Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 7 Jul 1976, p. 11

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WHITBYFÉREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 1976, PAGE 11 Formulite molded bathroorn BASIN & COUNTERTOP. - 48 inches long, new, $100; seven pieces alurminum trailer covering, 6t4- x 14 ft., $35 each. Cal 655-3411. BIRD CAGE - with stand, $20; portable TV STAN'D on casters, $ 10; Cal 655-3167. BABY CARRIAGE - $18; non-electrie STERILIZER & BOTTLES, $4.50; new born SNOWSUIT, white, $3; 18" auburn FIAIRFALL, $15; simngle BED, 30", $12; Healthsvay scuba tank, 71.2 eu. ft. barness & (k> valve, $85; water long, sport diver regular wvth reserve, $85. Cal 839-7774. Gendron STROLLER - excel- lent condition, $25. Cal 655-3624 i Deluxe WOODBURNING SET - good tbr cbildren 12 years atid over, excellenît condition, $3; PACK SACK, nylon with solid aluminumn franie. neyer been used, $25; SKIS, approx. 51/2' long, great for begirîner, $10; SKI BOOTS, size 7/8, good condition sith carrying rack, $ 10; portable RADIO, excellent condition, bardly osed, $10. Cali 668-4465. TV - 23" Adiniral B&W, $75; 8 track car STEREO, $20; B.S.R. Turntable sith dustcover, $30-, men's blue split leather COAT, size 40, $40; DAVEN- PORT, brand new tuxedo style in beige olefin, $190; ail items in excellent condition, must selI, best offer accepted, cail 668-0856. Mobile BUFFET SERVER stainproof top, $45; table and four chairs, large size, chrome seats eight, $35; Osterizer blender, like nesv, $25: garden sveelbarrow. rake. etc. $12: aluminum Stormu door vitb sereen, ail hardware, 32 x 82, bardly uscd,$25;cemeiît birdbaîh. $15; Cal 668-5608 after 7 p.rîî. PORTABLE TV TABLE $10; record player stand, S5:. easy bake oven, $3; set of electric barber clippers & scissors, $10; roll-a-svay bed, $7; tbree chroine chairs. 3 for $7. four badminton rackets, $1 each; shorty drapes, S7-, bicycle, 20" wbeels, $17.50. Cal 728-6204. TRAINING CHAIR- $5. CaliJ6 68-,ý10 3. STOVE - 30 inch, good cen-1 dition $75; space HEATER $560. Cal 668-6750. Ludwîg 7-picce DRUM SET - with ger.uine Zildjian symbols, excellent condition, asking $550. Cal 728-2518. PING PONG TABLE - and accessories. regulation size with -1/ slate, new, $80. Cal 668-1210. Solid sterling silver ETCHING- a limited edition by Henry Moore, a beautiful work of art. Onty $850. Cal 723-0722. WEDDINGDRESS&TRAIN size 10- 12, $ 50. Cal 66 8-44 10. ENCYCLOPEDIA - Britannia j 3, plus 3 book dictionary and large atlas, black 1eather bîndin".l $ 1,000 new asking $650. Can be seen at 200 Mason Apt. 210 anvtime. 16' l-ibreglass covered RUN- ABOUT 25 hp OUTBOARI>, gas tank, battery electric siart, as is, best offer over $350. (iT 668-8957. PE-RRIGO PRASI1 excellenlt condition. usedj once, $100 or EnglisilîBOU,'-E CHINA -, neyer used, 54 picece set in BridaI Wreath pattern, $300. Calil668-5767., Two 600 x 15 goodycar SNOW TIRES - new, $10 each, orne Rodger Majestic car RADIO, $15; one Lewyt canister VAC- UUM, with ail ftxtures, needs some repair, $10; gallon wine bottles with handles, 45 cents each; walnut vencer, 2' x 4' sheets, 75 cents each; one bab: items -- car bed, $7; walkcr, $4; snow sied, $4; jolly jumper, $4; rocking horse, $2; botule warmer, $1. Cal 6834l602. MINI WASHER, used twice, $49; bicycle EXERCISER,- $80; china CABINET. glass botb sides, $80. Cali 668-6078 or 668-4377. SPICE' RACK - with 18 bottles, Ï6; boys pants, size 14, $2; ladies clothing, size 14, reasonable prices, ladies short leather jacket, size 