Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 26 Jan 1977, p. 10

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PAGE 10, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 269,1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS Uses car tfres and wheels Brooklin cyclists make unique ice racing motor bike By BRIAN WINTER Staff Writer Two Brooklin cycîists believe they have a winning comrbination in a custom-buiît sidecar motorbike which they designed and built themnselves for ice racing. So far their luck is holding out, for when they entered their first racing event with their bike at Keene, near Peterborough, Jan. 16, they came first in their class. Rob Egan, 24, who owns Brooklin Cycle Clinic, and bis partner, Mike Kehoe, 25, began December 1 to construct an ice racing bike which they beleive is unique in Canada. Unlike the bikes usuaîly employed in ice racing, it is not an ordinary motorcycle with a third wheel added. 1h is a complete unit, with car wheels and studded car tires, which according to Mr. Egan and Mr. Kehoe, make it much easicr to stop and steer than an ordinary motorcycle, and provide better traction. Mr. Egan and Mr. Kehue spent six weeks, working an average of eight hours a day building their machine, and after several tirnes of tearing il apart and starting over again, they hiad it ready for its first run at Keene. Both nie n have been racing motocross bikes on land for six years, and got into ice racing on large pond1s or lakes three years ago. Ice racing on motorcycles startcd about 1970 and is more popular in Quebcc than Ontario, says Mr. Egan. The cycllsts intend to take their new machine to the National Ice Racing Chamnpion- ships, sanctioned by the Canadian Motorcycle Associa- Look Naturally Good We Gao aiong with Nature ta bring oui the beit in you and your hz.' We cut it the way f grow ..and shape 't ta suit YO, face.. - MEN'S HAIRSTYLUNG Whitby'Plaza. 668-6922 tion, wliich hasjust recognizcd sidecar racing officially. The first round of the national cliaîpionships will be held on Rice Lakc at Bcwdley on Feb. 6, with about 350 competitors. Mr. Egan does not know how nany wilI be in the sidecar class, but reports that there were I12 entries last year. The second round of the championsh-ips wiIl be in Sudbury Feb. 12 and 13, and the third round in St. Felician, Quebec, in Marcb. Thc sidecar bike witil thc large whccls bas a 750cc Yamiaha engine, purchased ini Toronto. The tires wvere also purchased ini Toronto and the wheels in Oshawa. Total cost was $2,500. According to Mr. Egan, thcre are specially built factory mnachines sîinîilar to the one lie bas 'built, nianufactured' in England, but as far as lie kniovs. biis is the first in Canada with large wheels for ice racingu. Ice racing is donc on an uval track on a f'rozen lake or pond. Mr. Egan is thie driver, while Mr. Kehoe, as copilot. balances himiselfon thiesidecar and shiifts bis wvigit to adjuist tlie iamoevrabili ty uof the machine. Speedls on tlhe ice reachi as much as 60 miles per hour . aI tiotngh M r. Ega n an dl Mr. Kehuec do not have a speedomieter on their bike to sec liow fast îhcy are "oing. 1It was ai lit tic nerve- wracking at first*', says NMr. Egan of* bis first trial of the newv machiine aI I lie Lions Ice Racing event ini Keenc. **We didil*t know %viî.it it DEMO SALE '76 CHEVELLE LAGUNA bucket console, power windows, power door locks, air, AM/FM stereo. Plus many extras. Lic. KAF 528 $6095 76 CHEV IMPALA 4 DOOR H.T. Firethorne with firethorne vinyl rouf, air, power windows, cruise control, tilt wheel. Plus many extras. Lic. KRR 395 $5595 76 CHEVROLET CAPRICE 14 DR. SilVer/silver, vinyl roof with mahogany interior, PW, power lock, climute control, AM/FM, -many other luxury options. Lic. KCS Lic. LCS 454 $5995 76 MONTE CARLO 350, PIS, PIB, automatic, Landau v'inyl roof, white wails, turbine wheels, body side molding, green with white roof & white interior. Lic. KXW 837 $5253 USED CARS Camper Owners 74 BUICK 9 PASSENGER ESTATE WAGON fully equipped including air conditioning, tilt wheel, cruise controI, immaculate condition, one owner trade. Lic. HZH 014 $3995 74 OLDS CUTLASS SUPREME with bucket seats, floor console & radio, dark hrown with matching trim, excellent shape inside & out. L ic. Hfr, U2 $3795 Cyclists Mike Kehoe and Rob Egan take their places on their new sidecar motorbike which they built themselves at Brooklin for ice racing. The bike is unique in Canada, for it operates with car wheels and tires instead of ordinary motorcyc 'le wheels, The pair won their first race with the new machine ian. 16 and will be competing in the Canadian National Championships in February and March. Free Press Photo would do. We went faster eachlimre".