Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 8 Sep 1976, p. 4

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PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8,1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS wvIi tby ».SERVING OVER 28,,000 READERS , Voice of th e County Town Mike Burgess, Publisher-Managing Editor The onlyVhitby paper independently owned and Ã"perated by Whitby residerits for Vhitby residents Residents are to Marne if public transit is lost if Charterways Company Lirnited and Whitby Council decide that there shall be n'o public transit in the town, the blarne lies squarely 01n the shoulders of the residents of this cornmunity. Becaiuse of the under- wh'elming response of the residents, Charterways lost approxirnately $1 ,800 on its I -week intra-town Whitby Transit experimient. If the Comnpany decides' against offering public transit on a permanent basis, we could hardly question it. After ail, who likes to tose rnoney? Not only have the lpeolple given upj the privilege to have public transit, they lhave als(> forfeitted the righit to coin- plain about tie Iack of it. Several points to ponder before Camp Although we support thie Whitby District Boy Scouts and the, Malta Social Club ini their plans to develop five-acre parcels of Camp X, we feel that there are several facts which should be considered before either group begins to put their proposa'is into action. The Scouts plan an all-year campground, comiplete with a winterized cabin and sui ta bIc for canoeing andi na tutre studies by memnbers of thie Scouting and Guiding inove- ment and the general public. The Malta Club proposes to build a Whiitby International Cultural Centre whicli wotild include a hall for social Protection by police should be assured We were pleased to hear that the police have been keep- ing a close eye on Bowers Texaco since a recent story was published in the Free Press, outlining the frustration of owner Sam Bowers over the numiber of unsolved crimes perpetrated on his business. We would rest more easily if we knew that protection was assuréd ail of the town's businessmen and citizens without us having to print stories which embarass the police itito action. X developed functions. facilities for recrea- tional use and space for offices for use bv varions gro'îps and the generr'I public. Firstly, the area in t tie vicinity of the two groups" proî)osed developinîents is environiuentally sensitive, according, to the consultig firmi of Totten Sirns 1Jinhiki Asso cia tes. Tî-i t means tha t an v developnîien t wotild have to le llanne(l and impflement- e(I very carefully. Ili addition, Likeviewv In(ILstrial Esta les' backyarcl aliiost extendsj onto the por~- tioni of Camp X on wvhichi the Scouts propose their develop- meînt. We think comniniig with nature inighit be difficult with Ille noise of industrv (lrowvning ouLt thie 50t111(5of wild liie. Thirclly. the area is relative- ly isolated fronii the centre of population. Vhile that is ideal for the Scouts' proposaîl, it c(>uld hiave an adverse effect on the Malta Club's project which needs plenty of people t( 'nake it a success. FInally, botlh groups will recluire a great deal of moiley sec tlieir lîroposails coi-ne to fruition. They will have to carry out mniy funid-rai.:ig projects and apply plenty of pressure for goverrnment grants to acquire the necessary finances. If the two groups can over- corne these obstacles, they have our blessings. Ini any even t they should be congratulated for their work and effort to conte up witli sucl ambitilous plans. , l)ear sir: M'Ivinig to a new area is oi*tenl a trying experience anid for this reason we would like to start thie Oshawa .Whitby Newcoiliers Club whicli is a f'rîindsipl club l'or ladies oiTer- ing a variety . of' social activi lies. As a non-profit organîza- tion. we rely on publîcity froîn papers such as yours Pubishd eer Wenesay Assistant Editor - Blake Pur dy Publihed veryWednsday Commnunity Editor - Brian Winter Contributing Editor - Jim Quý*-.U Production Manager - Maije Burgess by M.B.M. Publishing Di splay Advertising Manager-Lo and Photography Ine. Classified Ad ManagerMren >rn Circulation Manager - Sharon Lyon The Free Press Building .MBoxi206Permit N. 46 121 Brock Street North,Maln )riNo46 Whitby, Ontar o Phone 668-6111. anld Word of'ilmouth. We wo uId, therefore. appreciate aily assistance ycui are able to (,ive uis as we feel this is a worthwhile atid ecessary public serv6ce. There are newcomner clubs iii imost major cities across botli Caniiada and the Uinit.1-d States. Sonie have beeni in operation fo r 20 years or more and boast inembershipsof as mnuch Firefiïghters thank Free Press staff Dear Mike:, The nmenibers of the Whitby Fire l)epartînent would sin- cerely like to thank you and your staff for your assistance dUring the past year in pLibli- cizing our I1.501 Anniversary and the Firefigh ters Association of Ontario Convention held at Brooklîj. The regular insertion of information ini the Free Press and the printing of the Souvenir Convention Programi rniost certainly miade thîe citizens of Whitby aware of our past hiistory, present "happenings and future ende.avours. T:îanks again for youir lelp. Yours truly, W. Clarke, Convention Secretary. Got a beef? Let us, know. Send letters ta Box'206 J,, as 600. In Toronto there are 3 suchi clubs.* Oui- programn consists of a general mionthly meeting at whichi time we have the opportunfity to meet the genera I mem bership, discuss club business and have a guest speaker on various topics of local interest. Tie club will commence Septemnber 1 31h and offer a variety of social activities for daytime and evening such as: bridge, euch re, hobbies' and crafts, gourmet luncheon, gourmet dinner, garden club, golf, tennis, exercising, tours, skiing, couples club and book discussion. It is our hoipe that a co-op babysitting program can be set up 50 thiat mnothers with young chiildren can participate in club activities at a minimal, cost by exchanging hours rather thian mioney for baby- sitting services. For further infornmation, please catI 579-3636ý or 668-0023. On behiaîf of the' new- corners to the' area, Weè would appreciate any hetpyod are able to give us, Yours trulyi Joan Weir (Mrs.),.. Past Presidet NôrthYoÃ"*k and newvcomier to area. .;Past President London ,..afd -newcorner to area. L rI* . *'tt'.p~~ - --i ~ ---.-.-.-~,. -., I r-,.,. I. 'I q..,.. ) t ___ I.: ~~~1 .~.'-À' * -â L.TZZi 'J J- i * ~ f ~ ,..4J. L.. 6,~LLuP q.-- < ~;jPO Wodiric3 "Moving a trying experience"' Club will welcome newcomers Admvwý r_

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