14. $20: single nîattress, SI15, also odds and enîds of carpeting, record player, $5. Cali 725-1211. HAVE MORE TIME TO ENJOY THE S UMMER. Get a hcavy dutsy wheelhorse lawn & garden tractor. Free nower with cach tractor. Fisliers Farrn Service, Ashiburni Hi-Low frenquency SCANOR - one second delay. with 8 crystal frequencies, police band, OPP, lire department frequencies, large antenna, $300. Cal 579-0757. Rug for sale Il1 x 18 short shag, wine coloured. S 155 668-7196 H~0lolley CARBURETOR wi tu mechatýical advance, new condition, $60; CAR I-AULING TRA ILER. lowridcr type bas low centre of gravity & tows very well, single solid a1:e, with boih steel and aluminom raînps, heavy duiy construction, $450; Equalizer T RA 1IER FfITCI-, used on 1970 Olds Cutlass but suitable for pre-1975 GM lntermediatcs. b-s removable bail & block, $125. (Calil 668-7014. CAMIERA - Maniya Super 23, with 100 mm lense, 6 x 7 back, and ground gla.ss back wîitlî sheet film holder, and 75 sheets of film. $485. Cali 576-2616. OIL SPA('E ILATER .-ith 45 gallon drum. $50: aluminum 4 x 13' awning, $1 0; fruit juicer. nearly new, $15; iwo bear traps, for chaîn l'v.ing, loads on truck, S - . Caîl 723-3164. ANTIQUE DOOR made in 1857 solid pine, 42" x 71/' x 1à panelled both sides, 3 solid brass 5- hinges, solid brass door knob, brass Iock witilî sroil work, a steal ai $175. Faîl (668-31 86. 2]' ('A-8 1N CRUISI;R 4 cylinder, 6 0 horsepower, inbound, comîpletely redone inside & ootside, ready for launching, $3500 or besi offer. (*ail668-I12521 GUTR& AMPLIIER (;oitar is a copy of Lasp.;l custoni. Amîplifier is a Sonax 720G %vith ts'o 10"' speakers, asking $225 for pair. Cal 668-4730(. Beautiful antique taîl ('IIINAB UI -lE large glass front, medium lîoneyss ood wvould matchi colonial, $500 firi. ('ail 668-9792 af1t.ýr 2:30 p.nîi. KITCI'*N 51111; 5 piece chronme, $20: end table, $5; an tique rocking chair, $ 35:; colouir TIV. cabinet style, $175; kitchen buîffet, glass sliding doors. $20; 3 wooden dineite chairs, upbolstered seats, $12; a large broadloomu mat, $4; floor Iannp, $9; easy chairs, $5 and $1 2: tbrce stacking TV stools, $3; mirror, $4; scales, $1; comforter, $9; wool blanket. $7; bedspreads, $2 and $3; record player, $8; green drapes for picture window & shorties, $15, drapes, $2; jolly jumper, $4; hoe, cultivator, & rake, $4 eoch; lawnmower, $2 Cail 723-2426. (Contlnued) YAt.I IUREBREED IRISH SETTER -l1/ years old, no papers, good wnitl chîildrenm, $50. ('alil 649-2578. AQUARIUM --(alilglass), 40 gallon. compîcie with 2 pumps' air fiter, etc. and 12 goldfisb some of thcm 10 years old, $75 Cali 668-8527. Brown Shetland PONY - witb bridle and saddîe very lame witb cbildren, $150. Cal 668-0705-. WHITE RATS- mother & father, plous eight yoong, $10. Cali 668-9860 after S p.m. and ask for Dan. I>UREBREDI.) WELSI1 CORBY PUPPIES- oniy three Ieft, $50 eacb. ( ail 668-2877. GO-KART - 1973 Bug Sidewinder, duel engines, fuel injection, $600 or best offer. Cali 668-5432 ask for Rdb. 1966 FORD FAIRLANE - 4 !~oor sedan, 289 V-8 istor, in fair runnmng condition, uncertified, $175 or best offer. iCail 668-9167, APPROXIMATELY 400 BALES OiY STRAW - at a $1 a bale. Call 655-4380. AUCTION SALE SAT JULY 7th 1 P. M. Sale of household furnishings, antiques, appliances and dish- es. The property of Nrs. Ho- ward Malcolrn, on Number 7 hiighiway 2 miles west of Bro- ughian. Owner moving Io ap- artment. Somne good antiques to be lîste'd next week. Miscellatneous LEADING POOL MANU- FACTURER has 1975 above ground redwood type pools avifiable, willing to sacrifice at haif price. Caîl colleet anytime 667-1302. SWIMMING POOL FOR SALE - Moving. will seli you 16 x 32 above ground Modular Redwood Pool at sacrifice price of $3000.00. Savings of $2100.00. 