Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 10 Nov 1976, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS r ]Free Autos 1976 DODGE VAN - 318 automatic, chrome wheels, conipletely done up, sink, fridge, etc. Cati 655-3149 after 6ýp.m. S1968 CHEV IMPALA - recent paint and body work;'good famîly car, low mileage, asking $850 certified. Cal 668-2485 after 6 p.m. 1974 CAPRICE CLASSIC - fully equipped, $4,000. 1966 PONTIAC - two door, V-8, Sover steering, power brakes, 400.' 1971 VAUXHALL PARENSA SL - good condition, $650. Çall 668-8957. 1973 FIAT 128 STATION- WAGON - excellent condition, will certify, 36,000 miles, $1.650 or best offer. Cal 668à-0307. * 1967 MUSTANG " TIBLE - 302 V8 body good, certified, 579-3648. CON VER- au tomatic, $695. Cal 1971 MAZDA - 61 6 Coupýe standard, radio, techometer, $500 or best offer. CatI 668-0463. 1974 DODGE CUSTOM VAN - many extras, , 2,750. Cal 683-2968. 1973 VEGA GT fIATCl- BA(K - automnatie, good condition, asking $1,495. ('al 725-1174 or 668-8928 after 5 p.m. 1966 FORD - con rtibIe, recent paint and body svork, nevv top, runs good, asking $650 or best offer. C'al 668-2485 after 6 p. m. 1967 DCDGE PALARA - tsvo door hard top, very dlean, in good running condition, $250 as is. (aIl 668-9870 after 5 pin. 1972 QLDSMOBILE 88 good condition, $1750; 1972 FORD, $750; 1966 Econo,îine Van, $550. ('ail 579-0233 or 725-7449. 1963 RAMBLEÎR - white stationwagon, certified. S300 or best offer. Must SelI.('al 668-5745, 1968 COUGAR $2-"0 0. Cal 668-6068 or 668-7852. 1965 FORD MERCURY VAN - as is, $350 or best offer. ('ail Tomn at 668-9860. 1972GRANTORINO SPORT - power steering. power brakes, 351 V -8, am-fm radio, asking $1,975. ('ail 668-9805. 1964 BUI('K SKYLARK two door hardtop, 45,000 original miles, excellent condition inside & oui, certifiel, $925 or best offer. Cai 668-0082 after 6 p.m. 1964 3/4 TRUCK - miles, good be seen at Whitby. TON GMC PICK UP new motor, 6,000 for parts, $250. ('an 1201 Brock St. S., 1973 PONTIAC LEMANS automatie, power steering and brakes, radio, snow tires, very ow mileage, $2,900. (ail 668-11-34. 1973 FORD - power steering, power brakes, V-8, air-conditioncd, radio, rea r defogger, 50,000 miles, wili certify, $ 1,650. ('ail 668-1382. 1972 PLYMOU'FiI SA'FLIIL- LITE two door lîardtop, V-8 automatie, p/s, p/b, radio, bueket seats, certified, $1 ,595,'.viI accept trade-in of 196 3-69; ('all 683-5503. 1975 BUI(K SKYLARK - 15,000 miles, hatchback, power steering, power brakes, radio excellent condition, $4595. ('al 668-5~767. *1972 GRAN TORINO - V-8 engine, green with black vinyl top, $1700 or best offer. ('al -655-3406. 1967 DODGE POLARIS - 2 door* hardtop, very dean, in good running conditiô, $450 as is. Cati 668-9870 after 5 p.m. 1966 FORD FAIRLANE - 4 cloor sedan, 289 V-8 instar, in fair running condition uricertlfied, $175 or best offe, 1965 RAMBLER CLASSIC - V-8, as is, $100. Caîl 623-2043. 1974 BUICK APOLLO power steering, power brakes, low mileage with safety check asking $3,200, owner selling because he needs a 1/ ton truck. ('ail 985-3393. 1964 -CHEVELLE SS - six cylinder, bucket seats, floor console, good tires, body and interior in fair condition, $200 firrn as is. (aIl 728-3992. 