Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 20 Apr 1977, p. 14

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PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20,1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS Takes office in October RobinLyonis NptmiEEEWNNstode Robin Lyon, print and promiotional manager of the Whitby Free Press, was recently elected presiclent of the Whitby Optimist Club for 1977-78. A charter memiber of the club in 1975, he has served as publicity director, secretary and vice-president I-le will Dr. Deadman resigns as director Robin Lyon, the newly-elected president of the Whitby Optimist Club, stands beside a certificate which declares he is a charter member of the club. The Whitby Optimist Club was chartered in 1975, and works with the youth of the community, Free Press Photo CANADIAN TIRE WHITBY SERVICE CENTRE 311 BROOK ST. NORTH, WHITBY &TROUBLE Pq WITH AQ SPRING CHECK UP ALL BRAKES BE LTS & HOSES FRONT END PARTS WHEEL ALIGNMENT SHOCK ABSORBERS EXHAUST PARTS AND SCOPE TEST & ADJUSTMENT ON ENGINE ON LY $25.95 SEE AL OR JIM HEFFERING OR CALL FOR APPOINIMENT 668-5828 VEHICLE WARRANTY IS VALID WITH CANADIAN TIRE SERVICES OFFER GOOD UNTIL APRIL 30, 1977 Dr. John Deadman, Medical Director of the Whitby Psvchiatric Hospital since April 1 , 1976, resigned recently to assume the new position of Senior Psychiatric Consultant at the Service Branch of the Ministry of Health. Dr. Deadman joined the hospital staff on March 1, 1967 as director of the mental health clinic. In December 1969, lie became acting medical director. Dr. Deadrnan's educational background include a BA from the University of Toronto, MD from the U of T faculty of medicine, Doctor of Psychiatry froîn the Uni- versity of Toronto in 1962, and a certification in psychia- try in 1 963 from the Royal Coîlege of Physicians of Canada. Dr. Deadmian hias wvorked extensiveîy in nmental iealth clinics an(] Ontario Ilospitals and hias been particuilarîy interested in the promotion of communmity psychiatry'. Dr. Saia Uslia lias been appointed acting miedical director to succee(l Dr. Deadînati. CAR! We accept Chargex, Mastercharge American Express 668-8000 Yu f/u S GOB A - opposite Brewers Retail ----- -----------mm---------------------------------- -------------- a il a GARY Y@UNO SOFT Pumps & Water Softeners IF I~ ~ if ftPLUMinG EnA TING TD. MP R 53 BALDWIN ST., BROOKLIN WATER SOFIENER RENTAIS i I ONOUR ONLY"Y $9,95 PER MONTH i'O OR N eLPRCHAS PLAN WITH "FREE" INSTALLATION. (Com ercal Inustîalunis aso vaiabl atSpecial Rates> ENJOY THE CONVENIENCE 0F SOFT CLEAN WATER AND THE SAVINGS YOU WILL RECEIVE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL: Product of Erie Manufacturing Co. wumnMn uoe...uumMu..........uu...........u..... WATER CONDTIONERS take over as president oi Oct. 1. Mr. Lyon lists as one of hi major goals, increasing th( memibership of the club t( 25 by the time he takeý office. There are presenti3 1 8 members in the Optimis Club. Ile also hopes t( broaden the scope of the club' activities. The Optimist Club has nc restriction on age, and iti main emphasis is youth an<c community service. Majoi projects of the Whitby clut are a bicycle rodeo at th( end of May, co-hosting hocke, tournaments at Christmas and sponsoring an all stai hockey team and girls' soccei team. Mr. Lyon started workinj for the Free Press when h< came to Whitby in 1974. HE was a member of the Down town Action Committee foi two years, represents MB1U Publishing and Photograph> on' the retail merchants' association, and is ai associate memrber of the Royal Canadian Legion. R epairs needed now says Coun. Emm Couuîcillor Gerry Enmm warits repairs miade to0tthe ruad a t thle Brock St ree t CPR crossing before the underpass isbujît. Couîicillor lînni said recently that, pressure shouldl he put on thie CPR Io filI the hioles ini the pavernetit and fix tip tIlie c rossinfg. a tte r lie thougli t lie hiad alI os! losi