PAGE 4, WEDNESI)AY, MAY 18, 1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS whitby Voice of the Cou nty Town mi The only Whitby newspaper inidependently owned and ope iERVING OVER 28,000 READERSi e Burgess, Publisher-Managing Editor rateci by VVfitDy residents forlIity residents. Community Editor Ptiblishied every Wednesday Conitrîbuting Editor Production Manager Print & Promotional by M.B.M. Publisliing Manager and Pliotography iC. Classified Ad Manager Phone 668-61 Il " Circulation Manager Mailing Permit The Free Press Building, Member 12411 Brock Street North, Better Business Bui P.O. Box 206. Whitby, Ont. Whitby Chamber o -BanWvinter -Jim Quail -Marie Burgess -Robin LYofl -Marlene BVrom, -Sharon LYOfl t No. 460 of the:1 ureau of Toronto "Prospecti"v.e candi*date" old, us he was ,in the, race Dear Sir: First let mie thank your paper for the equal coverage you are giving each paliticai party ini this provincial election. BLut as an active Liberal Party mnember for înany years here 1 must ask you ta correct a misappre- hension that hias been carried about mie as a prospéèctive candidate for the Liberals in Durhiam West. The error, which lias flot appeared in ail the local papers, cornes fromi a story in The Toronto Star which said that I announced being a candi- date. Perhiaps you miay have an inexperienced reporter or two arouind who pick up tbings fromi The Star without check- ing. Here are the facts: James Farquhar of Ajax who is the current president of the provincial riding executive here asked me to make such an annoLInce11ient after Joe Bugelli of Whitby made an annouincemient. 1 chose flot ta do so0 until I knew whiat the eîitire picture was locally amiong Liberals. Mr. Farquzhar implied that Mr. Buggeli was the only candidate at that tirne last week. Dear Editor: Woicî you please print [bis letter and direct its' contents ta tbe cbiairnian of tbe Region of Durham. Mr. Water Beath. Mr. Beath: Please correct mie if l'mi wrong. but how cani the budget for a vital service like the police departm-ent be reduced ta a point where the ciosing of the Whitby Station between the hours of 5:00 p.mi. and 9:00 a.m. is war- ranted whevm, at the sanie timne, an addition to the Durham Regional Head- quarters is recommnended at an annu-ai addi[ional burden ta, the taqpayers of $217,499.00? (As quoted fronui the 'Whitby Free Press" May 4/77). This questionable expense would more than caver the S45,666.00 chiopped froni tlhe police budget this year forbing the "Office I-tours" oper- ation of the Whitby Police Station. i have yet to sce any memiber of However, Mr. F-arqu- har's wife told me wheni 1 camne ta attend on Mr. Farquhar again, also thiat Desmiond Newman would not be running fo r 4'bpersonal" reasons wbich I siall ot go into in the public press. Mr. Farqu- har also said that Mr. Newman hiad tried ta get the 'Conservative Party nomination, which is quite possible .as sorne people do switch parties. But over thie weèkend 1 learned frorn the region- aI Liberal whip appointed by Stuart Smith for tlhe Eastern Ontario regian that Desmionci Newman is likely ta run and tlbat the "personial" reasan wasn't seriauis enougb ta prevent him fro m runn ing. 1 amnibappy ta hear tliat and wiîsh Desnioncl Newman ev-erv success in his cani paigni for tbie nomiination. But ' niust add that1 have neyer seen tbie Ontaria) Liberal Partv at the organizatianal level at su ch a low state, since Stuart Smnitbi toak over ancl put biis people in charge in ail thie ridfings. Thie tactics are all-too reminiscent of Amierican wardl-bee['politics which 1 have seen ini operatian, bathi as a journalist and Regianai Staff' forced ta set Limp office in the streets due ta lack of- office space. Tbey couldn't any\vay. i'arali thie pothoies! I amn fairly confident thait i f thle taxpayers, especialiy Witby tax- payers, were given the choice [biey would rather see a sm-aîler addition if any ta tbe regianai headquar[ers and a police station that is open 24 hours a day. After ail, whio ever heard of a town of 30,000 people plus without a police station. You say we stili have a 9-5'er? What about next year'? One [bing is for sure. we'Il still fiave the pot haies! Yours very truly, Leonlard C. Myette, 342 Rosed.