1971 TOYOTA 1600 - engine rebuilt, 2000 miles, transmission & lutch nev, brake system ol, good for parts, $150 or best offer. Cal! 655-4610 after 6 p.mn. 1967 PONTIAC PA RISI ENNE- four door, four new radial tires, in good condition, $550. (al 655-3043. ý 1970 CiII-'VELLE-l autornatic, A-t condition. ccrtified, (ail 7 28-2580. -V-8, $1,4 80, 1967!'VW BEET7LE - $300 as is. (ail Res. 728-0253 or Bus. 668-4185. SNOW 'TIRES - 2 alrnost ness, A 78-1.3, tubless belted / $20. ('ail 668-4743 afler 6 p.in. 1972 RENAULT 12 - excellent conditic.n, ccrtifîed, completely ovcrlîauled, radio, cassette deck, radial tires, $ 1 ,400. Cail 723-0985. 1967 METEOR FORD- new paint and body work, runs good, asking $400. ('aIl 668-2485 after 6p.m. 1965 PONTIAC' WAGON - au tomnatic, 283, power equ ipped, $250. Can be seen at 1201 Brock St. S., Whitby. 1967 VOLKSWAGONI'AT BACK - as is $ 200. ('ail 5 76-6 59 2. 1968 \'OLKSWAGON\%'.,N 12,000e( cdu e bmîe- --ncecd..sotie w0rk, $ 2001 or besi olter. ('ail 655-3756. 19 7 0iDOIX; 1 1('IlA I t-.LI'N (;i1' R - ccrtificd. $895 or be..t o'fcer. ('ait 668-5745, 1966 BfLAC(K SPEl-('iA I. S75. (aI.7254339. 1968 101(1 G ALA NXY V-8, tswo door. autoriiatic. pli), radio.,sim 40 'i 668-4355. TWO 'IRES 50 Bridgestoie. f'or l)atm'n.coin pîcte svith rîni, $66. (',iii 608-791)7. 1969 ('1EV PANIL 6 cylinder standard, radio. window curtains, extra tires, excellent condtimn, $1I,450. ("ail 576-3034. 8 hp ,MOT)O NOWI-R SNOW SHARK 8 SNOWVII.OW'l-.R uised fouir timies, $451). (ail 668-1815, 'lIRES- 4 ncw, Goodyear, D70-14, blackwall, $120, for compact or intermiediate car. ('aIl 668-8544. 1966 IIONI)A S90 set opt)as trait bike, in good ronning condition, $125. ('ail 649-58 11. REAR BUMPER -- for 1975 Chv Van, painted, excellent condition, $30;PAINTED G RI LL, for 1975 ('iev Van, $30; 4 chrome TRIM .NGS, fit 14"- whieeîs, new condition, $20. (aIl 655-3183. Four L78x 15 on lordfiîve-stud RIMS - $20 cacli; one Cooper MS offroad tire on a white mag rim $50; one Mlyers plow mou',Iting kit for Fi100), $100. (MIl668-6080 PONTIA(:1 BLAC'K BLJCKE" SEATS- good shape. $1) e ach. ('ail 655-4610). TIRES - J78-15, Goodrich belted, $10; tire & rîm, 825-14, Goodyear. Chrysier rim, $10; snow tire & rim, G78-14, 'hrysler rim, $15..CalI1655-3860. Emnporium CoU 668-8111 NOTICE TO READERS Advertise FREE in the FREE PRESS EMPOR.IUM, pay ONLY when you selli! There will not be any charge to advertiscrs in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM uniess the item advertised is soid. When the advertised item is sold, you pay a commission based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as ilIustrated below. AIl advertiseînents must bc placed on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS -rd run at least one mon th if not sold. RATES (if article is sold): 5% of advertised price Up to $4 00.00 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Soid item advertised for $50.00 - commission due $2.50 (minimisn commission is $'1.501 Private advertisitig only! Please niotify us if you find a retailer isted as a private advertiser. Please