Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 6 Oct 1976, p. 7

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1976, PAGE 7 Brian Winter 's i Histori Q Wiby cal THE 'WIHBY IHOUSE The Wh-itby House on Dundas St'xýet, pictured above, has long been a landmnark in thiis town, having been buit in 1880. Its first jaroprietor xvas Joseoh A. Bande], whose family with Nori M Nlliiig To begin with today, 1 would like to informi you as to the final resolution of the issue involving the Sth WVhitby Cub Pack and their use of' the West Lynde Publie School for their meetings. The advisory comrnittee met on Tuesday, Septemiber 28th, to hear ani appeal lrom the Cubs for the ful! use of the gynm on Wednesday niighits. the full gymn beîng necessary iii ighit of thecir registrat ion of 47 boys. According to my reliable sources, thie advisory committee promised the use of hiaif of the gym on Monday nighits, in addition to the haîf of' the gym on Wednesday nights. This leaves the Cubs wvhere they wvere previously, and, that is, faced wvitli two options. Thiey can either set up a second group for MIonday nighlts, or ope rate only on Wednesdays with about haîf of' their prescrit Corridor Capers, May 1 congratulate Don Rogers, a resident of the Corridor Area, who, after years of frustration, ob)tainied bis building permit for his sign shop 'Signet Signs' on Thickson Rd. South. registration . Nice going, advisory committee! WIIITBY CALENDI)R: Octobe-r -7-tI: Ehbto hockey. Whiitby Warriors vs. U oU T Blues, 8:30 p.m., Iroquois Park October 9tIî: Seajson (ipener. Whi tby Warriors vs. 'lthunder Bay, 7:30 p.m. Iroqunois Park October 23rd: Dance i n suipport of'I)enis O'Connor I lighi School. Ticke ts fromn An n F ilo a t ()6 8 -(2 8 3: , Octoher 23rd: WV.L.C.A. Izillo\eeu Costume I)ance at I leydenshore Pavilion - Tickets U'romn the Execuitive at 668-2244. 9691, 6088, .509 6, 63:81, 3 5 45. OiF IT-RS Tiiis is p roba hlv thle las t place t hal t u w!l leaîrn of' EDDI E '"Til F ENTERTAINERkSII KSretuirn to hockey wvith the homêtown Whitbv Warriors. lus retturfi is of' interest. howeven. 1for a variety oU easons. Wlîîle lie is hesti en c ted U'or his a ntics oni thle icei is intenestine 10o note tliidmning lîs 17 veans ini the N.!1.L.- Eddie playecd souie prettis tain hockey. lie scored 2.39 goals. scored 20 go als ini a season t\vîce. and scored On 1 uesdav . Sepîteiînbei r28, I1)70, the sod turning ceremiony took place. I t was a red Jet te r day l'o r Don, and niany of' his Une îuls slhowed ut) to celebraie the occassion wit h im i. \Mayor iim Gartslhore , Gerry humin and famtiily, along vi thi representatives froni the Corridor Area f-ute- paye-rs Association wcre iniut tendance. (Congratulations again Don, 1 sincerely hiope you continue witli the determination Hait you hlave shiowîi in the past. 1 know thiat allil members of* the Rate payers Association are as proiid of* you as 1 ami. The Corridor Ratepayers dance will bce held at -lcyden- shore on October 22. Tiiere are st il! a Cew tickets was in the hotel business here for nearly 80 years. Mr. Bandel was born at Sneïdhamn,Wurtemburg,Germany on Jan. 17, 1826, and emmigrated to Toronto, Canada, via New York in 1852. In the faîl of 1858 he moved to Whitby and for about 10 years he was a shoemnaker by trade. Mr. Bande! was 26 when lie settled in Toronto and spent five years in that city, conducting a boot and shoe business on Yonge Street. About 1 870 hie established a hiotel on Dundas Street in Whitby and began a prosperous career. In 1875 hie replaced his original hotel withi a new building which hie called the Whitby House. The hotel prospered until tragedy struck on Dec. 22, 1879 when a fire which originated in a stable near the hiotel spread to the hotel building and burned it to the ground. The hotel mighit have been saved, the local press said at the finie, if the public had leant a hiand to the fire department, which took 20 minutes to drag the steam fire engine througlh deep snow to the site of the blaze. Mr. Bandel rebuilt flic Whitlhy House in I1880, erecting a substantial brick building, which rernains to this day. lInI1854, Mr. Bande! rnarried Mary Stelzle, also a native