Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 2 Mar 1977, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS Fre 1e Press, ÀO %a %Mu Emporium Autos 196 8 VOLKS WAGON VAN - 12,000 ce dune buggy, needs some w--)rk, $200 or best offer. Cal 655-3756. 1969 VW - needs some work, $400 as is, $475 certified. Cal 655-3756 after 6 p.m. 1966 PONTIAC condition, 668-4058. STRATO-CHIEF - in running as is, $100. Caîl 1966 VALIANT - very good condition due to body work and paint job, radio, snow tires vith rims, will go 50-50 on cost of certif ication, $650. Cali 668-1939 anytime. 1964 CHEVY 2 - 6 cyl., good running condition, no safety check, $150 or best offer. Calîl 668-2806 af ter 4 p.m. 1973 GREMLIN - $1,500 uncertified a.nd $ 1,700 certified. Cal! 655-3027. 1968 COUGAR - $200. Cali 668-6068 or 668-7852. 1967 DCDGE PALARA - two doar bard top, verY dean, ini good roinni'ng condition, $250 as 1S. Cail 668-9870 after 5 pm. 1971 VOLKSWAGON 411 - 4 dr. automnatic, am/fm radio, radial tires, 45,000 miles, will certify, trailer hitch, asking $995. Cal! 668-0581. 1 973CHRYSLER NEWPORT- '15,000 miles, only one owner, 1200. Cail 683-4571. 1964 BUICK SKYLAR'%, 1i door lhardtop, 45,000 ý,r0inaI miles, excellent condition in':ide & onit, certified, $925 or be4, offer. Cati 668-0082 after 6 p.m. 1973 VI'.ÎGA GT FIA'(I- I3ACK - attoi-atic, good c.ondition, asking $ ,495. Cali 725-1174 or 668-8928 after 5 p.m. 1966 BUICK SPEIAL $75. Cati 725-4339. 1973 PONTIAC CATALINA - 4 dr. hdtp., rebut engine, new bra kes, radial tires, asking $2.500 or nearest offer, wvil certify. Cail 655-3691 after 6 p.m. 1976 ('IEVETfE -$3,000; 1976 PACER, good condition, $4,000 or best offer. Cali 725-7139 evenings or 668-8549. 1968 FORD) (ALAXY V-8, txvo door, tiulornatic, p/s, rIb, raCio. askinît $450. Cati 668-435à. 1970 FORD CORTINA - $250. Cail 668-8094. 1976 MONTE CARLO - low mleage, $5,500. Cali 668-9628. 1969 ('11E,.V PANEL - 6 cylinder standard, radio, wîndow curtains, extra tires, excellent condition, $1 ,450. Cali 5/16-3034. 1967 DODGE MONACO 500 - 2 door hardtap, vînyl roof, p/s, p'b, very dlean, body in good crndition, $300 or best offer. Cal728-6424. 1969 112 TON CAMPER - $1,500, Cali 668-1490 after 6 p.m. 1970 TORINO GT FASTBACK - rebut 302 V-8, arn/f ni stîerîo, radio, 8 trac k, four new radial rires, 3 speed automatic, console on f loor, highback bucket seats, ex~cellent interiar, gond appearance, $1,1 00 certif îed. Cali 668-8402. '67 CHEV BELAIR-as is %200. CaI1576-4023 1974 DATSUN B210 HATCH- BACK - mnag wheels, standard shif t, AM-FM stereo radio, rear window defogger, 30,000 miles, $1,850 or best offer, wiIl certif y. Cali 723-6371 after 5 p.m. 1971 VW SUPER BEETLE - good condition, gas heater, extra snow tires, certif ied, asking $995. Ç4all 655-4995. 1973 VOLKSWAGON - 412, 4 door, gold, 45,000 miles, radiais, excellent condition, $1995 certif ied. Cal 723-2394 after 5 p.m. 1966 PONTIAC - 8 cyl., $ 250 f i rm. Caî11668-08 27. 1967 OLDSMOBILE - Delta 88, 4 door hardtop, air condition- ing, $400; 1965 PONTIAC CUSTOM SPORT, excellent for parts, as is, $150. Cal 668-0082. 1956 CHEV - front end complete, $350. Cali 576-6034 between 5 & 7 p.m. OFFSTREET DUNE BUGGY - with dual wheels, spare engine & towbar, $150. Cal 655-4973. 1975 HONDA - 400-four, 3,10DO mites, driven only 50 miles in 1976, excellent condition, $1,200. Cali 723-2394 after 5 p.m. 1971 PLYMOUTH DUSTER - good condition, will certify,$1 100 or best of fer. Caîl1668-5660. 1955 PONTIAC PATHFINDER - excellent running condition, body fair, interior immaculate, 31,000 miles, best cash offer. Cali 668-1 238. 