Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 19 Jan 1977, p. 7

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rBriail Winter's Historig ~ Whitby cal, A SETTLER'S VIEWPOINT, 1846 (Part Two) Lust week we printed excerpts frorn letters by Wiiain Watson, the 22-year old son of one cf Whitby's Iioncer settlers. Written iin 1846, these letters,, copies of whicb w'ere sent to the Whitby Historical Society, give a special insight into the life of a pioneer fàrmer in Whitby. This week we quote Mr. Watson's plea for bis iiiclc to leave the tyrannical landlords of Scotland and cotne ho Canada where land is available ut a good price and a mian can make a decent living: "Dear Uncle, I have one hhing to tell yo'u before l finish. My father regrets greatly in flot ieaviiig Scotland 15 yeans ago (1831) at the lime when Uncie Jamres (Tweedie) wanted him out. "He could with sonie cure bave beeni propriehor of 400 acres than tenant of 100 ut- home. Now as 1 have been two years in Canada 1 can sce and understand'the custonîs iof the country, There is ui aIl. times either tarms 10 seil or rent. "Now Uncle, if you have any intention of crossing the Atlantic, the sooner you leave Scotland and cross the Atlantic the better. Now 1 arn elling you from niy whole heart, and îîow 1 arn perfectly enubled te say that if a man is able to arrive on the shores of Anierica with 300 pounds 1 wuuld be bound to suy that hie is a great deal betheroff than ariy of the furmers around wiîere hie corne tYon. "You can sec lie can buy a farm and iive ut bis ease, and not be bound down under the hand of a tyranning iaird sncb as a great niany of hhern are athborne. 1 uni of Uncle James' opinion about that. I buate to hieurthie namècf a tyrunning laird, Mien a mnan can live ini Canada andi be respeched as made equal ho thîe best noblemian in the land. Now, uncle, sLlch is not the case athborne. 11 arn well aware that a great muany of the people ut bomne, tuhe principal thing that keeps theni frum coming to Arnenica is Ibis. 0 they dure îîot cross the Atlantic (or) tbey will be ail drowned. But that is great nonsense. If tlîey only îlîink for a moment tlhey have tbe saine protection ut sea as on dry land". The iehters conîtinue wihh a' funther insiglit on the settler's life ini Canada. "iYou m nentioned abouît the lieuse we live iii. It is a wood bouse, a kitchen, puarior, aid two bedroonîs, and ilch house. "We have I16 acres ol fil whcat and 20 acres of spring wheat, anidI17 acres of oats, 8 tif peas, 21/ of potatees, onie of cern and 1I/2 of turnips. You wiIl be thinking themn litt1e puhches, but reasen is this, wheult is the princip-al crop aIl over the country. It s isflen iii its price miosi terrible since spring April. lt vas as lîigh ais 5 or 6 shillings per bushel, but now il is as iuw as thncecshillings or tlîree shillings and six pence iier bushel. Y' FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, .JANUARY 19,1977, PAGE 7 1"Oat. meai is selling well, i½' dollàrs b~er bar.rel; beef is from 4½Wto, 5 dollars the 100 lb.; mutton is from six pence te seven pence per pound; pork is about, 10 dollars per i190 Ibs. 1 think thut is our mrnuket as near as 1 can gîve "hMy father and John Skinner hs been away up in the western part of Canada jushte see the land ùipd bow they liked the country. They were up as far us London, That is neariy 200 miles up. My fathen says be likes the country very weli tiiere, is soi-ne beitutiful fiarming.* The land is a great deal cheuper up there than what it is down here. Land can't be bought up fon 16 shillings sterling per acre. Now ciownî here (ut Whitby) it can't be bought unider three pounols sterling pern acre, se you sec thut is a great différence, buît the reason is this: It is a great deal farther away froin the mnarket. Wlîc we live new it is just 5 miles frorn market. Now Lip there they are 30 tu 40 miles from a regular rnarket.1 "Dean Uncle, the rivens and lakes in this country do gneatly abound with fish of ail kinds, salmon and pike is very plentifuily swarnîing. 1 suw (one) over weighed 60 lbs. There is not many trou t, what to is but very smail. "Just look here what James (Tweedie) is doing. I don't believe lie wotîld seli bis property.under 4 or 5,000 poLInds an.yway. lie bas got a splendid dwelling bouse and office (built in 1845) and a mnost beautiful farm, 300 acres of clearcd land, 200 acres of woods". (This farmn was io)caled ut the nortbwest corner of Rossland Road and Cochrane Streets and the old farni bouse is stili standing. James Tweedie was an uincie of William Watson). 1 ani gratefLIl te Mns. Margaret Davidson, of Edinburgh, Scotland,- for senîcing mie copies of William Watson's letters, wiîiciî have been cjuoted in ti colun Ib is week and last week. --B.W. Enough is enough. After ahl the tons of 5110w yoL've shovelled this past weeks -- it's limne to take a break. I'm going to whisk you souhth. Let's gel ho the suni fast. That means going 10 the "Sunsbiine State" Florida. You'll have to move quickly mneaning you'il be travelling sometime in February. Be careful about March. Only because "March Break" extrudes tens of th'oLîsancis cf American and Canadian coilege and high school sîLidents resulting in packed motels, hotels, bars, restaurants and beaches. If you can make it January or April. fine. You'li probably have a selection of 'extras'. Jantiary is nutcd fer reduced