Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 22 Sep 1976, p. 6

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PAGE 6. WEDNESDAY, SEPThMBER 22, 1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS Br~kin ~ Byines Now that fait paper drives are about to begin again, the Brooklin Boy Scout movemient would ike to extend a public thankyou to the various people who worked with Don Vallance providing trucks for the paper drives each mnonth. Thankyou Don, Wes Schell,'Brooktifl Nurseries, Bill Pearon, Harold Forbes, Brooklin Concrete, Bibeau Construction, Neat Grandy and Bruce Batty. The Sceuits appreciate the support you have given themn over these past years. The next paper drive will not be until Saturday, October 9th, but now is the timne to start saving your papers. Even the old tetephione books may be fine if you rip off the covers. No cardboarcl or glossy magazines can be accepted. Please tie the bundies securely and keep thiem a reasonabte suze so that the boys can ea'ýity lhandie tlhcm. This paper drive activity is an important source of incomie for both the 1 st and 2nd Brooktin Scout groups so please hielp theni out. If you hiave any questions regarding paper drives please cati 655-3253. Croup '74 lias elected a new executive for thc conîing year. The Past President is Lit Crangle, President is now Pami Schieufter, the Vice-President is Marg Anidrews and the Secretary is Jonny Hurtîbese. The Treasurer wvitt be IROWN'1S BROOKLIN, ONTARIO NORTH WHUTBY STORE HOURS OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEK 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. EXCEPT THURS & FR1 NIGHTS 'TIL 9 p.m. Maureen Martens and the new Director of Art and Crafts will be Pat Odgers. The Membership Seceretary is Cathie Neety, Public Relations and Archives is Dian Berkers, Social Secretary is Naidat Cormack and Dire ctor -at-Large has been elected in the person of Betty Catherwood.,-This very active commnunity group is now ail set to lauch its various intercsting fait projects., The first major project that Group '74 wiiI engage in is the Group '74 Arts and Crafts Centre Open Flouse and Registration. This is a fine opportunity for al members of the family to come out and sec what 'is bcing offcred by the Arts and Craft, Centre. Croup '74 is able to provide this year an impressive array of varied crafts. There is somnething of intercst for everyone and the dispinys of arts and crafts are well worth seeinR, Thc Oocn Flouse and Registration are on 'Thursday, Septemiber 3th, froin 7:30 p.mn. to 9:00 p.m. at the Commiunity Centre ini Brookiin. Junior Crafts, for those aged cighit to fiftecn ycars, such as Fingerweaving, Metal Jewettcry Crafting, Pottery, Wood- Carving and speciat Christmias Crafts witi be offered on Saturday mornings fromn 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.mn. Aduit, famnily crafts wiit feature LcathercraPt, Basic Furniture Refinishing, Candtenmaking, Caning, Creative Weavi ng, Metat Jeweltcry Crafting, Pottcry, Q)uitting and Rug l-looking. Naida Cormack is the co-ordinator and fuirthcr information inay be obtained fromn lier at 655-3975. Thc i3rooktin Legion is planning a cornr-oast and (lance on Saturday, September 25th. It witt be heçld at the Legion Halini Brooktin and there wiil be a D.J. to provide the miusic. The activities start arouind 8:30 p.m. and the charge is S2.00 per couple, SI .00 for single persons, Att legion inembers and their invitcd gucsts are wctconie. The Irooktin Kinsmen have circtcd a ncw sign at the entrance to the Community Park they arc workîing on. Looks great, lfeltas! Val 655-43 17 Wednesday., September ~n,-BôknHorticultural Society general meeting, 8:00 p.m. at the Brooktin United Church. Thlursday, September 23rd - 2nd Brooklin Group Conmittee hosts a Community Cornroast' at Camp Batty at 6:30 p.m.. - there witl be no charge! Friday, September 24th - Euchre night at Ashburn Community Centre, 8:00 p.m. Saturday, September 25th -Cornroast and Dance, 8:30 p.m.. Le2yion Hall in Brooklin. Thursday, September 3th,. - Croup '74 Arts and Crafts Centre Oipen House and Registration. 