niotify the Whitby Free Press immedîately svhen item is sold s0 that we nîay delete it from the foIîosving issues. Services, heip santed, clothing, real estate and personal message type ads can only beclandIed on a prepaid basis. If in dloubt, cail 668-6111l MAIL ALL ADS TO: i'ERE, PRESS EMPORIUM P.0- Box 206, Whitby Thîe deadline for emporiuni ads is thie Monday ai noon. Furniture ('OUICFI- grey, t%%, seat, very good condition, $75. ('an be seen at 114 Green St. or 'all 668-5541 after 4 p.mi. Electrohomie IB & W 'l V $S50; van ity sin k %vitl htaps S IO.J w'.ail lituiz \ink $5: portable 1; Iecetrohiomle humidifiehr, S i5, kitchen sink tal, $5: eiectnîc desk c:îcu la tor. $ 10. lau ndr: tub1 pu iipN. $25: 3 lumiline fiimures, $2 ecd: appro\. 23 chrome ki tchcn cuipboard k noh,,. $8: i.reec i iîd liv ing.rooiii drapec,. mw Oh track ( t lil ujto i 6' aii. -S30 (*Xiii 725-8079 afier 5S pin. dfr:wers. $55, cliect d:~. S,$30 : tw o liviine- rocini hiaîr or rec rooni ciiuir%.\I(tS1. twu bedrooliu .np. Sl: ( R UG 9 x 12, gold sbag, perfect condition. $1()0. ('all 6 68- 1618 atte r 6 1).tri Uphiotered ('IIA 1R unfinishlid. $25; (al725-I1211. llo-\ spriiig NI ATTI F5 III AI)l((ARi) 3 iunntiis oid, S$150). ('il 668-1870. Trailers, etc. 21' . AiIN ('RUjSlER 4 cylitider. 60 hiorsepowvcr. inbound, coînpleteîy redone inside &- outside, ready for Iauiehing. $3500 or best offer. C'al668-I1252. 15' BIRUNSWICKI<BOA'T 18' \IS('OOF * IU\ 1Il R. 50 111. iolhn%otin otor asK-iiw $ '000. nany etra..C(alil728-3297. 16' libreglass covered RUN- ABOUT 25 hp OUTBOARD gas tank, battery electric start as is, best oft'er over $350. C'-! 668-8957. 1973 RUPP IIUSTLIiR 12" wiîels, good condition. asking ' 250; I12' plywood boat. made last ycar, semi--V-bottom. asking $100. Cal 655-4616. 15 foot 11OUSIiTRAILEiR - 1968, comptecte with reese hîtch, sicep. ,.6. lots of storage, ,portable toîlet, propane fridge & stove, one 12 x 9 kitchen tent includcd, $1.500. ('al 1-705-277-2790. Woods 1971 'FENT'FRAILI'R - slIceps six, $300; frigidaire dryer, good condition, $51); 197( Tenipest, 2 spee(l au toinatiL transmission, $50; Vollkswagon _good f'or dunie buggy. $75' Cali 655-4788. EdiLor é Quote Book Every person is powered by a self-esteern engine . Frank Tyger Kingsze BED & STEEL IFRAMEý matircss, $175;, gas primas 3 bur: ýr stove, for camping, $50. ('ail 579-0757. Antique WOOI)EN (RADIF- $125; tour Remnington Radiai TIRES, FR 70-14, 6-ply dynacor rayon, $80. ('ail 668-I1862. 1100K RUG gomid condition, 668-1623. goId colouir, $25. (al Vive p)icce' KI"('IIE-N SET lighit grey, S35: Lloyd stroller %vitIî canopy, $210: 48" side metal coat rack on caster% '-sitlî biat & Iîhoe racks, $14. (',,Il 'f' S (I' A 3 seat, btirguntdy Icatiier. sturdy con'.trititonl, good condition, idcal 'or rec rouin etc. a',king S60. ('ail 725-5753 after 5 p. i DRESSER - wiih six drawcrs, and mirrors, $45; four '-'RAWI:R CHE"ST, $35; continenw.;,l BED, 54" complete with hecadboaî'd, boxspring, mnattress, $60: auto- matie radio conîbination radio 8-track car sterco, $45; 'al 723-7147. R 0I.L1,A \VA Y fi[-' 1) 31)" \%ide,. S8: ki iclen or bar stool, 24" iigih. une inetai. $7: beige ru2. i I' 4" \ 10',.needs ciean ing. $35: 2 borner stove. clectric. 