WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12,1977, PAGE 13 Henry Moore Lirnited Edition [-TCHING - on solid sterling silve r. A beautifuil work of art & an ideal collectors item. Only $850. Ca11 723-0722. FIGURE SKATES - size 2,1 $3; mens skates, size 10, $3; bird cage and stand, $25; waf fle iron, $5; toaster, $5; mop head wringer, $5; carpet sweeper, $10; bathroom I1ight, $20; water pressure tank, $10; vaporîzer, $5; electric coffee perk, $10; B & W TV, $100. Cal 668-9404. HANGING LIGHTFIXTURE- antique, $20; salon-style hair dryer, $10. Cali 668-8273 after 6 p.m. SELECTIONS 0F CLASSICAL NIUSIC - The World's Greatest Watzs. Rapsî!y &-,BIue, Album 'of Conserto by Bec thovan. Down Nernorv Lane, Mlusic by Joe Strauw\\s. $2 per record. Cal 728-3297. Gravely Lawn T*ractor Equip- ment -- 30" Rotary Mower, $200; 48" curved Snow or [irt blade. $90; 42" siekle mnower, $275. ait itemis ini ood condition. Caîl 655-4995. Gas fired comnietrcial deep l:RYER -twit' baskets, $225; Domnestie SEWING NMACHINE, $50. Both are in good condition. Cal 579-0840. BABY CRIB $ 20: Lloyd baby carniage, $15; baby huIler with chiid's chair, $20. Cali 655-3511. GOALIE EQU IPNIENT will fit ages 12 - 17, $50: including 2 pairs of Bauer skates, size 8' $20 & size 10, S30; ail ini A-I condition. Cal 655-34 10. Canadiana smaîî primitive ROCKER, $30; 6' pine benchi, $35; flax cutter, $50; pine tool box, $10. Cal 683-5671 Greenwood. THE PERFECT THE TYPIST - manuai typewvriter, 668-1076. GIFT FOR U nderwood $125. Cal G.E. HUMIDIFIER; PLEASURE SKATES. 579-0718. GIRLSI Cal RANGETTE - $15; Chrome ktchen table, $15; 6 chairs. $2 each; small table, $5 <mnay be a telephone table); tvvo f loor lamps, $5 ea; living roorn chair. Danish style, $10; 24" Boys bicycle, $10Q; two 14" rims for tires, $2 ea; 2 door closures, 4" The Briton, $10 each; ski poles and boots, for 10 year oîd, $7; one Venican blind, 112" wide, $5; also one 51"- wide, $3. Cal 668-6580. SKIS - Fischer Alpine, 6' long with tyrolia step & bindings & poles, S50; Koflack laced boots. size 91/2 vvith tyrol boot press, $10. Ail in mint condition. Cal 668-8295. GAS DRYER - Maytag, $55; mesh playpen, 40" x 40", $15; high chair, $10; 2 pair girls tube skates, size 1 2 & 13, $4 pair; tvvo pair chiidrens snow boots, sizes il & 12, $4 pair; girls winter coat, size 6X, $8; easy bake oven, $6; Fisher Price record player, $4. Cali 668-O170. POWER IIAND) 5,W - (raftsmian, 7" 11/1 hp, like ness, $30. (Cal] 668-4743 aftcr 6 p.m. King LL'Tl(IRONI( SCOPE CI80 aIl 668-8125. R.OONM DIVII>ER custonr maied, xwrouulil on. live panels lu tallin c IW0 x 1 5', hallf prîcý at S2215; (al (Carcrnf 649- 57 12 aftcr 5 p. nl. 72 cu. ini.Fiîcalth wavs 'TANK - qyalvinîzcd iniish, haness, certi- fietl 4 ycairs,, '40; Sporti;ways %rate-r iung, single hosu. regulator, mith reservc, $40; Yashicai 1), 2/" sq. canîcra, 1ý3.5. 1/500 second, casec plus light rc ter, flash unit, $50; Pini. pilot tliree 35min, V2.8, une 2/50(h second svilh case., $25. ('ail 668-1473- Toddler's SLEEPING BAG - $8; Ford front guard car seat, $12; Cali 668-8626. LEATHER JACKET - Ladies, dark brown, like new, zip-out ining, size 16, $25. Cal 655-4995. STEEL DOUBLE GARAGE DOOR -- in good condition, $200. Cail 668-8310. Convertible STROLLER $25; circular playpen, $15; baby walkcr, $3; inaternity :Iothes, srnall size. Cal 668-1969 after 4 P. 11. USED TV ANTENNA S$20. Ca1l1668-8943. WEDDING DRESS-inciuding headpîece, $1 20 or best offer. Caîl 723-6197. HOCKEY EQUI?MENT sîin padsI,, S 15; hockey pan ts, $8; shoulder pads, $8; cooper gloves, $10: hieiniet, $10, al equipinent in excellent condition, Caîl 668-676 1 ask for Steve. SKIS & POLES - with Salomon bindings, size 7 buckle boots with press, $45; CCM Elite ladies 5-speed with generator, S80. Caîl 668-1153 or 668-1465. COVEI<T - cenent. 