PAGE 20. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15. 1976. WHITBY FREE-PRESS ]Free Autos 1968 VOLKSWAGON VAN 1 2,000 ce dune buggy, needs somec work, $ 200 or best ofer. Çal 655-3750. 1968 (11EV INIPALA frecent paint and body work,good famnily car, lowv mileage, asking $850 certîfied. Cail 668-2485 after 6 1).11. 1974 CAPRICE CLASSIC tii ly equipped, $4,000. 1966 PONTIAC- two door, V-8, power s teering, po\ver bra ke s, S400. 1971 VAUXIIALI PARENSA SL-- good condition, $650. Caîl 668-8957. 1973 FIAT 128 STATION- WAGON- excellen t condition, xviII certify, 36,00(1 miles. $1.650 or best offer. Cail 668-0307. 1967 MUISTANG CONVER- TIBLE - 302 V8 automatic, body good, certilied, $695. Cali 579-3648. 1971 MAZDA - 616 Coupe standard, radio, techome ter, $500 or best offer. Cail 668-0463. 1973 GREMLIN $1,500 toncertitied and $1.700 ccrtified. Caîl 655-3027. 1974 DOD(GE -CUýSTO.\IVAN inanv exlras. $2.750. Call 683-2-968. 1973 BACK condition, 725-1 174 5 P-111. VEGA GlT [IA'CH askine $ 1.I495. Cal or 668-8928 afteri 1966 FORD eoInvcrtible, recent paimît and body ssork, neu. top.' run'. good. ui'king $6511 or best offer. ('aill 668-2485 aftcr 6 p.nî. 1907 D('DUl- PA[ARf'mo <Iror liard top). sers ciii, in goorl ru niiingi, tuiidi titin -$SIC as il. (aIl 668-98711 aIlet 5 pini. 1972 0L1)SNOBILI- 88 ,aood condition. S1 751>: 1972 -ORI). $751): 1966 l-,nci uc. Van, S550. C(:111-579-0233 otr 7'25-7449. 1963 RANIBL.IAR 'cliiIe sf:î fioii 5 ugoil.ce r il iedi. ý 1>11 >or b-si att e r LsISe l. ("ail 66)8-5-745. l06-8 (01 (; R 50 (aIl 66i8-600Ki8 tr 668-78521. 1964 B K SKý tsso tlocrr hardfop, 45,100 origimrial njiie-c.excellenit coîndition inside & ot. ecrtifîed. $925 or bcds o fle r. ('ail 668-0082 ai 1cr 6 p.îîî. 1966 Htl(K 725-4339. S75. Cal1 1974 VOLKSWAGON SUN BUG - gold, good condfition, $2300. Cull1 655-3070 af fer 6 p.m. 1966 BUICK SPECIAI. $75. ('aill 725-4339. 197(0 DODGCE'II L N-R certified, $895 or best offer. Cuill 668-5745. 1964 (IEELI;SS 'à ~. cyinrler. buckef seuil'., Il )ojr console, guud tires., body anJ înterior in tair condition, $2010 firm as i. ('aill 728-3992. 1976 CI V STI. $3,0(1: 1976 I>CI., ood condition, $4,000 or besf u ffer. Caill 725-7139 evenings or 668-8549. 1973 F-ORI1) power steering, powe'r brakes. V-8, air-condi6incd, radio, rouir defogger, 50,000 miles, will certify, S 1,650. Cull 668-1 382. 1972 PLYMOUTIl AIL LITE two door lîardtop, V-8 automnatie, p/.s, p/b, radio, bueket seuits, certified. $l,595,will accept trade-im of 1963-69; ('ail 683-5503. 1968 FORD CALAXY V-8, two door, automatic, p/s, p/b, ruijio, asking $451). (Cal 668-4355. 1966 T-BJIRD - 390 V-8, p/bucket seats, air conditioning, AM radio & tape deck, body ini faim condition, saCety checked, $700; 1967. (:111EIV 1/2 VAN. 283 V-8, chrome bumpers. new air ve nt & roof', partly customnized inside, body go9ýd shape. ;alcty checked, $500; 1969 1FORD1 I-AIRLANI-., 2 diior, 6 cyl. auto, mechanicalîy A-I. body V*air, safety chocked, $600. C:ali 668-1 102 between 8:30 - 6 p.m. after 0 eall 608-2781 ask fo)rTrr.