Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 25 Aug 1976, p. 13

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2 5.1976, PAGE 1.1 Formulite miolded bathroomn BASIN & COUNTERTOP - 48 inches long, new, $ 100; seven pieces aluminuni trailer covering, 2'/ x '14 ft., $35 eaci. ('ail. 655-3411. BABY CARRIAGE - $ý8 non-electric STERILIZER & BOTILES, $4.50; new born SNOWSUIT, white, $3; 18" auburn HAIRFALL, $15; single BED, 30", $12; Heaithway scuba tank, 71.2 cu. ft. harness & (k),valve, $85; water lung, sport diver regular sith reserve, $85. ('ail 839-7774. 'l Deluxe WOODBURNING SET - good for children 12 years and over, excellent condition, $3; PACK SACK, nylon with soiid aluminum frame, neyer been used, $25; SKIS, approx. 51/, long, great for beginner, $10; SKI BOOTS, size 7/8, good condition' sith carrying rack, $10; portable RADIO, excellent condition, harly sed $1. (ail668-4465. BALL BQ - excellent condition, $15; Lawnmower, $25. ('ail 728-0664 after 6:30 p.m. CAMERA - Mamiya Super 23, with 100 mm lense, 6 x 7 back, and ground glass back with sheet film hoider, and 75 sheets of film, $485. ('alil 576-2616. TWO HIGI-CHAIRS- $5 & $12; Lloyd stroiler sith canopy, $20; 48" %vide metal coat rack on casters with hat & shoe racks, $ 14. ('alil576-7737. ALUMINUM DOOR - 6'91/4" 331/2", $25; complete double bed, excellent condition, ('aIl 668-5483. TWO VOODEN'STEPS $5 each. ('alil 668-8304. HOCKEY SKATES - new, size 5, $15; portable SINGER sewing machine, $35:; ('ail 725-1211. Large assortmfent of BOOKS - for ail ages, good condition, 15 - 25 ccnts each; single matt-ess, $3; round table and four chairs, $50: picture wi ndow drapes, $ 10; games, large assortment, S1 cach; antique rocker, $35; dlay plant pots, 5 centsceach. ('alil723-2426. Solid sterling silver ET('HING- a iimited edition by iicenry Moore, a beèautiful work of art. OnIy $850. ('alil 723-0722. ENCYCLOPEDIA -liritannia 3, plus 3 book dictionary and large atlas, black icather biniding, $1.000 necw asking $650. ('an Oc seen at 200 Mason Apt. 210 anvtime. Gendron STROLLER- excel- lent condition, $25. ('alil 655-3624. TRAINING CHAIR ('aIl 668<ý103. PERRIGO l>RAM --excellent condition, uscd once, $100 or best offer. Caii.668-5 148. large oval hraid RUG, good condition, approx. 10 x 15', goid & rown, $60. ('ail 668-3-414. RUGS l' x 8 3 and 10 x 6 8 earth colours, ru* t, gold, brown, beige, $500) for both. ('ail 668-7923. BEDSPRIiAD metai slat type with four rubber tip metal legs, 38" widc, $9; brake bîeder, $35, golf shocs, mens spikcd, brown,, 101/2E, like new, $12; Cati 683-6728., 1967 PONTIAC(-- vo door hardtop, body in good condition, special price. ('aIl 668-7279 after 5 pï.m. English 13011lE CHINA - neyer used, 54 piece set in Bridai Wreath pattern, $300. ('ail 668-5767. MINI WAS1-ER, used twice, $49; bicycle EXERCISER, $80; china CABINET, glass botb sides, $80. ('ail 668-6078,or 668-4377. SPICE RAC'K - with 18 botties, $6; boys pants, size 14, $2; ladies clothing, size 14, reasonable prices, ladies short leather jacket, size 14, $20; single mattress, $ 15; also odds and ends of carpeting, recoïd player, $5. Cail 7 25-1211. ANTIQUE DOOR -- made in 1857 solid pine, 42" xz"x 21/2 panelled .both sides, 3 solid brass 5" hinges, solid brass door knob, brass lock witlh seroli work, a steal at $ 175. Cail 668-3186. PING PONG TABLE- and accessories, regulation size with 3/4 slate, new, $80. ('al 668-I1210. i'UDGE MAKINGMACIIINEIi. ncw condition, commrercial 220 volt unit, caipacity 20 lOs per hour, uses pre mnix, $400, or best offer. ('il 668-8114. APPROXIMATELY Ob3 STRAW - at ('ail 655-4380. 