Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 3 Nov 1976, p. 4

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PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1976, WHITBy FREE PRESS whitby Voice of the Cou nty Town The only Whitby newspaper independently owned and SERVINO OVER 28,000 READERS 'l Me Burgess, Publisher-Managing Editor operated by Whitby residerits for Whitby resident blished ~ cveryWediisday Assistant Editor -- Blake Purdy wery Wcnesday Comniunity Editor - Irian Winter Contributing Editor - Jim Qu*;.* Production Manager --Marje Burgess ObY M.B.M. Publishig Display Advertising Manager - and Photograpliy c. Classified Ad Manager - RbnLo Marlene Byroni Circulation Manager - Sharon Lyon Mailing Permit No. 460 1The Free P-ress Building 121 Brock Street North, Wbitby. Ontarjo Phone 668-6111. Former Ifirfister 15 flot forgotten Ail Saints' Anglican Churçh will celebrate its 11I Oth anniversary on Sunday. We hiope that as mianv people as possible show up) at the Il a.mi. service, îîot onlv to join ini the anniversarv cele- biations but to give thanks for the rninistrv of the late Rev. Stanley J. Armstrong wlîo served as churcli rector fromi 1958 to 1968 and died ini 1974. During hiis tenure at A!l Saints' Church. Rev. Arni- strong. or "Armiy"" as lie was known to his friends. took an active part in ail aspects of comnmunity life. He wvas instrumental ini forming the Whitbv Senio>r Citizens Group. whichi met ini the parish hall until the Ceni- tennial Building op)ened in 1967. Rev. Armstrongo offered the p.arish hall as a Meeting flace to Aleoholics' Anonymious. The group stili holds their regular sessions there. In 1 966, he fnvited the clergy of ail other denomiina- tions ini Whitby to hold, in turn, their own form of service in the church. In 1 967, Rev. Armnstrong and one of his parishioners were able to serve a dinner of buffalo mneat to celebrate the country's I Oth birthday and turned the money raised over to the Cree Indians ini Saska tchewan. Also in that year, he laid the ground work to bring to Anderson Collegia te, under the. auspices of the churchi, a fashion show "Portraits from the Past", reviewing women's fashions for the first 50 years of confederation. But more important than ail those accomplishments was the fact that Rev. Armstrong was available to ail, regardless of their faith, or the time of' day or niglit. For example, lie and his wife ran what could be termed a free taxi service for any N'ho needed a ride to or from the hospital ordoctor's of fice. As a resuit of his work with the people of the community, hie was awarded the niayor's medal before lie left Whitby for Nova Scotia. The friends of Ail Saints' are invited to join tltÀe parishi- ioners as thi3y celebrate the church's ânniversary and to I)ear1 (Col couph doing' with a ndr there the sai 0115 il across Cars parked on sidewalk are a danger Editor: ignor-ant it is to luirk across haive to wvalk around, somne- to let people walk on the uld 1 interust you in t he sidewalk whethler it is youir tîîes lhaving to go on sidewalk. ion1 courtesy? For a driveway or- visi tor-s'?1 have the road. If you have a Please publish rny letter or e of vears 1 have been thoughit about going to thieir carniage you hiave to sec ahead at least write a facsimile of a lot of walking. First doors but lack the couLirage s0 you ^can go onto the road rny complaint. to make a carnage, then a stroller be cautise somle a re close the driveway before the people aware of the danger now tricycles. 13crhaps neighibours and/or l'riends. 1 blocked one. When you are and inconvenience to mothers are ot hers who have hiad hiave thoughit about leaving walking with children riding & children. me annoying and danger- ilotes on their cars but this is vehicles, they have to go .9nto Thank you fo r your iici d ent. 1 know 1I mn im;)racticabl'1-e> especîally when the road which is very danger- attention to this letter. ; mis p>rowein cery inme .iI------f--- you rltn across more tlian one. ian ou alKI11dIJI 0II11 lle51012- someone Cise suiggeste(i 1 eall are on their'ownl. I amn-sure NMrs. L. Cassidy walk. Finally. thie last timie the police bLut I doni't hiave the thiese people wouldn't 72 Calais St. 1 was upset enIough to write hieart. appreciate people walking & Whitby, Ontario to somieone. Whien a car is parked inl riding on their grass and yet P.S. We look forward to Do people not realize hiow thiis mnanner, it mleanls () n thcy aren't considerate enougli reading the Whitby Free Press Co-mmunity tlieatre superior to television Dear Editor: The Town fortUnate in of Whitby is having the Whitby Theatre perforrning within m un ity. A vote of thanks is offe from One Parent Fami T<> the Editor: 1 woîild lîke to thank you very nîuch for adventising our organization. It is through your great generosity that tir.. public is kept aware of our organization. You have donc a terrific job and 1 hope that you will continue to help LIS, hielp the Onîe Parent, to realize that wc have a lot to offer thiem as well as thein children. Ypurs sincerely,, De boralh Campbell, Oiie Parent Fam-ilie, Publicity Director. Company On October 27th rny wife the corn- and 1 journeyed to your Town to view the performance of Nighit Must Fail, offered free Ired that nighit to senior citizens. It was an enjoyable evening [1, cand we carne away from ies Whitby with a warîn feeling for the old Town and its perforniers. The players were competent andi professional, ,S, and after watching them per- forni we hiad to once again admit that Community Theatre is fan superior to the mediocre fare offered on television. Yours sincerely, John Livingstone A thank-you from Singers Dear Editor: Many thianks for the assis- tance you hiave extended to Graham (Tirn) Nelson as lie pror-noted the Cqunty. Town Singers Sing-A-Thori to be lield thiis Sziturclay. Yours very truly, 1. Forbes, President. i I i ous especially if' these children

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