WHITBÊY FREE'PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1976, PAGE- 13 Play resumes Jan. 6 Mohawk Signs leads in nmen s hockey In a recent game in the Whitby Men's Hockey League, at the Brooklin Arena, Apko Electric edged Bondeco by a score of 5-4. The tie-breaking goal was scored by Don French with only seconds remaining in the game. Other goal s for Apko Electric were scored by Randy Yandt, and Dave Krause, who got the hat trick. Goals for Bondeco were scored by Richard Guinn, Greg Chambers and Mike Szkreda with two. Apko Electric picks up two points, placing them in third place in the ieague. The second game between Fireplace Plus and Chnis Catering ended in a 3-3 tie. Both teams skated well and each picked up one 'point in the league standings. Tony Farr and Ray Noble with two goals, scored for Fireplace Plus, and Danny Deschenes and Cliff Gill with two scored for Chris Catering. The next game saw lots of action between Midas Muffler and Shea- Realty, as Midas ýMuffler downed their oppo- Garrard Road Lacrosse Association elects its new executive for 1977 Budd Kemnohan was recent- ly elected Chairman of the Garrard Road Lacrosse Association at the associa- tion's annual meeting. Vice-Chairman is AI Garrard; Treasurer, Frank Moloney; Secretary, Addie Mason;, Registrar, Stan Taylor, jWintario helps l curling club The Whitby Curling Club has received some welcome support from Wintario to assist it in making repairs to its building on Brock Street North. Wintario announced last week that the club will receive up to $23,332 towards the cost of reinforcement of the roof, the instalation of additional floor joints and other repairs as required by te Miniistry of Labor for se operation of the facility., The club was closed from August to October to enable repairs to be made to bring it up to the province's new standards for arenas. C ourthouse' Squares and Past Presîdent Dick Walker. Directors are Charlotte Owen, Murray Owen, Karen Moloney, Sherry Taylor, Pauline Taylor, Heather Peebles, Bey Cornish, Jack Peebles, Debbie Kernohan, Barb Kernohan, Barb McLel-_ r- * M- IL Ian, Scotty McLellan, Norrie Ormiston, Bob Nesbitt, Juanita -Noble, Stan Lepine, and Greta Hope. Social convenors are Barb Kernohan and BarbMcLellan; Equipment Manager isMurray Owen, and Sponsor C6*-ordi- nator is AI Garrard. C49 9AT7/?/I - IF 'Otifi? MrkY FA57rNeP PObVAI- ffe BclaM9A'Evlwp V.ILL ZUVG.9VMrdWI41-5 7flbF RA reZY WP MAT7W5COL nents by a score of 7-4. Goal scorers for the win- ning team were AI Martin, Dom Dorey, Jack Townsoni, with two, John Labandevicn, Vince Bassano and Orval Withers. Goals for Shea Realty were picked up by Joe Brown, Paul Wilson. and George Johnston with two. Midas Muffler- receives two points for the win and now is tied for fourth spot in the league standings. The final gamne was a big upset for Munns Press as they were shaken by a score of 9-3 by Mohawk Signs. This win gives Mohawk Signs eight wins and only one loss to keep them in first place, with 16 points. -- Goal scorers for Mohawk Signs were Don McCallum with two, Ken Linton, Ian McGee with four, Ken Uane and Bob Grant. Goals for Munns Press were by Gord Martin, Colin Brown and Doug Mitchell. League standings as of Dec. 17 are.: Mohawk Signs, 16; Fi replace Plus, I11; Apko Electric, 10; Shea Realty, 8; Midas Muffler, 8; Bondece, 7; Munns Press, 6; and Chris Catering, 6. AIl teamis have played fine gaines and resume action on Jan. 6. I *il POINT CHECK INSTALL TOUR SNOW TIRES *FREE RIDE TO WORK IN OSHAWA -WHITBY AUfl 'GO' STATION e 8 SERVI< WHITBY TOYOTA CE BATS DUR/Ae Y/S iBRILL/ANT Y C.ARER AT OH/O0 5T4Tg NOAW CeARRIES 7HE SA LL FOR 77E CIC/MA77 T8ENGALS. 4000LY (MNtAuH, *23 PL AYERS WERE *DRA PIED Ah'640 OF mA//lE E, MRE7E 8B16VC41S SELEC7ED H41M. 77//S Si1 19 /09 FP2<JWDER PLAYEO MOSr 0F LAsT YEAR'S ROSe BOWL GAME W1774I A BRoKÉt4 HANVO. - grITOH/O SrAT2E, GRIFF114 RUSHEO FOR 100 OR MORE YARDS 11V . - COAISECLM7V5 GEAMES. I/E IS 77/E ONLY COLLEGE RV#NWER (VER 7D SU/R4S s .,oooYARPDS (5,177).' 14E k« 2 MAXWELL AW4RDS AND 2SILVER F07 LLS AS E f TEN#S MOSTVALUIA&F FL4YER. I/W ~ I. Y P/EF7/S , ME RE/MIN56 /L444E. OSHAWA YWCeA. WINTER U"PROGRAMS ACTIVITIES FOR WOMEN, MEN, GIRLS ANO BOYS. Babysitting f acilities available for most daytime courses. SPECIAL REGISTRATION DAY WEDNESDAY JANUARY 5, 197 1:O-11:30a.m. & 1:30-8:OOp.m. PROGRAM BUILDING, SIMCOE & MCGREGOR DISPLAYS - CONSULTANTS - COFFEE For information cali 516-8880 BRIGAD-OON' Restaurant Tavern & Banquets Hwy. 2 E. of Port Union Rd. Scarborough 286-1212 Sunday Brunch Corne in & relax after the holiday season. Enjoy a buffet brunch and scimple our farnous rnulled wines 12 noon - 3 p.m. ADULTS $595 CHILUDREN 7 p.m. rCHRISTMAS SEAL CONTRIBUTIONS Il you have not maiId your Christmas Sual donation, we sincerely hope it wvifl reach us soon to enable us to aan the campaign objpective of the to tDUR HAM REG ION LUNG ASSOCIATION New Year's Daly Dinner Special Menu Open frorn 5- 9 for' Dinnér Wfl.w -Wi -,v $22*50 a PARTS BETWEEN WHITBY AND AJAX 668-4792 Cocktail Hour from 4 p.m. .Monday - Frlday $300 F NI 1 --l-