Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 12 Jan 1977, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WIEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS Br~kin ç~~ Byines-, If you get this paper read in time and are interested in attending the annual Brooklin and District Progressive Conservative Association meeting, it will start at 8 p.m. this evening, Wednesday, January 12 at the Oddfellows Hall on Bagot Street in Brookiin. It should be quite interesting Frank Drea, MPP for Scarborough Centre will be guest speaker. Everyone is welcome. The annual meèeting of the Ashburn Cornmunity Centre group will also be Wednesday, January 12 at 8 p.m. We P. Barker D.T. is pleased ta annaunce the apening of his practice of Denture Therapy for the provision ofai COMLEE DENTURE SERVICE 111 D undas St. West, Whitby 668-1464 understand iliat their Christingsconcert was rnost e'njoyable and a donation for the Salvation Armny was collected. This Friday the I 4th thiere will be a cuchre party, starting tirne is. 8 pan. at the Ashburn Comrnunity Centre and the charge is fifty cents for adults, twenty-five cents for stuclents. A community (lance will be hcld,at the Thunderbird Golf and Country Club on Jan. 29. Door prizes, a late lunch and music by BarI Brown should assure that titis event wiIl be a gre.at success. Ladies Take-A-Break, sponsored by the Whitby 'Y' started a new ten-week session this week. Sorry I didn't get the information in time for Iast week's column. Although it has already started you can stili enroîl - just cail the 'Y'. The group -meets Wednesday niornings from 9:30 until 11: 30 at the Brooklin United Church. Excellent infant and child care is available. A great variety of activities is planned for the coming weeks-among them a tour of the 'Station Art Gallery in Whitby to view the Eastern Ontario Art Association shuwing - sounds interesting! Cail 668-6868. Brooklin Kinsmen will hold a 'Public Speaking Night' on Monday, January 24 at the Brooklin Legion. The winner of this evening's presentation will go on to compete at zone and district levels. These men meet regularly every second and fourth Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. for a business meeting followed by dinner at 7:30 p.în. If you are interested in joining the Brooklin Kinsmen one person you could contact would be Gerry Emnm. Meadowcrest Baptist Church is celebraîing a 'Mortgage Burning' cereînony at the rnorning service on January 1 6. Ilt is twelve years since the mortgage was taken out. The congregation can be congratulated for the fine job they have done in paying it off. This churcli offers two Sunday services, one at Il a.m., the other 7 p.rn. - nursery care and Sunday school classes are available during bothi services. On Monday nighits at 7 pan., fellows from twelve to eighteen particîpaw tei rie CrsinUevc Brigade. Tuesday, evenings, ai 6:30 p.m., Pioneer girls of three age groups meet --._erale two --- grade fouir,.grade fïve - six, grade seV1en - eighit. Wednesday nights the re are Bible study sessions for adults fromn 7:30 p.m. Thursdays at 9:45 a.m. there is a Bible/ study and coffee break program for woman- child care is available. Pastor Don Foley cati be reached at 655-4554. Have a good week. Val 655-4317. Wed. Jan. 12 - Annual meeting Brooklin and District Progressive Conservative Association - 8 p.m. at--*he Oddfellows Hall, Brooklin. Wed. Jan. 12 - Annual meeting of the, Ashburn Community Centre, 8 p:m. Sun. Jan. 16 - 'Mortgage Burning' at Meadowcrest Baptist Church, il a.m. Wed. ian. 19 - 'Y, Ladies Take-a-Break, Brooklin United Church, 9:30 a.m. Mon. Jan. 24 - Brooklin Kinsmen meet at Brooklin Legion, 6:30 p.m. Sat. Jan. 29 - Ashburn Commnunity Dance, Thunderbird Golf Club, 8 p.m. The fdendly neighbour- hood exercise. The Additive ,ï Alarm BROWN*,S cut & wrapped FOODMASTER BROOKLINI ONTARIO NORTH WHITBY PHONE 655m4521 t)ELIVERY AT CHMIAG 3 BIG DAYS Thursday Jan. 13 fo Sat. Jan. 15 No. 1 Red Brand Steer Beef HINDS SIDES $1.