Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 27 Oct 1976, p. 14

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PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER ý7, 1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS Lcrosse Assoc'i.ations hold banquet-s to.ho] GRMLA Players, couches, managers, I [aiers, execu tive niebhe rs andI referees ere lion oured uit he recent Garrard Road Minor Lacrosse Association awards day, held ut Heyden- shore Pavilion. 1GRMLA President Dick Walker presided over the proceedings and introduced the head table which included Sec re W ry Barb McLellan, . ice Presiden t Barb Kernohan, Treusurer Frank Maloney, I bouse League ConvenorScotty McLellan. Tyke Convenor Wayne Lee, Peewee Convenor Nurray OwenisGirls Conivenor Roger Dezan and guests Councillor Joy Thonîpson andt Teamn Canada coach Ron Pither. AI Currard, coach of' the I ilarilaid Stars xvho wvon the silver niedal in the 'B' division ut the Pee\vee National Caines in St. Catharines thîss uimmirr pre- seiltec crests and trophies to the players. The Stars also emler"ed as South Central nour play ers, coaches, executive Lacrosse Association 'B~' îeam iîîutîajjgem Waynîe Patter- in Westminlster United Chutrchi Trophy f'or top Bantam to The Tykes won the L cianionis. l'le olavers hhiei i soli.and thahte fahll dance wilI he tic.t? ov - ' çl-.,- I 'B' champ presented gi fts t(. the coachi, manager- ii Mason andi tramter Johin Thaler. Ontario Reginîcut Novice coach Wayne Lee, manager Bob Neshiti and tramner Budd Piphier precented the players with crests and tr-opiit.;-. The squad wvon thic S.C. L.A. 'B' croM1'n. Ca ptain Debbie Keriiohani of' the Colonial H omnes tcani received a trophy won ly the teani in La.ke'icld Ton marniienit as 'B' champions. T'h ree reti ri ng players, Dcbbie Bibeau, Karen Moloney, and Julie Ranlal . we re given theil Sweaters. In t he absence of' Banthain Convenlor Crl Ph ilips. Manager Stan lTaylor, presen t- cd crests and part ici pation troptiies Iou niembers Of hti BantantI 1luoker i- hcv Olds and MVel Ronu C(onîstruc t ion tcanis. Sinclair Sui oco l'y k e pl)lyers reccîved cr-esi s anmd part icipation i ohi ties hroîîî Four lier participation iii thle associaitioni's atnnual Iunn day. Sherry Taylor rcceived the Patsy l3dwards Memiorial Trophy. Ron Pither prcsclced inldividuLal aW:1rd(S o I)arr-cn Owen, John11Piphier, Clris t'ce, Dan Garrard, EFric Perroi PunIl Ivesonl, Peter Pipheri and De bb îc Kenohian as most vl uab11lc players anîd lu Sosie Piplier, Kevin Ncsitt, Brian MacFarIa e.Titia Manni ng, Tomn Lambert and Dcbbic I olding as molost inliprovecd play'ers ini tlîeir resptective diivisi o ns. Refer-ce tri ('liief' Ken l)erîillc und C eecu tive 1mcm.1- ters Jtiniita Noble. Jean ?lîiIllps. Shirley \Vlker and Gie ta h lope receivcd uwards ini apprecia tion ohfIîcir work durmrîgtheicpasi ycar. Neývsie ttc r Cliai rmmiC re ta 1hope. vho 1rovidied tîme bove imlît)riiiutiomi. rerniiiis liat ilie G RNI LA Manimal ncîrgwl le I ield Nove ru bei I13ut2nri hcld the* sarne dyay t 8:30 p.m. in the Brooklin Comi- rnunity Centreý. Tickets for the lutter are availuble from Bzarb Kernofian ut 728-3290. WMLA Players, couches andi execu tive nmemrbers shured the sp)otlighit ut the Whitby Minior Lacrosse Association's unnual awairds banquet, held recently ut thie Knighits of Columibos, liall. Trupies, presen ted to the ni1ost val nable -a nid most iniproved players ini cach division w/cnt to, rcspectivcly, Cariiy Marks, Brian Lecs,lTyke:. Bill Callan. lue Nieuwcndyk, (tic). Darren iShiort, Novice: Jiccrny Bluke r. Irian Shor't- r.