121/.' long, foot round, $25: Two woe steps, $3 & $5. ('ail 668-8304. Black Persian LAMB COAT - full length, size 16, S1 25. Cali 576-0714. BOYS SUIT -- sîze 16. as newv, $8; Christmas lights & decorations, S3; TV, B&W, not wvorking, $5; racing set, $15; barbecue, $2. Cal 668- 5060 a fter 3 p.m. Heavy Royal Office TYPE- WVRITER - in good condition, $60; Smith-Corona typevvriter, portable with case, in good condi- tion, $60; Solid State Sony-- matic tape recorder. 4-track. 3 speed, with buît in public address system, in excellent con- diion. $200. Caîl 728-9777. Bikes Girls UNIROYAL BIKL fort ages 8 - 12, gold in colour, white banana seat, high handiebars, in ,good condi tion, $35. Cai 728-9777. BICYCLE PARTS- forks, $5 or under; frarnes, S3; pedals, $1 each; liandîe bars, $2 each; seats, $ 1.50; sisybars, SI; rims, $1, 50; tires, 75 cents; tubes, 50 cents; valves, 25 cents; accessories, $5 or Iess. Cali Gre.1 at 668-6790. 1966 HIONDA S90-- set up) as trail bike, in good running condition, $1 25, ('ail 649-58 11. 1972 SL-100 HONDA - must seli, $250 or best offer. as is. Caîl 668-0404 anytirne. BIKE - 1 0-speed, good condition, asking $65. Cail John .at 668-8204 af ter 4 p.m. CLASSIFIED ADS -, "1 Free Press. Emporium (Continued) Miscelicmneous Pets & Supplies Two SINGING CANARIlES - in separate cages, $35 each. Cali 668-4915. Light blue BUDGIE - n yellow cage, with chrome stand, excellent condition, $25.' Cali 668-2461. BIRD CAGE good condition, 655-3657. - floor stanild, $40. Cal GERMAN SHORTUAIR POINTER -I year old, mnak. doghouse included, $35. Cali 576-8667. Sîudded Western SAI)ILU. ini good condition, $75.('aii 668-7098. Traîned DVER 1IIOUNI) $60. Cail 985-2985. EFFECTIVE JANI Highest Prices Pii for Gold andl Silver coins old prns, dlocks, jewclry, dishies, furniture, crocks, oi paintings and sealers. Friendly Flea Market 725-9783 23 King West, Oshawa CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS Kitchens, Cerarnic Til ing Drywall, Ree. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTINIATES - Call 668-4686 UARY 1, 1977 Special Savings (NON-CHEC KING> Calculated on your MinimiunmMornîhly IBalanîce ~ Member Canada Deposit Ins urance Corporation VICTORL4 and GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 KEITH LAWES M DwdssSt.W. Wmww M=-P4 Whitby F ree Press ads work! CALL 668-6111 A TTENTI ON FARMERSII BUY AT REASONABLE PRICES OU____ n lis OU I 668-3381 yau For information ccntact: can OXFAM help Working Wth People througlI Who Are Helping Themselves OXFAM PO. BOX 18,000 SHAREPLAN STN. "A" TORONTO M5W MW Your LOCAL NEWSPÂPER NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of GEORGE H. VI CK, deceased. Ail persons having dlaims against the Estate of George H. Vick, late of the Town of Whtby in the Regional Municipality of Durham who died on or about the 24th day of February, 1976 are hereby notified to send pariculars of same to the undersigned on or before the 1 st day of March, 1977 after which date the Estate will be distributed, with regard only to the dlaims of which the undersigned shahl have notice, and the undersigned will not be hiable to any person of whose dlaim he. shahl not then have notice. Dated at Toronto this 24th day of December, 1976. Thomasine Mildred Vick, The Royal Trust Company, Executors, By their Solicitors, GARDINER, ROBERTS 120 Adelaide Street West, Suite 500, Wanted Services TENDER NO. DRP 4-77 CLEANING AND JANITORIAL SERVICES DURHAM REGIONAL POLICE BUILDING 77 Centre Street North, Oshawa January 11, 197 Sealed Tenders, plainly marked as to content, will be received at the Office of the Chief of Police for the Regional Municipajity of Durham, up until 