221) voit ma" uty 25" igb s' ilhi suci Il'. ioen. "', 1$ I5; stumdi o couchi, 4100(d condithi on, beige tapes try, oupci, n.. doembi x.'d aiso lbas sturaoc dour & tiirce lbuse mihn..S45. ('ail 655-3861). Beatitift'td antique tali ChIINA BUI-FET large glass h'ront, medium ioîieywood svouId match. colonial, $5011 firi. ('alil 668-9792 ah'ter 2:30 m. C'OL'('I I $20:pote limp, tiffa*zny style, ness . $25: seven piece melon patteril silver tea Set, Ui'ed tssice, t'rouim iks $200; copper crafi, mnonaco nîirror set, with wsall sconces, nesv, $40: black aîîd w tlarge ('ie rrywood console 'IV. $21). rol 's rk ing; tw() itinjue ssaslistiids, $60: snail portable fi & WTV. ssorking. $211. ('al]668-6567.» I)INI'i' T 'ABLE .- sith lcah' & Si x chairs, $50. (iendrun baby carniage, $35. (ail 623-5715. C'OU(' I 1I-$20: pole Ianmp, tift'any style, new, $25; seven piece mnelon pattern silver tea set, used Isice, l'romn Birk's, $200; cupper crai't, mnonaco immrror set, withi wail sconces, new, $40; antiqu.; svoodstand, $61). ('al 668-6567. POOL TABLE ('ail 655-3027. 4 x 8, $ 200. DUNCAN PHIYFE'- TABLE - seats 8 people, good condition, $67. (aIl 723-8934.1 BABY CRIB - $20; baby carrnage, $15; baby with chiid's chair, $20. 655-3511. Lloyd bu tiez ('al Appliances Wringer washing MACHINE - $25; lawnmowers, $10 & $15; room divider, large, brand new, $25; carpeting for 13 steps, green, underpadding, $25. Cati 725-1211, STOVE - 30 inch, good C"n- dition $75; svace HEATER $60. Calil668-6750 Singer SEWING MACHINE - with stool, $165; STEREO bomponent set, with wooden stand, $210. C'al 985-3393. ,HEAVY DUTY SPACE FIEATER - $45. Cali 579-0757. BALL BQ -'excellent condition, $15; Lawnmower, $25. Cal 728-0664 after 6: 30 p.m. WASHER, DRYER, FRIDGE, STOVLi- almost new, asking $1,100. CaIli 668-4652. ADMIRAL BLACK & WHITE TV - *oor model, excellent reception, picture tube & perfor- inance. Ideal for rec room, bed- roorn, second TV etc., $50. Cal 668-9771. AUTOMATIC WASJ'ER - $250; Frigidaire, $250, both are in excellent condition. Cali 668-0270. SCM ELECTRIC BROOM - $6; PORTABLE HAIRDRYER, $4. Cal723-0855.< SEWING MACHINE - Searntress, with cabinet, excellent' condition, $75. Cali 668-5447. ELECTRIC STOVE - usedi, in wvorking order, 22" w~idc, $30. ('alil728-2484. STOVE -- two burner, & oven $25; one ncw NMOPIJ , good shape, used twicee.S$100. (aIl 723-6201. Gas fired commetcial deep I"RYE-R -- two baskets, $225; Doniestie SEWING MACHINE, $50. l3othi are in good condition. ('ail 579-0840. 1EMERSU*ý TV SET - "./ith1 radio, record player, in good condition, $80 or nearest offer.(Cal 668-7446. IRYI:R - Westinghouse, clectric. recentiv reconditioned, onîv $25.('al 723-072-2. STERîiO Hitachi, 302 receiver, TEAC 160, cassette dzck, pioncer turntable, 2 RST speakers, $600. Cal 723-2351 any tiine. CRYSTAL ChIANDE-LIER - with '24 ighlts, $ 100; LANTERN, $25; GLOBE. $20, aIl good condition, Calil668-0524. White SEWING MACFHINýE - zig-zag, buttonhioler, like new, $70 f irm. Cal 723-1802. Airvay sanitizer /ACLILJM CLEANER - différent attacli- inients for poîishiing, shampooing, vacuoming, etc. The cost sv'is $399.50 svill selifor $200. Cal 668-8957. 