Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 18 May 1977, p. 2

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PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS 32 Hlenry Hligh students visi*t Corning Glass Cen tre Thirty-two students l'rorn reccntiy toured the Corning York. The Glass Centre collection, considered mi10et porary applications of* glass, Finally, the g'oup vis Henry St. 11gli School, Glass Centre at Corniing, New oncned in 195 1, . aud it Hie finest ini the world. as well as its oftcn.ncont rIdir¾ the Steuhen factory wI WANTEDI I "REWARD" C. B. Radio* JIM "DISCOU NT" MAITLND PR ESENT "POSTER" AT TIME OFPU RCHASE YOUR FIRSI PAYMENI JUNE 201H17 74 FORD !/ TON PICKUP thoroughiy rL~conditioned, T35 977 $2995. 73 T-BIRD, fuliy Iuxury equipped, oniy 47,000 miie5. AUC 140?? 74 MONTE CARLO, factory air, spotiess throughout. LXJ 140?? 72 MAVERICK, 2 dr., 6 cyl., auto., 2 yr. warranty. FBP 782 $1295, 74 PONTIAC PARISIENNE BROUGHAM, factory air,' must be seen. JCH 002. 76 GRAND LE MANS WAGON, woodside panetling, oniy 12,000 miles. KPO 761. $4595.1 76 CHEVELLE MALIBU Fuit Price $2495.00 8 cyl., auto., Power ot $518 equipped. 84 nest 1. 1 KIN OR. E. PICKERIN jurencts thîe story of glass--ils art, history andi manufacture. TFli group visitcd its thr-e sections: The Coring Muscu 17 of' Glass; the H all of Science and lIndustry; andthte Steuben tactory. Thiey saw an ad glass as 01(1 as 3500 years, and mee 1o the largest pieces* of' glass ever mnade -- 'the original casting ef the 20-toit '19 200-inclb rnirror disk whiclî foriais thelic eart of the H ale telescope at Mt. Palînar ini Californiia. Thiey vicwed glass fromn the Museuni's I 5,000-picce_ Exhibi ts, visitor-ope rated displays, and filmis in tlhe Scienice I laIt demonstrated the .extra,,ordiniary rantge of contern- tory prol)erties. Tbey watched ia lamnpworker lhandfaishion smiall glass animiais over an open flaîîîci. ;ited le re they observed the hand- forming and engraving of brilliant crystal glas.s. Craft contest open to senior citizens In li()nour ofl Qucen Elizabcîhi's Silver Jubilee and the Couinty Town Carnival the Opt-Mrs. Club cf Wliitby will be sponsoring a "Crafi Conitest" for the senior citizens of Whitby. Two sets, of twenty-five THAPAR DENTURE THERAPY CLIN!CP% 214 !)undciç St. F. ¶2Jh"iby HI THEREI We are interested in YOU. We need peop?'., to volunteer with the retarded. Day and Evening programs. Cai 668-7745, Ext. 435 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Babysitting availabie! ýgPROCLAMATION Ontaio 0F WHICH ALL PERSONS ARE ASKEO TO TAKE NOTICE AND TO GOVERN THEMSELVES ACCOROINGLY 1405 IN OBEOLENCE TO HER MAJESTY'SWRIT 0F ELECTION, OIRECTEO TO ME FOR THE EL.ECTORAL DISTRICT 0F DURHAM WEST FOR THE PURPOSE 0F ELECTING A PERSON TO REPRESENT THE VOTERS IN THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY 0F ONTARIO, PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 0F THEFOLW G NOMINATION 0F CANDIDIATIES THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1977 ~ ~ 1 136 COMMERCIAL AVE. AJA X - 3 P.M., E.D.T. REVISION 0F THE LIST 0F VOTERS '".cc MONDAY, MAY, 23 il A.M. - 1 P.M - 5 P.M.- 9 P.M EDT TUESDAY, MAY, 24 il A.M. - 1 P.M - 5 P.M.- 9 P.M. E.D.T. WEDNESDAY, MAY, 25 il A.M. - 1 P.M - 5 P.M.- 9 P.M. E.D.T. THURSDAY, MAY, 26 il A.M. - 1 P.M - 5 P.M.