Councillor, Gerry Emm YFREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1976, PAGE 11 Bay§: Rentals at Heydenshore Pav ilion are flot generating enough revenue SWhitby Councilior Gerry Emin is concerned about what he describes as a iack of revenue being generated by Heydenshore Pavilion. Heydenshore Pavilion, a building owned by the Town, is rented out to groups for various uses, most notabiy social funictions. Councillor Emn says that these rentais or iack of same are flot generating much revenue for the Town. He wonders if prospective tenants of the pavilion are turned off by the rentai rates, increased earlier this year, or by the smailness of the building, wvhich has a capacity for approximnately 300people. . "The revenue is flot coming in", says,, Councilior Ernm. "The -rates went up but are we providing enough space to warrant the extra rates?" "Should the rents be adjusted to suit the size or should the size be adjusted to suit the rents?", he wonders. " Le t's find out why we're flot getting more money", says Councilior Emm. According to Wayne Deveau, Director of 'the Whitby Recreation Depart- ment, "Thebookings are flot up as high as they were iast year at this time. They are down a bit". The most popular times for bookings are Friday and Saturday nighits and Sunday afternoons, he says. However, there- are some openings in those time siots which, especiaiiy in the case of Fridays and Saturdays, is unusuai, according to Mr. Deveau. Regarding Councillor Emm's fear that the rentai increase is turnul'ig people away, Mr. Deveau says "It is definiteiy flot out of line" and points out that the rates -$225 for Saturday nights, up $25 over iast year; $200 for Friday evenings, up $50; and $75 for Sunday after- noons, up $15 - are on a par with other such facilities in the area. He explains that one reason for the increases is the recent installation of air con- ditioning in Heydenshore. Speaking to Councilior Emm's fear that the building may be too small, Mr. Deveau says that only three out of more than 300 indivîduals or groups who have cailed to make bookings have indîcated a desire for more space. "Ijt is pretty hard to justify expansion that could run you $60,000 to $75,000 easily", says Mr. Deveau. He points out that more facilities for 'activities similar to those housed at Heyden- shore wiii likely be buiit in the future. Addressing himnself to Councillor Emm's concern that the building is not gener- ating rnuch revenue, Mr. Deveau says "The building is doing airight". He notes that, if Heyden- à hore was compieteiypaidfor, the Town would be making approximateiy $5,000 a year. Instead, annuai payments of $8,000 have to be made for another 12 years. Larry Windover (right) of Totten Sims Hubieki Associates, turns over the keys of, Whitby's new operations centre to Public Works Director'Dick Kuwahara Friday. At left, Mayor Jim Gartshore watches the ceremony. The operations centre, to be used by the works and recreation departmnents, is situated on a 45-acre site on Taunton Road east of Highway 12. The opening ceremonies took place at 4 p.m. Friday, followed by an open house for the public'until 8 p.m. Free Press Photo k -~ Installation & imonth's Free V'iewing I Accused OPP constables go on trial in October 4 - New Subscribers Two constables from the Whitby detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police will go on triai in October on charges of common assault laid by a former inmate of the Whitby jail. Constables Brian Dunhamn yand Paul Loch were charged in a private complaint by Thomnas Rochford, 19, of R.R. 3, Port Perry. Mr. Rochford in a docu- ment sworn out before a justice of the peace, bas alleged that he wvas assaulted by two policemen who came to interview him in the-jail Juiy 1 2 regarding several worthless cheques. Mr. Rochford, wvlo is serving a ininc-rnonth sentence for breaking and enhering has' since been transferred to the Guelph Reforrnatory. Present Subscribers FREE Installation 0f A TV or FM Extension And One Month Free Service Open 7 d4$s w..k kPieleaf RESTAURANT 120 BROC* ST. M. -WHITBY - TEL.: "689461 Dolicious Cuwdion end Iklien Dish.s >Nil My nome is BMIhBrown. I iust returned from a hoiday in Freepoil', and would love to talk to you about it. Contact me ut: RUSSELL TRAVEL LTD.o 1 16 Brock St. S., Whitby 668-5000 Mon. - Sat. 9-5 >'our i1avel Il Our Business" For your protechion rcgisteicd under Ontar0 Government No.1259988 «E~:cable tv PINERIDGE CABLE T.V. 1353 KING STREET EAST, OSHAWA, Oshwa579-2232 Cable is a convenient service that enables you to watch distant television stations with- out any aerial on your roof. The signais from several stations are received by a large, sensitive master antenna. They are then amplif ied to boost their strength before reaching your television set. THIS SPECIAL OFFER EXPIRES OCT*i st. For Individual Subscribers OnIy m I