400 BALES' a $1 a bale. 21' CA131N CRUISEiR- 4 cylinder, 60 Oorsepower, inbound, compieteiy redone inside & outside, ready for iauinching, $3500 or best offer. ('alil 668-1 252. Beautîful BLONDE WIG liva Gabor style brand new, neyer worn, will seli for $35. Cali 66 8-57 25 or 668-3195. H-amînex LaRunde SLIDE PROJECTOR 7 carouscis. tl.ree trays, $50. ('aIi 579-157 1. LAWN NMOWER . amplifier. and guitar, $50; 668-6750î. 196 1Ol)Gi. VA N $35; 'all 31 8 autom atie. chromne s.lieds. conipletely done up, sink., fridrgc. etc. (Xiii 655-3149 alter 6 pmin. 1967 P>ONTIAC('tsso door iard top, ho dv in goodl enodi toni, special price. CllI 06 8-7279 zaller 51p. m. iricee S3010. CL 1RTI S iT'1 K (A I> $4001. (tII 579-3972. - Weddings Clothing WEDDING DRESS&TRAII size 10-12, $50. Caîl 668-441( HUNT CAP - blàck vcl with safety harness instai)ed,: 71/2, $23.50. (Çai1668-2407.> COAT - Ladies black persfi lamb approximately size 20, good condition, will seil for $5 ('aIl 725-5714. Bikes MEN'S 3--SPEED $30. ('ail 668-9165. GIRLS BICYCLE hianiebar style, $25. 668-81i14. askir higlhriý Ca BIGYCLE FOR TWO Gitian, 10 specd, equipped witi accessories, boughit ncw la.ý summner, in excellent conditior $225. CaIl1668-5467 anytime. BIKE - boys, blue, 2 spee hi-risc, $30. ('al 668-6790. 1972 SL-l00 HONDA must selI, $ 25(0 or bcst off( as is. C'ali 668-04Q4 anytime. 1973 500 SUZUKI ail rebuilt, $700 or bcst offei Cali 668-4813. Girls junior 'izc BICYCLE 24" wlheels, excellent condition, $25. Cali 655-3411. 20" G ir l's BICYCLE silver and green, $20; 24" Girl' BICYCLE, (Aue and whi te, ci $25. ('ail668-7926. Pets & SupplieE - Portraits -Passports, etc. MBM Publishing & Photogmophy Inc. 121 Brock St. N.0 668-611,11 (Continued) WfITF RATS - moîher & f 0ter, plus cight yosing, % 10. ;-Il 66.-()P,60 fter *-, î.m. a id as:fr)an. PURIiBRED WELSH CORBY PI.PPIES - only tfirce iet*, $50 cach. ('aIl 668-2877. YEA RLING registcrcd, hiall Arab, (Galdlîing, jumiper prospects, ('ail 728-2620. Brown Shetland PONY - with bridie and saddle very tamie with children, $150. C411i 668-0705 GERNIAN SIIOR'FIIAIR POINTER -I1yca r oid, mai, doglhouse includcd. $35. ('ail1 576-8667. BIRD CAG;E sith stand, $20, portable 1V S'T'A'D 0on casIers, SI10; ('ail 655-3" 167. l>t l'thlialt:. 9 miontfus oHd. (*ail 055-301)9tl'tî!r 7 p-i. PINTNIAM~RI- '11.2 lîands, )115lx; h ;int lit'i par ed and ( tooletl Westîern sddeand rîdIv, e\ e liei iiil i orse. 'ýJ25 l'or al. Cali 655-384(). AQUARIUM - (ail glass) 40 galion conplete wiîOi 2 pumnps air filter, etc. and i12 goldfislh soie f'Co them 10 years old, $75 ('ail 668-8527. I., TWO BEDROOM DOW STAIRS APARTMENT F( RENT - available Sc' 2Oth, stove, $160 monthl, heat & hydro flot include 805 Centre St. N., Whitb 668-6944. - Office Space AVAl LABLE IN PRESTIGE AREA FULLY AI R-CONDITION E[ FLEXIBLE LEASIN( APPLY AT: 1450 HOPKINS ST., WHITBY, ONTARIO OR CALL 668-5866 0. lvet 'ize. ,ian in sc al ýh s't er r. .3 Free. Press E, Eporium i t 's g o od b usin es s l'o buy SUI1NESS STAT!ONERY T H ERM). ENG RA VING TH EP MO,-ENG RAVING hei f ýt-ç--?Ç nce and:r.dividual da.::nc iojn :.t fine crcitsma"!s,0 d, o , FPd ' ç! to>0pay, an'd weck, cornpored f e er.