- 9 P.M. E.D.T. MAY, 27 il A.M. - 1 P.M - 5 P.M. - 9 P.M. E.D.T. SATURDAY, MAY 28 9 P. m., E. D.T. NS'S FA PotI eDEMA'NUF 0AND G pAr.Ti, ' 1j ,,c )ccccccci'i',.t, (t i ýc FcT,,IccPU i 'cc ,c iYc,%IlAI A cAIR H AT[ AI)VANCE POLIS SATURDAY, JUNE 4- MONDAY, JUNE 6- GE'j[RA[ PULL TI URSDAY silver dollars wilI be awarded te the winners in two categories of needie Work, (I1) knitting and needie point, and generail crafts, (2) woodwork and carving, Winuîers wvili also receive flowers, This contest is open to male a nd female senior citiZens of Whitby. Judîzing wili fake place ait the Fairview Lodge Auditorium on Wednesday, July 27, at 7 p.rn. during Carnival week. Ail crafts must be submnit- ted by July 25, at Fairview Lodge. If you are Lnabie to get your work in on tirne, please cal] 668-3840 or 668-6498 and your work will be picked up. Radial tires bringing prosperity to Dayton Tire Dayton Tire, whicli toek over thie Dunflop Tire plant in Whitby 1inI1974,iîs enjoying a periL)d cf prosperity this yea r. Tom Reese, president of the ceînpanly, slys dtthe total number of personnel at thec plan t bas increaseci frein 6210 a yeair ago te 760 at present, and is expectcd te reachi 850 by' the end of I1977. Thie Whitby plant is no0W operIt ing witli t hr-eeshifts, Plus overtimie, lie said. licreased production of radial tires is cited as the reason for the rising number TONY SCANGA Awardwinning hairstyiist is pieased to announce that he wiii be opening June lst under the name THE HAIR LOUNGE at 404 Brock St. Sou th, Whitby 668-1212 Bus. 668-9568 Home HAI RSTY LISTS WANTED Cali 668-9568 (Until the opening Tony vuVi continue to serve his valued customners at the HAIR HUT, 30 Taunton Rd. E., Oshawa 576-5591> Ask us about you -ir id 10lte! LwS ;vhL;, ou rp r4 îkminq foi 1 e'l oliswhat YOLI ffe td~ ami 'ljtyoiI v. *iî'I O 1011 îotrovv Ask Lis ifv.v e in >f4 nt ontr <qv v isit o ur Mobile Recruîfinj Uffl Cuinada Mgnpower WED~J~D ~ l 8j, 25 MAY JUNE 9r 1977 9 A.M.m 8 P.M. E.D.T. CANAMPA~~' PRMET~ FO?~ ~ MONDAY, JUJN(E 13, 19'77 10 A-M., LOýT. 136 COMMEýARCIAL AVE., AJAX employees at Dayton Tire, a subsidiary of Firestone Tire and Rubber Company. Alternative to bridge is sou"ght Objections by residents cf Cochrane Street to a bridge inking the niew Otter Creek subdivision te their street, has pronîpted cotuncil te seek an alternative access te the subdivision. The council will recîuest thc bLîilder Of' the SLbdivision to dcelay Conîstructiontof'tIthe bridge Until a COiSlstant engiricer enga-ed by the tewn brings in a report on an a ltcrîatc meanls cf access fremi otter ('reck, The report is expected withiî t brc months. May Day at college on May 28 A 70-yea r-otd tradition will be celebrated at the Ontario Ladies' Coilege May 28, as the students conduct their annual May Court Festival. This vear's May' Court Festival bias a real internation- aI fhaver, fer the queen and lier two counisellors aIl corne 11(1n lUti tsi dc Cana da. The May Qucen is Maria Gemnez. Lof'Nionte Mores, Miexico. Slic is a GradIe 1-3 s! udent at tendîng t he collogo f'or Ill l'il-Itit nie. Ple Cc LînseoLrs are Aime Borde do ' MaravIl , Trinidad, a (aî:îde 1 3 stitcit inî lier t'itst il Il lue c mc~; id liclCillc.2' st(f i I I li " (ccli ye ' v 'c '.1)11'Courtli \, '1 lic ' c ' c ) ii m cli, md O ai) . lil s lic'lclie -lic.'d0). MAY 1 6th. 19'77 13C> COMMERCIAL AVE., AJAX IET UNRL "REWARD" C. B. Radio FRIDAY, IEDLN FORCHAGE AN AUITION 12 floofl f 9 P.M. E.D.T. 12 noon to 9 P.M. E.D.T. BETTY QUANTRILL

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