Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 11 May 1977, p. 1

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Vol. 7, No. 19 Wednesday, May 11, 1977 20 Pages Motion loses by one vote Poice presence studathizeI Polie statiol.iLS Mayor Jim Gari Camip X to kick of Canada" project. iaKIr"' yL...-%,&- ceremony, fromn left to right, are Mayor Gartshiore, Michael Emrn, Paul Mihelcie, Richard Neelv. Mark oen am. to5p.rn. Whitby's regional cotrncil-, lors have- lost the battie to keepr the Whitby police station open 24 hours' a day, but they may have won fhWwar fo r a n increased police presetice in the town, says Mayor Jim Gartshore. After a eue-heur debate Thursday on a motion by Mayor Gartshore te put S45,666 back into flic police budget te keep thîe station open 14 lheurs a day, the Durhami Regional Council veted 14 te I13 te defeat his rneoiil The nîiayor said after thc meeting lie was surprised ait the aiîieunt cf suipport lie gel, îanid thiat lic lest by enily oee vo te. Coeuncillors Gcrry Ein and Jey Thionpsen ptit forthi a iio tlin terecensider tflic original motion, alithte end ef' thceneeetinîg, but thcy wcrc defeaîted by ai vote et 17 te 10. -Thiat's tie end of thie bail gaînie" said Mlayor- Gaît sliire Saturiday. He stat- cd t liait lieuîîdcr-stood stcps arc biiîg taîkeniîiiciiidiaîtcly te iaive tilic Whitby Police openi fri-n ) ai..te 5 unii.. buit pe)intcd eut dtliuta office r f rom i tie yeuitli bUrcaîUi vill be ini thc buiildingý weck uiglhts oultil 9 P.111. î le exprcssed somne suriprise thiat the police hiad installed an outside phone heok-up wîtlî the Oshawa hicadquarters before the vote xvas taken oth Thursday. The police station debate înitiated during current buidget discussions by Mayor Gartshore hiad a side effect on council by causig it te consider the need for a study fer a grearte!' police presence in the region. On a motioh from Ajax Mayor Clark Mason. the regional counicil voted unan- -Pdlice, Commissioners for a full report on beatAuty for regional police officers. .Mayor Mason and Mayor 6aWrtshore boti, spoke of the people's concerin about tie absence of the familiar "cop on the corner". Mayor Gartshore noted that police officers appeared on the beat in downtown Whiitby during the twe weeks prior to the vote on the police station hours, and that hie would "be going after an obvious police prescnce, especially down- town on the beat", in future.. Il announced his intention Saturday to write a letter on thiis subjeci to the board of police conilnissioners. Tom Jermiyn, Chiairnian of tdhe Police Commission said the fssuie lad been raised frequcntly in the more than Ilhree years since the creation ef' thie regional force, and noted that ai delegation of Bo\vimaniville residents had been trying for soine tiiiie to gc t police efficers back on dhe beat.tlt lic stated lhewever, la previeuis discussions on the stibjcct hiad conic doxvn to a question cf dollars and cents. I laving been unable te pre- vent tàe police station heutrs fronli being cut bock to 9 a.nî. to 5 p.m., Mayor Gartshore sa id lie will now be working toward increasing the police presence througloùt the town, a matter which has been a concern of mnany people, and was expressed in n¶any of the surveys on thepolice station received by. the Free Press. I Mayor Gartshore iised&' surveys represeflting more tha 5~Q0people te back up his argumients for, a 124. heour police station in Whitby. (See Page 4). Free Press commended by Councilloôr Edwards Managiuig Editor Mike Burgess received praise freiiî ai mîenîbcr of the tewn counicil Monday for the' part the Frc Press played in Tliursdaîy's police stationi deba te. Ceuncîllor Teiii Edwards coriiiiendcd Mr. Burgess fer thie great leîîgtlîs lhe wcnt te, te assist the ceuiîcil iii ils efforts, te prevent the clesing cf thie Wlîitby police statien ft 5 p.mu., througlî a rentIers' survev.. Couîlicillor Joy Thonîpsoîi den't know whaut cisc te say Cerîncillor Bob Attersle> neted thait "Therc's been graidual reductien ini the leve cf police service sinet regieîailizaition.' Maiyoer G artsxo re inferinec couiicil 1aibout thie polic< cemmnission bcing askcd tà study the iiccd for mn pelice efficers oii the beat and suiiined rip the situatieî by sayiîîg: -"We'vc lest . battle but Iiopefully we niaN MAYOR PLANTS FIRST TREE FOR CANADA tshore planted the first tree Saturday at Miheîcic, Tim Oke, Michael Gores, aînd Councillor Bob 'f the Whitby District Scouts' "Trees for Attersley. The Scouts plaîîted 1 5,000 trees at Canmp X, 'ru r irt in the tree-planting and Lynde and Pringle Creeks.n by Brian Winter Acclainied for Durham West Riding Georîe Ashe is local P C candi*date I g P-C caudîda~. Durham West Ridiug now bas a Progressive Conservative and a New Democratic Party candidate for the June 9 provincial election, but voters will have te wait till tonight to find eut who the Liberal candidate is.. On Friday -nght- at the Ajax C9iimunitY Centre, Picke ring Mayor George Ashe àvas acclaimed ais the Mr. Ashe teld those attend- ing the meeting tliat his ,election would give Durhain West a member ou the governl- ment side of thc legislature. Headquarters addition stays in Whitby Whitby hais won another battle in its fight te miaintain its identity within the region. At a budget meeting Thursday, the Durhaîm Regional Couincil voted 20 t() seven te set aside $200,000 in.its capital budget for the purchaseof proerty adjacent te -the regional headqluartcrs, and an addi- tienal $100,000 fer prelimi- uary engineering work for expansioni cf tie existing building. This assures tlîat Whitby will renîaîin the locationî cf the regional lîeadquartcrs. Oshîawa Mayor Petticary and Oshaiwa (ConcilIer Alaîn Pilkcy led ai figlît te have the hcadqoaizrtcrs nieved te a downitown areai, but lest ini their efforts. Ceunclillor Pilkcey argued that the Attornîey Gcneral's office is interested ini expa'îd- iîîg Its office space lu Whitb)y and the regieni would net have trouble sclling or rcîîtiiig ai portien cf the licadquartcrs o the provinîce. Totaîl cesf of the expaîî- sien of' the regienail hcaîd- quarters is cstimiatcd at $6 millionî, aîîd Couincillo r Plkey said the expenditure would be of ne economnie bcîîcfit te aiiyoiic if it was n,;ît spettfil ici dowiîtown area.' He faid Whitby, Ajax and Pickering doîî't have enough confidence in NDP niemiber Dr. Charles Gedfrey, whe lias rcpresented the riding since the last electioii in Septenîbei 1975. Mr. Asile further stresseè the îimlprtanece of electing ý majority Coîiservaîtive govcrri mîent se thaît represenitativei canl make "the iiiportair decisions comnfg up witlie) cenlproi-nising te ether partic! The ineiirity goeriiiiient lia werked but it is weak", lie saii The liberal ieionatioi meceting for IDurhamn Wes will be toniglit ait Loi, DurhamnîSchiool iii Ajaîx. S far, Glenn Juliaimi of Grecr wood and ice l3ogellic Whitby have indic,,teda interest flu sceking tlît ýe d a 'S. 1ls. id. if lii i OVER 5,000 READERS RESPOND TO SURVEY sce Page 4

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