Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 18 May 1977, p. 20

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PAGE 20, WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS Ron Hupfield retires after 40 years of work with the Ii n11976 thecre were a-raiucstria I basket bal I ted iîî Y progr-aîîîs, go nî o Pîkrî.singcneng.teîî i. ontîc .3,006 nienlibers aîîd 1,.710 league , andcicoîîun it y use ni' beceîue leaders il]the Wlîi tîîyy prgrîîs reîaiig îaîîi to, ilcafgtenns.golf ult 1 registered nion Illeîulbe t s, seluonîs, says Mvr. I ltlpi icld . Y. nigkn a t otlpart ici pal i Ilîi 1907 andcl 1968 thNe 'We 've t a îîght h nîd red s latlclicsîI il, lie 1-s aiove ski(), i ln aî d ieîîy ot I îe r singIls. ow 1 of' 4,7 I16. 'i eWitby Y's wlitbiy Y took uOver t lie oniiii cli iNow to SWili i nd - c)lu gclîsl jj)y t li regiîle 1At olefielisexas eaigsluoc Ic buidget lias inereased lfruîîî peratiol of Itle furîiucr developecl scores oni skillecl ItlnîhWîi î eîîiistî i8gn cass eka r Necenit re of IlNe îîîajuri t yof'wei I as iniotîîi a in el iîuibiîg ,fou $25,.807 inî I968 to SI 15,1 56 Wlîthîy badîiii n i ai d swîiiiîîIst ruIctorsý,' iesays.e4 in i1)76. teninis cîlbsand buiitil,) rii-e sainîe goes îfor bad îîiîî jirogralus Salys Mr. I Inpf'ield. fossil licîntiîîg andc skiiîg. ve ry -oq loî~ ~ ~rt* irn Wu elt ;a t Sir George sceeîa lim, M ile lieil "Our joli lias beeîu 10 Pro- vicie a \vide variety of rograuî activities clesigîiecl priîîaî'ily' lfor thNe ceveloîîîîient of tllue iiîclivxiduzaî , says NMr. I upfieldî it xa5 mr. I hîpf'ielî.aljng mi thl a dedîca ted st ati \wlîo desigîîed tlhese rouais vhio builî Ille whitby Y inito a regîial ur"'îîîiiza tien xvi tii a period of I1O years. AîionigIflue higits of'lis 10 yenrs iii Wiîtby are the developîuîeuît of' aîi1extenusive day canîp prugraîuu, a swinli- îuing progra ni, Ladies' TFake- thecir nIllîer101sihil) to).11 aIl- ine Iliglh. l2eceral aîildCI rovinîcial eîuîpiloynîieîit prograîiis pro~- vide d studn celts wixv oitîhus rnî- r' i ng progyra îîs Cor t he Y, and c nîaîiy of thlese st udcîu is have golue O o scîCCessitljlbs in tilue coîunîity says Mr. lliufieId. 'I t is absoîcîtely essential lu gi ve yonig peuple a xvurt Nwhlile xvork exîîriene",lie says. Mr. Ultîllliel lia' also beîvery pleased 10 sce îiivcliildreixvllio par.ticipa tuil , juîdo, tennis, c railts, gynîuîîst ics andîilnia l fi c tlu. propuallms. 'lie YMCA in Witlîy started ouit as a district orgaiiat ion. whicli ii'i 976. beca îuîe thle 1) ir ha îuîRegiomu YMNICA. As ear-ly as 1 970, cluilcîrenîî ronu Osluawa , Ajax. Pic kering anid Bay Ridges xvere partîcîpatiîig inî the Y ciay Camupl, anid xlîen the y weîît regionial. 1-11, grailts pro- viclciprogra nis ex tenîsionî ut' prograns to Uxliridce Port Perrv. Blackstock aîid thîe (le velc)îiîI cit or the I)ur-luani Regioîî YMCA istduait t er reaîe more girls anîd wo nîeîî iîî thNe prugrahi s t hua î mîenî a il d boys, S'lys M r. Ilniield. l111I1976 tliere were 2,888 leiliale paîil ic i paîul ts coîîparecl t o 1,828 -1 ilal1e liaI iliciua lit S. Mr. Illip1field slys Nie lias e1îjoyeci lis 40 yca2rs oif YMVCA \worklecawe lie is initerestecl in people andl xork- iîîg xitli îpeople. 1lie lias tanoh it gyiliasi ics. train injjg lie was a liaîîdball ch amîîpion , and cIcI îriîîg tlie earîy part of' thîewar, lie set up jirogrmnis for 31 ,000 air- mîenî iii thle Bel levile-Treîitoîi- Pictolu ar(Xî. - Mr. I Ilufieldi lias tlire chlieîi and foiîr graîîdcliil- clreîî, andc althlugli Ne is c)ver 65, Nie lias îîo iintenition cf spencliîgigls retireîuieîit years onî a îark lien clu. A iîeîuiber of thîe Whitby Yaclî t Club, lie iîî tends to cie sinie sailiîîg îlis sunîîiiier, and xverk i lis hobbies (if gar-de î- iîîg, 1lîotograîpIy andc painiting. lus xvork for thîe Y ini Whitby was su valuied by thîe boardî et cirectors tlîat tliey izat jun large]- t lHe tionl o chilI ir Bul consist orlgan iý mient, "Thing in the to bc of' aIl nie ni bc Asr after 1 the M Regioti hecaltiî lion tU lt's gel tii)" toluiat tînie aain lu veîu niany mîeni (anid f'uu pleaiseci b say sunule xvuluueli) ar