Pý?AGE 6, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS Br~kin. ~ Byines Would you ike to join a bowling league either as an occasional or regular bowler? If you have been wanting to bowl but did not know of any open league you could join, please note that the Lasco Steel bowling team would welcorne new members. You do not have to be a Lasco employee and not previous experience is necessary. People from Brooklin who bowl in this leaeue tell us that younl F cevii TILDEN Rent a Car or Van' CARS $17 DAiLY VANS Longer term leases 4 ton anvthing we seli. ANNANDALE DODGE CHRYSLER LTD. y St.. Pickering 683-372â ,BROWN'S I BROOKLIN, ONTAI NORTH WHITBY1 Thurs. Nov. Ul CUT PROM TH£ Hi? ROUND STEAIK SPAGNfEl TOP CUT o M u $1,948 m. -- - CU RO H£H P-DO LisR io Rumipmvbttm LIQUII Round Renss D ICE CRIAM 79c ~T flel',- 11 PACM DREAM WHIP 69< SAIDSGE smIAKW 304k69CSTEIN 9-mum -VIS XA B AS800ED KITY CAT FOOUS LU1T T ER 32 49c 5-Lb55< I4UN Klu" Yo F.ncy -Fr.nch Style EGG GREEN ROLLS BEANS - 69 ' 9 RUPOrrMcC.k, D.p 'N Dodou, Ru my DELU XE SOLE P IZZ A .99 1 l9, STORE HOURS OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEK 8:30 a.m. - 6 pain. EXCEPT THURS & FR1 NIHS'TIL 9 p.m. pe~ople as well as aduits are welcoMe. The team bowls on Thursday nights at 9:00 p.m. in Oshawa. Please call 655-3206 if you are interested.11 The Brooklin Kinsmen held a special Advertiser's Night at their last meeting. Members came prepared to give each other some insight into their own varlous occupations. Displays and short talks about different careers allowed the members to share job experiences. It sounds as if it was a very informative meeting, one promoting rrutual understanding as well.' The next general meeting for the Kinsmen will be a dinner meeting at 6:30 p.m. at the-Legion on November 22nd. If you are interested in joining this active men's club please call Don Vipond at 655-4953. I've been writing this column for six months now and this seems to be a good time to pause and talk, about one issue in this town that causes much heated discussion our young people, our teenagers. People have called me to complain about the places they gather, the language they use, the noise they create. the damage they do. Frankly, I've neyer been able to buy the view that they are "a bad bunch" or "'a gang"~. I know the young people in this town too well to accept such a facile assessment. This past summer our young people congregated repeat- edly day and nighit in a local park. They created distur- bances, especially when large groups gathered. Complaints were apparently mnade and, the police' had. no alternative but to institute random search and questioning sessions. I know this because my own son who had been away most of the summer was stopped, searched (for cigarettes) and questioned on his first evening back in town.. The park quickly becamie an unpopular meeting place, the problem had been solved - or liad it?, It is perfectly natuiral that teen-aged people should want to mneet and talk with their friends. Even adults like to do thi-,. conisider the various clubs and activitie-s. reporte-1 OODMASTER RIO PHONE 655-4521 G DAYS *COU rtesy1 Value atisf action 3 to Sat. Nov. 20 B9 ockBaco F*f»1 88 asm69c 99~ &l1.58 ml .65 1 s-a TT"%RnS "$1U8 m"84# ýALLY SELEC E. O ULT Florida Marsh White Seodl.ss Grapefruit 5 for 491 U.S.A. No. 1 LargoeHods of L.ttuce 49, ou. U.S.A. No. 1 Good Sze Tommeos S59'IL ONIONS.