Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 30 Mar 1977, p. 14

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PAGE l14, WEDN ESDAY, MARCH 30,1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS Brookli n's future wîth C.B.C. CUSTOM - 2 storey 8 room home, attaclied garage, eat-in kitchen, spacious separate dining room, main floor den, open brick fireplace walk out ta cedar deck, large patio With walk ways through gardon, beautifully private treed lot, NUMEROUS EXTRAS - Prime Residential Ar,. THIS HOME US A MUST TO SEE - Asking 77,500.00. CAIL 6684088 ANYTIME ~V9-1822 DUR"u E. WHITIy I RETIREMENT OR STARTER ICozy 2 bedroomn home in preferred area of Whitby, nicely decorated and well maintained. Askîng S45,900. EDITOR'S NOTE Coinniuni ty in terest ini thle developinent uf Brooklin is rLlnhing high, according tu olficials of Conisolidated Building Corporation, who opened. their cmumninty concept centre in downtown Brooklin reccnitly. Many people came to t ie centre during tie tirst days it wis open to talk -tu the staff and look at the displays.: The fullowing is a sta tenment of policy hy CBC regarding its approach tu the future developient oft Brouklin: THIE BROOKLIN COMMUNITY CONSOLIL)ATED BUILDING CORPORATION The future of Bruoklin is now under discussion. Tlhe Official Plan uof the Durhami Region recognlizes rooklin as a '"growtll area". Studies ul1dertaken by the Town ut' Whitby in co-oJ)erat ion ith the Rcgiuii concluide tfhat tl1ere are nu adverse tinaiici;il and transportai ion inmplica- tions in growVing lu I10,000 peuple. Phase Il uf thuse Séecour iiidoivs Jor flhc latest in Spring ]àslîions. COLLINS SHOES 119 BROCK ST. S, C*OWNTOWN WHITB', Opmn Every Day Jnhit6 P. m Fridiy Untîl 9 studies will examine the future characler of Brooklin and the timing of dcvelop- men t. Consolidated Building Corporation, a cumlpany with' ove r twenty-five years experience acruss Canada, is conccrned about Broklin and its future. Our leani ut Cunsolidaled Building Corpor- ation is, as always, conimnitted lu proceedings in a responsible fashion. Our plan of action is as follows: 1.We shail Ipl-aniin consul- tation with Ithe people of' Brooklini, and iii cu-uperation with the Town uof hitby, the Region of Durham and the Ontario Governînient. 2. We shaîl enable the coniuitiy to have access lu a pruper waler and sewage syste ni. .3. We slîall bUild, Well- designied. quality liomes, compatible with those now fuund in (ihe cuntiiitîy. 4. Our developiinent will avoid lraffic disturbance lu the existing- resîdential areas. 5. Vie shaîl parlicipate in thie developniient of the exisl- ing cenitral area as a soiLal and comnmercial tucus for the reside n ts. 6. Our plans will incîlude huousinig fur senior citii'ms. lu enable (ihe 01(er people uf Bruuklin lu Continue lu live ini tic comnun ity t hey have hielped lu build. At Ille saniec tiniie. we \viIl provide sufficien iohusiliti o luIluow Ille youung peuple whuo are tlru\v i ng np iniBrookliin lu renliain ini Bruuklin. -7. Ve propose Iu develop aueniployuiieuit areza and increase thîe uppurtunities lor wourk ini the Bruuklin area. 8. We ,shiaîl encourage cunservation uf' buildings of' isturical and architectuoral nienit. 1). We shaîl co-operate witih governmlen t agencies and cu,îî- ilnunity grotups il, the nmaintle- nance and improvenien t of exis! ing niu ral features for thie benefit oftilie conjînîumîiy. The Brooklifl & District Kinettes are hosting an 'April -Showers' Fashion Show April.lst at 8 p.m. at Meadowcrest School, Brookîin. The maie chauvenist model pictured above (Rick) sports a grained antique leather coat, polyester trayon pants and an arrow shirt, ail from Dovers Mens Wear. The model on the left, Lise, shows an off white three-pieee pant suit with a bow tie blouse. Barbara on the right' has on a 'Jersey three tone dress in beiges. Free Press Fashion Photo by. Mike Burgess. 10. Our developniienl pro- grammne will enable the residenîs of' Brooklin lu Il expand social, educational, w cultural and recreation-al h, resources f'or young and old n, alike. i Il. We shaîl help the p~ Brooklin commi-unity lu retain sl ils identity and take its place c as a significant part of the a' Whitby -Oshawa Centred Region. 1 2. Growth wiIl be paced su as lu avoid adverse effects s4 un Bruuklin. 