WHITBY FREE PRE±SS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6,1976, PAGE 17 Classif ied Ads Antennas ABLE ANTENNA SERVICE 513 Perry St. Wanted Good Used TV Towers Colour Heads And Rotars Highest Prices Paid Cali 668-6901 SECOND MORIGAGES 0 No bonuses, brokerage or finder's f ees 0 Borrow up to $1 5,000 a 14.9% on amounts over $8,000 0 15 year amortization HOUSEHOLD REALTY CORPORATION LIMITED Whitby Mail Shopping Centre 723-8101 See your phone book for an HFC office near you. Pools LEADING POOL MANLJ- FACTURER hias 1975 above ground redwood type pools aviiilable*, wiiiing to sacrifice at haif price. Cati collect anytime 667-1302. WIF-IITBY BRASS BAND lias started the beginner & junior bands for this years learners. If you are 10O years old or over and would like t(> Iearn a brass band instrument or if you have a littie experience at it corne to Heydeilshore Pavilion at 7:00 p. every Tuesday nliglit. The lessonls are coinpletely free 'and music & instru- ments are l)rovi(ted. YOU SPENI) MONEY IN YOUR SPARE TINIE - WHY NOT MAKE SOME TOO? Il you have sever-al blout-s a weck tb spare, wc'll tiain youi. Phone 068-9722 tfor interview. Baby Sitting WOU[.D 1-1 Kli lO BABYSIT- mie or I wo cliii cire o i n my homte. Cal i 668-0320, WIIL BAI3YSI' Cloveridge I)r. For Sah These threc spreads are quickly prepared, and a magie way Io stretch ten otinces of Baby Gouda cheese from lIoiland Io serve a big group. Th ree Party Tricks with Baby Gouda A en-ounce Baby' Gouda cheese from Hollarid doesn't go very far wbcn served just as cheese and crackers. An average serving of cheese at a party is usualty 3 îo 4 ounices per person. The recipes belosv will refilîlthe Gouda shel twice (more for chip dip) and the îasty spreads serve up 10 twelve people on crackers and crisp sticks of carrot. cetery. green pepper or cautiflower bits. Pepper Cheese (Gouda> 1 (10 ounce) imporîed Holland Baby Gouda 1 tablespoon cracked black pepper 1/3 cup mayonnaise Remove wrapping f rom Baby Gouda. Cut 'a thin stice from top of Gouda. Score around in- side edge and scoop out cheese teaving a quarter inch îhick shelt. Set shett aside. Shred Gouda and cream îthoroughty wiîh pepper and mayonnaise OR bîend cubcd Gouda. pep- per and mayonnaise in the blender. Spoon spread mbi shetl. Serve aI rooni tenmpera- iuîre with crisp crackers or v egelable sticks. To store wrap wiîh plastic wrap and keep in the coîdesl part of tbc refriger- alor. (Kecps îwo 10 îhre sv;eeks.) For chip dip. tIm fil- ing by adding more mayon- naise or milk. VARIATIONS: Nippy Cheese (Gouda) ( (10ounce) imported Hotland Baby Gouda t tablespoon horscradish ¼/ cup mayonnaise Orange Cheese (Gouda) t ( 10 ounce) i mported Holland Baby Gouda i lablespoon grated orange rind 1i cup orange juice 1/2 teaspoori sugar T ,in v Avenue& area.. Aja X. HOMIE FOR SALE 1luec ce bdimom ntdetcld bu îîg:î I u iii l] tw. (a 068-1l-'-". W HIT BY A Free Stanlding Building in Whitby. S350.00 per month. 1,600 sq. ft. or 4,800 sq. ft. in the Whitby fildustrial Park SI. 60 per sq. ft. CALL: AI Casey 576-4844 W. Frank Real Estate Ltd., Realtor ICI Departrnent AUCTION SALE of' lornîlorc & aitti(li:es. l'le propcrly of Mr. & Mrs. Ernie Trenmbleof Grcenwood, t O ites casl of Markliam, also No. 7 ll wy. Saturday, Oclober 9 at 11:30 a ni. Victoriani loveseal, Stanley concert piano. oak sideboard, wîcker ferm stands, oak rocking chair, twetve piece dinner sel, electric fridige, stove, freezer Giii excetlent conditioni).:nom ber of wool blanke Is. quilt s, sheets & pîllow slips, brass candte stick; sel of pioneer press glass al pedestal cake plates svater pibelier, fru it bowl, creaini& sogar and butter (11h; nunînber of' cups & saucers, canterry sugar shaker, touglicrystalwsater pitchers & glasses, picture trames, steel and gazing picture of' Qocen Victoria and Prince Albert opcning fice greal exhîibition cf. att îîatioîîs, ini ('rystat Palacec i851I, large nuniber of louIs, electrie supplies, nurnerous otîter articles. 