Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 22 Dec 1976, p. 23

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* IECEMBER 22, 1976, PAGI, THE CORNER STON GIFT SHOP- Metal WaIllsculpture 122 BrockSt'.- Whitby .ON-SAl 10-10 FR1 10-9 is f)r 1Peuple who cart 1976 a good year for industrial park Despite econouîic liard1 titues, a considerable atiountit of developmient took place itn the Whitby Industrial Park iu 1976, says Regional Develop- ment Office r Richiard Spe nce. Regiia Ornanietal I ron Co. cleared a site ou Hopkins Street between Flexausi antd the Explorer Restaiurant dtîing the sumner, and is ready to construcf a 10,000 square foot building for wtvare- housing atnd distribuition o0f quality steel prodîtfs. Moving fronithflecpart ot Toronto, this company xvill be itn operation tiexi year says Mr. Spence. C. A. Roy LiA. on the north side of Industrial Drive, started a I10,000 square foot building in thle early l'ail, a îd wvil opeii in J amary, as-a warehousiurT and distribution centre for huîîiatt andI atnial feed supplenients. ve terinaî'y supplies, and genertaI phiarnie- ce utic als.C The building couforîis to food andi drug -adininistratioln regptations, âmd will have sontie space available for- leas- ing, says Mr. Spence. C. A. Roy LTd. is tîîoving trom Scar bo ru ugi. On the South side of Industrial Drive, opposite C. A. Roy is a 69,040 square fot inventtry type bilding( btîilt by Falco Pt operf y ManagemIlenIlt dtritîg 1flie su tiinie r. This building cari bc leased tu a tnttfltiplicily of sîtiall inîdustries, says Mir. Spetîce. Three co lupa îî e s have ai rc-ady occupied 4J120 squlare feit. The 1450 C'entre, is a 40,000 sqtiare foot buildiru, large IV occupied by tilie l)uî'ha Ilu Sqtlash a ad Fîftness Clîth. h wvas builtI llis ye-ar. and Vis soînle iivntîîrv'S-paceaalal fur' s tuali ind ust ries. Betwetî fIllue \cNairtî and A.îc a bu ildi îîgs onu Coisu Ie i-, Djrive is a 5).-448 qacfo brîLding j,_coîIulled j ll I97 ('i by Joante construction. This building is 75 Petl' cenIt occupied bY Sklar Fîtîniture ais a trtatel'iaýl cLuttitig tac tory, and I12,000 squle I'feet CI be lezvsed as ituveuitur'y space. Associate( I)evlo)Pnietits lias colmpletecd a,,43,975 sqacfotfbtuildinîg foi- sLlc 01t lease at thle \vest cr d o0f CIhamtplai Aveu ttC. AI thlongt-lu tichue k i"i pr1escltilcîpfy. tlîcrc e scvcral prospcts alok t i i aIi a hn:i'l rcfgi'Ivitî r l)ahIy will likely nuove in , says Mr. Spence. Thlere is roonu tor a 3 1 ,000 sqIi.1îre foot addition to this butildingý as expansion is r-cquiri-cd. 'Twtt cxistiîig inutsl ris are cXpaîîdl(inlg thiS Yecar. MutIins Press lias begu u ail aditionn ft ifs tacilifies, aittdlNortlh A tuerica n VanUlÀnes . wsvliI iiffvcd î o \Vlî i tliv tiii974 lias liuat ly cîtvt pliId a I t),000 Sq .Lia c bol aid)ditioti. 1 The Wlitby Dairy Quceti Brazier sore has receiv'ed two , sales volumie awards frotîu 1 Dairy Qteen Frozen Producis ,,Canada) Ltd. for 1976. Each year Dairy Quecu operators who have cha lked up significant sales increases above flic previous year are designated as recipients of Silver or Golden Brazier Awards atnd Silver or Goldeti Cone A\wards. Ron and Jacqueline Beck, owners of the Dairy Quceti store on Dundas Street East have been awarded Goldeni Brazier and Golden Cone Âwards for increased sales volume. To qrtalify for a Silver Brazier, the store's sales must have risen by