1966 STUDEBAKER running condition, $150. 668-3518. Cali 11973MERCURYMONTEGO - lvy-Bronze, wîth vinyl roof, p/s, p/b, radiais, radio, rear-window defogger, newv brakes. 61 ,00 miles, one owner, 77 license. $2,000, Cati 668-9997. Two 1971 VOLKSWVAGONS - n excellent condition. low mileage, $1,000 each or best offer. Calil 649-2021 after 5 p.m. weekdays, weekends anytiime. 1974 FORD WINDOW VAN - $3,000; 1975 NOVA HATCH- BACK, $3,500. Cali 576-0773. 1970 THUNDERBIRD - needs brake work, asking $2,000. Cali 668-2756 or 576-1970. Tvvo 1971 SNOWMOBI LES - double bed trailer, ail in excellent condition, $850 or best offer. can seil machines seperately. Calil728-6424. TWO MINI MOTO-SKI SNOWMOBI LES - good condition, 1969 model. $275 each. Cali 683-1 687. 1972 SKIROULE SNOW- MOBILE - RTZ300, excellent condition, double swivel trailer, used only 3 or 4 times, asking 1700. Cali 668-5194. TRUCK TIRES - brand new, nib crate, 1,000 x 20, with tube, new ring, $1 20. each. Cali 579-4970 ask for Edward. TWVO SNOW TIRES 15-' GM rims, $25; four Westbend toaster, like newv, Cali 728-9398. SI ice $10. THREE TIRES - 165-13, good for Datsun & other smail cars, $15. Cali 668-8527. EXTRA WlI I'.EI 1969 ('tevelte witliîtsvo suze E7 8- 14, $15. 683-1469. for lire s, C'al Four- Keystone CLASSIC RIMS- one pair Goodyear D70-14 tires, one pair Uniroyal Tiger Paw SS G60-14, ail for just $225. Call668-6744 as kfor Tony. SNOW CRUISER - 35 hp, has reverse, $600. Cal 635-4741. NOTICE TO READERS Advertise FREE in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM, pay ONLY when you sel!! There will not be any charge to advertisers in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM unless the item advertised is sold. When the advertised item is sold, you pay a commission based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as iliostratcd below. Ail advertisements must be placed on an exclusive lSasis with the WHITI3Y FREE PRESS ';rd run at least one mi>nth if not sold. RATES (if article is sold): 5% of advertised price up to $40000 2% of' hbnceo ver %$400.00 ", EXAMPLE: Sold item advertised for $50.00 - commission due $2.50 (minimum comnmi.ssion is $ î.soî Privalte advertis.ag only! Please notify us if you find a retailer. listed as a private advertiser.- Please notify the Whitby Free Press immediately when item is sold s0 that we may delete it [rom the t'ollowing issues. Services, help wanted, clothing, real estate and personal message type ads can only be handled on a prepaid basis. If in doubt, cal! 668-6111l MAIL ALL ADS TO: rREE'PRESS EMPORIUM PO. Box 206, Whitby The deadline for emporium ads is the Monday at noon. Fiirniture 9 pce. DINING ROOM SET - $299; kitchen stool, $7; Esîre fridge, $20. Cali 723-8934. CHINA door & 4 725-4339. CABINET - dravvers, $50. ANTIQUE - oak parlour doors wth 15S panes oi leacied glass each, $250 pair; onc large gloht fixture for wvork area, S5; ladies buckle skri boots, sze 7, $12; ' Snugli- baby back-pack, $15; Deluxe îolly jumper, $5. Cal 668-7439. (aiinaCiana smnail primnitive ROC(Ki'»R, $30; 6& pîne tbenciî, $35. liax cutter, $50; pine tool lxix, $1. ('ail 683-5671 Gree nwood. 1 LI (TR I( B ROOM --Vikinîg. $8; Bîsseli Floor ('arpet Sweeper, $10. A 1l in very good condition. ('ail 9 85-26 21. Traîlers, etc. Tl- N-- 9 x i12 Woods canvas witiî floor. $75.('alClarerînont 649-57 12 alter 5S p.rn. 15' BRUNSWICK 130AT 18' WIS('OO'F TRAILI'R. 50 hi) J ohnson inotor, asking $2,000 nîany extras. ('ail 728-3297. 