-le Dr. Wîitby. P.S. To Thle Editor: Keep p th de good work. I tboroughiy enjoy the editorial page! personally. It migbit be possible ta understand and exp)ect thiat fronm timie ta time in politics. althougb I1 abhior it, but the Ontario Liberal Leader seemis bent on a course af' suicide for the party in tbis province. Now, that mnay miake Stephenl Lewis biappy whio will pick up pierbiaps the reformi-minded Liberals, and there are nmany, but it sure cloesn't help our party for tbe future. i hiad tbe cdubiaus pleasure ai' hearing Stuart Smitb Mien lbe launcbied biis canipaigfi in 1-llib Park - Parkdale last Thursday andi A we got l)ezr Editor: I WouLId like ta coin- Illent an1('ounIcillor Joy Thiom plson 's speecb wbiclb wvas pubiished in [lhe May I i issuIe af the F:ree Press, on thle Simbject af' *'I)LuSII ing Our Cide Personally, I1 cîon*t [hink the ('ounciliar vas voteci inta tbis Iposita tell us biow ta raise aur chilciren - First. I wouici like ta refer ta bier criticai view of minor sports. Minor sparts r.0t only gives the ci iId an interest. buIt bIeipS bUildcl cliaracter a nd gives tbemn a sense ao' self respect. It also mnakes tbiem competitive an cl \vlen aOur cbildren enter the businless worid. coin- petition coLci very' weiI be a major factor ta tbieir success ()r failure. l tbink tlhe part ao' the Couinciliars speech wbicli Dear Mr. Burgess: Just a note* of appre' ciatian for the excellent assistance giveni the South Durhiîm Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society by your uiewspap)er. The fa ct that aur re[Lirns for aur residentiai camipaign are considerab- ly tmp over last year ai was a lot of "Psycho- speak" whichi in ordinary language means double- talk abouît the stupidity of having elections. 1 stili believe in the worth of individual choice ancd honest carnpaigns Mien tbey start. The tricks of' ian ipulati ng candidates shouid have no place in aur dlemacracy. I 1wili Continue ta sup- port refornms in the Liberal Party andl may be a candidlate federalIv or pravincially, but it wauld be a lot casier for Ailoai us if Stuart Snith camne riglit aut and said wbaitlbe reaflly thinks, then patential candidates, worried iime thelieost xvas about the l'atbier pushing bis son ta go ta univer- sity. Mben [lhe Council- lor was critical of [bis, saying, "W\e lbave alot ao' unenipioyed university grad s", 1 was sbaockecl! If the Cauniflior tbinks this way maybe slie shauld put a motion f'or- ward ta hlave ail tbe universities shut clown. As a îierson wba blas sucb in fluence andI aut[borit y as Cauncilior Tbanipsan does, suie niust remienber tbat pairents are miot just raising cbildren, but miak- inlg tbe i'uture! l11 con1cIlusion, WI uI like [a sayiay Tbiompisoni is a \veli resl3ectecl and com pIetanlt CounIci lor,buit shie is not a P'a reniital1 Guidance Teacbier. Lets keep it [bat way! Yours truiy, M. W.Rse. [is time, undoubtedly relates t[a t[lie fine assistance given uis by aur area media. Again many thanks for your splendid hielp. Simcerely, J. Kirkconnel, Publicity Chairnian, South Durhani Unit. could decide themnselves if they will run behind a leader lîke that. Yours very truly, Glenn Julian. EDITOR'S NOTE' Thank you, Mr. Julian, for clarifying the issue regarcing