>w~uired for other RFA.Sa-J LNV[tQPrsb sANNC-UNCEM[NTS, M.B.M. Publishing Photography, Inc., 121 Brock St. N., Whitby, 668-6111 1and PIANO LESSONS Instruction in piano and theory by a graduate of The Ru'IConservatory ni'Music of Toronto. Ail ages beginners or advanced. Cali 668-0543. l'a1 Li nl dc LOS] lBrowsn & black a0v, mnale tomncat, white dcerbeily, Issu distinct stripes wn foreliead, svhi tc paws, ,varl. ('aIl 668-5 123. Child Injuries A recent study found that unrestrained children in the front right seat have the highest automobile-related injury rate, Miscellaneous ýp [y, )y 4. R t. 1, 1, "MOTH ER! ICAN'TFIND THE SOAP!" Pineapples and Melons Pineapples should be used promptly after purchase. If it's necessary to hold them for a day or two. 1 ep themn in the refrigerator. Once eut, pineapples may be stored in a covered container two to three days. Melons iexcept watermelons) may be stored at roomn temperature if they are underripe. Ripe melons should be refrigerated and used within a short time. Avoid Kitchen Injuries Label ail household dlean- ing products and keep themn out of the reach of children. Neyer mix two or more cleaning agents unless rec- .)mmended by the manufac- turer on the label. Do not allow pot handies to extend over the edge of the cooking stove where they might be knocked off. Cracked or chipped dishes and glasses can cause cuts and bacteria can hide in cracks that are hard to wash and dlean. Making Gravy Poultry drippings - the basic ingredient used in poultry gravy - frequently contain both fat and brotl'. The proportions' of fat and broth in drippings depend to a large extent on the cooking method. * HELP WANTED, GENERAL MANAGER CENTRAL LAKE ONTARIO CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Thc Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority is seeking a gcncrai manager who will be responsible, through the Exdcut 'ive Commnittc, to the Authority for developing, directing and administrating to programmes and staff of the Authority. The- individuai selected will also be appointêd to the statutory position of Sccretary-Treasurer. The current budget of the Authority is approximatcly $1,000,000.00 per year and the permanent staff comprises twelve persons. Expcrience either in the field of resource management and administration or in prcifessional engineering with a. broad municipal engineering background - familiar with such a'ctivities as urban development, public works services, environmental works and appraisals, hydrological studfies, parks and recreation and co-ordination with other governmental agencies -- is desirable. Thc position is permanent svith a salary in the $ 25,000.00 per year range. The Authority offers a comprehensive plan of fringe bencfits. The applicant must be bondable. Pcrsons interested in the position should rcply by September 7th, 1976 providing, as a minimum, the followiînginýormati[on: fV)-Personal Data, 2) Employmenî history, 3) Related experience, 4) Education and professional background, 5) Approximate , salary expected, 6) Date of availability, 7) References. Ail replies wili be treated in confidence. Applicants selected for interview will be provided, with a more detailed description of duties and responsibilities prior to interview. Replies should be marked confidential and addressed to: Mr. J. G. Goodwin, Chairman Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority 16 Parkvicw Blvd. Whitby, Ontario LIN 3M7 ' P(tuJ Ilo Now!. Look Good Ntr b hbring oui the besti n you and your hair. W. cul il he woy i grows.. and shape ito sui your face. MEN'S HAIRSTYLUNG, Whitky Plie s668-6922' CLASSIFIED ADS A TTENTION FARMERSI!! WHVY PA Y MORE? SVONPREMI UM QUALETY GAS * DIESEL FUEL -0 MOTOR Oit 66843381 For Ail Your Photography Needs -LAFo heWi m iqu lý

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