- Pr 1969 (11VPANFI, - 6 cy linder standard, radfio, wîndow curtains. extra tires, excellent condiltion, $1,.450. (ali 576-3034. I 9671PONI l>A 1.ýR ISI F*NNI E- lotur Jour.tfour lncw radial (ircs, in good condilion, $551). (MfI 1970 CIIH F I auitoilnalue. A- I condition,.SI1 certified. ('al 728-2580., V-8, '480), 1967 METEOR FORD!) new paint uud body work, runs good, uskîng $401).Cull 668-2485 after 6 1967 VW BHEI'r[I- $300 a s is. ('aIl Res. 728-0253 or Bus. 668-4 185. 1973 DATSUN - 2402, certi fied, chrome rîms, front spoîler, 50,000 mi!es, AM/FM stereo, excellent condition. Cuill 576-2358. '67 (11E-V BELAIR aîs is 1973 VOLKSWAGON- 412, 4 door, gold. 45,000 miles, radiais, excellent condition, S1995 certmfied Cali 723-2394 ufteî 5 p.m. 1975 HONDA- 400-foor. 3,1 00 miles, tir iven 001Y 50 miles mni 1 976, excellent coiut cno, Si1.200. Cali 7232394 after 5 pin. 1967 OLDSMQBILE Deltaï 88, 4 don r barrli op, air cud10 rrrrj, $400;- 1965 PONTIAC CUJSTOM SPORT, excellenit fnr pair ts.ils s, Si 50 Cail 668-0087 1974 FORD S3,000: 1975 BACK, $3,500« 1966 PONTIAC conrditionr, as 668-4058. VVINDOW VAN, NOVA HATCHý Col! 5760773. STRATO-CHIEF clii >01>) lcj( s. SiOO c'Ill 1 970MAV ER ICK -6 st utiir gon >rut> crrî condrtion, ir, >cc brui kes, r.e erCIS botdy vvir k, uncertifieti. S350, Calil683-7360, OFFSTREET DUNE BUGGY iNith buluîIheel-s, spare euînm' & towtxir, S150. Cali 655-4973, 1965 FORD - 6 cylcnrler coaich as is, $50. Culi 655-3768. 1969 VWV needs some wvotk, $400 as is, $475 certmfed. Cali 655-3756 after 6 p.m. 1969 PONTIAC FIREBIRD 350, V8 enqcne. 3 speed stanudardî, rnany exîras, radial tires plus snows, $1 130. Cui 723-1819. 1971 PLYMOUTH DUSTER good condition, wifl certif y, Sl 100 or besi of fer. Culi 668-5660. SNoW *1I 1 2.);luciiist îiew. A\78-i-3, tubles'. bcelted s'. 's $20. ('ail 6t68-4743 ai[Ier 0 î.ni. Tilt BOX TRAILER - deuil for -zkidoo, 6' x 8', depth 18", $200 or best offer. Caîl 655-4295. 3 'T IE'S 165-13, $2 5, good for Dutsun & oflier sill caliS. ('ail 668-8527. -ou R -14" TiR lS - (n 2 regulars). real good con<i tion, $40 or best offer. Cuill 668-91M7. EXTRA WiIFEl-L 1969 Chevelle with two size E7 8-14, $15. o83-1 409. l'or tires, (:a11 P>ONTI AC BLA(CK Btl(KI-' SEAIS good shape, $ 110 achi. Cuil 6 55-40610. SNOW CRUISER huis rviri, $600 655-4741. 35 hpî, Cill e ss Emp oriU m Ccli 668-6 11__ ______ NOTICE TO READERS _____________ Wringer svashing MACIIINE "- Simplicity SIINWASII Advertise FRIFiu filec[F RE SS IMPO IUM, pa ONL. $25; lawinmiowers, $10 & $15; DRYER, wshi te, I yu-ar roomn divider, large, brand new, lexcellent condition, asl whleîî you seil! There will( not be any charge tu advertisers ini flic $2, aptnfo13segrn, 17. nwsligt'rý FREF PRESS EMPORI UM uniess flic item advertised is soîd d crpeing for 13al 72t-p1, g $175. ('ai w 66-756ng tr 4S Wîîen te advertised itemn is soîd, youi pas' a commission basecî o n rîradn,$5 ai75I2 .