Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 29 Dec 1976, p. 10

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DÂt9 1 A l WVruiT1cn1V nlrfrVwIn ')Q- 1076. WIT1W VREIE PRESS Council asked to change policy - '> ;. This intrepid gang of woodsmen is the Brooklin and District Kinsmen Club, preparing to clear the site of a 2Wacre park adjacent to the community fie hall. The work party consisting of (left tu right) Doug Scott, Don Vipond, Bill Fraser, Clyde Johuston, Bob McCrae, John Thiebaud and John Darling, began work on Saturday tu transform a tract of wild woodland into a- completed park with nature traits, picnic shelter and playground appaï-atus. Brooklin Kinsmen plan park behind fire hall On Saturday momning a work party of about 10 to 15 members of the Brooklin and District Kinsmen Club began preparation of a new 2% acre park behind the community Tht work, which will be carried out on every second Saturday tilt the end of June will involve cleaning out underbrush, making nature trails and instailing footings e"-..a ..iir dlts'r. There are also plans to mark the trees with signs telling their names, and there are hopes of installing somne playground apparatus this year. Oinlarjo Minister of Housiîg John Rhodes has written Whitby Counicil in the hope of* persuading counicil to alter its stand on the amount of -subsidized housing it will allow in two high rise apart- ment buildings under con- struction on the corner of Jeffery and Dundas Streets. The province would like 25 per . cent or 88* of the 352 units in the twin towers made available for subsidized housing. The province has tried on nurnerous occasions to per- suade council to relax its policy of allowing only five percent subsidized housing on a scattered basis throughout tlie towvn. EY.ch time. council lias turned tlîumiibs down. The mnosi recent refusai occurred Ma rchl 8 when Christie Hiale of' the Ontario Hlousing Corporation mnade a deptf iion to council Mr.* R! odes v'ote to cotulcil. say ing -l have just received yioir le.;,er of* March 15, 1976, ini xvlich you indicale the decision of council Io deny flic 25 per cent allocation ol' uîits to Ilie rent supplernent prograrn". I regret the d ecision ot coniietl", lie cointinued "however, 1 hope that con- sideritîin will be given to this roatter again at soine futtire date". Council, at firsi, did not kn<>w whiat Io do about the la -est request. Some inenîbers feit that couincil should write to Mr. Rhodes reaffirming its stand. Others argued that to do so might make Mr. Rhiodes believe the rù a tte r is s tili ope n. Counc-il rfi;îally decided to. simpty receive and file the tetter in the hope that Mr. Rhodes will get the message that the case is closed. Fi.re fighters get araise ini pay By the narrowest of margins, Whitby Co)uncil voted last week to give the town's firef'ighters substantial pay nc re asc s. Council voted 4-3 to give platoon chiefs, captains and first-class firefighters in- 'rae f $1,000 per year and second-class, third-class, fturth-class and probationary firefigliters and dispatchers raises of $750, retroactive to April 1i of this year. In, fact, the -increases arnount to $750 and $587 because they cover only a nine-month period. The increases bring the earnings of the Whithy fire- fighters dloser to those in Ajax and Oshawa, apparently one of the objectives in the locals' request. The pay hikes, subject to approval by' the Anti- Inflation, Board, and are in addition to increases of $700 to most departrnent employ- ees which are part of the three-year contract negotiat ed January 1 of 1974 and went into effect January of this year. tire hall. lUI a picî'-"î'- tci IMAYI _ Region turns down town's bid to keep police station open Not only wil we be without the police station on Rossland Road, we wiIl not get an alternative facility, regional counicil decided last week. By a vote of 16-14, council defeated a motion by Whitby Mayor and regional Councillor JiÎn Gartshore which asked for support of a police commission recommendation th-at enough money be put back into the budget to keep the station open. The police commission made the recommendation at a public meeting May 8. The recomrnendation, in effect, asked regional council to rescind its earlier decision to close the, 18-division station as a cost-cuttitng move. Regional council, after ordering the Rossland Road station shut, put $14,000 back into