PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4,1976, WHITBY FREEPRESS w hitby Voice of the Cou nty Town SERVING OVER 28,,000 READERSr Mike Burgess, Publisçher-Managiflg Editor. Awiilstunt I~cIItor Illaki, Purdy ~ubII8hd cvuryWc7dnusay ('omnnty Blketur hiirît Publilicdover Wedleýsla( omnitIn Ecitor -ilaQuWnte Prodc.tion Manage r -Murje BurgeC6N b>' M.B.. PublisingIpliiy Advertising Milnw.gur and Pliotography lue. ciasiriicdAd maauger Circulaîtion Mawnger- Slitiron L yonl B1ox 706, Whitby, 171 BrocadiStreet North, Wlîîlby, Ontario, ' Viumil 660,61 1 ;Toronto Limo 282,1004 Minority ruining fun, of majority We thoughit the old image of roughi and tough leather-jacketted rnotorcyclists was dead. It now appears we mnay have been wrong. It seems that a few motor- cyclists in the town are making a common practice out of speeding through parks on their machines. They seem to get their kicks out of tearing up the grass and ruining flower beds which you and 1 are paying for. That is idiotic. But, what disturbs us most is the asinine practice of speeding through parks during basebal games. Not only does it scare the players, it aLso puts their lives ini danger. That is moronie. This is another case where the minority spoils the fun of the majority - the people who use the parks as they were meant to be used. It is also a case where the minority spoil the image of the majority - the bikers who use their machines as vehicles, flot weapons. Regional governmeiit undemocratie Ilhe region's planning and development committee has shown once again how unde- mocratic regional government cari be., It's decision last week to delay Markborough's development, which would provide housing and services for 2,500 people, is the most recent example. The committee wants its solicitor to make a legal ruling on whether or not the proposed densities are high enough to conform to the town 's officiai plan. Whitby Mayor Jim Gartshore, a member of the committee, insists that it does. But, the most important factor is this issue is the fact that several public meetings were held with residents living in the area of the proposed develop- ment, the developers and repre- sentatives of the town present. A great deal of head scratch- ing took place before a plan was drawn up which* was acceptable to the residents, the developers and the town. - It is that fact, not the town's officiai plan, which the region should take into accoinnt when it considers approving or not approving the development. Ministry of Education A plea fo r unu Dear Editor: In Novemiber, 19741, an appeal for aId and discarded hiearing aids for deaf boys and girls in the West Indies was directed ta yaur readers. At this tirne 1 arn pleased ta repart thiat the response was Most gratifying. Sa much so, that we were able to proceed with aur long- range plans to get this unfunded project under- way. Several weeks ago, the Humber College of Applied Arts and Techi- nology here in Toronto toak this projeet under its wing and began train- ing a group af students fram St. Vincent, West Indies, to make c;ar mnoulds for use with a hearing aid. These young people are prese.ntly .in St. Vincent where they are preparing the w"ýy for the arrivai of Dr. Donald Ç. Hood, Head, Division of Audiology, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto. The Rotary Club in Brampton, Ontario, is providing some financial assistance to this project. It' is expected that about 50 deaf' chilciren will be out- fitted withi hearing aids by the end of August. The success of this project lias spread ta other West Indian islands and an urgent appeal' made by the Red Cross Society ini Antiqua on behaîf of 29 deaf children lias been received. If you have an unused hearing aid, in anv Dear Mike, Many times during the year, you and your staff have supported the Recreation Departrnent in, trying ta provide s condition (parts can be used), we ask you to keep it working on behiaîf of the chiildren who have neyer hieard the sang of a bird or the roar of the surf! Please send your aids, along with your narne and .iddress to: PROJECT HEARING AI D. Ministry of Education, Ontario, recreatian services infor-* mnatîi ot the Town of Whitby. Very often, we in the profession neglect ta say "thank you" and quite often, unintention- Seniors appreciate co-operation from local taxi cor Dear Sir-, The menibers of the Whitby Senior's Co-op- Send letters to: Box 206, Whitby. -npany erating New Horizon Club. Wish ta convey their special thanks ta' the taxi cornpany of Whitby for ail their favors & kindness ta. their club members. Presidçnt, Pat Bell. 1 9th Floor, Block, Queen's Park, TORONTO, M7A 1L2 Thank you. Mowat Ontario Yours very truly, George J. Mason, Co-ordinator, aribbean Programs, Ministry of Education, Ontario. ally take the newspaper for granted. At this time, I would like very mitch ta thank you most sincerely for your efforts iii reporting the facts as you see thiern. It is inideed a- pleasuire to work with you. I speak not onily for myseif, but tie entire Recreation Staff. Thanks agaiin, your co-operation ismost appreciated. I remain. Yours very truly, Wayne D eVeau Director of Parks & Recreation, ali1 ed hearing aids Recrea t/on departmen't: Thanks for reporting the ftacts -qw Idmvpý p A -Y A"d 'Ç' 4 «ýt ,+