* Mr. Egan and Mr. Kehoe have generaîly placed third lu f-iftlh . ice races on a stanidard motorcycle, but are hoping for big t1inigs with their new machine. "If Keene is any indication of what it's going to do, it could be a real winning machine", says Mr. Egan.w Mr. Egan bas operated Brooklin Cycle Clinie nearly two years, having started in March 1975. Both he and Mr. Kehoe have been involved with motorcycles for 10 years. Singers postpone 1977 European trip because of a lack of 'participants- The Couinty Town Singers anntunced Iast wec k that they have re,'retfuîîly dccided 10 posîponie them1 Eniropean cultural exclhangc tour, sch- edtiîed l'or July Ibis year. The Singe rs had been planning thle visi I to Ausîria. Germantty and Switzerland l'or lnearlv eîght Inîonths. but1 decided in a -cene rai vote of the cboir mioiibers lasi vck lu posi ponle the t rip indefinitel:v becanise ilot enlougb muncmuber s \%,Cie able te atciae Publicit v Director Joanne Aslhlev. whose liusband fini Ashley is thme choir's director, said about 72 singers went on thie 1974 European tour, but only about 45, were able 10 commit themiseîves this year becauise of other Obligations. The choir did not want to go wvitb a compliment sîrmaller than hefore. 50 it decided ho posîpone the trip. sfic said. Atiother reason for not making the trip ini 1977 is that Ibis year is theleIOtbl annivcrsarv of' the fouinding of thre Counîy Towvn Singers, and the choir svanted to do a lot of perfor- nmances in the local area in the Doctoi, Joseph (). Ruddy Hospital ~~L The annuel meeting of the Corporation of the Doctor Joseph 0. Ruddy General Hospital wiII be held on Wednesday, March 30, 1977 commencing at 8 p.m. in the hnspital cafeteria. Section 1 (2) (ii) of the Hospital By-Laws states: "A member who pays his or its fees annual'ly shallflot be entitled to dote nor to participate at any meeting of the Corporation unless his or its membership was paid in fuit at Ieast thirty days prior to the date of the meeting". Fees may be paid at the Administrator's Office of the hospital Monday through Friday, during normal business hours or may be remitted ta: The Secretary Board of Governors The Dr. Joseph 0. Ruddy General Hospital 300 Gordon Street Whitby, Ontario LiN 5T2, Cheques marked "Membership Fee" should be made payable to the hospital. Post mark date determines eligibility of mailed applications. Individual - $2.00 Organization - $5.00 Membership fee: connection with this anniver- sary, said Mrs. Ashley. AIl contributions received by the Singers from their Singathon Iast fail will be pîaced in trust until such tirne as another exchange tour is set up in the future, she said. Mrs. Ashley reported Ihat financially, the Singers had raised about the sainie amnounit of money at. this tinie as they had in 1974, 0 thie problem across mainly froin the lack of enoughi participants. Since 1973 the Singers have been twinned with the Liederhort Tosters, a choir froin Feîdkirch, Austria. This association resulted in the twinning of the Town of Whîîîby and the City of Feldkirch in 1975. The Singers Mincerely llîank Al their local supporters in the fundraisiîîg drive for the exchiange tour, and hope to set it up again aI a later date, said Mrs. Ashley. Block Parent officers elected The Whitby Block Parent Central Committee called a special meeting on Thursday to hold an election of Officers following the resig- nation of Past Chairman Mrs Sharion Thompson. Installed as Central Com- mintee Chairman was Mrs. Judy Taylor who has served as Chairnian on several Block Parent Area Committees during the past year. Serving with lier for the coming year wiîl be Mis. Susan Woolsey, Public Relations Officer. Nominations for the offices of Secretary and Treasurer wi1l take place ah the regular meeting of the Whitby Block Parent Central Committee scheduled to take place on_ Thursday February 17. &SONS 655.4811 (, ts 0Nt1o Bmo 683-4091

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