Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 6 Oct 1976, p. 6

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PA'.;»E 6, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS information piease contact the Whitby 'Y'ai 668-6868. The Meadowcrest Baptist Church of Brooklin cxiends 0 ~an invitation to ail girls fromn grades iwo through eight to cornc oui and join tiheir Pioneer Girls Club. Meetings are 0o1 Tuesday evenings froni 6:30 pan. until 8:00 p.m. ai the ts fiend hae a rea dea togain fro;îî their experiences in a Pioneer Girls Club prograîn. Group '74 is now accepting applications froru North Ward Childrcns' sports tearns. Local groups of children Thli very populiar Ladies Take-A-Break prograin wiIl should contact Group '74, Box 99, lrooklin, Ont. again be offered by the Whitby 'Y' 10 Brooklin wonien. The Faînily Fashion Show that Group '74 is prôviding, Tihe frsi meeting wilI have been held by the tirne You on Thursday October 2lst ai Meadowcrest School, is read thlis, sorry, but 1 didn't receive the information in sounding more and more intcresting as addiîional time lu mnake last week's column, Sessions will be on information cornes 10 light. Featured in this show' are Wednesday rnornings f rom 8:30 until 11:00. Competant fashions from Woolco, fashions for every member of the child-care people wiIl provide an entertaining mnorning for family. Thiere will also be special demonstrations on hair the youngsters while the rnothers participate in a variety care and effective use of cosmetics for the ladies. of interesting activities.. The next few weeks will feature Rernenîber 10 visit local merchants, Short's Pharmacy, guest speakers and Christmnas gifting activities will be Cosgrove Variety, Brooklin Pro Hlardware, Red and White provided as the season wears on. If you are interested ini Food Store and the Emporiumn 10 purchase your tickets joining Ibis lively and productive group and require more well in advance. Forgiveness-*Weeks, have begun ai the public 'library in Brooklin and already there lias been a significant response. Teachiers are asked to check, the book shelves of their rooms in case stray books have found iheir way înb the schoolroom. There is a grecn drop-box on the front porch of 'the library should you wish 10 rcturn books anonymously or find the library closed. Take advantage of this once a year opporiunity. Library staff will be dclighted 10 sec books returncd no malter how much overdue they are. Ail fines have been cancelled and will not begin again until after October I Sth. The Pre-school hour and Mothers' Group at the Brooklin library will be starting next week. There is stili roomn for a few mnore mothers and children. These groups will meet on Tuesday afternoons from 1:30 p.m. until 2:30 p.m. Caîl 655-3191 for furiher information. Group '74 Arts and Crafis Centre have a few places open still in varlous crafis. Corne out 10 the Community Centre this Thursday at 8:00 p.m., tor turther information cali Naida Cormack, 655-3975. Friday, October Sth - Corne ouI and play cuchre wiîh your neighbours aI the Ashburn Community Centre, 8:00 p.m. Saturday, October 9th - Durham Trail Riders Dance, Club Annrene, Scugog Island. Cali 655-4422. Saturday, October 9th - Brooklin Scouts paper drive. Papers in tied bundles - placcd out early, please. Tuesday, October i 2th - Mothers' and Pre-sehoolers mcci ai the Brooklin Branch -library ai 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, October 21st - Group '74 host a Family Fashion Show,-8:00 p.m. at Meadowcrest Sehool. BROWN 'S BROOKLINI ONTARIO NORTH WHITBY STORE HOURS OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEK 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. EXCEPT THURS & FR1 NIGHTS 'TI L 9 p.m. MAPU.ILÂT MMI,8~ Skà" I... -f ,ay Coàad SMOKED HAMS Fruit Coke t4JàK itOU nu to 95< g$1,089 Canada No. 1 Grade Steer Beef Sidles 2M0 - 280 lb. 951 lb. Hinds $1 e22 lb. DELIVERy AT NOMINAL CHARGE * C o u r r t s y ~ Value atisfoctie n F"b" Cutud Otij "A"ItItutAld $1,.05 y Swining registration big success Registrations were very successful this fail for programs aI the Iroquois Park Swimming Pool says aquatics programmer Tom McLaughlin. The recreation depart- ment is operating 68 classes ranging from its own programs for young children to Red Cross and Royal Life Saving programs. About 85 per cent enrolment has been achieved so far, so a few openings are -left in somne classes, says Mr. McLaughlin. Because such interest was shown in registration for aquatic programs, the recrea- tion department is re-examin- ing ils registration procedures and wiIl make improvements in il, says Community Services Co-ordinator Bob Caspeli. A numiber of special programs are starting this fal at the Iroquois Park pool. The recreation depariment and the Whitby Rotary Club are starting a 1 2-week swim- ming instruction for crippled children, Saturday. About 10 10 i15 Whitby children will be participating. Thirty children aged flive 10, 17 are participating in conîpetitive swimrning three limes a week, says Mr. McLaughlini. He is planning- their first swirn meet for Oct. 17 at 8:30 p.m. with three local area teamfs who are affiliated with the Canadian Amateur Swimming Associa- ion. This summer, Mr. McLaughlin started the Whitby Iroquois Swim Team with these30 children. Fifleen children aged nine 10 16 are participating in synchronized swimming, which is held twice a week. Mr. McLaughlin plans a devel- opmental meet for the synchronized swimmers in November.. Also, 12 children aged eight 10 16 are participating in a new diving group which Mr. McLaughlin hopes 10 set tip with conipetilions like those for the competitive and synchronlzed swimmers. 60TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY A warm invitation is extended to friends and relatives of Evelyn and Frank Lynde, of Ashburn, Ont., to attend a tea in honour of their 6Oth wedding annivcrsary. The celebration will be held on Sat., Oct. 23rd (rom 2-4 p.rn. and 7-9 p.m., at the Thunderbird Golf and Country Club, Ashburn. Dancing ini the evening. Everyone welcoine. LAKEVUEW NURSERY SCHOOL operating a( Ajax Christian Assembly. Maclaren Rd., Ajax 9 a.m. -11: 30 a.m. 25yrs PHONE: School 683-7661 or Mrs. Rowe 683-8748 FOODMASTER PHONE 655m4521 38BI DAYS Thurs. Oct. 7 to Soto Oct. 9 M A KE «D &WH'i iI T 1 ART]OFLI.1' À For your Holiday Weekend we have a large selection of Miracle Base Turkeys (ail suzes), Hams and Pineaipple Homs r OAN SGIIN PAN. TRKESM.O Nabisco 59C Salmon $1."'MAKL La Mustard 3 LAR Salmon s.79r ïI;cu P@RAM'14 ROUIN Ho MAO _ 1*GNMT""" 9c BU NB ACONno mcherries sl619 CAKE POUSH 109' AÂmALOmi Hon.y 97 MUI TT- STEAKS 1.29s, SADA W ME AT 69 etiA009 SAIISAGE UV7,p. wm ol RTpliUWmtoppm MAil'f LA ~Tub sit 99~9 *XEDFRUI& PEbS9 RUmaIE wust ii ITMou O CKAL --S- AA ASNSs2 MINCE $t'19 -4 9 ;MM u 1Napklns U39< 34 etSuFOIL C 49 Mu #&Ssn 'WRAP Juiy blurt 890 Ir' vide 25 Roll TI&e We.,.'$2.219 RM-P M T M UOU - balemJAI OC"x »«VISAT SA tuMUD êiD SIPAGHETTI SAUCES 5< CAMBERUT SAUC 55e SARDIES INlWL 13e CIANBERRY Codt.U8M [ SUNSHINE P HAMS ..... FRIENDLY SERVICE TOO!! mi

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