thîe front end of bis car whien i t hi t one of Itlli oles. Mlayor .Iiinî artsîîore said thîe public works departnîent lias already beeiî tol(I to con- tact tlie ('R. n s e 's y s r Mr. Lyon is also one of the founders of the Canadian Scottish Club in 1975. He has served as a director, and is vice-president in 1976-77. Other members of the Optimnists Club executive elected this month were Vice-Presidents John Town and Bill McGibbon. Region's members are being short. circuited says Charles Godfrey U Dr. Chiarles Godfrey, MPP efor Durham West, is flot , pleased about Premier William r> letters lack of reply to his ir etr concerning provision ýrof financial assistance to 9Durham Region. e The three NDP members efor Durham Region wrote a1 letter to Premier Davis March -1, as an &£urgent appeal" to reconsider provision of assis-i tance with start-up costs for1 Sthe region.* The letter was written afte r citizens in nWhitby called public meetings -to protest higli sewer and water buis. Dr. Godfrey said hie wrote a second letter at the begin- ning of April, but still has no reply. The Durham West member is annoyed also because hie feels that the Ontario Govern- mient bypassed the sitting members for the region by flot telling them about the niove of the ininistry ofv revenue to Oshawa and ac liquor board warehouse tos Wlîitby. These annouricemients i were nmade to the region firsi; I lie said.a Dr. Godfrey said hie feels thîe three NDP ineînbers are p being short circuited by not t being informied of these ti goverrnient decisions, Mien itS wvas due to their pressuire t( tliat the decisions %vere made.p "We are nîaking thiem live uip to t heir promnises. TheyB are flot creating ncw jobs, rý theèy are juis! transferring the ol iiistry, which ineans niore( people driving ba ck and ai ........... Resumes Letterheads Business Forms Advertisements Rubber Sta mps Envelopes Catalogues Announcements, BulltinsBusiness Cards Invoices However, lie said he was pleased with the announce- ment of the liquor ware- house, since it will provide new jobs. As for the premier's lack of reply to his letter about the sewer costs, Dr. Godfrey said. Premier Davis knows people get angry and things blow over, but he predicted the issue of sewer and water bis would flot blow over Museum demolition is under' discussion Representatives of the Whitby Historical Society met with the town's operations committee Monday to con- sider the possibility of retain- ing the Myrtie temperance hall as a storage area for its artifacts.- Thé commnittee was pre- pared to recornmnend demnoli- don of the building because the town couild flot afford the S8,000 recluire to bring it up to the level of the town's )roperty standards bylaw. I-listorical Society Director Ben llrackenbuiry at a recent ineeting questioned the cost >f repairing the buiilding, and oujncillor Tomi Edwards said n effort should be made to reserve it. Couincillor Joy Thonipson uestioned %vliy the toxvn Iiould be niaintaining txvo nuseumns, tlhe Lynde house id tîhe Myrtle hall. The cotcillors said they id been trying Io bring the natter before tlîe historical ociety for three îîîonths but d received no answer. Mr. ,rackenbury said tliere wvas a reakdowvn in commuLnication nîiewhere, and apologiLed )r tlîe lack of response. qi Ili ar Ili B3i fo Margery Thompson dies in 7Oth year MVargery C. Thiompso,, niothier of Mrs. Ida Dobbs, Wliitby, died at lier residence at Holland Landiîîg April 6, in lier 7Oth year. The formier Margery Bell, she- was born at Toronto and was miarried to flic late Johin Thompsoîi at Holland Landing. Mrs. Thompson is survived by lier daugliter, Mrs. !da Dobbs of Whitby, son Bertrarn of Holland Landing, seven grand chiîdren and six great grand childreîî. A son Leonard died previouisly. The funeral was heîd 'at radford, April 9, foîîowecî by intcruiîeît iii Newmiîrket Cemetery. WAiTN RtJV4UI ONERS )i .

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