'Termns cash, no reserve. Plropcrty sold. ELarl Gaustin, Aic tioneer. FOR PAINTING & DECORATING Phone Ted Freeman 668-0059 ESTIMATES FREE I, I For Sale FOR YOUR FULLER NEEDS CALL BILL MAI4 668-4730 40ME FOR SALE Private Whitby, beautiful 2 year old, four bedroorn detachied, broadloomn, garage, lot 85 x I150 feet, 9-1/%, $60,900. Cail 1-292-2168. For Sale Turn those items youre keeping and flot using into CASH$III CALL 668-6111 FULLER BRUSH CO. FOR YOUR FULLER REQUIREMENTS CALL FAY DREW 668-9915 I COME GARDENING with Doc Hartnol THIS US THE'MONTH FOR GOBLINS AND GARDIENS October, the month of the gremlins and goblins, is a happy lime indeed for the youngslers. especiatly those who have grown their own punpkins for Halloween in the Junior Vegelable Garden we suggested last spring. Gardening is fun for ail, youing and old alike, as rnany pleasures are derived from work- ing in the soU. FAIR TIME: While it is u nderstand able for a gardener Io admire the htuge vegetabtes displayed at fairs and local flower shows, it wouild not be sensible to serve these gianîs tb the family for size doeFrit necess,,rtily mnean flavour. Use your vegelabtes when yotrng - as soon as theyfre of a size Io cat. Let someone cIsc take the bluc ribbon for size - you take the farnily's praise for growing ealing quality vegetables. GAR DENV TURN O VER: The feeling of harvesling a success- fully grovn ci-op gives yoeîi a feeling of conlenîtment. It's lime niow, afler barvesting. lu dig that vegetable garden and 1 suggest yon just bm il ovci-, add somne Vigoro Bone Meal, and let the arca failowv over wintcr. This is a good praclice for the segelabte garleni. LAl WNS: Vour lawn lias been working hard 10 give you, the frarne ork for your home. Yon gave it it's spring and somrmer fecding of Golden Vigoro, and from what you tll me, you've bd Ithe besl as yot've ever had. Yoie Luir Vigaro lia.s bhcnl Musines.s in Canadanakiîig fei- tiiesfor the' loîme gardener for 50 * vars. T/e Researchl Deparf/m/i i las dc'îeloped speciali *y fruilizer.s foi grivicia g roses. dalîiais, slirilh., frces,foinia focs aiki roof cîops, al .p'alvforîiulaîd fo gîv ou flic besi resu/fs. Neighbotirs. I dont anî yoo bt overlook the fail feeding of s cnr Lvn This feeding is as important as is the spring one. When you give your lawn a wvinîer protection feeding of Pink Vigoro, yotn know tlie rools of ail the grasses are being well fed even îhoîîgh Ihere is a blankel of snow over the grass. We ssrolc in a previos column about the Advantages of fal scceding of lws Some lawvns will require "over-seeding". If hmii tsn is a ltulle -tim", then l'dl suggest you apply grass seed Ibis faîl. Il is thc best lime to re-seed or over-seed. There's a rigbî and wvrong wa.v of doing Ibis. Buiy the best grass seed for youîr irea. Nlow tbe hlawn short, rake il well 10 creale lilîle' furrosss, tben apply Ithe grass seed 10 and in those furrows. Use voor bard îootbcd rake again 10 bring the soilto1 cover the seed, I don'î advocale the use of top soit, unless, of course, ýon knoss il b be free of .%eed seed. and Ihat means sf crlizcd top soit. If sseed gross l appears on yoor iawn after sowing seed, it wilI ciîber corne froni seed that wvas in tbe soit wben vou cuitivated, or fi uni "jtst anv soil'. obtained from Ithe "back forty". Should s'on gel %eeds. D-ON'T use a weed killer until you've cut the laun aI least tlwicc. CERTIFIED CARS 76 VW"RABBIT" deluxe, arni/fin radio, warranty (UN 755) $3995.00 72 NOVA 6 cyl.,. auttoma,,tic, power steer, 38,000 miles, (HFK 206) ~$24~S2295-00 72 D)EMON 8 cyI., stick, bucket seats (BFU 352) SiSO$895-00 72 TOYOTA 72 CHRYSLER Corolia ýDeltuxe, 41,000 muies (DXK 906) S1395.00 Town & Country Stationwagon, air conditioning, nine passeliger, (AWT 074) $2295-00 68 MERCURY Fastback (AHC 871), power steering & brakes $895.00 66 SKYLARK 4 dr hiardtop, power steering (AVA 234) $895.00 "AS IS SPECIALS" 69 RANCHERO 302 autornatic, rally wheels $ 995-00 (A47 094) 69 CHIEV Bel Air Sedani (EAL 609) o 72 VEGA Hatchback (APT 408) 34,000 miles or 67 MUSTANG Fastback DUF 665, factory inags, radiais Corne In And Talk To Our New Sales Representative STEVE SMALRIDGE Or Cail, 668-1542 STE VENSON/ BRADLEY 84 Dundas St. W., Whitby