Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 1 Sep 1976, p. 8

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PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER It's almost here -- thc new T.V. season. l'n sick and tired of cop features. Now, my wife is going 10 be amazed at that statement. She knows that I just love 10 watch a good cop movie or a police T.V. series, but enoughi is enough. 1 don't want 10 gel mbt the sex and brutality discussion because rny interest for n-any years has been in the admiration I've had for the fantastic patience and dogged leg work that cops around the world allegedly put mbt their daily work 10 apprehend crimninals. But enough is enough. I've seen 100 mrany murders, too miany cars being bhown up witli unrecognized victimrs, 100 miany shootouts.. and, of lat.--, 100 litîle reality. It was the same thing four or five years ago when we had the hospilal series' dumnped upon us. Il became alniost a personal thing, with, PRESS eventualIy, the private lives of' docbors and nurses criss- crosslng witlî Iheir patients, and persoiially 1 flnd die saine tiifg wlth COI) T.V. scrlcs' îand nmovies. 1 say let's gel back t(> sonie good old coiucedy, somne outstandinginusicals and sUinc lIgl iteîrtcd bhut indepth acting. l'd like to sec finiilies splitliîg Ilicir sies agala with Mack Scnnict's coîncdles: ones witlîho of* crcam pies being thrown and the Keyst unc Cops chaslîîg villians across railroad tracks anid iin and oui, of' haylofis. I 'd like bo fiiid another Abbott and Costello, Laurel and H ardy, Our Gang, and, last but flot least, sonie cCartonIs thc wýay thcy used 10 make theni Donald I)uck, Tom and Jerry-, Yogi Bear anîd Top Cat. And what abouît westerns, surely there mnust be the equivalent of Buck Jones, Tim McCoy, Hoot Gibson, Ken Myad and, for good mneasure, Iet's throw in Hopalong (Bill) Cassidy plus the singing cowboys Gene Autry and Roy Rogers. Then there's musicals. Whiat in heaven's name has happencd to the talented writers and producers who, gave thl- world such beloved i ics as Kismet, South Pacifie, Okiahoîna. and the h and I? And 10 reach back in limie, how about the E idway melody series? lncidentally, playing right now at movie theatres around the country is a picture called "Thiat's Entertainrnent, Part 11". My wife and 1 saw "Th: .t's Entertainment", which was made prior 10 Part 1l, and co.îsisted of a series of excerpts from successful musicals going back iritually 10 the Broadway melody scries in the 1930's, and guess what. "That's Ente rtainm-en t" is a box office hit. Movies and television today have taken on the cloak of what is 'tern-ed 'reality'. Up to the late '40's, the idea behind movies and television' programmes was to entertain the viewer, help them relax and enabie one to relate to the characters p,ýrtrayed. 1 can hardly recail the aame of a leading movie star today and 1 can only name a handful on television ini 'heavy' roles. But 1 can recalli iividly the names and the roles piayed in past epics and the point is that they stili live on.ý iwesknew in the past that when Tracy and Hepburn appearcd together, they were assured of enter- tainment and the same pretty weIl applied to Powell and Loy, Gable and Lombard., Garson an d Pidgeon. And the înteresting thing is that so many bit players e disted. who added great depth to the roles they were portraying, it became unnecessary 10 have startling and gruesomne scenes as we so0 often see on our television sets anTd movie screens now. Rernember Ingrid Bergman in Casablanca with Bogart, "Play it again, Sam". Why can. we flot get back 10 en tertainment that brought laugliter, joy, sometimes tears and often inspiration. This fall1I11 stili be watching "The Honeymooners", corny yes, but as far 'as 111m concerned, Art Carney is a comic in the truest sense and has already proven himself bo be an outstanding actor (he won an Oscar for his appearance in "Harry and Tono: ", the s tory of a man and is cal). Those who like "Jaws" can have it. l'Il take the "Sound of Music" and "The Ten Commandr-nents" anytime. As I was, thinking recently of how unfair il was that I was stumbling around a campsite whiie my editor was down I soutl cnjoying tle tropical climate and the overproof runi, 1 was reminded of a famous quotation by Nethanial J. -Millingsop who said, "If you'rc doing il, you must dese rve it! " If you dontî know what lIat means, dontî feel bad because 1 have neyer been able t0 make much sense of Nathanial cibler. But then wlat cisc can you expect from a guy who went bust îrying to grow beets in Port Perry. Everybody told him beets arcn't parbicularly suited to swarnp land but Nathanial ahways lad lis own ideas about everything and le would jusb reply, "It isn't swamp land!!! It's just a lilîle damp, bhat's ahi!" Hîs brother, deciding 10 leave the fame and fortune of the family fanm, made out little better in tle big ciîy selling stocks and bonds. One in particular that cornes lu mmnd was a company tlat lad designed an acroplane tliat flew like a bird - it lilerally flapped ils wings. TIc designers figured if it