham Region, the creation of the govern ment lie is joining. To Dr. Godfrey we offer our regrets at his loss, but also thank himn for his representation of the Durham West riding since September 1975. His work to bring about an inquiry into the operation of the Whitby Psychiatrie Hospital may prove to be his most important legacy left to our town. Thanks for support Dear Sir: 1 have been very remiss in nothaving written this letter sooner. However, on behaif of the Brooklin- Whitby Consolidated Building Corporation Juvenite Representative Team, t would like to express our appreciation of the coverage given otir team during the past hockey season. The boys lookeci forward each week tu sue- ing their narnes in print and this in turn proved to be a goocl morale booster. Once again our "thanks" for past favours. Yours truly, Brooklii-Witby C. B.C. Represen tative Teati G.-rd Kinzie Maniager 706 Clarence Dr. Whitby. Th e poor and jobless are pawns in Que bec power struggle Dear Sir: What is happening in Quebec is a power struggle headed by Levesque and a group of intellectuals, some of tliem confirmed ** communists who are uising the poor and joblfcss as pawns in their game of deceit and blackmail. As a fourth generation Canadian dedicated to the pres-.rvatîon of Canada 1 arn shocked by the almost daily reports of wliat thé, Federat government is doing blinidly to aid and comn- fort the separatists. Firstly, there can be no doubt in anybody's mind any more that the avowecl goal (if the PQ is to destroy Canada as a nation. A separate Quebec faced with imm-ense uneniploymnent and social problemis coLlId turn into anotlier Cuiba. 1 have said for years that the bilingual issue was a facade and woLîlc do notbing to solve the problem. The real issues are economnic! t is for this reason that the PQ want, to have an econormie union with what is left of Canada after they destroy it. They want their cake and eat it too. Aiding and abcttinig thieir caUse is the Truîdeau govern- mrit by spendinig millions uipon millions for ilow governinenit offices in Quebec-tlhat wiIl fai11 ntoi the aiîds of' the separcitists upon sep,:ira- t iol - The rement announice- nit by Ottawa that 15,000 civil servants will be inoved to Quebec along with 11t major clepart- nits is an econornie set back to the city of Ottawa, faced witli the vacancy of 4 million sq uare feet of office space. Suchi massive movemient of federal departnients to QLebec nluîst have the PQ smliling to them1-selves. Not long ago the federal govertnment annotînced a niew $200 million build- ing for Montreal to liouse amiong other thlings-the passport office. No doubt for the peo ple Ieaving thie f.4country" of Quebec, as LevesqLîe likes to caîl it. The tast straw in the power struggle with Ottawa is the PQ demnands for final word or n immi- gration. What this mneans is that the separatists would have fuît power over who can enter Qtiebec...like a Berlin watt. Suchi a discriinii- natory power grab could in the long run bç raciatly oriented. You cannot caînii a hiungry tiger with a smnalt iorset of nmeat anymore than you can satisfy the separtists with tid-bits of federat mioney or power. Whien At the rhetoric lias silencedi and thie power struggle reachies its final stages the real power to keep Quebec ini Canada will corne frorn Washiing- ton ... not Ottawa. Lt will be the mnighty U. S. econornic power that will decide' the future of **N te : V eteran newsmani Larry Henider- son (former CBC Nýitional News) lias niamed a number of key people in the PQ party anid govern- ment that are avowed cornmunists. He gave a complete profile on thern from personal knowledge on his CHFI commentary April 27/77. Dean J. Kelly, President, Association of Dedicated Canadians, One Nation-Sea to Sea, Box 1000 Port Perry, Ontario. A P/i /qc 7~O/A<1V

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