tienry Moore Limited Edition ETCHING - on solid sterling * silver. A beautiful work of art & an ideal collectors item.. Only $850. Caîl 723-0722. 71/ B & D PROFESSIONAL SKILL SAW - neyer used, $60; Ladies long leather coat, size 15-16, reddish bro'vn, $75. Cail 668-5486. SELECTIONS 0F CLASSICAL MUSIC - The World's Greatest Waltzs, Rap:;k!y & Blue, Album of Conserto by Bleethovan, Down Memnory Lane, Music by Joe Strauws, $2 per record. Cal 728-3297. Gravely Lawn Tractor Equip- nment - 30" Rotary Mower, $200; 48" curved Snow or Dirt blade, $90; 42" sickle mower, $275, ail items in good condition. Caîl 655-4995. King ELECTRONIC SCOPE - $1,800. Call 668-8125. BA BY CRIB - $20; Lloyd baby carniage, $15; baby butter %vith child's chair, $20. Cali 655-3511. LEATHER Ladies, O.K. zip-out lining, 655-4995. JACKET brown, like size 16, $25. new, Cal GOALIE EQUIPMENT - will^ fit ages 12 - 17, $5 ( including 2 pairs of Bauer skates, size 8' $20 & size 10, $30; ali in A-i condition. Call 655-34 10. HOCKEY SKATES - new, size 5, $15; portable SINGER sewing machine, $35; CalJ 725-1211. TWO FIGURE SKATES - size 7Y and 2, $3 each; one pair of boys skates size 6, $3; one bird cage & stand, $25; waff le iran and sandwich grill, $5 each; toaster, $5; bissell carpet sweeper, $10; bathroom ight fixture, $20; pressure tan k, $10; Cal 668-9404. Late model UNDERWOOD MANUAL TYPE WRITER - $125. Cal] 668-1076. WEDDING DRESS-including headpiece, $1 20 or best offer. Caîl 723-6197. 3 outdoor FLOOD LIGHTS - suîtable for po1l or patio area, 1500 watt capacity, $30 each. Cail 668-2832 after 5 p.m. ANTIQUES - Victarian setee, camnea back, velvet, $500; pressed back nursing rocker, $65; two antique wicker chairs unpainted, $150 pair; single brass and iran bed, $150; odd plants in antique cracks; chandelier, $25; 'al l 668-5830. POWER HAND SAW- Craftsrnan, 7" 13/ hp, like new, $30. Caîl 668-4743 after 6 p.m. SKI BOOTS- size 8, $10; size, 9, $1 5; double BOOKCASE BEO, complete, $35; Skates, Bauer, 91/, $10. Caîl 668-0704. GM INFANT CAR SEAT - $15; Fard Top Guard Child's- CAR SEAT, $20. Caîl 655-4157. BOYS SUIT - size 16, as new, $8; Christmas ights & decoratians, $3; TV, B&W, not warking, $5; racing set, $15; barbecue, $2. Cal 668-5060 af ter 3 Om. WATER HEATER - new, neyer used, glass lined, 40 U.S. gal 40" high, $75. Caîl 655,4ffl. Canadi'aaîa smal ; . iltiAive ROCKER, $30; 6' pine bench, $35; flax cutter, $50; pine tool box, $10. Caîl 683-5671 Greenwood. STEEL DOUBLE GARAGE D)OOR - in good condition, $200. Caîl 668-8310. Convertible STROLLER - $25; circular playpen, $15; baby walke r, $3; maternity clothes, sniall size. Caîl 668-1969 afîci 4 p.m. USED TV ANTENNA - $20. Ca1l1668-8943. - B & W TV - Oshawa Catholie firt, like new, 925-121 1. Console, $65: High School $10. Cali HOCKEY EQUIPMENT - ;hin pad[, $15; hockey pants, $8; sh oulder pads, $8; -cooper gloves, $10; helmet, $10, al equipment in excellent condition. Cali 668-676 1 ask for Steve. AVON CONTAINERS - 75 cents & up; armchair, $5; old & new dishes: ski boots, $4; aval shape plate glass, $3; antique mirror in frame, $4; wooden chairs, 2/$5; single mattress, $2. Cal 723-2426. COVERI - cernent, 12½/' long, foot round, $25; Two wooden steps, $3 & $5. Cal 668-8304. Black Persian LAMB COAT - full length, size 16, $125. Cal 576-0714. VANITY - white with marble top, $70, reason for selling, changed bathroomns. Cal 579-1015. Heavy Royal Off ice TYPE- WRITER - in good condition, $60; Smith-Corona typewriter, portable with case, in good condi- tion, $60; Solid State Sony-o- matic tape recorder, 4-track, 3 speed, with built in public address system, in-excellent con- dition, $200. Cali 728-9777. WILL BABYSIT - in my home, daycare, West Lynde area. Cal 668-0445. Eagles Nest Wildlife specialists have counted more than 750 nesting pairs of bald eagles on Admiralty Island, Alaska. That's the largest known concentration 'of the species in the United States. WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 8, 1976. PAGE 17, CLASSIFIED ADS Free Press Emporium (Contlnued) M iscelaneous NOW! Have your chester- f ield steam cleaned by professionals who care. Voodwork' is specially waxed & polished. We steam clean your carpet- ing with commercial equipment - there is a difference! Free estimates. DURHAM REGIONAL CHESTERFIELD & CARPET CARE 668-7989 Coolidge Comments One Sunday, alter Pres- ident Coolidge returned to the White House from church, Mrs. Coolidge asked: "Was the sermon good? " '"Yes, " he answered. "What was it about? " "Sin." "'What did the minister say?" "He was against it.'" Pets & Supplies Two male BOSTON BULL TERRIERS - registered with papers, 21/2 months old, just in time for Christmlas, $150 cach. Cail 579-1015. PART LABRADOR, PART' TERRIERý - maie, had ail shots. will give away f ree ta a good home, friendly wîth chldren. Cal 668-5705. F'REE KITTENS - î:ive wvceks oid, colours chamrpagnc, grcy and white, tabby. and tortoise sheli. Dclighitful pets. Cail 668-0096 after 6 p.rn.1 BIRD CAGE good condition, 655-3657- - floar stand, $40. Cail GERMAN SHORTHAIR POINTER - 1 year oid, mak, doghouse inciuded, $35. Cali 576-8667. Studded Western SAI)DLE in good condition, $75.Call 668-7098. Trained DEER HOUND $60. Cail 985-2985. AMERICAN SADDLEBRED GUELDING -- 16 hands, 14 years old, wel trained and schooîed, saddie and bridie inciuded, $300 or best offer., Cali 655-3840. A TTENTION FARMERSI BUY AT REASONABLE PRICES r Ae I M UE Nervous replied. "Do you usually get Upon entering the bath- this nervous bel ore making room in a hotel, a lady rec- a speech?" "Nervous?" ognized the scheduled guest "No, not me." "Then whczt speaker pacing up. and down are you doing in the Ladies' and asked him what he was Room?" doing there. "I'm going to deliver a speech," he WATER SÃ"FTENERS UFE R RENTAL & PURCHASE OFT WATER SOFTENER SALT OFT FOR PROMPT SERVICE CALL GARY YOUNG PLG & HTG Brooklin, 6 55-4936 Highest Prices P'aid for Goid and Silver coin5 old guns, dlocks, jewelry, dishes furniture, crocks, 'ou paintings and sealers Friendly Flea Market 725-9783: 23 King West, Oshawa C .ARPEN î RN hIOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS Kitchens, Ceramie Tiling, .Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Ceda: Decks and Patio Doors. FRJEE ESTIMATES - Cali SECOND MORTGAGES 0 No bonuses, , brokerage or finder's fees 0 Borrow Up to $1 5,000 * 14.9%/ on amounts over $8,000 0 15 year amortization HOUSEHOLD REALTY CORPORATION LIMITED Whitby Malt Shopping Centrt 723-8101 See your phone book for an *HFC office near you. Hot . water heating pumps serviced & repaired DOMESTIC PUMP SERVICE 668-9915 Hard SelI A rancher uas trying to seil his old horse. Suspi- cious, the prospective buyer askedi to see the animal trot a bit. After taking a feu; steps, the animal was gasp- ing for breath and its tongue unis han ging out.- The ranch- er said quickly, "Hasn't he got a beautiful coat?" "His coat's alright," said the buyer, "but what about the yxnts' liikes Girls UNIROYAL BIKE - forM ages 8 - 12, goid in colour, white banana seat, high handiebars, in good condition, $35. Cal, 728-9777. BICYCLE PARTS - forks, $5 or under; fraines, $3; pedals, $1 each; handle bars, $2 each; seats, $ 1.50; sisybars, $ 1;- rims, $1,50; tires, 75 cents; tubes, 50 cents;, valves, 25 cents; accessories, $5 or iess. Call Greg at 668-6790. 1966 HONDA S90 - set up as trail bike, in -good running condition, $125. Call 649-5811. rIs CCM BIKE - highrise, e$50. Cali 668-981-7. 5 speed BOYS BICYCLE - could bc used for parts, less chain & front forks, $5. Cal 668-4744 after 4 p.m. 1972 SL-100 1IONDA rnust selI, $250 or best offer. as is. Caîl 668-0404 anytime. Services Wanted FULLER BRUSH CO). FOR YOUR FULLER REQUIREMENIS CALL 1FAY'DREW 668-9915 WOULD LIKE TO BUY - used piano for our home. Cali 668-1 578.