36,00t0 BTU 3 ton Fecdcrs AIR CONDITIONIER - 3 phase powver 208 volts, $375; 7½ h, lp, 1974 outboard motor sea'smodel ncw, $250.(Cal 985-3542. WRINGEI-R WASIIE-R --in A-I condition, $50 or best offer. I)LSK, modern 30" x 60", two ile drawers, one boxN drawer, $50. (al668-78321. B & W Zenithl Console TV WRINGER Becatty, goId and condition, $75. aller 5 . mi. WASI ER - white, excellenit ('ail 668-2183 ST'A I N LEÎSS STEEL KITCFIEN SINK- $7; enaniel kitchen sink, $5; inside doors, assorted sizes, $2.S0eacl. ('ail1668-8125. King ELE('TRONIC SCOPE - $ 1,800. ('aIl 668-8125. STEREO - AM-FM radio, 8 track tape player, record player, built in amplifier, cabinet size, 53" long by 181/2 wide by 27" hlgh, $150 complete or $100 without 8 track. Call 263-8145 or 723-2426. Espana ELECTRIC GUITAR' with Darius 1001 amplifier, music stand, $325 complete; 41" Jumbo Fiat Top GUITAR, with case, brand new, $45., Cati 668-4744 after 4 p.m. 19" B & WADMIRAL TV - asking $30, new tube. Cati 668-5459. Kenmore automaticWASH'ER - in good condition, mroving to an apartmnent, $125. .Call 668-5745. AGS STEREO CASSETTE TAPE - 120 volt recorder & player, $75. CalI 668-1297., WlHITE SYLVANIA STOVE - four burners, good condition, $60 or best offer. Cati 668-7546. McClary easy electric clothes DRYER - good working condition, $80; dinette arborite TABLE & CHAIRS, extension table, $30. Caîl 728-9737.* FOUR BURNER ELECTRIC STOVE - excellent condition, 30", $85. Caîl 683-7360 afte; 6 p.m. Heavy duty SPACE iLATER with 45 gallon drum fue reservoir, $30; Spitfire u-contro- FLYING MODEL AIRPLANE' used# once but still as new, $ 10 Cati 668-7014. SEWING MACHINE - Singer Stylist 514, straight', zig-zag and stretch stitches, 6 months old, $ 160. Caîl 668-7815 after 3:30. GAS DRYER - Inglis Citation. excellent condition, $125 or best offer. Caîl 668-0224. WRINGER WASHING MACHINE - good condition, $20. Cail 683-6638. COTTAGE STOVE - $15; bird cage, $40; hockey equip- ment, duffle bags, hockey pants, $25; bed, good condition, new mattress, single, $125; rug cleaner, $15. Cali 668-0920. La te Model Underwood Manual TYPEWRITER - $125. Metal desk, 60" x 30", ideal l'or honie, $25. Caîl 668-1076. POWER HAND SAW - Craftsman, 7" 131 hp, like newv, $30. (aIl 668-4743 after 6 p.m. SPEE DQUE ENGA SDR YER - 18 months, newv, $175; Cal 655-3776. Servel REFRIGERATOR- with cross tpp freezer, Kenmore 30" range with lift off door, $125. (ah 668-3889. Musical BOGEN CHALLENGER P.A. AMPLIFIER, $100; Harmdny Sovercign guîtar wîth case, $15,, Webcor amn-fm sterco' record p ;ayer with two speakers, $70; 2' Shure microphones, $100; AIl items in excellent condition and aIl are stîbject to best offer. Cali 655-4740 after 6 p.m. SPEAKERS - two large 16", ipproximately 31/ high, contairi n black leather casing, $45 or best offer. ('aIl 668-2860. GUITAR & AMPLIFIER - cone, 8 ohms, brand new, actuai pric' $18 only $10; BOW & ARROW SET, Ai. condition, retail $15 onfly $8. Calil .668-6790 af ter 4 p.ml.\ ' Press

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