Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 15 Dec 1976, p. 18

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PAGE 18, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15. 1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS Plen ty of beautiful, antiques av ailable at Ary'sGalery MONEY TREE I rocker and ariîîclai r: a 19111 ceîitury Austrian sel ver. l'le lis( gees on. Nlaiy of tIlue articles la te te a Ary Sarka loves beautiilt things and shce trusts and Ilopes thal tlr t hrc eottier people in tlie arica w i th t astes simi Ha i te biers. Mrs. Sarkaii i clleowluer of, Ary's (Gallery at 1.51) lBrock Street Nortbi in Wliitby. Slue sel is antiques and cLuStom1- iiade dr-apes out et' the store, wlîicli opencid rccently. Proving tlua t she b as al place in lie r lea rt l'or lifce's n ice r tliings, suie says "I love beauLt it fuith ingS. T'[biS s my bigIlnt. A gulided ltour lrougili A ry's Giallery with M s. Sa rk a is le rt lîer prmot' ()I' lier wezak ness I*Or beautiti Fl tin gs. Sue canl tellI au yonle wlio i s wil liug te listen ui st about eve i- y ting aboli tt[lie niany lhie pieces ini the sitoie \vblere tlîey wvere mai:de , Mien t bey were muade anid b>' wb oui tbey werc iimade. Soe i2 exan pies: ia Regency ebonized wood but tèt ( witb a (ii.lese iui'tueîice niiade ini the early niiineteeniicen tniry : aVictoriaîi îiiedal lieu back set tee witbi matiich iiig ladies* anîd genle I- 111eni's chla irs: ia walIlclock îîiade ini[tie îîid-îiîîieteenitli centniry b>' (liatincey Jeromie; al lia id -pait cd rosewood ThIil îîa rgaln oleeoetthe coiipaiy's first :aud t'aîcicst. original Tifl'any Iaiîps: an occasi on a table niade ini France ini 1892 wi tIi au t vio Lis Lonuis I 5tIi iii tI tInce; Jacohieî caliied back setee. expensive te be sure. But thiere are pieces for the less wealtbly. -Tlîere is snething l'or every pecketboek", says Nirs. Sa rk a. (Slqe poinîts eut thiat antiques besides adding beauty te any bouse. are a g.ood investinent, no înatterî IIw muc-h thcycost, as their value can oni>' increase wîth time). Se, if you stili have some Ch ristmas shopping to do, give semne theught to an antique fremi Ary's Gallery. PRESENTED BY WHITBY MALL over 30 stores open fromn 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. 6 days a week -lv ~ f.-' .- s r 5 I I h I f IM*f~m ~ - - TAGS & STICKER! Reg $ 79 Sale A@ COOPER'S PLACE Thickson Rd. and Hwy. 2 103 BROCKST S WHITBY Ary Sarka, owner of Ary's Gallery on Brock Street North in Whîtby, dusts one of the niany antique pieces for sale at ber store. In addition to selling antiques out of ber recently- opened store, Mrs. Saila selis custom-made drapes. Free Press Photo

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