Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 18 May 1977, p. 9

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WIIITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, M..,Y 18, 1977, PAGE 9 SEIBERLING STEEL BEIT RAD IALS ER 78-14 S53.00 FR B78-14 SM1.00 G R 78-14 S60.00 GR 78-15 $60.00 HR 78-15 S63.00 LR 78-15 $71.0 A Il prices effective until June 11/77. Whitby is host. Longue uil twinning set for'Aug. eDYS Have your tires balanced perfectiy vviuh our completer balance machine. $400 per wheel. We also carry MICHELIN, SEMPERIT, COOPER Beits & Polyester ,JAX TIRE SALES LTD 47 TIIOMSON AVE. 683-56751 A [lii severl cbngs t plaîîniiigj, Wliîiby's 1<77 i\viiiing;îigriîî \vill the (Cit' oii L.omgtic il, icîc is set Io10go, Thit' l es ftiie w i vii ig aire A tig .5 10 7. 'lble iown hiat tnigiiially' 1laiicl It bla'c Ible ivnni on Ille JiuIly 1 \vccl\eiitl hbitl ilie Niospori (Grîandi Prîix 1ia ci iîookced ail i lie available alccoinîtîd0(a 1i in - sait! ('omncillor '1 oi l.dar 'Flite5iiiiCcon dI ol lie biedd nr1-iing tic ('oni ly' Tow~n ('arnival cillier. lîcanise il coilictedti Vi evenis in Qtiebcec. lie sait!. A l nia iive prtgralîîî drw i1 ' yI lle iowii -lbas thle ,isi tors tronli onignc nil arrivine. ai 2:30 lp.i. Atiîg. 5 ai tbe (CNR tutuinion Roati Stationi. '[bey vill hi l'pro- ceedt! 10Ilbe IlolitalaIn in Os a\\a- nIdal 5 1.111.liere w~ill lbc a recclît on ai W!îiblY"S lie\' niliciplil nldiiig wlîcre ibe timiing e.vo\5s ilhe rcatiiriîied anîd pgiit~s'ill lic excb.îîgctl. On luttavA 0.. Iluece ITortîitti ciiy 1,la 'naidtl lec (INI. Toscr, antd an 011011 ail' steak liarlîcqie andtl la\'ride aiFaîiiasylandtlPark. is \vHI lbc lolltivctl liN'a danîce 11Ill uicbiuiby Yacit (Clubi. On Auîg. 7 lucre \Vill lie ani eccniinical service ali AIl saintis, Aniglican Clînrtcb. loi- ltî\Ved by a gini-briîînclî andý civ ic rece 11inn i 1Illenin cipal lbnilding.[he L.onîguîeuil visiiors \Vill dcpari ai 4:3() Cotîîîcillor Eldwards said that ie be opes as nîiany wiiy people as possible \Vil]l take pr lxi Ii e twiliîC llîis y/car. silicc \Viîby is Ible bosi io\Vii - Any'onc in t cres ted ini parti - cipa ting mnsi ib îrnîi Ilic townl clcrk's depart icnt before J n ly t1I1-as s 5( ne activîlies nîlay lie !îiited in a certain nnm1hcr tof people hccanise of si/C of lacilities., lFes fi.rIlleic nvniliiigare S25 perlierson fori. ble i l-re tla\s, or 10 ()cdi 6r Ille firt s iVtl ays and S5 lor (ibe iriit day - sjys 1o C (lcrk Bihi M\lî. allacc said liýis sa siiesescd cont i i bnion 10 I llc prograî ni. Couiîcillor tdvadssait! lic expecis about I100 peoplle f olio ili Wol î itlly ail Loiliciil b lie inivnlvctl in To o assisi itlc Xlîi 1by esduti. iso!' tessons Ed Crouch- Six ty'vîtîîer vres agjet I14 vears andîtl nu arc nleedet l >ia ke cbildrcuî Io tlay cai îî inm i l leic Diili (Cintre Cor i lie Devcloîuiîîcn- tallv\ I laiit(licaipetl. ke-i si ra lt ulieve ni nos arc 5 to7 ii f'rc iîclis bciig ui"eî'cd ai i'lie toioxl ia ,I ontitiI'ctlay îiigis, in lîrclarati b for Illie ilivinig visît. loi 'ftiierci iiiiriiat joui, contiact t lie clie rk 's (le piartninenti a 668-5803. is sef.cretary of chiefs for fourth terni VliiI by's Vire Clîicf --lA ('roticli \vai's cîccctid for bis lkui1h terni las Secre tary of I lle Ontario Association of F ire Cli icfs, i the associa- tioîî's aiîiitial coieitfit)uinii SuidburiiyIlasi vcck. Ait lic sainec coniveni tin, Cblicif Croniclî's \vilc Ka t y Associ.1tioli's Lai<s Atuxiliry - Tilîccouiveiiijoi tuf' fire cliiefs froni acrtss Onîtario, passeti about 1 8 resolutiinis regartcliig fine safety, tbirec of wlîiclî wcrc, ,draf'tcd ly Cbjcef Croucli. Durham Centre -wants 60 day camp volunteers May 30 froîi 6 p.m. to 8 pi i i For fuiber inl'orinatioli cal! tic DtîrbiiCenîtrc for tbe DcvclopIiiîcn i ally' I antli- ca1îpcd !îi)ecuîe 8:30 anii. and 4:30 lm. au 668-7745. cheu .ng cif -abigd Ibut a, lu QUESTION: \V lit! 'iil) iîîirodît'e No-Charge Cheq(tinrg? ANS WER: We,'re irviq 10 gel votîr hbusinies s. QUESTI(ON: \Vlîi ies No-Chair(ge( Clieq uing oth'r? ANSWER: I)tîin g K A sIaive iiemt peut As i n W iCh ac îl i (1 111 eltr'S Inu i n it î i h I i ce-( is $200 ior îuie-)ca icel s t'lie IlormalI M6 cliaî'g e r IC(i. QUESTION: Whiy is tlhere a iiinimtîmuti balanmce? ANSWER:'fT!) ivest s tlie $200 tb luel> off k i t ex; ofsenpr<îcessiug illie cuistoillurs chieques. QU]ESTION>"": WhIo j., be ufib u frot i (1) Otr records shlou. tual iiv of ouir l>CA ctusî mniers alwaîvs kvep a $200 balance. 12) solliv -1) ('îskmmîurs uimmw kplant aliealandl kvee ani exti-a$S200 inii iccotinluiv eu 11(% lîev ii ud lo>wr iî e il lot heques (3) sollicîsluîer mccisiuiiaIIl tiîl<l ip lo a $201) iii ii iii tiii iIV Ci cha l îet, <ai l iielh i tfrontî No- C liar(ge QUESTI ON: \Votld il he more profitable 1(1 kevep tlie 2001 in a Preiiin Savinigs Accoîi? ANSWER: If vou write more than 7 cheques (turing a stateiiitii period. we can show yot dhit No-Charge Chequîting is a bitter deal. QUESTI.ON: Isn't No-Charge Chequiîîg rvally just 'a lutile extra'1 b miake TI) more (-ollipet ilive? ANSWER: Yvs. We want yoti to be a TI) ctis toi(>11r. QUESTION: So ii's flot a big deal? ANSWER: No. But it's a good cieal. You siloti Id Iook ilîto il - EEToRoNTO DOMINION L______ ____ a

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