THE SPD RTY 1977 AMC GREMLIN. A NEW LO0K FOR THIS VEAR AND IT'S BAC KED BY AMC'S EXCLUSIVE BUVER PROTECTION PLAN Il GREMLIN 2 dr. Social season begins at Colt cge SWIMMING WITH THE DEVELOPMENTALLY HAN DUCAPPED Are you interested in helping during the day? No experierice necessary. Training provided. Cali 668-7745, ext. 435 between 8:30 - 4:30. by CHARLOTTE GENTLES The Ontario Ladies' College in Whitby has been the scene of a number of social foncetîtis ini thc recent pas t. I3AZAAR A SUCCESS The mncibcus of' the college's Student Christian NioVenien theld their aimual bazaar and, us usa aI. il wvas termed "a guca t success". Thme students. assisted hy Miss Sarahi Murdoch, thme niew D)ean, mnd staff', worked very diligently prepauing for thc Bazaar and Tea Room. Members of the Castle Chapter and ('entennial Chapter Alunmnac- assisted in nany ways. Pou ring tea ini the Tea Rootm du ring the Saturday af'ternoon eve ni w e Mrs. ,Vinîa Simnpson , assistan t Dean, Ms. Shirley Brown, rep resent ing the Toront(o On baric Ladies' Col lege Alumumnac ('luieus; Mr-S. Normran R. Rýidgely, Mrs. R. Lco Gray, hoIli of l Oslimva; and Mis. RuLssell B. Collins, Wil1by, l>usident1 ()f (liec (astie ('lapter Alulînùae. Mr-S. Rcginald l)avis, wi le ol* principal Dr,. Davis, was mc t p resentli t a(tlie b azaa r ibiis year. Slie s conivalesc- ing froin a serouils opera tiofl and is n ow home ait 'tbc cottage". Reynolds Street, Wb itby. WÈLCOMING COFFEE PARTY The llead Girl, Lynda- Brooks, and thie prcfects of the OLC. lbeld ia coffee party ini the colmon rom of the college. The girls invited the menbers of' ail the Alinnae chapters bu the 4"get acquain ted" party. Menibers came fromn Toronto. Bowm an iville. Oshawaî\va Wliîly and surroun dinig l'le coi tee party. anl evei that.lbas not takeîî 1laCCeSiîmce Ille annaaLIAI l imie Social ga tberiingsw~ere adjouriied due te the Seconid Vorld \Vur, gave Miîss Brooks. thme puefccts an cdS111 ailailoppor uiliit y i() incet former students an d gîa a so1 î ntai o Laies' olee NI iss Saralh Mai docl . (ibe new dean. aind Mus. Vina Siliuîpsoil, assistant dean. cxpressed the hope that the Saturday morning coffe party would become an annual event. It is such a pleasant way to meet the Alumnnae mnemrbers and formerstudents of the College", was the inost frequent phrase heard. 1 n turn, the O.L.C. Alurnnae miembers present expressed tlheir pleasure as they uemiarked "I low nice it is to mnec thbc head girls, prefects and 110w mnembers of the college staff"'. NIGHT 0F CARDS 'Flic 0OLC Alumnae annual nighit of cards and dessert lunch, held at the college, was a success. The procecds fro'm the annual event go toward college activities and bursaries. More than 200 ladies from ic heWlitby-Bo\vmnan- ville-Oshawa area attended. Amnong the ladies present was Mrs. Johin Pritchard, Oshiawa, wife of the late Ontario County Court Judge Johin Pritchard. As thcy entered the auditorium dccorated with a stage setting of a fireplace trirnrned with pumpkins and autumin flo'Ners, the guests werc grec ted by Mrs. Stanley For mer Whitby OPP head died at Toronto last week One cf the first mnembers cf the Whitbv OPP Detach- ment died recently in Toronto and hiad a police honor guard at his fun<cral. Sgt. Mjor ChauilesHiefferon, wvho dicd at age 69, joined the OPP iin 1934 as a member cf the motorcycle patrol at the WVest I lilI detachment. lie Ioined the Whitby detachîinent as a constable iii late 1947 or early 1948, and was later promoted to sergeant. He was in charge of the Whitby detachment before being promnoted to sergeant major and moving to the Downsview detachnment in 1963. Sgt. Major Hefferon etired fror-n the OPP about 1972. PAGE 8, WEDNÈSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS Osborne, Principal emeritus of the collcgc, and Mrs. Russell B. Collins, president of the Castie Chapter. *This year, for the first timne in the history of the annual nightof cards, there was a gentleman present. Arthur Stainton of R.R.3 Bowmanville was one of the prize winners. Ife won a potted plants. The namnes of the winners of the 24 prizes, including door prizes donated by district mnerchants, were drawn by Mus. Stanley Oshorne, DianneWerry, past president of the Centennial Chapter, and Miss Sarah Murdoch, dean of the college., Mus. Richard Broughton, Whitby, president of the Centennial, Chapter, was mistress of ceremnonies. Shie introduced Miss Mur- doch, the new dean, to the assembled guests. Mrs. Broughtonextended a cordial invitation to al those present and those who were unable to attend to corne back again next year.- The Centennial Chapter will be holding their meeting later in November.- The date and location has'not been confirmed as yet. LOOKING GOODI 334900) ON STOCK UNITS ONLY Grant Menzies Motors Limited 1250 Dundas Street East, Whitby (41ý66' Start the New Year, with Colonel Sanders 331911 Pick up pour Colonel Sandicr<s- ('alendar for 1977 FREE with the purchase of a Bucket os- Barrel of finger-lickin' good Ke ntucky Fiid Chieken. The calendar features a Metric Minder and special Metsric recipes to Cjoy ail yei long. Colonel Sanders' boys and girls make it "finger lick:n' good." O~E tofit0ckickenVik OVR10LOCATIONS IN ONTARIO -SEE VOUR PHiONE BOOK FOR THE ONE NEAREST VOU. Let us help you STOP SMOKING 'Countdown on smoking' SMOKER'S WITHDRAWAL CLINIC Beginning January lOth. at 7:30 p.m. Seven evening sessions January lOth, llth, l2th, January 17, 20, 24th. R- S-McLAU GHLIN COLLEGIATE Stevenson Rd. N. & Rossland Rd. W. Oshawa Ontario Sponsored by the; Lung Association Heart Foundation Cancer Society To register, mail to; Durham Region Lung Association %Oshawa General Hospital 24 Aima St., Rm. 465 Oshawa Ontario L1G 2B9 Name ........ .................................. Address....................................... Telephone................ Postal Code.... Registration fee enclosed- $5.00 [j Students and senior citizens free. 1lam asenior citizen_ j1lam astudent 1W ')8-6843