the police budget so -that an alternative facility could be set up in the downtown area to operate on an 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. basis. Lewis charges bad -faith The provincial governrnent is acting in bad faith in its relationship with municipal- ities, Ontario Opposition Leader Stephen Lezwi"s said Friday at. the opening luncheon of the Organization of smnall Urban Municipalities conference. The small urban nîunici- palîties have become a kind of vocal minority in relation to the. policies of the provincial government", said Mr. Lewis, commenting on the confer- ence theme: "Public Partici- pation--The Vlocal Minority VS The Silent Majority". LOOKING FOR GUIDANCE Durhanm Region Police Chief ion Jenkins (left) and Whitby Councillor Joy Thonipson (right) appear to be looking for guidance fromn above during Thursday's public meeting on the region's decision to close our police station. etI J Mayor Jim Gartshore presents Longueul's acting mayor Gilles Leduc mith a podiun inscribed with the mamnes of Whitby's town counicillors. Also seen in this pictu re ai Don Lovelock, Mrs. Leduc and Mrs. Gartshore. The ceremony took place in thi Lo'ngueuil city hall, Friday. 72 attend Longueul twinni*' AÏler eight years. of Seventy-two Whitby resi- Quebec hospitality and oprtoWhitby's twinmng dents, the largest delegation changing good-will giftsv poerat ion, Longueufil, Aver from this town, left the citizens of this city Quebec- is recognized as One ulwo station. Friday 1ýW,OOO on the south st of the Most succesaful in aftcrnQon, and spent a week- of the St. Lawrence River Canada. end An Longueuil enjoying Iqontreal. Celebration 150 at St. Mark's Clear weatlîer arnd large crowds conîbined to miake St. Mark's United C*iuîchl's I SOth anniversary celebra- tions last weekeud an over- whelining success. An estiniatcd 800 people, pasi anîd present mienibers ot' St. Mark's, and visitors, registcred du ring the weekend, soniie froni as f'ar away as New Zealand, Georgia, anîd Glas- gow, Scotlaîîd. Otiiers caie fromn Winnipeg, North Bay, London Ont., and Belleville. n ~Abou t 300 people crowded e into the church hall Friday e night for an evening-of enter- tainnient and fun, provided by the Gems (Gwen Oliver,- Eleanor Davis and Marilyn Ig Broughton), Eileen Bath on g the honky tonk piano, and a ex- barbershop octet appropriate- with ly called "The Marksmen". jof Marian Williams led a sing- hore along, abixlNeil Murkar acted near as master of ceremonies. Chairman of the Board of Police Commissioners Tom Jermyn attempts to answer a question directed to hini as Mayor im Gartshore listens. rePes h t by Mike Burgess Police station to stay open regional couneil decides The Durham Region Police 18-divisioit station on Rossland Road will remain open, regional counicil decided last week. By a vote 'of 16-9, council supported a motion by Whitby Mayor and regional councillor Jim Gartshore whicl aske d for support of a Durham Board of Police Comînmissioners recommendation to put enough money back into the budget to keep the station open. Regional council*and the. police commission earlier this year hiad voted to close the station June 30 as a cost-cutting inove and open a storefront station in the downtown area to operate on an 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. basis. After.hearing or rea ding impassioned pleas by the Durham Region Grand Jury, Durham West MPP Charles Godfrey, the ýWhitby Chamrber of Commerce, the Whitby- District Boy Scouts, the Corridor Area Ratepayers Association, the West Lynde Community, Association, the town's former police chief Bill Pilkingtonr, the local Justice of the I'eace Harold Rowley ind several concerned residents, the police commission changed its rnind and .recommended to council that the Rossland Road station be kept open. Regional council, on May 12, voted 16-14 against a motion by Coincillor Gartshore to -adopt the reconimendation. It was a different siory last Wednesdav. Councillor Gartshore made a last ditch plea, on behaif of the townspeople,.or council to change its decisi on. "The people have shown their concern", he said . "It i5 for the good of the people of Whitby and the people of the Durhan rcgion that this buildifig bekept open"., FAUU 1 U, " LUI-4taliA y, Ljuw4mDjmK ZY ý 1 y 1 uý Ti "A 1 m a a- Mammon mou" TA RIL 1 1 1 4- 9.

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