1975 model, cail 416-625-2719, days or evenings, colîect. SWIMMING POOL- Less than 1 yr. old. Fanta- Sea'above ground Redwood S 16 x 24, cost ';ý5O.00. Must sel] inrnediately - will sacrifice - savings of $2000.00. Caîl 416-625-8817, days or evenings collect. SWIMMING POOL - Deluxe, Redwood, above ground pool. 16 > 24. 1 yr. old. Repossessed by bank. sacrifice !A price, Cal Mr. Ua;,rvey, collect, days or eve .itgs, 416-625-8819. LEADING SWIMMING POOL MANUFACTURER - mnust dispose of brand new 1975 above grounid aluminurn pools made to seIl for S 1890.00. Willing to close-out for SI 188.00. Full warranties in effect. Caîl collect anytime 1-416-667-1302. Bikes BIKL boys, bltte. 2 speedi, hi-rist, S30. Call 668-6790. %'cns 5-spced BICYCLE- -rtmost "ew. -%0. Çall 7U~-066. âfier 6:30 p.t.. %BI KI;-boy% 3 specd lhi-risce. 20" whlceks, stick sift, banania seat and kick stand. e\tcllclnt condition. $45. ('aIl 668-902,) Equipment SLIM GYM EXERCISER with instruction boýok, askiiig $25 or best offer. Caîl 683-57:37 aftcr 5 p.rn., SNOWSlIOI. S $5; baby carriage. $20; pool Iadder, $15: kitchen table & 6 chuirs. $25: 3 swooden chairs, $5 ecdi carpeniers tool box. $10. (ail 668-5486. ONE PAIR OF SKIS - pole, bindings, salfcty strap and boots size 7, onîy been used 4 timies. $65. Czil 728-1291. GOALIE EQUIPMENT - one year oîd, fits boys 9-13, pads, mask, gloves, arm & chest protec- tor, $60. Cal 668-5714. Pets & Supplies GI NTLI BAY MARE good wtth chiîdren & ARABIAN I ILLY- $550. For furiher information cil~I 668-4830 after 6 si in Play ""TV BINGO" Every Saturday at on Global TV. Jackpot, bards only Cards available Wintario outiets! 6:3Opm $ 5,000 $51.00 ea. at most Clssif ied Adg Free Press Emporium o uays awee New & Used Coloîtr Black & White TV's Bought -Sold Rented -Repaired Towers An tennas C.B. Sales 66-81 fter 6 25-4234 REWARDING SPARE T1IME ACTIVITY FOR ACTIVE OR RETIRED FARMERS: Acquaint your friends and neighboors with the ncwest varieties of forage arnd corn seeds. No hard sMI, no investmcnts. Excellent supplinen tary incorne. Write to G(1l-"l.:co, 13OX 5021, St. E. Hlamilton. Ont.. PAINTING & DECORATING expert workmanship, free estimates. Caîl 655-3122 or 839-8674 after 6 p.rn. Highest Prices Friendly Flea Market 725-9783 23 King West, Oshawa Paid for GoId and Silver coins, old gris, dlocks, jewelry, dishes, fumiture, crocks, oul paintings, and sealers FULLER BRUSH CO. FOR YOUR FULLER REQIJIREMENTS CALL FAY DREW 668-9915 &sales Serving Durham Region HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS Kitchens, Ceramiic 'Tiing Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Cedai Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES - Cal. 985-3477 COUNTY BARN SALE Sat. July IOîh, 10 amn. Big selectioti incltiding fitrniture anîtiques, stove. car radio dishes, househiol d decora îi- ons. tools, hobby and craft supplies and collec tables. 