Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 20 Apr 1977, p. 15

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Plan now for May 24 - Canada' s planting day "May 24 is planting day".That stili holds fairly true îhrough- out Canada. By that lime the danger of [rosI is past and il is safe 10 gel the transplants int the open soi!. The weather, should have warmed suficiently 10 accept the plants you've started indoors and wiint to plant ouldoors and produce. So, you know what the soi! and air temperatures are' in your neighbourhood, and if ail is in your favor; then let's gel going. Make a plan and know what you are going 10, put in the grouind. Have Ihat vegetable section in an area where il New day care centre' opens ini West Lynde By May 1, a new day care centre xii! be opened in West Lynde. Vie Marks, Director of Kiddy Kare Limited, announ- ced this week that he will be opening a centre at 293 Michael Blvd. in the West Lynde Shopping Centre. Thle centre will be liccnsed for 100 children by the Ministry of Community and Social Services, Day Care Centres Branch, and will care for children between the ages of two 10 five, expanding, if needed, 10 infant care. Kiddy Kare Limited xi! also provide services for occasional care and school age children before and afler regular sehiool hours, and xvi!! provide hot nutritlous lunches and snacks, says Mr. Marks. "Our services are ainied at providing an exciting environ- mient xith a program of activities designed 10 stimiulate children's groxth physically, mentally and socially", lie said. Kiddy Kare will be staffed by qualified graduales of Early Childhood Education courses or ils equivalent. Anyone xishing further information may cal! Mr. Marks aI 668-8800. Seniors' centre gets New Horizons grant'of $24,878 Health and Welfare Minister Marc Lalonde has announced a New Horizons grant for $24,878 awarded t0 a .group of retired people n Whitby. Whitby Seniors" Activity Centre Board, Brock Street South, wil] use the grant 10 expand activities and increase membership. The program includes arts an d crafts, recreation and social events. The award was part of $1,858,199 given 10 2631 groups of retired people1 across Canada. Since the introduction of the programn,c the Federal Government hasI funded 7,246 projecîs for ac total of $42,900,951I. 1 New Horizons offers grantsc 10 groups of retired peopled who undertake activities within their communities which will be of benefit 10 thein as well as the com- munities in which they live. Man killed David William Rivers, 20, of I120 Pine. Street was killed about 3:3'0 a.m. Friday when his car wcnt ouI of control on Highway 12 south of Brooklin. The Whitby Deîachment of the OPP reported that Rivers, who was alone in the car , was southbound on Highway 12 when the accident occurred. I-is 1965 car was destroyed, police said. --IOZ19I/lV Ae 6 Q-7,V ICAV/ee,9 Z3 YA 5L/6'Ar PA 5 O C:: 7/--//i5 C7AN Q MlA 71/VO 'euFACe OP- ONt A P/eCe oz0F M,1JIUM- 6f?/r 54NAPePq OA AFI-A7 r P.ACe. WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 1977, PAGE 15 COME < GARDENING with Doc Hartnol CROSS WORD PUZZLE ACROSS 1 Herole story 5 Driving hazard 10 City on the Oka Il Russian girl's naine 13 Alpha, - gammra 14 Fairy king 15 Give a right 10 17 Digits (abbr.) 18 Stadiurm cheer 19 Child of Loki 20 Netherlands comm^une 21 Verve 23 German- river 24 Obscenity 25 Beloved 26 Attention Î- getter 27 Breathing i organ- 28 Force I (L.at.) 29 Wrath 30 Irish rebel org. 2e limes 2 (abbr.)- 34 Recover3 (2 wds.)- 36 Turkish '31 inn - 38 Thailand 39 Official envoY,y - 40 Grafted (her.) 41 0f the kidneys 42 Old oath DOWN 1 Grave; sedate 2 Place of combat 3 Understand (3 wds.) 4 Russian mountain range 5 Purloined 6 Designate 7 Uncle, in Dundee 8 Worked (3 wds.) 9 Cavalryman Oyster Stew Frozen condensed oyster stew is delicious heated with a soup can of water or milk until the soup is thawed and steamîng hot; do not boil. A small pat of butter and a dash of paprika are classie garnishes. Shredded carrot, kernel crn. chopped green pepper or green onion. or sliced stuffed olives are also welcome additions. TODAVIS ANSWER 12 Goose genus 16 "- Certain Feeling" 22 Abner's partner 23 Lamprey 24 Gleain; glow 25 Count calories 26 Be of use 27 Operatic tyke 29 "But - kick ... " (3 wds.) 31 Lariat 32 Ready for war 35 Douay naine for Hosea 37 Solicited votes Cooking Vitamins Vitamins look their pret- tiest. taste their best, and rctain as many nutrients as possible when served under- cooked rather than over- cooked. according 10 leading health officiaIs. One Equals Ten One inch of ramn contains the same amount of water as 10 inches of snow. Nutrite's Happy Gurdening with Mare Listen to CKLB 1350 SaturdaY Morings 9:30 Live Phone In Answers Ali Questions m Marc Thilebaud President of Oshawa Garten Service Limited WATCH For Our Grand Re - Opening April 23 THE