e tetcing a t raditional sjîriuug îualacly -- fisliîug itclu. Atitougli tîue disease is Wveil kîuowvî il is tisullyý best lu let il miii ils course of about fouir moliNls, J"îîe tiNruSent. A\llhouigh I 'vo 1isîîecl fc)r a cîniarter of a ccutuiry iiiu stili aui aumat eur. But trc)li ay oIne 'xe beeuu îuîuderately suiccess- fui I ecauise ofi une tiîung -- patience. To lie stîccesst'ul at fisîuiîg paticence îUust bec uîîubiîed xývi1 îhrl:dcoîlcehut raion. Droppiîug a huie withu îiook and bîait ilîto xater l'or tilr-eecr touir muinutes is ut little Luse. Fish, I soîuictiieis thiik, are like people. Before tiiey'll accelit yeni (or yciur hait) îîuey 'look yuu over first'. The exce pt ion is wvNeîu they are liuuigry or 'on flie feed'. l3ecaLise oîue is great ai castinig a huie dues nlot a 'isîuerîuuan îuulake: Que gets thue lishu xvhere tr!- ie 11 are -- i deeîu lieles or edcîys. A group of guys xvithu good inteiut but shucîitiumz, advice iiuci îiuakiîug noise, almost certaiinly wili not The r-edînireiloelîts are goud equî.îiueut. Anud soîuuetluiîg t hat îuakes ail die differeîuce, îîatUrah Ilocal bail. Lires have ilueir plîace -- buit1 I guess a ldot of fislu recogluise a frog leopard dur tiger) crayfisli or grassliupper muore tlîaîî a îuetal object. But I coîucecie uaîuy of you (anud fishu 't xill go for Auutlier iuustake cîfteîî îmade is water deîîtlî. lve puiled niore fightiîîg fuiries like 3-4 lb. bass froîuî oîîly two fathoms of water tilan a deptlu of 50-- 75 feet. The oîue exceputionu is deep sea fîsiug: Tlîere's îuotluing like il. 1 deoîîc4 îuieaî a chiarte rec boat of I1O or mîore peuple. No. Fdudîr -iîîîcst. l've fisîîed with îuuy wife, both of Lis enjdyin( - ,eîudrîuuus success about Il2 îmiles off the coaist dof Bertinida. The liait xxas îuaiîly scîuid. We to'ok blîcslodf fislu froîuuthue 90 - I120 fooît level. Agaiîî, uneof thue prlenuI11s il) sUCi xaters is experieuc2e. Ldltckii y for uis xe luac in expiert xith uis -- the Governor of 1Berîuuutda's Puilo. My xife on two uccasionis ( sanie day) exp)erielucedl terrifie xviglît anîidîll ouilier lhue. "Stop yelled flic pilot,. lidtlilg catiubliaîuded of aîiy large size mîitil it's ideîtified". Tluaîuklucavelis for tlue xise ruie. Siîe Iiadliîooked a slîark' (lîot i lies). The brutes xvere about six feet ini leîîgtlu and ViCl() LS. Alieougluiluie îîilot stumiîed caci-,une witli a wooden bailhug pinî before fiîîaily gaffiuîg theîiu aboard, they reîuîaitued alive ever fdîur-Iidurs. Suci xvaters are kniown for îuuaueatiiug îierey ecis, linige nioîusters, 50 lnd chances could or sluotîld ever be taken. One siiecies of fisîu xve catiglit xvas 3-5 lb. red with yellow spots called "llIiîuds". Local Berîiudian luotels listed tlîem ciii diîuîer linuts ai $5 al serviuug. We iucst hav e acîght 100 anîd gave tileîu ail away: My luappiest deep sea fishing expericuice wvas fuirîher îiortlu oui tue Atlantic. My guide was a 70 year cildi 1reiessiouuah. We weuît onit at 6 a.in. 1 saw schools of pollack 1 -100 lb. - but uuouî bitiuîg. Ouir bail xvas lierriîug anud îuîy jdiy xvis taking ten îuagniiicrîit cdîd froîi Caîiadii waters. Thuey provided uuauuy grecat îieals fer a fainily. The twe x"e retaiîued were sci heavy I coculd luardly liftitiîeîuu for flie pictuivres 1 still retain. Take a bip -- get back to>nature anud go fisiling. It wili provide foued id oy cf' tue gcîds! YMCA t9 rom P. 1.3 iiot accepi biîs resig- for thNe past two yrars. le feels a yoctngel 111ian take over the Position. I upfield says lie lias Ilis years ini WhitbY jiîtcresting", and lias sîîîail YMCA branch ito a flourisliîng orgahi- Scovering an area îîîuuli liaîi Xlitby. still-gets great, satisfac- )Lt of watching yoing n-ii joy theîîîselves. ding a YMCA a lot' on tanît planninîg, effort, ýatiouî anîd deveiop- says Mr. Hupfield. gs dlo îot just happen gr(uvtli of a Y. Lt lias the co-operative effort 1the staff, board and Mr. I lup1field steps down 10 years of leadershiip at Vliitby (now Duîrham ii Y, lie leaves a strong, iy andi vigorous orgafliza- luhs succeSSor.

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