Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 12 Jan 1977, p. 4

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PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY, J ANUARY 12, 1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS j~whtby Voiceof the CountV Town mi The only Whtby newspaper independently owned and operat SERVING OVER 28,000 READER S ike Burgess, Publisher-Managing Editor ubIisied very W dneday Community Ecitor - Bian Winter Contributlng Editor- Jim Qu.*d M.BM.PubiingDiPlrodu c rtionngr-Maaeuger - Dipoductiin Manager -j ugS by . . .P b i h n R obin Lyon and Photography Ine. Classified Ad Manager - alneBri Circulation Manager - Sharon Lyonl 1 Box 206, Whitby. The Free Press Building Maiig Permit No. 460 121 Brock Street North,1 Whitby ,Ontario Phionc 6 68-6 11 Çnl i 1~j1 or Drumm:-1Biin2 the hand that feeds hlm If the calibre of the speeches at the inaugural don't want the opinions of others foisted on'me", ýneeting of council is any indication of what is to said couricillor Drumm. If you ".&don't want the -orne, it looks like two years of good administra- opinions of others"', how are you going to ion for the Town of Whitby in 1977 and 1978. represent theni? .With one exception, the speeches stressed the Cotuncillor Drurnm, if we mnight use his own *eeds of the people and the willingness of the words, seerns overawed by his own importance, councillors to try to meet these needs. and has completely misnderstood how lie won The one sour note sounided during the inaugural his couincil seat. was by Councillor ioe Drumrn, who, despite his Cotincillor Drummii got 944 votes,' leading his resounding win in the East Ward, starts off his nearest op)porient by nearly 200 votes. Many of municipal career by biting the hand that feeds those votes mutst hiave corlne froni memnbers of the him. Corridor Area Ratepayers' Association. He very pointedly referred to a grouip ini the East It could be that Councillor 9ruimm feels he lias Ward "overawed by their own importance" which won a resouinding victory over Ron Treleavan, a speak for a vocal minority, obviously referring to candidate put up) by the Ratepayers' Association. the Corridor Area Ratepayers' Association. 'i Butt thiis is not so. The ratepayers puiblically stated Let's get involved in nationaluni*tY In his inaugural address Satuirday, Mavor iim thiat WhIitbv's twinning programi with Longueuil, Gartshore issued a challenge ta Wiitby residents to Qtiebec, nlear Nontrea-,l, îlI give uis an opportuiiity take some action to influence the worrysoliie ta "express our feelings and concerns and listen situation in Quebec. and idunderstand their conceriis". Canadians both inside and ouitside Quiebec are concerned about the implications of the recent We heartily' endorse Mayor Gartshiore's position, election of the Separatist Parti Quebecôis as the and urge ail Whitby citizens to becomne inivolved provincial grovernmnent, and wvhat this wvill mnean to with the twvinniing in I1977. Tliis year wve are the the future 'of Canada. hiosts, and Lorngucuil lias canfirnied that a Mayor Gartshore rejuinded Whitby residents delegation of its citizens will be coming hiere. Dear Mr. Burgess: It is with some regret that 1 have ta start off the Ncw Ycar on a nega- tivé nate, with regards ta an article printed Decem- ber 29, 1976. This item dlaims, "Kaînins, an". Only by reference ta the mast Rev. Phillip F. Pacock, was the writer an. From there an in this writing, it seemed dawn 1111. 1 respect this man's treeciom ta write Dear Sir: 1 arn writing this letter ta express my opinion ta tIc peo ple of Whitby and surraunding area. Since maving ta Whitby 2 y cars aga 1 have found it a perfect tawn ta live in and raise a farniîy. However tîcre remains one sore spot and that cancerns 1 the Whitby Warriar Senior 'A' hockey tcam. At the first exhibition garne this year 1 bouglit season tickets. Since that game, 1 arn appalled and dis- gusted at the total Iack of interest that the people of Whitby have for their hockey tcar-n. 1 cannot understand why a town of over 24,000 people cannot fi a rink with a seating capacity of 1,500. t wouild only take a small percentage of the populationi ta do this. I understand that the Hockey club pays a percentage of the gate to his articles with the frec- dami given journalists in this country. 1 do think this type of prostitution of thauglit belongs mare ta the publicationis Mr. Kaînins sccrns ta support in this irrespansible pie ce '0f jaurnalism. Mr. Kaînins it would appear, las lost sigît of the fact that not only aur spiritual leaders arc con- cerncd with the prolifera- tian af sex-orientcd smut, but others responsible for the well being of the 'Iroquois Park Comn- plex. The more maney reccived frarn the tcam means lcss maneyy oLi taxpayers wilî pay. Why don't you people go ta the gamnes and get a gaad eveniflgs entcrtainment, because if you don't youi are gaing ta pay anyway. I alsa wonder haw many games the mayar and town counicil have been- ta. The players on flhc teamn are anly working people and are being paidl an insignificant amount per gai-ne. Don't thcy deserve a little support for reprcscnting aur tawuî in the Senior "A" icague? We don"t want ta lose this teamn, 50 Sunday niglit, lets get off auir butts, and go ta the gamne. It is excellent hockey ta watch. Bring a friend. Thank you, Fred Ross, 938 Greenwood Cres, whitby.- group.1 Councillor Drumm seenis to feel that the Ratepayers are a "vocal minority", but the association has some 500 families asý paid-up menibers.