Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 7 Jul 1976, p. 8

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PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY, JULY 7. 1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS Puckri.ns sweep doubleh-ecder from Kes wick The Whitby Puckrins broughit their Lakeshore Girls Novice League Record to eiglit wins anid one loss with a reccnt doublehieadcr victory over Keswick, 17-) and 27-17. Marion Verkuyl picked ip both wins. 20% OFF ALL SUNGLASSES SALE ENDS JULY 3Oth. WHITBY MALI 576-4431 In the opener, Marion had I8 strikeoiîts and ailowed Iirec lits and one walk. She aiided lier own cause with a home run, a triple and two doubles; Susan Frascr bclted tliree hlits, including a triple; Laurie Kirkton had threc ýsingles; Cathy Allun bit a triple and a single; and Paula Gaudet, Riia Demmier, Debbie -ieaslip and Joannie Gallaghier added singles. Tricia Claspell belted two hiome runs and two sînigles; driving iii six runis to pace the PuIckrins ini their 27-1i7 victory. SuIsain Kornic, Susan Fraser ancl Laurie Kirkton cach blasted hiome runs; Susan Fraser also hiad a douleI and twu singles; Darlene Gallas hiad four hits; and Susan Kornic and Linda Miniaret eachi po'înded out thrce hits. Susan Fraser, Darlene Gallas, l)ebbie 1lieaslip and, Marion Verkuyl shared the pitching Midget bail tournàm- BLOOD DONOR CLINIO WHITBY RED CROSS Wednesday, July 7th 2, p.m. until 8 p.m. Canadian Legion Hall Byron St. S. Whitby Your Gift May Save a Life PLEASE COME tournaineiît chamnpionsliip is scheduled l'or 5:00 p.ii. and \vill bc played tlîis ycar at Kinsîîîcn Stadiuinî. The finial gaine alternates between Oshawa and Wiitby. Clubs ciitered tbis year, along witlî the liost clubs the Wlitby Duiiediiis and the Oshawa Legi onii ra-,s, a re Cha tliainî Waterloo, G ai t, Oakvillc, 1PeterboroLigh, Belle- ville. H anmilton Maliiey. tlow Much? A math teacher asked Bennie the question: -If your father borrowed $300 and promised to pay back $15 a week. how much would hie owe at the end of ten weeks?" "Three hundred dollars.' the boy replied quickly. "I'm afraid you don't know your math t00 well.- the teacher scolded. *l'm afraid you don't know my father." rebutted the young lad. Not Now ,When the noontimeî-whis-- dle blew on the construc- tion site, Schuck limped out for lunch. -Why the limp?" his foreman asked. - You got a sore foot?- -No. there's a nail in niy shoe.' the work- man moaned. "Why don't you takie it out?" "Not on my lunch hour," Schuck said in- with the latter earning the win. In Whitby Girls Athletic Association play, ini the Sweet Pea Division, Knights of Columnbus beat Mr. Rent Al 14-9, McNamara Marine edged Aarden 10-9, Western Oil downed Whitby Welding 15-12, MeNamara Marine trounced Mr. Rent Ail 10-2, Western Oul defeated Knights of Colunibus 13-9 and Whitby Welding blanked Aarden 9-0., In the Cinderella Dî4lsiofl, Hooker Chev-Olds beat Sheffieli Pet Produets 22-18, Mat.hew's Sunoco trounice d Gus Brown 24-13, Consurners Gas edged Mary Brown 8-6, Stu Jenkins d oubled Munn's Press 20-10 "and Midway Datsun, humiliated Henry Buildali 39-7. In the Princess Division, Whitby Lions edged Audrey Moore 27-25 and Lasco Steel decisioned Joe The Plumber 31-2 1; ent this weekend Hiamilton Red -Hili, Pitts of the Leaside League, East York, Scarborough Birch- rnount, Scarborough Village, Listowel and Wexford. The Wlitby-Oshawa event lias becoîîîe so popular that cadli ycar seveai clubs hýuve to bc turnied amvay. Al garnes in the event are ..rve-iiîîing affairs except the final wlîicl is a nine-inning coîîtest. Thlere is a two-hoiir curfew on games in the preli- minary rounds which is waived if the sucore is tied. AI] games are played until a winner is declared. Winner of the first Whitby-Oshawa Tournament was Scarborough Village in 1972 and since then Hamilton Mahoney, Scar- borough Birchmount and South Windsor have tritimp!-ed. JUST MISSED Despite a va *iiant effort, this youing basebai player fails to grab the bail in a recent peewee contest. Free Press Photo ~AflNG, MAKES YOUR CAR SHINE AGAIN, PROUD AGAIN. DELUIXE SERVICE L'ght Surface Sanding--Maskgng7 2 Coats of Enamel-Oven Eaked ..95 , ROYAL SERVICE Thorough Surface Sanding-Masking 95 3 Coats of Enamel-Oven Baked ..... PREMIER SERVICE Thorough Surface Sanding-Machine Sanding of Rough Areas--Masking Fuil Coat of Maaco Primer-seaer--3 coats of Maaco Enamel-Oven Baked14 9 BAKED-ON METHOD 7000 COLORS EXPEËRT OSHAWA 710 Wilson !RdTSoutih 579-4000 BODYWORK Kin$St.'F JLe 1350 SREB~ t. E. OA LBAN ESTIMATES ShpHours: --pQnj Ae Mnthru Fni 8am-6pm MAO Safuirdays-- lOam-2pm !l O QS QUALITY FOR VOUR CAR AND BUDGET One of the higlîlights of the area sports will take place this Saturday and Suinday wvhen the Whitby Minor Basebaîl Association and the Oshawva Leoioîi Basebal Association co-host tlheir fifth annual midget basebaîl tour- ilanent. The affair, wvhiclî taç conie to be regarded as o)ni A)fthe premiîer tourneys ini .îîe pro- vince, each ye-ar ai tracts sonîie of Ontario's top niidge t clubs wlîo Compete in thle t wo-day event wvhicli secs 23 gaies phîa'ed t o decla re a t ou rna- nient Chanmpion. l- tu r pa rk s. Kînsmen Stadiunî in (Oshawva, Peel and Fairuxin Parks in Whitby and the LeG ros SportIs ('oiplex in j:îx willli e used )nu Satulrday \Vitiî gaies i icaCI) jiark getting iderway at 9: 3 0 1u. i2: 15 p.m. 3 -p.inî. and 5:45 p.uî. The i16 gaines of' the [irst day will na.rrow Uice field of' 16 to 8 ç1ubs and 011 Sunday action will gel underway at 9:30 a.m. aut Kinsni and Fa ir- ni Parks. There wili be gatiies at the îwo parks at 11:45 p.nî. setting the stage for the srnîi-final round whicli gets inderway at 2:30 p.m. with gaines at Kînsuien and Fairman. The à

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