CEII1CNNIAL GAPDPN CER wiîî gel fuil suin nost of the day. Another point: Uon't make il so big that you can'î look after il properly! A good size vegetable-garden wouild be about 20 feet wide and 50 [cet long. The lîroduce derived [rom thal growing area shouild niake food available for about six in a famnily. You have t0 consider that il takes only a short while to pro- duce radishes, spring onions and leaf lettuce from seed, s0 one should not's0w the whole area with those fast grow- ing seeds. Sonie vegetables will lake as much as 140 days or even longer 10 miatuire [rom lime of seeding. Thus, il is belter 10 start those seeds indoors and grow themin mb little plants suiitable for p!anting oultdoors at the proper lime. How do yoL1 know if the soi! is ready to accept your trans- plants? Whaî I like 10 do is take a handfuil of soi! and squeeze il; when it crumbles and drifts throuigh your fingers, il is ready to accept youir plants, if il holds like a mud bal!, wait a little whilc until il dries ouit and warms up a bit. 1 had anl old gardening friend wbo tbld me that if you could keep youir finger in soi! for lhree minutes wîhouî il feeling cold, then il is the tinîe 10 plant. Starting Seeds Some stili like t0 start their own seeds indoors rather than buying plants frorn the garden centres. Using any type of soi! has presented a problem. Plants wouild "darnp-off" because the soil hadn't been sterilized, When you visit your favorite garden centre, deparînient store or seed shop, ask for Vigoro Sterilized Potting soi! or Seed Start- ing soi!, and you'll know your seed will germinale without the problemn of "darnpîng-off'. I like 10 use old soup tins 10 start nmy tomato plants. Punch holes in the botloni, add a few stones for the drainage, add sterilized potting soi!, putl in lhree lornato seeds; then, as they star! to grow, pick ou!t the two thinnest ones and The way to make sure your assets are distri- buted as you want, is to make a will. The way to make sure your wiIl is properly administered is to appoint Victoria and Grey Trust as your1 executor. Do it today! i~ Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 KEITH LAWES, 3M DundssSt. W. WhI* grow on1 thtc strongest. Whcn you place them outdoors, leave thern in the lini, and allow about one inch of can to be above the soil une. What is the reason for the one inch of can to be above the soi! level? Well, it is going to keep the cutworms from cutting down your tender young plants. It acts as a collar around the plants. Use plant food in a solution, and il will take the shock of Irans- planti'ng frorn your plants. W'ater Seedlings will require watering, but don't use a forceful spray. It is always wise bo lightly sprinkle the fiat. Place a few sheets of newspaper over the fiat and add waler to it. The paper absorbs the water, allows il to get 10 the soul, and keeps the seed-fiat dark so that you may expeet faster germination. I like a fairly Warm starting area; around 20-C (60-F). When you gel those plants ouldoors in the soul, water them daily until they really get growing. Once int the ground they will dry out a lot faster. If you can transplant on a shady day, so much the better, but if they have to go in on sunny days, shade them for a day or two until they nîake a good root systemn. Regular care Plants are like people, they require care and attention, and the nmore lhey gel the better they produce. So, water during dry periods, cultivate, keep the soil open, remove weak growth, keep the rows open (but use care when doing so as not to uisturb the root system). Spray with a combined insecticide and fungicide to ]et the.plants grow mbt healthy specimens, and fertilize. If yotî'd like a booklet on lawns or gardens, write directly 10 Vigoro Research Division, 1400 The Queensway West, Toronto, Ontario M8Z 154. Enclose a large self ad- dressed stamped envelope. If you have any questions, ývri1e to me at the Garden Ifnor- mnation Centre, 165 University A venue, Toronto, Ontario MSH 3B8, endlosing a sî'amped self addressed envelope. NOT 11ICE SECONDARY PLAN (OFF ICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT> S pecial Study Area 9A Macedonian Village Take notice that the Council of the Town of Whitby wil be considering a Report recommending a Secondary Plan (Officiai Plan Amendment) for Special Study Area 9A, Macedonian Village, at its regular meeting which will be held on Monday, April 25, 1977 at 8:00 p.m. in the Meeting Hall (Council Chambers), 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby. Copies of the proposed Secondary Plan (Officiai Plan Amendment> are available at the Planning Department, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby. J.C. GARTSHORE MAYOR WM. H. WALLACE CLERK-ADMI NISTRATOR Your wiII assures that --- what you leave goe wer lAuto Service Tipsl

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