your running as Liberal candidate for Durbamn West in the current provincial elec- tia n. However, we wouîd like ta remnind you tliat you informed aur Pub- lisher and Managing Editor Mike Burgess, in lis office, some three weeks. ago, that you were indeed seeking the Liberal nomination in Durham West. We did not need the Toronito Star ta tell us what you already told us yourself. Cons umers take action on aluminum wire issue Open Letter To The Citizenls in Duirhai'n Region On May 4, 1 977 Ontario Condoiiniuni Corporation No. 1 3 was fortunate enougb ta bave speaking at aur General Meeting, Gar-y I-leigbington - co-founder of the "Alumiini iii ire Home Owners Action" and Bab Jarabek - Resear-cler and founder ai' "Con cerned . Con- sumlers Founidationi" in Ot ta wa. I t'eei it is af Lutrnost importance thiat ail other owners ai' bouses using aîuminumi wiring be macle aware of the risks they are runnIIing. In aur Condomniniumn alonle we biad several buirn-offs and l'ive resulting fromi sparks. Mr. Ed Croucb - Cliief af' the Whitby Fire Dept. bias stated publicly tlhat lie bias knowîedge of fires caulsed by aluinumiii connections, and yet, the Ontario Hydro, the Canaclian Standards Thanks from "Trees for Canada" Dear Sir: Trees l'or ('anada Commlittee, Boy Scouts of Canada, Whitby District would like ta take [bis opportunity ta tbank youir newsjiaper for [he fie coverage provided for aur plan[ing day on May 7, 1977. We aiso express aur tlianks ta tbe Recreation Departmient,' Town of* Wbiitby, lbeacied by Mr. Wayne Deveau for supply- ing [lhe trees andI planting aras, Mayor J imi Gamt- shore l'or bis presence and support of [bis wortbi- wbiie projcct, antiall residents of tlhe Town of Whitby andi surrouncling connuinities wha sip- ported [ble Scouting Movemient witb their pleciges. Speciýal tbanks ta the following persans; witbi- ouit their efforts Trees l'or Canada woulcl not biave beenl the success [bat it wýas: - Mr. and M rs. Wmi. Ginter, Mr. Russ Wilde, Mr. Johin Ward, Mr. R. McDonald, Mr. R. Verryd[, Miss MaUreen Fitzgerald, miembers of the District Staff and District Cou ncil and ail the boys andtI heir parents for their timne and effort. Sincereiy, Bill Peareîî', Don Calder, Co-Chairnien, Trees for Canada (hrniiîttee, Boy Scouts of Canada, Wiitby District. Association (CSA) and thie Ministry of Consumrer & Commiercial Relations colîitinuLe ta deny it is possible. Tbis is Llquestionably because it would cost close ta a billion dollars ta c)rrect this blunder, and they feel it is more worfhiwhile ta fighit it in court. After aIl, imnagine what exhorbitant fee it would cost you as an individual ta pursue the matter. TPus, the Aluminumn Wire Homneowners Action was formied and with rnounlting support are about ta launch a class- action ta recover all expenlses you will incur by hiaving connections changed ta make your homne safe ta live iii. Thiis class-action is similar ta the one recently won by "Rusty Ford" owneis. There are about fTive liundred electrical con- nections in the average homne and any onie of theni mnay start a fire if aluiniinuîn lhas been tised. It isni't niecessary that you be usinig the faulty receptacle or heater whien fire occurs. There is strengthi numibers andl they need your support ta get results. Foir your own protection and furthier informnation please write: Aliminum Wiring Homne Owniers Action, Box 424, Braniipton, Ontario, L6V 2L4. AND Concerned Consumner Founidation Imc. Boxý 8566, Ottawa, Ontario, KIG 3H9 (Mrs.) Debbie Gayler 580 Mary St. E' No. 115 Whitby, Ont. Councillor was -not voted in to tell how to raise children Cut back headquarters addition expenses to keep police station open Cancer Society thanks the Free Press staff a- mur' lembb- ike