$7)(al6876 fe 'lF A1VF TSI PRlUE as illustrated below. Ail advertiscmnen Is PHILIPS TELEVISION mutst be pluced on an exclusive basis sitlî flic WIIITBY F1 CLOTHES DRYER - $65; B & W, n -orig rdr PRE;SS eirtii ut least one oitifnot sold. Underwood standard typewriter, storm door, aluminum, RATES tif article is soîd): $20; pine gatelake table, $60; Cull 668-6922. antique washstand, $65; RCA 20" 5>7of dvetisd piceti~10 400011colour TV, $95; 18' of drapery MOFFAT GAS RANGI 5 " ofadvrtied ric ti to$40.0060" long brown burlap, $10; 30", only uscd one 2Vi;. of balance over $400.00 onie SOL humner & controls, $45; excellent condition, oye- antique pine harvest table, best broiler rotissery, avocado g I -ýAMtI>IF: Sold itenm advertised for $50.010 - commission duce $2.50 offer over $100. Caîl 668-3889. original price, $650, asking Caîl 66 8-17 66. (minimum ce.nmnsion k $ 1.501 ST'Ai N LE*SS STEEL KITCHEN MCayes lcrcc Private only! llease notify uis if 'you find a retailer SINK $7; enamnel kitchen sink, MCay ayeeercc $'5; inside doors, assorted sîzes' DRYER - good wci listcd as a privafe advcrtiscr. $2.S(ieach. Caîl 668-8125. condition, $80; dinette arb TABLE. & CHAIRS, exter Pîcase notify ibie Whilby Frec Press îimnîcdiately Mvien i 1cm is sold- table, $30. Caîl 728-9737. s0 Iliat Wc iiiay' delete il lroith fliollowing issules. F.CR( STOVE -- two FO UR BURNER ELE( butrners, oven nceds soilie repairs. STOVE - excellent cond Services. icîl) wanted, cîothing, real estate and personiia message 3. al 'il 668-0721. 30", $85. Caîl 683-7360 type ads can .only bce handled on a prepaid basis. 6 p. m. If~ in doubht, caîl 668-6 11 1 POOL TABLE -31/2. x6' TV - Console B & W. MAIL ALI. AI )S TO: in excellent condition, $115. or best offer; two metal Cal1 668-6779 af ter 5p.m. frames with spring, $30 Qr I PRE1 PRESS FMPORIUM offer. Cai 668-9278. P.O. Box 206, Whitby ELECTRIC STOVE - very TV - Console, 24" Fleet\s The cadineforcmprimi as i th Modaygood condition, $50. Callmn good condition, B & W, Tîî dedîle fr cporum ds '. licMona~'655-4944 af ter 5 p.m. Caill 655-4630. uit nooti. PAYI n1n- Furniture good conîdition. 175, (San bc.. ,«n Il aI 1-14Grecîî Sl. (r(all 6>6555S4 1.01er 4 Imm. I let îrOîn>îoe Il /B.& W\1IV I le. f uloii>. i iiidilIici N lut) p iuiip\. N2 h ifiiiîui \ li nuc k lie l' il î .ri-; fi) u1i R SI iz 55lli iîib icc >. I>>u N55. d.à t. N i - ; 06> )-î 0 ANTIQUE - oî, Pario1001or' %N th 1 i E> .> Os f I>-oted i gls'. ".ch S> 250 Pau; One large gqicll f1 Ktjorïe for k aC. re;, SE> - orbe p k >'5k tOMsou510 .S12, w'ou ir'î.by back-pck. S$15; Dooxc oII Y 0mPe-r, SE>- Cal 66& 74W9 STEREC) CABINET vw,îCîoî. 72" loq igconlif! pecuccug fou j(co>(t player. onîy 550. G-1 1 6553411. I BIR(IRf)(M V\îkîng >8: 13î%selî I Inoi (arpel s eer. 54: f 1eIc frîtIc (oît oîm'bcr, SM10 AIl i ver ' oo(dconitiionl. (sil 985-262 L Trcilers, etc. Sports Pl ul ANOI- $175. ('ail576-31)34. 29 lus, Il1- N'I 9,1I2 W ords aua s'.itl l mor. 55.Cuill (larenîîoîîl 649-57 12 :îfler S p.iii I5,S' BRtNSWII K BOA] 18', I(OIFA I-R f p J oitson îmîl or. askîig '$2.000, maîîîy cestruis. Cuill 728-3297. 1971 NORDIC SKIDOO - 399 marîuuil, 24 hp., used only occusisonaby. - $600. Cal 725-2967. Ti RES new (5) 1178-15, blk/wuilI off van. $175 set. ('umll 655-4610. 