1250 Dunidas Street West (Ilighway 2 in Wbitby) GARAGE 'SALE iuIy 8, 9, 10 104 Trent St. W, Whjt bv SATURDAY, JULY 10 SALE TIME: 11:00 A."i. F ools andi Iqu ipmlen t, the Pro- perty of MR. FRED A. SMITHI. Scugog I sland, V½ ruile inorth fromn 7A and 2 mile east, lot 3 antl 4. ('On. 7 ai ithe fari. Interna- tional (ub Cadet 127 Ilydrostatic 12 11p)ridîng trac tor sw It38"' lawni n oswer, traiter anl(]tiller, es\Cettent condition: Master Craft .5 hp roto tiller. used oneC season: dtelux\e flack & Decker Radial Desvalt 3- eut swiwth benlî-f and large assortiment of blades; Rock\velî Bcaver '/ 111 balllbearing miotor table sa\\ withi herîch : Johin Deere electric 12" chiain n as: Pioneer I 8"chain saw:; Rerningeton 18- cdrain ,a\s : 225 Lincoln I lectric \Welcr and ail Bcesre;Ilack & t)ccker skiff sýa\V: Chaini saw sîtarpetier: larg-e quai trty of carp)e n ters louIs:.1, . " '*socksetsclpen and iboendI s rcnchles: set laps and dies. 4* level: tapes:-.vise. battery charger; booster cubles: hlivdratulic jack; grag c Lreep)er: havy duty '/2 & '~drill,-- 4-5 gallon plastic gas con tainers; large quantit of boîts ani nai's: bol boss:axes:. shlovels: svheelbarro~s: e Ic t rica lý ssire. paints: extension & step ladders; I - insolation; imitre saw; slif braekeits: St)e.\ tension cords; large quaniity of 1plastic pipe: varions si/es: large dog kennel: 3 i. hîtch tractor svitlb barrels: sn os tenue: truck racks: 4 s 8 strong craie: steel tence Iposis: grease Lons: tractor chiains: bicycle; lawnl roller: garden hose: Jacuzzi Jet puirip and tank: 10 cases miotor oil: cupiboards; antique ice saw; bock sasss; steel shelving: tire & ris; set horse sîeiglb neck yoke: s4iftle trees: quarti ty ot, horse hiarness; coutter; gravel lîocket for loacler; Lawn miaster 18" niower; ('entury farmi sprayer; punit-)& gun: piowver edger: sunmp puomp: irise- fotgger; quan tity lbm ber: \llsalee "_4 super fhole shooter:. 'ý1othpiidrill; 8' trock cap top:; 4 sec. liarross cenen t rni\er on ru bber ( less ruotor): bale bonchiers: single furross ploss : rnany more items too nomuiieroos 10 nliention. M r. Srnitlb s riovîrîg 10 Lngland, iherefore everytirig truist be sold. An opporionity .,ou silI not svan i 10 miiss as everv thirîg b. in excellent condition. NO reserve. Ternis cas. Lunchl available. M urray Jackson, Auctiorîcer. 985-2459. CALL &Linda Russell RUSSELL TRAVEL LTD. 116. Brock St. S., Whitby 668-500 *'Your irav'Ll Is Our Bitsiines Mon..- Set. 9-5 For your protection regmsered undor Ontario Govcrng'en, o.1259988 For- Sale JOHN ANNIS AUCTIONEER PUBLIC AUCTION' SADDLES AND TACK We have been commissioned to selI per order of American Saddle Company a large s!Lipment of hand-made Western and English saddles and tacks of ail kinds. lncluding approxi- mately 100 Sadd'-cs most ail with 5 year guarantees. Sunbeam Clippers, Kool Kare Pads, life-time guaranteed stainless bits and spurs, plis everything imaginable in the tack line. AUCTIONEERS NOTE: THIS IS ONE 0F THE MOST COMPLETE LINES 0F SADDLE AND TACK THAT WE HAVE HAD AN OPPORTUNITY TO SELL AND EACH ITEM OFFERED WJLL BE SOLD AT AUCTION TO THE HIGH BIDDER. Friday, iuly l6th at 7:30 p.m. Richniond Hill Arena No. 23 Town Park Richmond Hill, Ontario If you plan to travel to Britain or Holland during Chritmc£ BOOK NOW to avoid disappointment SIROCCO SAILBOATS 15' - NEW AND USED WHITBIY SAILING SCHOO L, P.O. BOX 515, WH ITBY, ONT. - 668-4317 YARD SALE Saturday, iuly lOtIi, 1976 10 a.m. - 5 p'.m. at 11 06 King St., Whitby, 668-2510. Toys, books, linen, china, furniture, appliances, clothing, paintings & jewelry. W anted WANTED -.antique dolis for private collection, flot to be resold. Cail 668-5467 anytime. LOOKING FOR FOUR DELIVERY BOYS, with own car, pay wiII be arranged Iby each delivery. Cali 668-6495. EARTHTI LL WANTED for lot.Phone 655-4125, evenings. i ARPENTRY 1. ) i ýý ý'-, ,

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