-eîl. Peewec; Scott Bremuner-, I31iun iSullivumi , l3umtain: antIc Jolin Widell, BilIl dwzirds Jr-.. Specilal wurS vcre imile h u) on stlauIl CIinlg 1pluve rs: Ceuli aary Tropli y for iosi si n Isll a ri>. ke p laye r to Novice BilI l lani; lBob lck The John Mac Donald Trophy, prescnted tu a mem-- ber Ofthie executive for zicIiivernen't, encrgy, time and assistance, went to lielen Ravary. The Novice players pre- sented gifts 10 cu'ach lPaul Ravary, manager Don Alluin and statistician Maggie Con- 1 i 1'fè. The Bantains gave tokens of appreciation to coach Cary Ravary and manager Dave t'lliott. The awurds wcrc weIl earn- cd as severul outhtlî eamis did t he asscciation proud during the past seasGun. ake- )ion- ship; the Novices won the Lakeshore Lacrosse Minto 'A' championship and liad the division's top scorer in Joey Nieuwendyk; the Ban- tams won the 'B' champion- ship ut the Whitby Tourna- ment; the Midgets wvon the'A' chamnpionships at the Corn- wall and Sarnia Tournaments, the 'B' championship at the Whitby Tournament, had the division's top scorer in Ed Derk s and top goalies in Brfan Reid and Rob McLean; the Juveniles won the division championship and the Ali- Ontario 'B' championship. West Lynde (Frum Page 6) intcresîcd iii municipal ClcIcci on s. 'llic politician seeking rmunicipal office usnally campa igns selectively knoxv- ing fui]l xeil Ithat if lie can The Canadian Scottish Club s having a COSTUME DAN CE to be held at WHITNEY HALL lrnqitiois Park Arerna on Saturday, COctoher 30, 1976 8:00. nIll 1:00 a.rn. Bar Privilegjos - Prizes Light Lunchi Fur More Information Contact 668-1161 McCULLOUGH JEWELLERS LTD 217 DUNDAS ST. E. WHITBY, ONTARIO RECOMMENDS SEIKO. WHERJE ACCURACYAND GOOD LOOKS50 BLEND BEAUTIFULLY No. ZW863M-$89.50 No. ZW860M-$110.00 No. 85072M-$140.00 Corne in and see our fine collection of Seiko mechanical and quartz watches. SEIKO FOR MORE INFORMATION SE E GOR DON JAMES gel to, and control, une or two areas, he will be elected. He neyer tries tu reach ail of the electorate, preferring to concentrate bis efforts tu take fuli advantage of the traditional pour turnout. H-e also avoids conîraversy like the plague, and only enters touchy areas or issues when nicans drawing the support of those peuple lîkely Iu vote iii a block uni an issue. (;eiieraml issues like deve1op- nient. and growth menit only passing comnmen t which is usuully vague in the extrenme. If' the candlidates xvere ho breakoint of this pattern. iind reucli the total electorate. voter reaictiou vould probably be sîbstuntial. The systeni itself encour- ages both of t1e above co)ndi tionîs. Local politicians are hard-pressed to devote tlici r t ire finîh' tu the business of, counclil given t1e level ," rerîî uniera 3tion - The reununer- tioni. umîd tlîe two-vear terni riike it inmpossible for the pohitician i) spenid a lot of nionîey on lis cunipuîgn. The t\vo--yeair ternit also means that thie politiciarinnst alwuys ilinik in ter ns of' elections. amii not tipset to nîany people. Fînally. nmunicipal politics, oUîside oh' Montreal or Toronto. rarelv gets tlîe coverage il deserves in the niedia. Ail in ail, tbe system, eitlier by design or in practice. lyenerates dullness wbichi resîmîts ini voter apatby. As I said carlier. flic coin- ing 'election wili prîîbabl\v iraw less tlian 251/fof Ille elible voters ho the poils This is hou bail because loca goveromiiemt 15 100 importani ho bc lefi ho tliosewho arc elected by' a fraction of th( People. Calemîdar:. October 30: B.W.I.l.A.Boitte Drive ir West Lynrde. Prîîceeîls hi supporh thle Maj or ?eeweE Alisturs htrip hIllie Qiebet Cilv PeeeTournarmient - Novemnber 13: The Vounnicer Association oh the Durhmrîî Regionul CentrE arc hiolding a fus hion silo\amiii dance ut thle Centennia Buildinîg. Tlîe fashion s!îom begins ut 7:00 p.in.. and tii damuce at 8:-30. Ticktis a S5.00 per pe[so)t are availabl1 fron Betty Thomas a 668-.3256. Bye for luis veek. Doni' l'utgelt imck or h euh ut Salurd-ay tîigti!

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