1971 NORDIC SKIOOO - 399 manual, 24 hp., used only occasionaily, $600. Call 725-2967. TIRES - new (5) 1178-15, blk/wall off van, $175 set. CaII 655-4610. TWO TIRES -- 560&13 ;,3ridgstone, for Datmî'n, complete with rim, $66. Cal 668-7907. SNOW TIRi'S- 2 almost new, A78-1 3, tubless bcîted w/w $20. Caîl 66 8-4743 a*ter 6 p.m.. 1969 13' Triple E TR AI LER - sleeps four, fridge, sto 'e, gas furnace, canopy, very good condition, $1500. Caîl 683-2861. TIRES -i78-15, Goodrieli belted, $10; tire & rimi, 825-14, Goodyear ('Irysîer rim, $ 10; snov tire & riîîi, G78-14, ('hryslcr riru, $ 15. Caîl 6 55-3 860. CAR RADIO Chevelle Malibu $50 or best of fer. - from 1976 Classic, asking Cal! 725-7848. FOUR SUMMER TIRES - B.F. Goodrich, 4 ply steel-beîted, white walls, good for 40,000 miles, only 3,000 miles on them, Asking $145. Caîl 728-07/23. Antique VICTORIANSOFA - 130 years old, restored, ike new. asking $800. Cail 655-3523. 39" CONTINENTAL BED - glass boxspring and mattress, $35; Cal1 small dresser, 5 dravuers, $18; Cali655-3528. ROLLAWAY BED - 30- wide, SB8; kitchen or bar stool 24" high, one metal. $7; beige rug, il1'4- x 10', needs cleaning, S35; two borner stove, electrie, 220 volt heavy duly, 25" high wvith shelf, nuoaven, $15. Cal 655-3860. AIR CONDITIONER - $35; hood fan, $40; TV stand. $15; lawvnmower, $40; sledgeh-îmmer, S5; platt(ic clothes closet smal. $5 large, $15; dîamond swags, $15; nylon screenînig, $5; punch bosvl set, S$10; Sears plastic fence, $20; twvo-seater bicycle, $50; assortment of garden tools. Cal 668-1819. Four odd KITCH EN CHAIRS - wooden, $9 each; Four Dining Raom Chairs, $25 each; Two living room chairs, $10 & $15; triple dresser mirrar only, $25; telephone bench, $15; Bedroom lamps, 1 pr., $5; Caîl 668-9009. Kroelekr (IIESTI'-'IELD -- chair & ottoman, as niew, blue- green, $300 or nearest offer; Console Co ffee table, $50; Iloover floor potistier, $i1S; Slender-Bender exerciser, $15; baby car seat, $ 10. Cati 655 -3446. WALNUT COFFEE TABLE - 39" x 22" in excellent condition, $50. Cali 668-5596. COFFEE TABLE, END TAB'LE - Fre'nch Provincial in fruitwood, $100; large ail painting on canvas, $100. Cali 668-0633. very Call' CLOTHES DRYER - $65; Underwood standard typewriter, $20; pine gatelake table, $60; antique washstand, $65; RCA 20" colour TV, $95; 18' of drapery 60" long brown burlap, $10; one SOL burner & controls, $45; antique pine harvest tablé, best offer over $100. Ca11 668--3889. BATHROOM SET- Corn- plete, modern. White- tub', water pumnp, pressure $100. 576-4023 ELECTRIC STOVE- two burners, oven needs some repairs. $30. Cati 668-0721. POOL TABLE - 31/2. x 6', in excellent condition,ý $1 15. Cail 668-6779 after 5 p.m. ELECTRIC STOVE - good condition, $50. 655-4944 af ter 5 p.m. SEWING MACHINE - Seamstress, with cabinet, excellent condition, $75. Caîl 668-5447. Simpiicity Super Twin WASH- ING MACHINE - avocada, good asnev, $1 85. Ca11 668-8527. ELECTRIC BROOM - $10; eiectric motor, 1/4~ hp, $10. Cail 668-3112. STOVE - two borner, & oven $25; anc new MOPED, good shape, used twice, S$100. Cali 723-6201. Two brand new EXTENSION SIDES - for crib or bed, $8 ea; smail wood bookcase nicely f inished, $25; wood coffee table, $5; 2 large diaper pails, white, $2 each; assorted beautiful wall plaques, hanging & pîctures, must be seen, best offer. Cal! 668-6567. FINDLY SPACE HEATER - used, good condition, suitabie for cottage or shop, $75. Cal1 683-1687. ELECTROHOME B & W CONSOLE TELEVISION - $85; Will be deiivered. Cali 655-4385. Four-borner eiectricSTOVE - $25; Aiumînum storm DOOR, 6'10- x 2'10-, $25. Cali 655-3768. Large aid SOLID WALNUT DESK - brass potes, needs refinishing, $60; antique dresser, bowfront, large plate glass, bevelled swinging mirror, $160; antique oak chest of drawers,' ornate brass handies & key botes with keys, china casters on legs, $250; double bed headboard and footboard with frame, $25; canopy frame for a double bed, $10; very large old twin bedroom set, soiid walnut, iniaid and ivary handles, consists of two 39" beds, one vanity with fuli bevelled mirror, uphoistered bench seat, one night table, one large chesi of drawers with cupbaards, $500. Cali 668-6567., DISHWASHER - Kelvinator, gold, $125. Cali 668-7367. 