Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 12 Jan 1977, p. 2

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PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12,1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS Mayor'@ inaugural address: L imited As Mayor Jitri Gartshore eut the red ribbon to officially open the fourth municipal building in thue i 22-year history of the Town of Whitby, Satuirday, he fore- cast that 1977 will be a year of distinct challenge, but suggested one of the greatest challenges and the grea test opportunities will be for the. citizens to sit down and rethink their positions and priorities for the comning ye ar. The mayor stuggested that the 1977-78 terrn of office will begin a new era in the life of the Town of Whitby, in which the town cannot be isolated- fro ni such national events as the recent election inîQuebec and the ggeneral econoniic slowdown. Mayor G artshore said the buidget decisions to be inade in the next few weeks will be ever more difficult than last year because of a liited growth of five per cent in 11)76. Witli a similar growth rate predicted for 1977, there will be sonie very tough priority setting requiired by couincil, the inayor said. Mayor Gartshore said the town nust take a serious look at its level of services, versus- the tax dollars paid for themn, and mnust work for a greater concentration of commercial and residential growth in the downtown area. "We mutst continue our drive for development of tie harbor, we must work even larder ut the regional and local levels for added industrial growth within this growth in conmmunity and within this region, and we mnust push the provincial governnment to live up to the terms of the Durham sub regiori report, which indicates the Whit.by-Oshawa. area to be the centre of the Durharn Region and push thein to "put their impetus towards imuplementing that report and that strategy", he said. One of the first priorities, said Mayor Gartshore, will be to mnake the new municipal building "the 1people place that it mlust be". It would be a shamie if t1his buildinig with ail its Whitby Arts annual meeting Jan-. 18 Whitby Arts Inc. will be hiolding its annual general mnembership imeeting .lai. I18 at 8 p.m. at the Station Gallery. A niew board of directors \vil1 be elected at this timne, and aIl inenbers are invited to attend. rieans tough prioritysein for council facilities are closed each- evening at five o'clock and left unused until eight o'clock the . next morning",., the mayor told nearly 600 people attending the official opening. "We have committee rooms for the use of organizations. We have -this meeting hall available for a variety of uses. The Whitby Arts have shown \today with their display what 1 arn referring to. This buitding cannot just be a municipal office. It is a Prince Andrew chats witb reporters following bis arrivai in Canada last week. After a press conference and a meetingp with Ontario's Lieu tenanft-Governor Pauline NcGibbon, the prince proceeded to Lakefield College School near Peterborough, where he met bis roommate, 1 8-year-old Donald Grant, of Brooklin. Prince Andrew.wilI spend-two terms at Lakefield as part of a student exchange programn. Photo by Alex Kainiris did last year, tht input to Mayor supports inaustry ehepepl i needed to revitalize the dowvn- tom ,irea. Assessr-nents are at Ciuambier of jommerce going out t ledwtw Encouiragemenit of icus- trial anid commercial dcvelop- nient will be priority itemis for the I1977 counicil, Mlayor fini Gartshore said ut the in augu ral mieeting of the Whiitby Cliambiler ofCoumcrce Mon day. Thli mayor stresscd, as lie re, Familysue French Fls when you buy a bucket or barrel s '- 4Aml lx:1 a-; (lir to s ir<1jls rake it lingerlirckin' good.. OVER 100IL<>CATION IN ON TAN 10 SEl VOUýi PHONE BO0K FOR THE ONE NEAREST vOU property oivners in the ilext two or thiree weeks, lic said, and plans for making the downtown an improvemnent area have to be accepted by the downt ,wn people if the project is to work. NMayor Gartshorc reported that two parking lot sites were purcliased by the town last year and one will be developed iin March or April. "We Nvisli that core area to bc a very vital part of tlhe town", said the mayor, who wvarned thiat the people will have to accept sorne k ind of apartmient developmient in the neighborhood of eight or nine' storeys in the downtown if building for the use of the people of Whitby. The counicil are offering you this opportunity", he said. t is now up to you as the people of Whitby to accept the offer". 