*22 lb. $1 000 lb. 3 ta 3 /a.LU Average $ 1 el 9 b MIXED - ENDS&Md CENTRES PMR i~ PORKCHOPSCUT PROM $15 TIIE LOIN * 9 to 11 CHOPS__ ______ FAMILY PAIC Count Sausage lb $1 .08 SCANIOgs 12OZ M MAPLE LMAFpSoTI ON Z102P% Heachese owle. Hm Steak e. $1.12 Heedceese owl : 7 EC £00c POIN-SMAUL UNK MAPU LiAP 1&02 PACKA'TE DEVON Sousage lb 79 Alil Bef Wieners ta 9 c CNI"m so MAPU LIAF coIJNa Polish Sousage lb"qc LUNCM EATS 8,b U C LbSsuI4ANhCà PWWM-.5P m Lo .Ld .2 Stewing Beef lb o= __ ii. aP&u..om NewCh»...- CUl 'Rom CANADA GRADE "A" BUF F,..d, 0.1 Bode Steaks lb uc 44 c Spuil HABITANT FLUFFO SpodUI'Ksoups is-S PACKAGE PEA or VEGETABLEIM Tins 55a<es Ao-=l jT-o I Kraft Singe Cheese $ Catelli Raady Cut 2-Lb Pkg or . U ,SPAiGHEITI5 HEIIZ TOMATO AAc KETCHUP, <.I4 White 5w..PP« ~ Qc NOUSEL 240L 1PACKAG KLEENEXc FAGAL TISSUES P~ 2M0 x 2-fV FACKAGE 5 GLAD$1G "bIe. legs M9 wu20 wDU" I $1929 lbo Sm RINK POWDUS PACKAGES m*y Sacon - Kou" Wb m O.p.. Ab..é.s1 248 P.skff. SUNSPIIN PARCHMENT LS - PACKAGE KoLmAID 5f49c DIAPERS s2.09 MARGARINE 45e Imprial BROWN MAI OUARTER8 WHfTE CREAMEO Marganne HC>NEY fflB PACKAGE CANADA 91I-D2-UTU$ 1. 49 j 1.69- Nutritious No. 1 Bradford Marsh Carrots 3 lb. bug 551, Ontario No. 1 Yellow Onions 2IL bubg 43" Finest Grown Uxbridge Brmnd Table Potatoos No. i Kotox 79c ROTIPB ef. Cnst 150ML VICE"s w-I.-- $1.49 1084W JA sl.A. cg Synap 799 CHEr boy-AN GEl - o« BIEARONI I.FLOZ TIN ma11z Assorted I29cf JURFOODS L7 ALLENS Orange 7c FLLV00iE R YSTALS 5 4/ 31/-OZ t. POLY BAC 7 9l A KITTY Littor 59C FILETS cmL985c CARNAIN e« RWN 11 A POTATOES45 Chemicais in aur faads! 0on't panic! Sait, water, vinegar and sugar, comman enaugh products are ail chemicais, and serve a useful purpase in aur foad as do chemicai additives. WHY ARE ADDITIVES USED? Ta imprave texture and stabiiity. STABI LIZERS retard the settiing af particies in samne iiquids like chacalate in chaocaiate miik. EMULSI FIERS aid in the dispersian af ane iiquid in anather, like ail in vinegar in saiad dressings. THI1C KEN ERS pravide added body to cheese spreads and gravies. To preserve - The aidest methods ai preserving faads are smoking, pickiing, saiting-and sun drying. We stili use iiese miethads today basides using ather chem icai preserving additives: * ta cantrol the growth af yeast, bacteria and maId in cereais, baked gaads and dairy praducts; " ta prevent the rancidity af fats; " ta increase sheif life, enabiing aur faads ta hoid their fiavaur and quaiity during periads af transportation and starage. IS TFfE USE 0F ADDITIVES CONTROLLED? The Heaith Protection Branch decides: WH AT - additives can be used WHERE - in what faaods WHY - far what purpose H OW - in what amaount Aithaugh ane galion of a substance may be dangeraus, two draps may nat be harmfui. Limiting the quantity ai additives aiiowed is one way ta ensure their sale use. Government scientists decide if 'an additive wili be permitted ta be used and in what quantities oniy after carefui study ai the resuits af many tests to determine any potentiai harm. If evidence indicates an additive might be harmf ut, a manufacturer wiliInat be permitted ta use it. STORE CUT AND WRAPPED Ã"rders taken for LoiofPr

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