12:00 noon (E.S.T.) on Monday, February lth, 1977, for the cleaning and maintenance of the Headquarters Building, 77 Centre Street North, Oshawa, 0Ontaria. Tender forms may be picked up or requested from the Office of Superintendent J. N. Smyth, between the hours of 8:00 am and 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday, telephone 579-1 520 extension 236. Lowest or any quotation not necessarily accepted. Jo11 M. Jenkins, Chief of Police. Prevent Filling XVhen making sandwiches in Advance, use day old breads and spread slices with butter, margarine or creamn cheese. This helps prevent filling fromn sat- îîrating bread. Peanut but- ter and processed cheese spreads also work well. FUlLLER BRIJSH CO. FOR VOUR FULLER REQUIREMENTS CALL FAY DREW 668-9915 HELP WANTEO Wood & metal pattern makers or tool maker. Cali G. Coupland '668-6854. WANTED DOMESTIC HELP. two mornings a week, own transportation. Cali 668-8435. WILL BABYSIT - in my home any age, West Lynde area (Calais). Calil 668-7323. 57-1822 REAL ESTATE SALESPEOPLE For New Modemn Of fice We can offer you: Location - Whitby Mail, lots of parking for both staff and clients, excellent exposure. Commission- - We believe our commission split îs as campe- titive as any in addition we have a very attractive bonus syste m. Guidance - Our office vuhen up to fuil capacity wiIl have 6 sales people, allowing the bro ker tirme to give his personal attention toaail his staff . If you are thinking of a career in Real Estate, or thiniking of an office change, cali Everett De Hart for a confidiential interview, 579-1 822. OFFICE &WAREHOUSE FOR RENT 128 Brock St. S., Whitby Call 668-6502 or 668-8091 Canadians swallow thousands of doses of medi- cine each year. Many of these are over-the-counter items such as cough reme- dies, antacids, laxatives and headache tablets. Play it safe with these readily.available medicines: -Always read the label and follow directions carefully -Avoid frequent use and see your doctor if symptomns persist -Keep ahl medicines safely out of reaclî of children. W rapping Meat The way you wrap meat -%d poultry for storage is ir, iortant in maintaiflifg wvhL ýsomeness. 'Meats for r'efriL "rator storage should be wrL oed loosely. If meats aire to b f rozen. they should be wrapped tightly in a moisture-resistant material such as aluminum foil or freezer paper. Add Sinks When You remodel your kiten.ii try and get. a sink that has at least two bowls. The sink is really the center of food preparation and clean-up - and the more bowls the more conveliPflce. Sale BOUTIQUE ROOM SALE Our top fashions can be in Vour closet. Sale starts Thursday at The Nearly New Shop, 131 Brock St. S., Whitby, Shop daily 9:30-5:30, 668-41 00. BASEMENT SALE January 12 -15 f rom 10 a.m. ta 8:30 p.m. different articles every day. Old dishes & glassware, occ. Japan gramalphones, wooden chairs, clocks, oul lamps, crocks, household articles, camping equ ip., tools & handcraft, dlocks and pictures. Cali 728-9397, 313 Drew St., Oshawa. OSHAWA BARGAIN $3,000 down, 2 large bedrooms, spaciaus living & dining rooms, sparkling modern kitchen, full basement, broadloomn thruout, immaculate, 101/% mortgage. Cali 725-3414. SWIMMING POOLS BANKRUPT STOCK New redwood type swimming pools at huge reductionis over nianufacturers' sugagested Iist price. Fromi public auction of bankrupt Fanta Sea Swim Centre. First 'come, ' First served. Limited quantities. Installations and Terrns arranged. Phone Mr. Press Colleet at 41 6-576-4042 9a.m.-6p.m. NO DEALERS' PIANO tESSONS by a graduate of the Royal Conservatory. Ail ages, beginners or advanced. Cail 668-0543. For Rent OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT 450 sq. ft. Dundas St., Whitby Cati 728-9448