more (han 2,000 pounds or- equivalent of 8,000q pound "Brazier" p When the sale.sv increase exceeds 1 burgers, the, store receives a Golden1 Award. the quarter patties. v'olumne 16,000 owner Brazier Similarly, a store that ups its sales of sof t-serve products by the equivalent of 14,000 or more cones receives a Silver Cone Award. An increase equal to0128,000 more cones thiti vet'a"() en lit les flic franchise f0 thle Golden (nule Nir. and Nirs. Beck liave beeti presetuted wîîilîtl heu axvards by distr icti agcî' Joliti Barth. Resta uran t parking solved %i î by C(ticil 1rece"tflY took actioni ho alleviattc park-- ing 1rofileiisattWtettrtit inthe fleowi. ('oticil decidcd iiiprolîibii pîarkinig ontheficwcst side ff Ille Ali Baba Utsattrat aller a survey uo'*tue îlibotiritig residetits showedtl iiat four liOtïseholds were opliosetl fo allowim, parking wiilc tiily one wvas in f'avour. Witlî regaird to tf litclii liotiSe coi Byron Street Southl cou tic il decided te aI Ios an gle parking in ii oftheI u reStauLrait 1l0r-the ti ic luelii g, Af'ter the street is recotustrticlý ed, council's tîperatiotî: coiitiffee wiIl recouside thie natter. SWIMi.MING WITH THE DEVELOPMENTALLY HAN DICAPPED Are you interested in helping during the day? No expeeri',ce necessary. Training provided. Cali 668-7745, ext. 435 between 8:30- 4:30., The \Whitlby 'PERMAN ENTLY ijoon, December 3 LandIf îll Site wvill be CLOSED" effective 12:00 Mst, 1976. For youir c-~nvenieiice, as of January 3, 1977, :emporary arrangements have been made toprovide containers at the olcI landfill site on Highway No. 12, south of Brooklin andl east of the Groveside Cemetery for disposai of householci refutse. Other Reçjionat Lancifill Sites whiCh can be uisedt are lOCated in Oshawa, on Ritson Road, north of Taunton Road and in Port Perry, on Regional Road No. 8, east of H Ighway No. 12. Town of Vhitby By-law No. 429-70 provides for fines of up to Si1,000.00 for littering of roadsicles. YoLîr co-operation in uising the facilities provicled is requested. THE REGIONAL ,AUNICIPALITY 0F DUJR!AM WORKS DEPARTMENT REGIONAL RD, NO 8 HWY. NQ 7 BROGiCLIN SCUGOG LA NO IIL L SITE MANCHIESTER RD. N93 CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITB l BY-LAW NUMBER 164"69 Being a By-Iaw for the removal of snow anld ice from thie sidevialks and roofs of buildings iii the Town of Whitby. lr, thîs f'!'."lnwv, untess oîthervvise i!xpressIY stated, the ve, "Su et- herr,'v(cr used shaîllrnnaii and i rîclurie any pub; hl(!iay rmari , str ne ýt, lunie, a Iley , sqfuare, plface, thoroucjhfarii oi wv;ý t ithm hen iinîmîts of the Town of Whitby. 2. Lvi , occupants, anrlin case there is n occu pant, the ownrer, ut ever y bons', shop, hîuildiiiq), lot îoî parîctl of land, and every n'iihsivinil chargce or cari' of any Clurch, Chapef or -other pubhlic fbuildingj ci ny park, square, or other prcperty, fronting or abuttinil ion ny street on vvhich the sidewval ks are phanked or paved ni ofh ler construictionis, shah h, wî thin the f irst twvelve bcii f îei evuiry f,îll of sncîv, or fui I of hait or raitin which shahl fr" on the sidewal k, or îafinr a hall cf sîrcw fror' off aniy bruildi ng, ca- se the sncwv and ice te fie remo',ed entirehy off the siwlaks ochîposite cb bh ouse, sbop, church, chapet, hîu lding, liii, par k, iqujaie pi operiy or par ce lcf land anrdiin case the ice or sliovv shah hi.' w I rc,'ii t bart