worked for a bird il should work for a plane. Il didn't seem to bolIer anybody lIaI an acrophane weighed quite a few tons more tlan a bird. As Rebbekah pointed out (he's Nathanial's brother wvho soid thc stocks, le was supposed bu be a sIc and since tle parents lad aiready bought the pink blankets and a bhy mug tley decided to Icûve tle name the saine and calI hini 'reb' for short) an airplanle thatiflies like a bird will be able lu Iand on mnuch shorter runways. Weil, Reb sold quite a fe'w stocks but thc comrpany neyer really convinced the governnîent that they liad a real sure rire threat 10 the eneîny and the governiment wouldn'î goý for il. This was during the war and Reb was proud of the fact lIat the comipany had even designed the bonîbs to look like giant eggs dropping out of the phane's belly. Alîhough the Millingsop farnily were neyer reahly very farnous except for the old man who nmade his famous quotations il certainly wasn't for lack of trying on the part of thc family. Anoîher brother, Sebastion, figuredout that valuable lime is wasîed on tle farmi with cheaning out the barn. Sebastion spent a lot of lune training the the animais t0 stick their baêksides out over a conveyor belt he installed in the barn. The bell ranl the full Iength of the barn past ail the stails and right out to thc manure heap. As cach animal got the cail 'to nature il wouid back Up to the conveyor bell and leave a deposit whcre il would bc whisked outside by the belt, which ran ail the time, and -leposited outside on the manure pile. It îook Sebastion quite a long limne t train ail thc animais and le did confide lIaI training was raîher a messy business. So much so that in the cnd he took t0 wearing hp waders to lis training sessions but eventualiy the training was over and things seemned to be running smoothly - if you'll pardon the pun. However the whole experimnent came lu an abrupt and mcssy hait one day wien oine of the cows, a little overtired fromn too m-uch clewing lIat day decided to sit righl down on the conVeyor belt. 0f course the cow was whisked out the door and the other animais %were su exciied they ail gol the cail 10 nature ai once. Il took the whole fainily over anl hour lu dig that poor cow out of thec manure heap. In fairness lu Sebastion thc whole experimient lad menit and ran pretty well except for lIaI une limie and one otiier lime wMien a neighibour caîled police lu report a lot of UFO's une night. Investigation revealed that Sebislion haîd setý tle conveyor biell speed 100 highi and the bell was Iaunicling I12" cow clips like brown frisîces througl îlhe CARRIýERS IWANTEDI BOYS AND GIRLS, AGES 8 and up. you can make, extra spending money with a whitby fret press Carrier route. Deliveries are made once a week, right around your home- no money to collect and get paid weekly... 1.a see if there is a vacancy in- your area . *PHONE. own you TODAY 668-61 1.1 air aI an incredible speed and bhey were handing near a ncighbour's farmnhouse. One of tle daughbers, Madeline (they called her Mad for short) fancied lersehf quite a cook and she would often experimrent in tle kitchen. She designed one of the first potato peelers but il nèee r got vcry far because the old man threw il out one day after aècidentally sticking bis tîhummb il î and having his thumbniail neatly peeled off while le watched. During tle wartime Mad devcloped some rubber stuff that tasted just like meat (or was it the other way around) and she was ahways trying 10 find ways of suostituting cheaper foods 10 save moncy. Shc could carve up a giant turnîp and cook it 10 look just like a Sunday lurI'cy but as tbe famifly wasn't 100 fond of eating ten pounds of turnips at one siîîing the practice didn't continue. So, as 1 leaned over a rock at my campsite to wash my face and thought of our editor and his wife down south, the quotation of Nethanial Millingsop went through my mmnd and 1 said 10 myself, "I think il's lime 1 went lack 10 work!" Week of truck fires keeps fire fighters busy Whilby tiretighbcrs were occurred 10 a tractor trailer kept busy hast week wîth a truck on Brock Street South rash of truck fires. at the GO Transit station, On Aug. 23 at 4:54 a.m. causîng $800 damnage. thc tires of a tar carrier On Aug. 25, at Dundas truck on Highway 40h caught and Jeffrey Streets, a cloth fire fromn overhcated brakes, on tle nîuffler of a dump causing $700 damage. At truck caughb fire, causing 6:24 p.în. the saine bhing $ 150 damnage. $96 stolen from pool room Thieves breaking mbt Slorty's pool roonm on Diîndas Street West, Aug. 24, causedi S200 damage lu the building and stole S96 in cash, accu rding lu Durhanm 664 'Wgional Police. Police said the thieves gained entry by kicking in the back door, and made off witl a quanlily uf cigarettes as well as the cash. GREAT WALL C HINESE & CANADIAN RESTAURANT 8-7021 668- 7301 FREE DELIVERY SUSINESS HOURS Monday - Thursday .......11a.m. - 1 am. Friday and Saturslay ...1 a.m. - 3 a.m. Suflday...................... 1m. -10p.m. now open Tuesdays 116 Dundas St. West Whitby * nid j

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