Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 15 Dec 1976, p. 7

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1976, PAGE 7' Briai Wiîîter's Histori"cal ~:Whiïtby This fine example of Victerian Gethic archiitecture at the corner of Centre andi Keith Streets playcd an.fimportant rote in the nilitary and legal iîstory of Whitby. Corridor g Capers The mo..ve te the new municipal building teek place lasi week. By the nlew year dhe staff will be coinfortable in their qudrters. A new era will begin with ili departiments under West ~n ~P wîth Norim Niiall, Well, thie eec tien is now hisîery'. and, ustinj case yeu didn't notice, only a few efI Mealinig's picks made tîte grade. 1 picked thie Mayor, u.ne Regienal Ceunicillor. and me Separate Scio Trustee. For easy andl future relèreuce. Lice following are those local peliticians slo, in eule way ori another, will represent us fer the next two years: Ma yor Regictial Couîîiî - Towvn Couincil Public Setîotl Board - Separate Scîîotl Bd. Jiuiu (;aîrtsltre Go rry Emini. J ey Tlitîipst ii Bob A tterstcy David Sinis, Jiiii Stuocus. Gerry Ntîeuan. Chlick Roche. Atîdy Miller TOBOGGANS 4-8*95 5'9.9 5 6'- 1195 MITCHELL. BROTHERS Building Supplies Ltd. Brooklin, 695-4991 It wais built in 1 857 by Janes Wallace, mayor cf the Town cf Wlitby th'le year beftîre, and one cf the mcst prorninent military men in Ontario Ccunty. Mr. Wallace founded the Whiby Hlighland Rifle Cern- pany in I1858 as a result cf the Crirnean War scare, and for nîany years was invelved in dcvlcping tic local mnilitia in Whitby. Frcmi 1874 te 1880, ho 'vas commiranding officer cf what is no'vthe Ontairio Regimient. Mr. Walîacc, a contracter, built several buildings cri Centre Street te serve aý barracks a.nd 'clua,,rters feor the men cf Ihis mnilitia unit. l i ssaid that the heuse pictured abeve 'vas-thce fficcus' cluarters fer theinîilitia in tlie 1850s andI 1860s. This was a lime when the iîilitia was vcry imupertan t for dcfcnding Canadian hiomes and terri tory. Afe r Itle Crimiean War camîe the Aine ricanl Civil War anîd the Fenian Raids, whichi thc people off tlelicime bel icved 'vere a dhanger tc Canada, and the nîiilit ary playcd an imiporta nt rote in socie ty. Mr. Wallace was quite au entrepreneur, being invelveul in miany busijiessos. lie 'as t he onut racttîr whliilt the Centennial Building as Onta rio) Ceunty's first court lieuse, le 'vas proprietor ef' a dlock l'actory, a soap) and candle factory, and a sasti anîd door factOry , as wcJ ,Il as ruîîning a1 brick nîaking works ou)l Ie tliud concession. î le was evcuî inithe real esta te buîsinecss. Fromin 859 te I1861 Mir. Wallace svas edittr and publislier et' t ho Whli ly Watchinîan one tof t lic iiîaiy iicwspaper ii-iWhitby at tlîat tiîuîe. [le aIse svas a charte r nieniber et' tile (Ceimpositle 1edge aind 'as Madster tof the Lodge iii t 85X. In tlle t 880)s NM. Wallace left for ttîe Unitecd States, 'vIiere lie (lied in I1882. tIcbuilt tlliefhouse pict tirctta beve, bu t tid oct kecp it l'or tong. For a short timie t lus house svas (lie lit> 0e t)f lRobert. thue sanie roof. TIiis, iii i tscl h, 'ili hc a t iie-saving l'acter fer ýsta flfanid thec wliolc o f Wli it by. W~i tIi aIl thîe lîuist le andd osIe tif' Christmias activities, tîtere lias becu lit tle thilue t o cotîcci ne'vs itemus. TIie I lili i stî a Scotm s are st il I iii dire lie d tif a lea er T'lie K cii dat ývot id arieau svlcOuîes Dtorau Lel'thlt>use t' our tnc -li'dî ttulioeed. We are alst ext reuîîely pleascd totî iave Amîi a-J anue lirr r htîîe a tto a little vacat iti ait thle Oslhawa Geie rail Hotspit aI. Get 'volt qu ick Iy Au na-i-aie. D)ates 10 Remnember: A few illiings buig uIle but iîiing pets nme imadder tl'aiî tllc Cous t aut tre lelecei eop île wh o lh aveu 't I ived i Iitlie couiity iowin teo, 20 odd yeairs as 'e coc .llie otller iii-lii ()il le cable'TV ceverageetf Illie electioni eturlîs. candida te J oe limgel h 'vas t*ered i o zas a *'iiewvcoiiiîer eveil lîuhlie lis livc d in Wbi ihy flè5!', vea rs. Five years ago. M r. Bugelli wît, a iuewcoeiî. [lie îî u1w110 'l'h rcyu sa 1 svs *usce 1e l'u eî iew! Listecuing te the canididates anid seeiiig Ille electien iî.titis could lead ()liCett (lie coniclusîin Iiaît ilic sinîgle higgest qualification 1'te, elective ofc iiIn W ilbyis ité leiîgili ot csideiîce in \Vl i ( 1 Speakliiîg f(>1 Il c cable 'INy' ect jeu bi ndcast . tlicy are It)b lc ceugraitulated for ct)veviug Ille local electieus. but t I ey are e I e ci icc ted1eor tlli un ha ace iiithliccoerage as be tw'ecu Gsliti\îwaanid Wh iîty. 1 ut i)Im >eiii.. vlîeu I started sac ii iuiitil 12-:15 ai.wlîeiî 1 turîîed itoff». tlîey slîowcased Wlîhby ouly twice. aind uot at AaIlaltcr Il1 p.nî. Wliat iade il 'verse svas tîtat Ille coiieiitary Ire ili t he Wh i tby pîanuelI sas, in miiy op inioin, su )ei olr t o t ha t inO sh awa,. tlle iet eus ve re ceuîi ug iii uitore q uic kly iii \Vlî iIt y. aund tlie re ve re 'vo or t h re ecxciltiîig races gt ilug ou i n Wh i t by speci fica Ily iil]tIlle Wcst Ward. Bu t tlhe einpI iasi s vas ote Gsliiawa sv lieue tllie sho w d a ldt Wilson, a brilliant lawyer, whose promîsîng career cndcd in tragedy. Mr. Wilson 'vas born at Port 1-lepe in 1833. 