icaiint fie removed vwithout inlurv ta t he i.' "îrfel k crpavement, suchi persoil shifhstrew the s,îrriî wit fIaîsS saird or sorne like suitabr? sublsta nce. 31 lii c.'i i. ,iîclvv irîi( ci.' eferiici tO in Section 2 sh-ah >i nt have l.I'i'i ierOv(ti r f n î111(c sidî.valk oppsiitieany lundtor premises vvitbnî t hi 12 bnci neriocri ment ioiii.d inilthe said section, or in cie' any pat o f the sur face of any such sîdewvalk bas become sliipi.'ry and bas îlot buin spri nkld ut the tirne and in the naim er p i.sci ied iin tIeseaid section, the Town Engineer or sorne othei ri'son appcinted for the fiorpese may, ut the expense of tIh' owner nf sncb tand or premises, cause such snow and ice te lii r.inovi.d or such slippeiy surface te be sprinkled as and in the munrî'r aloieisaich undt ii every case the said Townî Engineer shah f keil'p un uccount of ail costs and expenses ef and refatîng te such weî k anmi materials and ef the fand or premises opposite te wvliclb such vcrk bas bien clone; ar-id such expeisse shaîf be char(leri tn tbe respective landr or premîses and shaîf be payable liy the cimier tfiereof and shaîl be added te and form part c.f the municipal taxes to be imposed on the said lend or premises for th, y'- r tctlowînig that in whîch the vvork is done and the Cor pciii shaît have the same rightî, powers and remedies :iqairst ,îîîd in respect of tbe said cimier and the saîd lan-d and fîrei'rn s as îfîrough saîd expense wvas taxes fevîed under the 1rrovisic.'îs cf The Municipal Act. 4. Every occupant, and nr case there s rno occupant, the owvner of every bouise, shop or building, and every person or trustee severally or collectively having the charge or care of any Church, Chapel or othor public building fronling or abutting on, or crecte(t so niear to any street that snowv or ice may or is ikely to faît upon the street frorn such house, shnp, building, shall whenever snow or ice shail accumulate, upon any portion of such house or building as aforesaid to an extent that shall be dangerous to persons passing upon the streets, cause the said snowv or ice to be forthvvith removed therefrom, and every person, while removlýg the sanie, and the pet-son or persons risponsiblet for such removal, shall take due sufficient and proper care anid precaution foi the warning and safety of the public using such Street. 5.No person either by hirnseff, his agents, servants or woî kmen shail remove snow or ice from any private property and place t upon the road allowanice for any street, laiie or highway nr the Town of Whîîby. 6.Any person conivicted of a breach of any ft he provisions of thîs By-lavv shaîl forfeit and pay at the discretion of the conivicting roaistrate a penalty not exceedin1 g (exclusive of costsl the ,unri uf $50.00 for each ofience, and the p'rovisions of Section 508 (2) of the Municipal Act shaîl apply to the said penialIty. 7. Bylaw No. 1409, 1607 and any other By-lawv inconsistant vvith the proviçions of this By-law be and are hereby repealed. CY-L.AW READ A FI RST, SECOND and'THIRD TI ME, AND FIN ALLYPASSED TH IS14THD~Y OF APRIL,A.D.,1969. W. J. Wallace .CLEH K i. c. Gartshore MAYOR M WilItY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY9 Whitby Bsineos The Regional ýunicipaityof Durham NOTICE CLOSURE 0F WHITBY LANDFILL SITE Dairy Queen store gets sales awards, - "J m m m i!

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