- That represents a lot of votes, Joe! (Somnewhere around 1,000, or about haîf the votes in the ward) Remeinber thatRon Treleavan, who, aithougli- a tuember of the Ratepayers' Association, but flot officially backed by them, finishied last with 388 votes. Let's face it Joe, your rei»arkçs on Saturday did flot whi any friends, but they quite ilkely, have' infhîenced many people. Members of the Corridor Ratepayers who voted for you inust be doing a littie lhead scratching now. through twiuning National unity depends on people, and individual people working with other individual people and getting to know them, can do far more than philisophical conférences of governinent ministers. It is at the grass roots level that the future of Canada will be decided. Therefore it behooves us as Whitby cîtizens to get involved, to meet the people of Longueuil and find out how they view the current situation in Quebec._______________ M tpornography callee fa ni ly life, sucli as the face of the dehutmani- parents are aIsoc concerncd. izîng debauchery. if Mr. Kalins sec ms ta allowcd to graw, the very think, pioliicians, yes tins o wihte those whio were braughit Archibishop spoke out ini ta, office by people like concerfl, could reduce thie yOLi and me, have ri base instincts of rnany concern with tlhese things Young inids ta those of that hiave a direct effect aninialistic escapism fromi on our conmunity life. the realities of hiigher Not sa, people like thoughit. Whiitby Mayor Jim If Mr. KaLiins thinks Garthore Tornto Archibishp Pcock is mayar David CrombiecrngotaPsnl North York maycir Mel Cathiolic camplaign ta Lastman, and provincial stamp out simut, the kind and federal politicians yau find next ta thie who lsohav a har in co mic boo ks in sonie th alsahegaf se iistores, lie lias not donc the ellbeig o thse is homnework. There they have been elcctcd ta represent. They to are concernied and wt A m essage good reason. It i h responsibiity of these e rS : legisiatars ta enact îaws PDeaSr: ud o that are in the best p let thsas 1 havld yot interest of thase they pribnt hsasleI hverai represent. We imay nat yet benu iabe t vcrbal always agree, but should camfe ae wthths cansider aur motives. T:TESUET You di iat have ta be a WTO TuE TUFOUR Roman Catho lic ta speak WHO ALK FOUTI- out an the subject of ABDDEST FIN TIL smut. RMIDL F T The rnast Rev. Phullip ROAD a asne F. Pacack lias been Asa a psene cntrusted witli circcting h avC se ilninystudeitý his lockof mre tian on their-way hiome frair us o ac hat schaaol, \alkîng ,w it1 900,000 vth otr fins nt Crndl spiritual and temiperal flic rd.inth idisefin welI licing. Wîth the BteI ave oiftnse hieîp af' the Archibishiop, cars1whavi tn ii a aur parish pricst, Rev. caraun ese y inaun Norbert_ J. Gignac and rutd hee mi auir moral introspection, pol, ad 1 fn my wife and 1 arc gvei myseif wondelCr~w the responsibilitY Znof mave ta tlic sid dof to giving guidlance ta aur nraad thermit ehiclth thirce children.. WithIout rata pasîs.eic this guidance, 1 believe t 1. iisbcsey the wold ackthe do nat think, may thi spiritual strength and the- letter serve as a reminde power of example they next time yau walk honi nieed ta stay, strong iin from sehool,. I Ie S n E d y Je )II lis 6 "editorial abuse" haeers a a rnpaersofth intr sptafti st and. h inipart'oSfldaY Sutn,. 0a find arnticle nageun 0 30.d by arc A.J.aFe 3acDaugall .J. hatFse ao echalS.heda e wloeco achb adowngesxcc werfceants allprg ey on ic th ongs topereroncd(a mtdey rpertting a p display au lgonesp;t instinct. Tr esave benntsmber face that avmercoedartces Juaco-hvistiaf teh inguaCt an only buil upg thaity of fam bily life. Because of this kind to students us the driver angry, yaur efforts arc wasted. The angry driver is likely ta runi yau down, anid you wiîl cithier be dcad or in taa niuch pain ta gloat over your achievernt. I-owever, mast drivers arc, either saddened by those whio hclp ta make the world calder thant it is, or hiappy ta furthcr inifuse their "wvhat cati yau cxpect of- kids todlay" attitude. TlIc latter find labels for all people and define ahi behiaviotur by thase labels. Thcy will neyer notice anyante whao con- tradict their prejudices, ouily those whao fortify themn. 3. If it is because you fear that yaur friends will think you arc 4'chicken' for maving over ta let somneofle pass, you niay neyer realize your full' patential as an ie Woodbridge famnly is decided, Kainins ýFF. We believe the Whitby -ce Press can be of great >rvice ta aour growing D>mînunity, it can and as reported news of onccrn and interest, but ,a family we abject to, a )aper that allows this, ype of editarial abuse. In support of those vith ideals. I remain respectfully yours, John Woodbridge, 23 Gershwin Court, Whitby. ing roads individual, for fear of doing anything the other guys wouldn't do. 4. If it gives you a sense of pawer ta sec vehicles having ta slow down, inching this way and that, struggling ta get by, tlIen you prabably spent a lot af yaur preciaus tirne inventing ways ta rnanipulate others; anld it is you 1. feel particularly sorry for. Yaur attitude diegrades your whale life experience ta tIc level of a noan-stop chess gaine. Ouîr Society is far frarn being perfect, but unless a large percentage of thiat society work towards nîaking it better, it will only get worse. It's your world taa - wlat kind of environrnent do you wani ta bring yaur chidren into? Sitncerely, J. Viekers, 705 Newmn a res., Whitby. c t Kainins' column on The Whitby Warriors deserve. your support %-F UwolLJL.ML %.,/JLJLJL %-P J& -M «Ma -M mb6 ÀOM nt% a P ted by- Whitby residents for Whitby residen m

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