1 McCLARY STOVE - burners, 4 years oid, $60. 668-0630. McClary easy electrie clothes. DRYER - good working condition, $80; dinette arborite TABLE & CHAIRS, extensioni table, $30. Caîl 728-9737. POOL TABLE - about 4' x 8', $150; Bed, 39", $25; headboard (White 39"), $20, (neyer used) . Cal 668-2649. tank. TV - Console B & W, $250 or best offer; two mnetal bed [rames with s pring, $30 or best offer. Caîl 668-9278. TV - Console, 24" Fleetwood, in good condition, B & W, $30. Cali 655-4630. GAS DRYER - used six months, Inglis Liberator, white, excellent condition, $175 cash or best offer. Cali 668-1652 evenings or weekends. FRENCH PROVINCIAL TV - B & W, $1 50; Projector Screen, $10; Preserving Jars, $1 dozen. Bathroom iight Fixture, $5; waff le iron, $5. Calîl 668-8028. SEWING MACHINE - in cabinet, has many attachments, excellent condition, $75. Cali 683-0329. 19" B & W ADMIRAL TV - asking $30, new tube. Cali 668-5459. ANTIQUES - Brass & iron single bed, $1 50; oak Jacobean mirrored side board with brass tear drop poies, $250; various washstands, 2 pine $90 each, & 2 walnut $120 & $150; rare round pine table, pedestal base, spooled feet, tilt top, $400; other antiques too numerous to mention. Cali 668-5830. MOUIFAT GAS RANGE - 30", only used one year, ,xceilent condition, eye-level broiier ro tissery, avocado green, original price, $650, askiîîg- $300. Cali 668-1766.1 I3ATIIROOM SUITE - sink (ji bathitub, good condition, white. $45. Cali 668-9488. G.E. Drum HUMIDIFIER - automatic shut-off, veriablespeed, water level, humidistat, $65. Cali 725-8872 af ter 6 p.m. Compact ELECIRIO STOVE - 4 burners, grill & oven, aIder model, working order, $25; Wringer Washer, like new, used one year, $90; make an offer, old footed bathtub, aid wall hung sink, double bed, two B & W console TV's, good working order. Cali 728-2484. Musical STEWVART DRUMS- - Co mplete set, in perfect condition, must 'seil, $350 or offers. Cali 668-3549 evenings preferred. Antique GRAMOPHONE- 1916 vintage, plus 35 old phonogi'aph records, $200 complete. Call 725-4339. STEREO TAPE RECORDER - Concord 550 <1964), originally $200 for $50; Electrohome Stereo, 60" walnut cabinet, Gerrard changer, AM/FMV radio, as good as new, $125 only. Cali 655-391 5. WEBSTER STEREO - AMIFM radio, 8 track, record player, four speakers & earphones, complete with stand, about 4 months old, $200. Cali 263-8145. Gemeinhardt FLUTE - excellent condition,' books and case included, $200. Cali 655-3528. Beautif ul Electronic ORGAN - two key boards, pedal, swelI pedal, Lesley speaker, rhythm section, complete with bench & earphone, $1 ,500. Cali 668-8527.1 four Cai 1l STEWART DRUMS - cymbals, Snare, small Tom Tom, floor Tom Tom, Base, music stand, padded seat, sticks, gold stripe, used four years, $100 cash or best off er. Cali 668-1652 evenings or weekends. 3M BACKGROUND PA MUSIC SYSTEM - $125 or best offer. CaIl 655-3511. 12 STRING GUITAR - EKO Ranger X11-E, electric-acoustic model made in 1968, with new case strap and cord, excellent condition, $250. Cati 668-1804 af ter 5 p.m. Appliances Uall 568fflu 111

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