1lie studied law froun his uncle, Zaceheus Burnham, the fîrst Judgc of Ontario CoLînty, and later studied witli a taw firmn in Toron to. After being submitted te the Bar, lie c'ornmýenced his prîictice at Oakville where hie married a daugliter of a Col. Chisholm. Ile returned te Wlitby in 1857 and entered into partnersluip wittt W. Il1. Billings. Like Lt. Col Wallace, Mu. Wilson 'vas a Mastîn, and served as Master cf Composite Lodge in I1868. Land titles show that hie lived in the house pictured above, from I186î7 to 1870. Tragedy struck in I1868 when Mu. Wilson's 'vife died, and hie was se overcome by grief that his ca,,rder 'vas ruined, and hie spent four years in an asyluiri at Tortonte. 1lc died on February 29, 1876, aged 42. By a remark- able coincidence, his 'vife had died on' the same date in 1868,-- leap year day. Mu. Wilsen's houIse passed thrcugh a succession cf owîîers uintîl in I1887 it was purchased by G. V. Mautin who 'vas establishing a .buckle fiactory in Whitby. The fetlowing ycau Mu. Martin stmlc it te eue of his employees, Chaules Barten, aind it reinained in tie-Barton family for 86 years. Mu. Barton 'vas treasurer of the Cattuolie Chuirch in Wtitby, and when the house was sold in 1974, ail his clîtrcli accouints from that period 'vere found on nails on one cf tlîe 'alîs and donated te the Whitby Historical Society. This lieuse is one cf the finest examples cf 1850s Got hic architecture in the Town of Whitby and looks atmesît the saine as the day when il 'vas buiît. The only extericu addition cf any note is a porch around the main entrance which 'vas buiît for Mu. Barton in 1930. December I19 - Candieliglît* Service at Westminster United Cîurcli 7:30. The Cencordia Pops Orchestra 'viii be on hand te supply tîe nmusic. December 24 - Cil ristmas Eve Service 11 p.m. December 26 - A service cf Ca rois. CHRISTMAS GIFT WRAPPING at the' Whitby Psychîiatric Hospital Monday December 20 - 1:30 p.m. Ten velunteers are required. If you are able te help, tileaise cal] Alayne Metrick at 668-588 1, extInsion 323. Tîuat's it for tlîis week. De caîl with. yîews itenîs. M. McEachern 725-8967 whiere. for filler, they interviewed almnost anybody they cOUld find. And the werst part of it ail was thiat 1 didn't find out wh e won n tiitniex t iuorning! EDITOR'S NOTE; We4 agree îvith thue essence of) y-ur t<nnplaiuî Nlorm, but. in acmta/ jàcu, thec. Whitby panel, w/Uic/ includcd îwvo nenibers of t/he Free Press staff, fled /6> <ri reports ivith t/he /ast reporti inu/uding final election f>ods. 'Fli silews ef early Dec,.emiber have accentuated the etry and exist prohlemis at the neorthi parking lot at the Plickciug GO statien. Thie normal good 'veather situation is baid eneughi, but add a littie snow and it is beyond l)elief! Thie ether day cars were stili lined up te leave from the 4:53 train Mvien the 5:33 traini came in. The lack of sniow clearance atnd salting was directly responsible for the tieups. Se wvhatever gevernmiient agency is responsible for snow renieval ini the parking lets, get up off your duffs, and get oni the joib! Well, thiat's it fer this week. l'Il leave ou with the leolle.winig theughit. lin Witby, 47% cf the eligible voters teek the timie te vote. Therefore, enlly. 47% cf thioseeéligible te vote cati new complain about the pdeple elected. lnf inity's Monitor Jr. speaker system gets you bock to what it's ail about. GREAT WALL CHINESE & CANADIAN RESTAURANT 668-7021 668-7301 FREI DEUVEIT - -a S.ylbam67..a... I..u Fuby ad $&%@y ....m. 3. ."II........... .....1&m. -I0P.. nw opm Twialys SleDun"St *ms Monitor Jr. is unsurpassed for accuracy, dynamic range, and frequency response. (In its price ciass). This superb system uses ontv the smoothest, most tinear part of the wide frequency range of each of its three acousticaiiy balanced speakers. It gives up a dramatic cleanliness of sound that may spoil you for anything else. Except live music. With that warning,. we invite you to corne hear Monitor Jr. by Infinity. We get yeu back to what it's aIl about. Music. Butt Radi*o & TV 1 year exclîange option at full purchase orice Studio 118 Sound R... 1 18 Brock St. S. 6630 Isouth of 4 corners)'

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