rates. And for future reference Christmnas - New Year is another high traffi. period and one to, avuid aise -- should crowds and liné-ups upset you.' An experienced travel agent, that's the key. Sure guys and gais ut the office, store, *plant - or good old friend Charlie can and sometimes do give good advice for yeur trip. But -- it's "your trip" and your tastes, t-me and inoney invoived. Go see a travel agent. You've probabiy seen their advertisemnt in the local paper (yes Ibis ene). Tell theni what you are looking for and what'yeur budget is. Basically, Florida consisîs of tlhe Atlantic Coast fer action-style folks: Daytona Beach with international speedway, including motor track, boat racing and excitinig ski-shows. Marineland with six shows daily. Kennedy Space Centre with, space exhibits, movies and, spuce science' exhibits. Miami -Seaquariurn wihh "Flipper" cf movie and television fame and 1 0,000 living crealuires cf the sea. Monkey Jungle: includes the Amnazonian Rainforest with exohic rnonkeys and foIiaize fromn South 41 CLEARANCE 0F TOBOGGANIS m8 .95 5' 61 - 11,095 9,95 MITC H ELL BROTHERS Building Supplies Ltd. Brookline 655-4991 Anerican Jungles. Miarni and Fort LÉaude rdle: tou)s in nighit lîfe and restauirants wilit b ig-naînili stars ut the 'big hotels. àAil Florîda is lun buît il' the Lquiete 1cr pce i)euses you, youli1 enjoy the CLIII (Coast ih ils gorgemns heachles ut Clearwvater antIltle serenity ef* St Pet rsbLîrg aid Sarasoha. Busch and Floricha's Stînken (ardeiis are nîtmists' un a GulfI trip. Centrai Fieridai, indeed any I rip t othie Stute should take ini spectacular Wautt lisney World îîcur Orindo. Look lu your agent l'or t ravel packaiges te incloide -tirfliàit , hoîci and baggage ha ndling be tween airpuorts aini hiotel.' Ask yotir agent il* they kno()v %vhaiit heie cconiiioda- lion is like. Reud brochures carefîîlly'. Xhat you sec in priuit is what yL)Li gel. Sonelines un agenit wili be ,ible lu get you a package Iu include I*iLil breakfast ( most cone witli continental. rolîs and coffee). You inîay lso lie ble te gel Corridor, ~ Capers Iii folks. It's so cold that even nîy' îypewriter is co>rplaining. Really trnuch newvs this week. people arc stayinig as close lu the firepiace as possible. The Officiai opening of Signet Sigins \vas a treinendous success. Weil over I100 friends anid businiess acqatiai aces toured thie new signi shep ut Thicksoin Ruad. Nlayor Jin Gartshore cul the ribboin akiing a drearnl corne truc for EMPLOYERS We have Training DoIIar$ âaouable Having difficulty filling your skilied vacancies? Do your present employees need to be upgraded? Planning to expand your operation? The Canada Manpowver Industrial Training Program provides financial ' ncentives to train present or prospective employees. We can reimburse' trainee wages between 40% - 85%/ during the training period! We can even reimburse the trainers \wages and other material costs. Marion Armitage and R3oiy Campeau are our C.M.I.T.P. specialists. They would be glad to help you set up your training program. Give us a cati or drop into our Oshawa office at 44 Bond Street, West. Our telephone no. is 728-4631. You'Il be glad you did. BU D CU LLEN MIN ISTE R BUD CULLEN MINISTRE CANADA MANPOWER CENTRE 44 BOND STR EET WEST OSHAWA TELEPHONE: 728-4631 a chloice (of a car for 4 days or four dinners). I've hiad gou4 andi bad experiences in Florida. I've found the travel agent makes the difference. They try to ineet your requirernents -- but like thie rest of us they have goOd, bad, pour andI excellent agents. lt's up to you to decide tie uype of break you want and how'many dollars yoLi can afford te spend. Rkernerber too, Cana dian and Aierican transportation taxes, plus hotel. service charges and admittance to tourist spots are extras. How rnuch for two ut' yen for a week? l'cl be iooking at about $900.00 un a package plan and probably including breaý,kfast and dlinnerC. But - get an agent they are thie experts. When you retturn f roui a good trip comp)liment theni. Should yuni have a bad experience -- give 'ciii heul. lve had'and dune )otlh. Whiitby resident Don Rogers. Progress is sheer determiination. Westminster United Church: The Bring and Buy sale at. Westminster Church will be Thursday January 27th aI 9:30 a.rn. Because of the school's 1Professional Developmnent day, the date has been changed, but the articles reinain the saine. Corne and bring your t'riends. There w~ill be fun and bargains galure. Corridor Capers dance No. 4 will be ut Heydenshore P'avilioni on Saturday, February 1i-', beginning ut 8:30 p.mi. Prizes and refreshmnents as wveli as a îasty lunch. Tickets are S4.00 per person and rnay be obtained froîqi Lynn Miajores, John Pisani, or tiny nienmber of the executive. 1 have already hiad nunierous cails requesting tickets, reserve early ho avoid heing disappointed. i lappy Ukrainian New Year. M. McEachern 725-8967 Stop delaying getting your own home! Buying or building, the time is right to strike out for a homne of your own. For 87 years this old Ontario company has been custom buildi ng mnortgage boans to suit the needs and the resources of people just like you. See us today at Victoria and Grey. ~-Member Canada Deposit i ~ I nsurance Corporation WCTORL4 and GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 KEITH LAWES M O uodu st. W. MUP 4. 1. f

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