Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 8 Sep 1976, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8,1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS * B~kin ~ Bin.es The 'Beavers' of Brooklin will be starting their regular meetings very shortly. On Thursday, September I 6th,,at the Community Centre, this group of five to seven-year-old boys will meet ini the upstairs room, fri)m 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. This is a new location for the group and should offer several advantages. There will be lots of room anyway! This group is very proud to see some of its' original members rnoving up to cubs this faîl and new mcmbers are welcome. Any boys in this age group who are interested A i MORIGAGES 0 1M 1 Y E O ist & 2nd Arrongedi bought opd Sold at Prime Rates coui Peter Kade 668-1556 ANU SIS INVESTMENTS Ltdi. 149 rock St. W., Whitby BROWN'S in belng part of,(ho Boy Scout organi'zatlon are Invltod to cail tho Boavor leader, Mrs- Phyllis Webb, 655-3745. Group '74, our local comninlnty woinern's group, wil rosumol thoir schedule of, actiIvitles witli a generai meeting on Monday, Septonîher 131h. Thcy willi meot ut [lhe Community Conître, upstiairs, tit 8:00 )p .11. Ail memibers are urged to a ttend. V youve hoeen watcling thIî group's efforts With Interest anîd would like Iu juin, piense cullie niembership secrctarv ut 655-3245. SATURbAY, SEP-TEýMBER I1 tii - lntroduc tory niglit with tlhe Brooklin 'square daincers, ut 8:00 p.m. ut the Oddfellows 1Hall11linBrooklin --there wili he no admission charge, evcryonc is wciconc. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13th1 - Group '74 generai meeting 8:00 pm. at the Cornmunity Centre, upstairs. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16til - "Beavers" activi tics resumne ut ncw location - tlhe Community Centre, upstairs, fromi 6:30 [o 7:30. New miembers wcicome. Val 655-4317 Open 7 d*aÇsWe0k Mapleda RESTAURANT 120 IBROCK sir. M. WHITBY - TEL.: 668-19461 1101D.hcious Conodiofi ond aitolmn Dishos Five acres of Camp. X could be Scout cam<p The Whitby District Boy Scouts plan to bease a five-acre parcci of Camp X from the Town wîth the hope of one, day cstablishing their head- quarters and an ail-year camp- ground, complete with a winterizod cabin and suitable for canoeing and nature studios by memrbers of the Scouting and Guiding move- ments and [Vhe generai public. Boy Scout representative Russ Wilde told memnbers of the operations 'committee r ecently [bat his group would carry out the developmeént in three stages at little or no direct cost [o the taxpayers. Phase i would sec the Scouts lay ground work for developmnent. It woulct involve a general dlean up of dead trees, over- grown grasses, weeds and garbage. For access [o the camip, a pathi would be cleared and. hopelily, developed [o a more substantial roadway at a later date with the FOODMASTER BROOýKL IN# ONITARIO NORTH WHITBY PHONE 655-4521 STORE fOURS OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEK 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. EXCEPT THURS & FR1 NIGIIS 'TIL 9 p.m. *Courtesy~ Vcalue atisf actiol >RD& HTEe.S HS RMI'e 4cI TEA BAGS #l79e PiH PEIES C EO SI eTW Boumes Sheds 99C Houey ~89C~ (ut Food 89C Jav-ex -umà ils.19 Sahroom aRom 79ec CHEESE SLICES PEANUT BUTTrER $1.nç.0.9 TOAOR VGTCE Maxi Pads 99 SUPRE1 IQADAY MER SO PS Bay 1sl.69 - ,~fOZ u 1FL OZ TN c--- ---, BLEACH 79c CONDINSCO 8C Baby P.dow $1.19 HEINZ BABY FOODS 5, .' FANCY APPLE SAUCE 43C MIR DETERGENT 2,,99c PABLUM BABY Cereal 89, COE IN . OP AD SE RYORELF 3 BIG DAYS Thurs. Sept.0 9 to Sat.0 sep t'a il DELIVERY AT NOMINAL CHARGE, a - assistance of, the Town. Temporary sanitation facilities would be erected with the establishment of more per- manient facilities a possibility- in the future. For the timne being, water for drinking, washing and cooking would be carried into the camp. Are as would be set aside for campfire and parade circ'bes. "No trace" camnping would be aibowed in designated sections. Phase 2 would have the Scouts begin to establish more permanent facilities. Covered shelters would be constructed for group activities in inclemnent weather. Plat- forms would be laid down for tents which do not have floors. Pierswould be installed for lauinching canoos and providing access to the water- xvays. Storage buildin'gs would be crec [cd to house canoes and other.equipment. If the necd arose and finances permitted, fcncing would be pul up. phase 3 would sec [the Scouts emnbark on m-ore extenslh'e development. They hope to build ô dormnitory- with funds fromn supporters which «vuld serve as their headquarters and provide indoor sleeping, ealing and instructional facilities f'or Scouts, Guides and the public. They also want to develop a nature trail. The Scouts would like [o set up a Board of Directors, xvlth representation from their mocvemnent and the Town, which would oversee de--'elop- mnî nt. Davis, at picnic .Sept 18 Ontario Premier William Davis will be [lhe special guest ai the annual Progressive Conservative Picnic [o be held at Fantasyland ")ark Sept. 18. Mr. Davis svill be making his second visit to Whitby tiis year, having been a guest speaker ai the Ontario Asso- ciation of Smiall Urban Municipalities confereInce in May. A numnber of Mr. Davis's felloxv cabinet memibers, including -Bill Newm-ani, Minister of Agriculture Ùnd Food, svill also be atûiding the picnic. The picnic is being hiosied by four provincial riding Conservative associations, froin Durharu- West, Duiiami East, and Oshawa, froin 1:30 p.mn. [o S p.rn. Visiiors are 1.inviied [o bring their, own picnic lunch, and there will be games, contests, prizes and a white elephant :anc bake sale. Tickets are available by calling Mary McEachern at 725--8967, Sheila Camplin at 668-6240, Pat Allen at 668-9419, and Clare Hewson at 668-2500. Conservative Party workers arc expecting a large turnout because of the presence of the premier at the picnic., 1Fantasyland Park, where the picnic is being hold. is located on Highway 12, north of Taunton Road. Mon" .&Sey. ___ -___------______ SAUMON SHOULDER ýSHOULDER PORK' s1.23 L~98c 1 .09! 1.49! AyIm.r Foncy LUN T ý 9 JUICE ssi- .o09 ~ 95 d~gi 14".estyle agi$ ... s1.69: rv s 94

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