'IWO TIRE-S 560-13 liridgestie. t'omrI)at'a'n. complete with rini, $66. ('aIl 668-79(07. TI RIES 4 new, Goodyear, D70-14, bîackwuili, $120, for compac t or intermediate car. Cuill 668-8544. TI RES J79-15, Goodrîch lted, $10); tire & rîtti, .25-14, Goodyear (lîrysler riîîî, $10; snow tire & rimîî, G78-14, ('brysîer ini, $ 15. Cuill 655-3 860. 1969 13' T riple E TRA1LE R - slieps four. frîdge, stove, guis furnace, cunopy, very good condition. $1500. Cali 683-2861.- FIGIIT 14" ( ;M RIMS, lsvu willî stow tires, $ 20)pauir, f*olr witii suiiîer lires, $15S pa;ir1, lm) barv., $10 pair; 1 2" whe>.'l l vli snow lire, $ 1 Il; ('Ill<055-44317. sxki~ 81( :î Cll (i55-3523. uîtîtîliîe \\O>L)N (R \I.lý 1 I25-.'tur R eiîininglonî R fial1 l IR I S. Ilt 70-.14- 611i-pIstI> na;cLr i.i5 mii., Cal f.11 068-1862. lýive e uce ,KI lFUI 1.N SI-i >î.îî l ralkt Ilîîîu . .is r'. ss mli liai mA( S I l f. 1-tiiiic(l d:îmk. N4 ci> i. lrimkis ii il.50 ce.ilit', 5 li>lies xside \iiih f '111(l î N.m.riaLLrt,c 1s).ul \\\1t 1NI 1'11 III I \ISli1 imlîtltiIu. '>5(1: SlIu m obi îî lec-sc l uIl,-tlitii ii iuioii 1 cml rl.o e ss\\ imil . Cil~~~~~ i'>' muiI mi N25. t .1 uitîle. '8: kitlilci r bri ,tool. 2-'hicli. outnc ital. $7: ec 55: 2 btiretr aove. elecîrie 221) voîl lîeasv iils25" ili o illi il u eil. SI5: . tildio cOtcli. 200(d eoiidîtiun. lbcige apesîlrv mrîeii'. l(ii niille lid ;uiiso 1hui sîciraici.(lot & ilîree looNe, >0 liîiîs,45. ai I 055-38fr01. I.1 t) IVING; R0M t IIAýIRSor RI,,(' ROON IIAIRS, 510 & $15: t\Iss edIrîui luin $5: l)re'.'.er, $45; Tcleph)Ione desk, 1i5. (umîl 668-900)9. chaic 1r & (til 51-RIlLI gteen,. $3011 or nt-urest fler: ( iî coi (ee tal1)le, $51); i love r tErrir p olslier, $I15; S le ilIle r- 1Be IlIe r e.\e rc ise r, $ 15: 1)raî1) ycaýir-s e ait. S 10- i). 111î6 5 5-3 4 46. BEDROOM SUITE - double bed, triple dresser wifh mirror, men's chest of drawets, $250. Culi 668-7600. TABLE - 36 x 58 woodgrain top, n good condition, $38 or make an of fer. Cali 668-9458.- CHESTERFIELD SI CHAIR - $185. Cali 723-1819. ANTIQUES - Vîctorian setee, cameo back, velvet, $500; pressed back nursing rocker, $65; two antique wicker chairs unpainted, $150 pair; single brass and iron bed, $150; odd plants in antique crocks; chandelier, $25; ,al 1 668-5830. COFFEE TABLE. END TABLE - French Provincial in fruitwood, $100; large oil painting on canvas, $100. Cali 668-0633. ANTIQUE - two ori)uîn or piano stois, wit h rotat iii sit, roefiiiishî>d, $35 vauch. C;ill 668-8527. S('M ELECTRIC I3ROOM $6; PORTABLE..1-1 IRDRYE-R. $4. ('aIl 723-0855. SLWING NIA(CII11NE Se:îmstres, ss itli cabine t. excellent condition, S75. (zalI 668-5447. \VI(l-R \ASHEII --in- i oniio.5( or best olter. 1)1,S K. m>odern 310' N 60', tf'so file Orises ne box dra'.'er, %,50. (:îll 6r8-78321. ini \\otk-iiiL, order. 22" \3i (all728-2484. Liti.'J. s'. i Je. S I () I Iso brîtier. & usen N25. uone ne ss 510H ). LooJsîlumîe. tise>] tssîee. SI (11. aIl 723-620)1. Gas tited cotu mieiil Jeep I RYI. R tssî baskets, $225: lon Sli'c*SlING Nl-(>IINI., SSI0. Bu lu uare i n uood Condition. Ca:ll 579-018401. Four-burner electrîc STOVE - S25; Al\uminum storm DOOR, 6'l0" x 2* 10", $25. Cali 655-3768. Round cl it Top POKER i A BI I itîtluidint set ini eîui-',ses amnd asblrays, like nesi, $6)or ofter. Cuaill 6i68- 7098. BATIIROOM SET- Comi- pie te, mnodcrin. White- tub simîk, toile t. SI 00. Electric svater pump, presstîre tank. S 100. 