0 In summiary, we propose 1 that the future growth of ri Brooklin take place over a 1 period of lime, be integrated 1 mbt the charming and pleasant atmiosphere of Brooklin as il is now, and that the coninîunity rcalii.c the maximunm bernefits that growth imighî bring. As Brooklin grows, Ihere will he opportunities ho pro- vide more retuil stores, pro- fessional offices, personal and household services-, to have mure goods and services than renow available. Fo exaniple, Brooklin does not have a music store, laundro- mal. Iaw office or even a high school because the population is hoou small. Peuple have ho leave the cumminunity and travel lu obtain -many important services. Brooklin lias îwenly eigl husinesses and other services. As il gruws. il will prubably need more than une hundred. Where and how should this happen? Vie îhink this should happen ini the exisîing village centre and nol in a shopping maIl. Vie think that the "old Bruoklîin" can be the "new Brookli'<'%. This is how our planners sec il happening: 1. The exisling stores and busiiîesses will expand or inîcnsify. 2. Mure intensive use of the central area for shops and offices. wiîhout impinging on residenlial areas. 3. Making a more attractive village centre with improv- cd pedestriail access, tree plantiflgs and landscaping. 4. Discouragiuig îhrough traffic. 5. Inmprovingparkiîg facilities. 6. Maintaiîlirg the "sm-all town" characler. As the cornv-nunily reaches 0,000 peuple the residents m'ill find their basic, personal, ousehold and recreatioflal eeds can be satisfied locally ýn a pleasant village atmos- phere. This wilI support and ;trengthen the feeling of comînunity amnong the old and new residents. Our planners, led by. James Murray, F.R.A.î.C., have pre- sented some ideas which are on display in the Consolidated Building Corporation's Com- nunity Concept Centre in Brooklin, at the borner of' Baldwin and Roebuck ;treets What are your idea ? Lei us know. Visi. us or caîl]W at 655-33911., Consolidated Building Corporation is a Canadian company whose past and present is firmly rooted in Ontario. During the last twicnty-five years, this firm has but commercial and industrial developniients in many areas, and designed and built homes for over 1 00,000 people. Most of these homes are found in carefully planned comrnunities. In many cases, Consolidated Building Corpor- ation researched and develop- ed the eintire structure of the cornmunity -- as well as build- ing the homes. The rnost recent recogni- tion of the company's ability 10 create exceptional housing cornes froin the Canadian Housing Design Council in Ottawa. This April, two Consolidated Building pro. jects reccived awards for excellence in home design fromn this Council. Before any plans for build- ing are considered,Consolidat- ed Building Corporation always makes an intensive study of the locality. Vîtamin Loss Nutrients such as the vitamin C and the B vi- tammis are water soluable. This means these nutrients may get washed out when boiled in water. Thus, the longer you cook themn, the 1greater the chance of vita- min loss. D.W.McGUAY 1 OUND)AS ST. W. WHI'TBY 668-5868 Resîdential lnvestment Property 7-acres of choice property zoned residential at north-west intersection of Brock Street North and Rossland Road West in Whitby - 2 road frontages. $252,000.00 with $70,000.00 down, Vendor will hold mortgage for balance. Cal Don M iouav. Pi'oneer Log Hume Circa 1810 1%2 storey, with board and batten 1-storey addition, totalling 1775 square feet of pioneer living area, with two fireplaces (one with a working bake oven), cathedral ceilings, bujît by a master builder of pioneer -long homes as bis own residence, set on 81/ acres of beautifully treed and scenic land (900' frontage on paved rtad> with a sprinq fed crystal -clear trout stream, plus trout pond. New board anaa *oatten 2-storey pioneer design barn of 2600 sq. ft., plus heated workshop 19' x 24' with loft. Only 5-mlesfrom Uxbridge. $185,000.00. Evenings Cal Jack Fudge 668-3077 Jim Spers 068-5920 Don McQuay 668-6743 Pursonal Service in Whitby and Durham Region for,23 yuars. EX PbORER RESTAURANT & TAVEN'- (NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT) Specil ,.'BusinesLuc We serve,;b0*ëufiful StnsSoe11. .&.S......o. We ailso;-hav-e, a ChIldrte.,n s Menu 900 Hopkins St., Whitby, Ontario For Reservations Phone 668-0316 mmý HAR IIAL ESTATIR LTD.

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