Of WUrtenbturg. Germnany, and Ihey hiad three sons and five daughiters. Mr. Bande! died Junie 5, 1896 at the age of 70, and his wife, whio carried on the liotel after his deathl. died at the age of 81 o11 AuIgust 18, 191 4. Mrs. Bande! hiad been hiostess at the Whitby H-ouse for 44 years, and was one of the miost respected citizenis of Whitby. Two %veeks before she died, the Eirst World W.ir broke out, and Germians were considered liated enemies, but Mrs. Bande! was so welI liked, and ilI at the time, that the citizens of' Whitby did not tell!lher that they werc at the winning goal in the Leafs' 1962-62 Stanley Cup victory. lu short, lie wasn't just a clown. He could play the gamie. lIe p!ayed th1e game with an enthusiasm that was unnmatchied. I-e always looked very much like he was enjoying playing, and, in a way, probably had a better hiandie on himself than ai! the superstars who took theniselves superseriously. The other night, in the game against Dallas, Eddie's enthusiasm was there for everyone 10 sec. And it wasn't wasted, especially on the kids. flhc youingsters prescrnt appiauded bis every move, and he didn't disappoint themn.* 1, ton mie, anu very gladt Eddie to play. Ilis presence in, thîe gamie. And froni hiin t a gamne to be enjoyed, not revered. that thîe Warriors approached wi!l attract many kids to take they may !earn that it is only a national institution to be Well, that's it for yet aniother week. See you in a wcek's lime. available amiong the association miembers. If you have flot purchased yours as yet, cal! Cathy Jubenville, John Pisani, [)on Rogers or Lynn Majoros. The dance coînmittee has inlormied me this is to be the best dance ever. Caîl soon t'or reservations. Tis is now October, and we have not heard from the Lacrosse Association. The Ratepayers executive has advised nie there is stili a financial contribution waiting for thle Lacrosse Association to pick up. That's all for this week. Cal! 725-8967 with your news itemirs. M. NMcEachern. Summer is gone Fail is here WVe at Hair Fashion wish to assist you in choosirig a new hair style.. one that would make haïr styling easier for you. Appointments arecflot always nccessary, Phione 668-8591t We pr-ovide one step Professional Ear Piercinig HAIR FASHION 102A Lupin Drive BLAIR PARK PLAZA (cornier of Dundas St, E. & Lupin Dr.) Whiltby - 668-8591 war with her native country. They did not want ber to fcel hurt by the tragedy which was taking place in Europe, as she lay dying at her hotel. Mrs. Bandel was so well liked that many of her guests were permanent residents at the Wbitby House, and the hotel was a favorite meeting place for the members of the Ontario County Council after official business was compte ted. Also the mem bers of Council who came from the north part of the county would stay at the Whitby House while counicil was in session. One of ber sons, Anthony- Bandel, assisted bis mother in keeping the Wbitby House operating after ber busband died, and took over the hotel after ber deatb. In the spring of 1921, his brother, Louis S. Bandel, purchased tbe bote! from Anthony. He con tinwaed to operate tbe Whitby House until bis sudden death at the age of 63 on Feb. 2, 1932. Louis Bande!, before he took over the Whitby House, was the proprietor of the Sebert Ilouse in Port Perry, and was one of the best known hiotel keepers between Toronto and Belleville. Louis' son Joseph Patrick Bandel took over tbe Wbitby lioLise after his father's death, but bis proprietorship lasted only à year, for he died suddenly on Feb. 1, 1933 in Toronto. Joseph P. Bandel's main interests were hockey and horce racing, and he was a popular young man in Whitby. The Bande! farnily continued to operate the Whitby House unti! the late 1940s, and since that time it has been Linder different ownerships. When the Whitby Rotary Club was formed in 1933, its first meeting place \vas the Whitby House. Many other organizations mnet at the hotel, which in its earlier days was one of the social centres of the town and a faiiy business in the truest sense of the word. McMANUS & STRONACH OPTICAL Bob Johlison, Whilby Mdll, bAi 4431

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