7:30 p.m. at the Comimunity Centre in Brooklin. This is a really special event, don't miss it! Friday, October lst - Senior Citizens regular meeting at the Community Centre in Brooklin. Sunday, October 3rd - Special- Anniversary Service at the Myrtie United Church, 2:30 p.m. Coffee Hour after - evcryone welcome. Water supply needed before development cornest-oBrooklin' Whitoy uouncil witI not consider any plans of subdivision proposed for Brooktin untit an àdequate water suppty is made avaitable FOODMASTER PHONE 655-4521 3 BIG DAYS DELIVERY AT NOMINAL CHARGE *Cou rt*iy1 Value atisf action Thurs. Sept. 23 to Sat. Sept. 25 :A PIA L RO[.1IU FOR] UN1Ii &I : :À Red Brand No. 1 Steer Beef SIDES mu 240 m 270 IL.average Store cut and wrapped 951 lbo PUDDINGS ASSORTED TINS 79, SCOTTOWELS HOUSENOLD PAPER TOWELS 2R0LL 87: PuRiTAN FLEECY STEWSFASRIC SOFTENER BEEF r IRSH C 128 BIEF ~ ~ ~ I oIRSf-os9 24-FL-OZ TIN 76Jug 1 5 MONARCH POUCN PAK CAKE mixas CATELLI REA DY CUTý MACARONI or SPAGHETTI F60iLS36 PUDY 9.59 APPL E PIE 99 Rio Choce FQ~ Strowberries 20R89 COD 99C FISH & CHIPS * PMEAS cUI UA CARROTS 69 EREknpi99 L1iL...K YU RED & i iWHT ~E TMAVI--. BATIIROOM TISSUE 4-ROLL PIED COMTNELLE 999 MIOHIX DO'; ASSOIITEO B/FL-OZ TINS DOG FOODS 4 -'sl WESON t-LB BOX GRAHAM surs79e CLUB HOUBE - ASBORTEO PIED GRAVY Mixes 29c PBE FRCE0 93C - M WALNUl CIIRIBTIES PREMIUM 1.1.8 box PLUS oeAoems61)< WITH PORtE IN OMAIO SAUCEI 9FLOT IN BEANS v.. Cafl44e 24 tIoBOTLE DRISTAN îéT leu$19 CARNATION INSTANT 6 tu PICO 99C MeNAIR CHOPPED PURINA TENDER VIElLES 500-gram 'KG CAT FOUDS 88e [LISTERINE Antiseptic 79.'" PDWDERED- for Unbeachabls44-OZPIED JAVEX m%»à sl.79 CUl ITE -BEAU L 100-R01.1 WA PPER .55c DISPOABLE EACH BICUowkn99 c FEMININE NAPIINB 1201 PIE CONFIDES 79<c -FL-DZ BTL TAMEc,.mu msl.09 BONDE, BLADES 5 la PIED WILKINSON 88< REGULAR PACKAGE BROMO sellier89c NABAL MIBI t5cc CONTAINER DRISTAN sl.19 AVE ROSES F LOU R 88' FOODS DOLE FANCY QUALIT5C PINEAPPLE 5 ST KIS INEY F BEAN I CHEESE 9.39 TETLEY TEA BAS $101 Calif ornia Sweet Julcy Sunklst Oronges 891 dozen' Sunshine Fresh Ontario grawn No. 1 Blue GraPes 6 qt. basket $2.50 No. 1 Large Ontario Coullflower 49 per HRad HE:I BEGLUD :1 E1e ± l s 1 L YU... to tacuntaie resiclential devel- opment within the infili area of the village. Councit made the decision recently after receiving a tetter from the province's Ministry of Housjiig, Plans Administration Branch, regarding, a proposed plan of subdivision for 'the 'Stolwyk property in Brooklin. "Until the water supply problems in Brooklin are resolved, we are -unable to consider any new develop- mnent in Brooklin at this time", said the ministry. "If, in the future, the circum- stances become more-favour- able, in that there is adequate water suppty to facilitate the development, we will be pleased to reconsider your application. However, it will be necessary to submit a new application which will have to be reevaluated by the concerned agencies". Couincil further decided that any future proposed draft plans of subdivision be considered as input into the Brooklin secondary plan study, presentty beinig con- ducted by Donovan F. Pinker. Revîew your R.R.-S.P. now Now is a good time to compare your Registered Retirement Savings Plan with the G.1.C. Plan avaitlabte from V and G. Currentty cach $ 1,000 invested is guaranteed to be worth $1,648.40 five years hence under our plan. How does this compare with your present plan'? Diseuss R.R.S.P.'s today at Victoria and Grey. Member Canada Deposit Insu rance Corporation WcVR!A and [EGREY TRUST COMAPANY SINCE 1889 KEITH LAWES Manager, 308 Dundas St. W.. >Whitby 668-9324 CHICKEN CHUCKEN L E GS BREASTS *ACKS D8 C BACýKS O c ATTACHED V9 BATTAC. 10 7996 IDEAJ. F OR O ESSING .- P086 scHNIDEMS '-u.8 m c ; SPAFRIIS 139es SAUERKRAUI 69 c TENDE n SWET.- PO8K KUIIDE cmiTCbpsll.181 BACON ....18L SAUISAGrE 1.12LcUTRmTMES"U 89 DEn OF CANADA - TIPI.!PAK sNOPlysY.- AU. 881F LNCN m a 1-191SAUSAGE 1.09IL SCHNNEDERS - OZ RsHOFIy. WuK MEATS Wke Wmm ,-Po« 2-OZ SIZE u w cei 4 PAK d *cH UNIT FOR 1 enc -mmý

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