- PRIVATE WHITBY - Three bedroom townhouse, finished rec room, appliances, quality broad- loomn throughout, $41,000. Will give 2nd mortgage if necessary. Cali 668-7992. For Rent OFFICE SPACE FOR REN T 450 sq. ft. Dundas St., Whitby Cali 728-9448 Pressure Cooking Cooking under pressure is an excellent way to preserve food nutrients and color. Since foods cook quickly, this method also saves both food, and fuel. Be sure and follow the recommended times and pounds of pres- sure for each f"od If pre- pared properly, mosi foods cooked under pressure also retain acceptable flavor. *Wedd&ng rThe marriage of Ida Thompson to Richard Dobbhard took place on Saturday, November 27, at Ail Saints' Anglican Church in Whitby, with Rev. John Roney off iciating. The bride who is the daughter of Majorie Thompson of Holland Landing, Ontario, was given in marriage by her brother Burt. The groom is the son of Lo 'rne Dobbhard of Kinsale, Ontario. Arthur Dobbhard, brother of the groom, was the best man., The Dobbhards are residing at 209 Brock Street South, Apart- ment 7, Whitby.* Ministry of Revenue Ontario Assessment Region No. 13 60b Rossidria Road E. Whitby To AIl Owners or Tenants in Durham Region: Take notice that pursuant to Section 40 of the Assessment Act, Chapter 32, (as amended> RSO, 1970, I have on the 6th day of December, 1iD6 delivered or caused to be delivered ASSESSMENT NOTICES to all owners or tenants in this region. The last day for appealing the Assessment Notice is January .l1lth, 1977 and the Àssess- ment Roll may be examined at the Municipal Off ice during regular" business hou rs commencing December 22nd, 1976. 'rW.Hý. Parnell, Regional Assessment1 Commissioner. Sale ESTATE SALE - three heavy duty tarpaulans, rot treated, perfect condition, 12 x 18 $59; two 12 x 5, $49 each;; fishing tackle, box reel, net, box full of leurs, etc. $18. Cali 668-2548.* AUCTION SALE Saturday, December llth, sale of furniture & an tiques. The property of Mrs. Peter Garland, to be held in Claremont Hall. Including din- ing room suite, chesterfield, bed- room suite, stereo, steel desk & file cabinet, lazy boy chair, coffe & end tables, TV, chrome table, nest tables, towels, bedding, ug- gage, larnp, pictures, records, pots & pans, gingerbread dlock, press back chairs, tools, mrany other articles to numerous to mention. No reserve, terms pash. Property sold. Sale at il a. m. Earl Gauslin, Norm Faulkner, Auction eers. AUCTION SALE Thursday, December' 9th. l3th Annual Christmas Toy Auction. games, dolîs, gift stocking stûffers, etc. at Stouffville Sales Barn, Stouffvilie. Corneearly get the bargains. -Sale at 6 p.m. Norm Faulkner, *Earl Gauslin, Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE D ecember 11 th at i p.m. Farm Equipment Sale Auction Sale the property of Mr' and Mrs. Frank Vlieger, 3 miles north of Port Perry on the Sea- grave road turn east on the lOth Concession one haif mile to the end of the road or follow signs. John Deere 710 fully equipped Mit radio, hydralic loader, manure and dirt bucket, John Deere 710, with roll guard and radio, 12 foot self propelled 800 case combine with -2 row corn head, Massey Ferguson 1 24 baler with easy tie knotter new, Agratec automatic bale stocker new; 225 bushell, Tranco grain wagon with hydralic auger' on a 7 ton wagon with flodtation tires new, new holland 9 foot haybind, 3 Pt hitch 15 foot Rhino Sprayer new, sedore double snow blower, large Westeel grainery new 32 f t. f inger tooth cultivator 18' elevator set Harrows side delivery rake, snow blade grain airators, pig troughs, water troughs, electric fencers. posts, and Wire, chains, wheel- barrow, 4 x 8 truck racks & top, - tow bar, extension ladder, stone boat, 14 foot boat and many more articles. Mr. Vlieger is giving up farming due to his health. The equipment is inexcellent condition and lot being new the last year, an excellent opportunity to buygood in 1976. Terms cash, no resorve. Lunch. 1-416-985-2459. Sale Manager and Auctioneer, Murray Jackson.