576-4023 PORTABLE Kitclien-Aid dishwashier, excellentî imîg condition, S200- 668-6479 work- Phone HUMIDIFIER - one year old, $65. Caîl 725-8872 after 6 p.m. HIGHCHAIR - $7; car seat,. $4; Colonel end table, $10; one desk, $6; portable TV table, $10; set of dishes, $10; vvooden rock- ïng horse, new,. $5; cof tee table, $10; Iamp, $5. Caîl 728-6204. Two brand nevv EXTENSION SIDES - for crib or bed, $8 ea; small wood bookcase nicely finished, $25; wood cof tee table, $5; 2 large diaper pails, white, $2 each; assorted beautiful walI plaques, hanging & pictures, must be seen, best offer. Cal 668-6567. WASIIIjR, 1RYI-R, IR1D(;L, STOV L aîrnosi inev, 1skinlg $1.100. ('aIl1668-4652. WATER FIEATER ELEMENTS «III sizes cai CARY YOUNG PLG & HTG Brookliîî 655-4936 oR, S25f)- $ 25; $35. year, c-Icvel green, $300. othes îrking bori te nrsion CTRIC dition, after $250 1bed ,best suood, $30. condition, $15; Lasvnmower, $25. Cuill 728-0664 after 6:30 p.m. Antique REFRIGF-RAT1OR CEF. model built in 1930, still in svorking condition, oniy $150. Cuill 723-0722. GAS DR YER -- Inglis Citation excellent condition, S1 25 or besi offer. Cuill 668-0224. 19" B & WI ADMIRAL TV usking $30. nelv tube. Cali 068-5459. 36»00 BTIi 3 *ton Fedders AIR CONDITIONE'R - 3 phase powcr 208 volts, $375; 71/2 lie, 1974 outhoarîl motor sea-smodel îuew, $250. Cai 985-3542. COTTAGE STOVL;- $15; bird cag~e, $40; hockey cquip- met îLI baLys, hockey pants. $25;, bcd, tYýood condition, new miaîtresS, ,siîuglc, s$125; rug cleailer. S i15. ('ail 668-0920. FRIDGE - apartment size, in 'good condition, $95. Cali 668-0334. RUG -- reen aurilan hard t".isi, Il' x 12' with underpuid in perfeel condition, $95.Cuill Claremnont 649-5712 after 5 p.m. BATIIROOM SUITE sink &k bathitub. good condition, wh ite, $45. Caîl 668-9488. REFRIGERATOR - Viking, il cu. ft:, $50; Rangette, $15; chrome kitchen table, $15; eight chairs, $2 each; smaIl table, $5, lmnay be a telephone table); one cou;-ter top,.51/2 ft. long, $10; 2 fioor lamps, $5 each; livingroom chair, Danisi style, $10; two rugs, 5' x 8', $3 each; 24" boys bicycle, $10; .vo 14" rims for tires, $2 each; two door closures 4" The Briton, $10 each; Cali 668-6580. Musical STEREO - Electrohome con- sole, garrard changer, walnut cabinet, $1 25 or best offer. Calil 655-4295. STANDARD PEAVEY PA - two colunins, with four 12" speakers each, seldom used, band broke up, $425. Cali 655-3654. F-rench Riviera four piece DRUM SET - blue sparkle finish, hi-hat symbol, very good condition, $150. Ca11 655-3205. STEREO - AGS receiver with 21 watts per channel, BSR turn- table, 2 Wharfdale 3-way speakers, $325 or best offer. Cali 668-3289 ask for John. Anlique ('ýANOPHONE 1910 vinta-e. plus 35 oîd plîonig0rapîî records, $200 compllete. Cuill 725-4339. Espna LIiC(TRIC GUITAR- Nvitlt Darius 1001 amplifiter, music stand. $325 complete: 41" imbo FIat Top GUITAR %vith case, brand new, $45, Cal 668-.4744 aftetr 4 p.m.