&m mx 55Sc lAItS O 010 0 o IAIICR I4ftOllm HEINZ BEANS 39c CHIESEPizzaMlx 75< RITZ CRACKERS 57e~ oeUT Todph -to69C HALO SIIUPOO 69c. *JILL-O JELLY POWDIRS 3-M c Pkg OVE ROSE ALL PUJAPSE FLOUR Royale FACA ISU 100 x 3 *1IJUJ1[*W:11KI..JÂ'U*lhL11 here,'every ,weëek. T Iheir soc ildeportmà ent and the Interests _,of young people do differ from aduits' however and thlis, cncause friction and hostility. Lpt us not'alienate ouYý young peop e, they are stili a;,vital part odf our' communitY. I ask you - where can they go to meet and talk with'their friends? We have no restaurant in town, no'bowling alley, no pool-hall (NO, it's flot that I have any passion to see a pool-hall in Brooklin) - I think you see what I mean however. Think back to your own teen days, where did' You go to meet with your friends? If these klds were only pre-school age, we would have no problemns. This town has so many organized activities for them that a little kid would have to be ingreat shape if he wished to attend ail the available progfrms SO numerous and frequent they are. It would be great if some kind of facility could bemade available to our teen-agers. They don't need highly organized programs, just somne place to meet with each -other. Some of their number still require aduit supervision for after ail, they are not full-fledged adults.just yet. Some of you mnay say well, we tried sucli and' such in the past and it did flot work - well these kids are worth another try. Brooklin has been able to find creative solutions to proilà -mc in the past. On a positive note we've got to give the Recreation, Department and the arena people credit for their Friday night skating program. It's no small feat successfully hosting two hundred or so kids every Friday night. If you have any thoughts on this situation, please don't caîl me, caîl your local town council member Bob Carson at 655-3662 or the Whitby Recreation Department at 668-5803. Perhaps our local service groups could investigate project possibilities. Our young people deserve our help and support, lets make growing up in Brooklin a community experience. ~~~1 K! I ~! PINK SALMON BICK'S MNOLE DILU PICKLES 3 -i2 jr«79< What.Swa. TOWELS -RIi99C, 1889 BROWN'S FOODMASTER DELIVERY AT NOMINAL CHARGE Comilng Even ts BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR SENIORS A birthday party for senior citizens who celebrate birth- days in Novemberwill be held at the Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre on Brock and Pitt Streets from 2 to 4 p.m. on Thursday. FIRE PRECAUTIONS FOR SENIORS The Whitby Fire Depart- ment will show films and give instructions on how to i-ent a fire and what to do ia the event of a fire in a senior citizens' apartment at the Seniors' Activity Centre beginning at 7:30 p.m. on Friday. EUCHRE Starting Novemnber-5- there will be euchre every Friday nighit at 8 p.m. in the 100F hall at 211 Brock Street South. Prizes will be offered and a lunch served. Admission is 'Get your house "Warmerized nght now!. The nmoney you spend r-ighYlti0w to iflsLlate and retiovate yoLIr home will pay big dividends ini saving anîd satisfactioni. Borrow. what mioney you need, ($500 to* .$7,500) ini a low interest, life. insured personial boan fi-omi Victoria and Grey. WIC7OR!Aand ~vi GRY PU ROM MTHIwM M -PULL SUICE RO0U ND $1.28 STEAK BRN FLAKS7Sc *STEAKS TNGo wslo Cut fvom M o« $ . î 01A . 1 .. 0 &».f Loin. $1 57 HONIY24 $1s.69 RAISINS ss. l1 ROBN- Crmis59C SMOI<tD SONELEIS DINNER spwORK $1 e68% CLum o 0041 uPrrtuMARA0WU tLi OLIVES 12 RLo. O.i>99c CARNIOM O 0401<110JAS HOT Ch«oh"lt.sl.79 SOUP MIX 3C 13%«OS 1*0100 GRAA AM MS 75c Oum .81000ma 8w PACIfAS WILKINSON Modes 49c DMAL SOAP R-> u 25 ç IITE PRODUCE IS SUNSHINE FRESH mmumomm"