1Mayor Gartshore also At Lakefield School1 stressed' the importance of. the town's twinning programn with Longueuil, Quebec, in light of the Parti Quebequois election, hoped that the citizens of the town -would accept the challenges ahead. Prince Andrew joins. student Do'nald Grant, .After a lot of, puwucity regarding. his arrivai in Canada, Prince Andrew settled in at Lakefield Collège near Peterborough last week, with his roomn mate, Donald Grant, of Brooklin. Donald wag playing hockey at Lakefield the evening the prince arrived, and was intro- duced to him. The two will be sharing an upper floor roomn at Wadsworth House, one of the school's residences. 0f the 240 students at Lakefield, Donald Grant is the only one the prince knows, for Donald was an exehiange student at Gordon- stoun School in Scotland, the school Prince Andrew the core area is to develop. The mayor predicted that development projects for the downtown will be presented to counicil this -year and couicîlil must look at themn. In the industrial area, Mayor Gartshore proposed a numiber of*meetings be held between the counicil and industrial representatives in the town to offer the council's help and "to tel themn we are glad they are liere"- "We need industrial growth not just in Whitby, but in the wholc region", said Mayor Gartslîore, and suggested that Whitby's industrial people could bc good-will ambassa- dors for the town to attract other industries. During the Christmas-New Year's holiday, a number of industries made inquiries attends, in 1975. Prince Andrew is presently participating in an exchange program between Lakefield and Gordonstoun. After his arrival at Lakefield, one of the first duties the prince had to do was flood the ice rink. Prince Andrew and Donald played hockey at Gordonstoun, and it is expected that they will be playing more hockey while the prince is at Lakefield. Prince Andrew expressed some misgivings about the rough and tumble style of Canadian Hockey, after Donald surprised him by body checking him in a game at Gordonstoun. auuiii. vvJuLuy, Lite inayor said. -He reported that he pointed out to some Scarborough companies that 90 per cent of their manage- ment staff live in the Ajax to Oshawa area, rather than North York,and this iscausing them to take a different look at Whitby then they did before. He said he expected a good interest to be shown by industry in Whitby this ye ar. -1Mayor Gartshore said the town will not be able to hold the tax rate this year because of only five to six per cent growth in 1976. "We had to eut back on some services but there is only so much you can cut back", he said. Growth is not what it was projected to be five or six years ago, he said, and he did not consider five to six per cent growth would be overloading the town. Mayor Gartshore reported that 304 building permits for new housing were issued last year at a value of $15 million, and there were $5 million worth of building permits issued. This is a ratio of 69 per cent ré'sidential to 31 per cent industrial, he said. Mayor Gartshore said the town is dedicated to getting more growth in the downtown rather than shopping centres outside the area, and also reported that it will urge the province to establish some of its offices in Whitby which is part of the centr 'al area of Durham Region according to the Province's Durham Sub Region Report. The three-year timne limit for the establishment of a registry office beside the new municipal building runs out this year, and the town will do ail it pnssibly can to push this project forward, he said. Mayor Gartshore invited the C.hamiber to hold meetings in the new meeting hall in the municipal building, and stated that two senior town staff, Clerk-Administrator Bih Wallace and Treasurer Forbes McEwen will remain as members of the Chamber. He also urged the Chamber to get involved, with the Longueuil'twinning, for wb.ch,, Wliitby is host this ycar. Rug Hooking (Beginner iý Advanced) (Beginner Weaving & Advanced) Aduit Modern Jazz BeIIy Dancing - Daytime & Evening Slim & SWIM - Daytime & Evening Ladies' Sports Night Men's Sports Night Ballet (Beginner & Advanced) Modern Jazz & Tap (Beginner & Advanced) Yoga (Children> Hockey School Yoga Ringette and Boxing Information available fromn the Recreation Department 668-5803, ext. 34. WHITBY- <~ RECREATION DEPARIMENT W INTER PROGRAMME REGISTRATION MONDAY JANUARY 17, 1977 7:30-9:.00 p.m. in Whitney Hall, Iroquois Park Arena (Victoria & Henry Sts.> nhnuf Whifhx. flým --, qu6l.ýlb qw %-Iq JEL im qkqk «M AL JiR..W.ýw lqk-l JML %ý JIL.

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